Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 957: Crystal Civilization

Chapter 957 Crystal Civilization

Chapter 957: Crystal Civilization

"As far as the villain knows, there is a big world created by an ancient great deity, with as many as sixty levels, and the strength of this great deity has reached an unpredictable level, and even the emperor respects him very much. "He entrusts a heavy task." Chaoyang Tianzun said, "The more levels of the plane, the deeper the foundation of the plane. Some of the planes have only one person on the surface. In fact, the established planes are as masters as clouds, and their combat power is amazing."

Li Xing nodded: "It's really difficult to build multiple planes. It can make planes as heavy as sixty. Naturally, it is unfathomable. It has superior strength in the same level of respect."

In the Yuan Dynasty, the changes were huge. The hundreds of suppressed Tianzun also began to realize Li Xing's dominance, and some people decided to turn to Li Xing. There were the first and the second, one after another. These people decided to take Li Xing as the main and join the Yuanyuan religion.

Hundreds of deities have been renamed from Li Yi, Li Er, Li Bai Qi, Li Bai Ba, etc. Their strengths range from high to low, and they are at every level.

At the same time, time and space changed, and Li Xing soon arrived at the next trial place. Each of the twelve trial grounds is different and poses different dangers. In this space, there are all kinds of crystals everywhere.

This is a world of crystals. Different crystals have different colors and have different powers. The crystals are large and small, with different shapes. Among some crystals, there are seals and some unknown creatures.

In the world of crystals, Li Xing's eyes are clear, and the chaotic array predicts the mysteries of these crystals. After a while, he murmured to himself: "There is such a perfect combination, these crystals each have their own wonders. If they can fully imitate its shape, it will make my Da Luo real body go even higher and break through Fifteenth! "

With the chaotic array, Li Xing can see through the nature of all things at a glance. The world of these crystals shows him a microscopic perfect world. These crystals can build everything, including life, and must be extremely perfect.

Just as Li Xing calculated the mystery of the crystal, one of the crystals suddenly cracked, and a man emerged from it. The man had black hair flying, his eyes were dark, exuding a cold and cold temperament.

Li Xing gazed at the other side, and he could see that the other side's constitution was very special and should be the life born in the crystal. In other words, his physique has been transformed by the crystal and has become extremely arrogant.

The man said nothing and blasted this fist straight towards Li Xing. This fist explained what is called strength and speed.

Without time to think about it, Li Xing was hit on his chest, a squeaking noise in his sternum, a crack appeared, and a trace of blood appeared in the corner of his mouth. The opponent did not give him a chance to breathe, the second punch, the third punch then bombarded.

Li Xing has never seen such a fierce force, powerful speed, he could not escape completely. Even after his fists had been raised, the other party was already bombarded. That horrifying force, even the 25th Da Luo Zhenshen, will be injured.

"Great! This person's body has been assimilated by crystals and combined in the most perfect way. In fact, its essence is not better than mine, but it has the most effective effect!" Li Xing observed this in battles.

"Boom boom!"

Confrontation of strength and strength, speed and speed, Li Xing exerted all his strengths, and gradually can find some advantages, no longer just passively beaten. But at this moment, a "click" sound, the second crystal was broken, and a blue armor woman came out.

This woman, with extremely white skin and a beautiful figure, wore aquamarine armor, her eyes were cold and ruthless. As soon as she came out, she besieged Li Xing with the dark-haired man. Suddenly, he fell into a hard fight, was constantly hit, his bones were broken, his skin was cracked, and blood soared.


In the final punch, Li Xing was blown into a huge red crystal by a blue armor woman. The crystal squirmed and sealed him, making him unable to move. In the crystal, a strange power penetrated into his body.

The man and the woman stood in front of the crystal, and looked at the seal in the crystal, Li Xing, sneer. Woman said: "Here is another one. This body is very strong. If it becomes a crystal slave, it will greatly enhance your strength."

Man: "It's not you or me, it's me, this crystal slave belongs to me, not you."

Woman Liu Mei raised slightly: "Do you want to eat alone?"

The man sneered: "Every ten years, only a few people enter this place, and most of them are not eligible to become crystal slaves. This person is extremely arrogant, I'm afraid it will be difficult to produce one for millions of years. I will let you?

Woman: "Did you think that with this crystal slave, you can compete with Jinghuang?"

"Don't you want to?" The man said. "The only remaining crystal civilization is a crystal emperor, who has suppressed us, the crystal king. One day, we will become his crystal slaves. I am not willing."

"Anyway, this person has a share of me." The woman never retreated, arrogantly shot at the man, and pointed out. A fierce battle began, and the goal of the fight was Li Xing.

Enclosed in crystals, Li Xing lost his ability to move and was eroded by a strange force. In the Yuan Dynasty, a large number of crystals began to appear. These crystals were everywhere and began to seal every soul, and all life had life. s things.

Li Xing was shocked, and he started the chaotic array with all his strength. It didn't take long for him to understand that this power belonged to an assimilating power. After everything is assimilated, it will reach a perfect state, but itself will become an appendage to this power.

The chaotic array also calculated the secrets of some crystal civilizations from this power. Within the crystal civilization, there is a most powerful crystal emperor, who leads 30,000 crystal slaves, and those crystal slaves are all Tianzun series.

Each crystal slave represents the will of the crystal emperor.

Below the crystal emperor, there are ten crystal kings. They are not as powerful as the crystal emperor, but each also controls thousands of crystal slaves. Before, the monks that Li Xing saw in the crystals were all crystal slaves. They had long lost their consciousness. They were all the spokespersons of the crystal king, or a clone.

There is no fixed form for the crystal king and the crystal king. They exist in the civilization of crystal. They are everywhere. Only with the help of crystal slaves can they be manifested. In other words, the black men and black armor women he met before were the incarnation of the crystal king's will and were crystal slaves.

After deducing the news, Li Xing took a breath. Two crystal kings, just sending two crystal slaves to defeat him, if thousands of crystal slaves shot together, wouldn't it be invincible?

But he was just surprised. The chaos was unparalleled in the world, and the Yuanyuan Avenue embraced everything. At the same time, he was also trying to imitate this strange power. Once successful, he can take it to the next level and make himself perfect.

In the Yuan Dynasty, billions of living beings, including the nine women, have been surrounded by crystals. It won't be long before they will be eroded by the crystals and transformed into crystal slaves. Li Xing couldn't bear such losses.

"It's nothing more than a permutation and combination of basic forces, but this arrangement is really amazing and amazing!" Li Xing quickly found the trick, and he ran the power of the hybrid to imitate this kind of power.

"Kacha Kacha!" The crystal wall system of the plane began to undergo strange changes, and evolved in a perfect direction. The crystal wall system is a barrier between the plane and the outside world. The strength of the crystal wall system represents the firmness of the plane.

At this moment, Li Xing's crystal wall system is constantly creeping, and the microcrystals are combined in a perfect way. At the same time, Li Xing's physical body is also changing. His Da Luo Zhenshen was originally a cultivation method that pursued perfection and reached its peak. The structure of the crystal showed it the way.

This process is simple but long, and Li Xing's plane and body are undergoing transformation. Day after day, year after year, nine years are ephemeral, and Li Xinggong has come to a successful conclusion! In this process, his mixed-yuan realm became stronger and stronger. His Da Luo Zhenshen also successfully broke through to the 26th level, and the physical body interpreted life in a whole-body way.


The crystal that sealed him was exploded, and Li Xingwei's body stepped out of it, staring coldly at a man and a woman with two crystal slaves in battle.

The black-haired man and the blue armored woman stopped fighting and looked at Li Xing in shock.

Woman said: "Impossible, how can you break through the **** of crystals?"

The man looked shocked: "No! He understands the laws of Crystal!"

Li Xing grinned and said, "Thank you two, should you be the King of Crystals here? Very good, all die for me!"

Crystal's law, under the interpretation of Da Luo Zhenshen, went even higher, pushing the combat power to a peak. The crystals were crushed by their big hands, and they grasped them severely. The two crystal slaves immediately shattered.

The crystal king controlled behind the scenes was furious, and the sound of the crystals shattered, and more than three thousand crystal slaves appeared and rushed to Li Xing. However, Li Xing had realized the crystal rule of one of the crystal kings, which could not scare him in the slightest.

Before these slaves ~ www.readwn.com ~, they were far from Li Xing's opponents before becoming slaves. At this moment, Li Xing's degree of evolution is more thorough and complete than these crystal slaves, and his strength naturally surpasses them.

He punched out, a monk was smashed, and the law of crystals was absorbed by him. This crystal slave's law belongs to another crystal king, and the fresh law immediately makes the chaotic array reckon.

Then another foot flew out, kicked side by side, three monks were kicked and exploded, and all the crystal laws were plundered.

The crystal slaves fell down one by one, and the rules on them were all drawn to Li Yuanding by Li Xing, refining while calculating. During this process, Li Xing's twenty-six major Luo Zhenshen continued to complete and become stronger and stronger.

Just as he was fighting fiercely, at the deepest level of the Yuanyuan Realm, the ball bred by the Yuanyuan stick suddenly shocked, letting out a terrible spirit, with no intention of war. Under the completeness and excitement of the crystal law, it finally broke out of the cocoon.


A shocking phosgene, rising from the top of Li Xing's head, shattered countless crystals all the way, boundless and domineering.


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