Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 958: Successive advances

Chapter 958: Successive Ascension

Chapter 958: Successive Ascension

Li Xing screamed, grabbed his big hand, took the Yuanyuan stick in his hand, and shouted, "The one who stops me is dead!" Explosion, no one can escape death.

This hybrid rod, because of the perfect structure of the crystal, becomes more lethal. With this stick, Li Xing killed all the way, killing thousands of crystal slaves of the two King Crystals.

In the end, he forced two crystal kings to manifest their origins. They were two icosahedron spar, with brilliant brilliance, crystals one black and one blue, and the evolution of the inner and the middle was supremely murderous. Both locked Li Xing.

"Humble existence, do you want to challenge the majesty of the King of Crystals?" The black crystal made a cold voice. "You killed Jing slaves, then you will be compensated for being the King's slaves forever!"

Li Xingdao: "There is so much nonsense. If you can fight me, you will let thousands of slaves die in vain? Give you a chance and trust me to save you from death."

"It's ridiculous! In this world, no one can defeat the King of Crystals. Although you understand part of the mystery of Jing, but it is still nothing, as long as we report to the King of Crystals, your death will come." sound.

Li Xing laughed with "Hey": "Really? I have to see, what is the power of Jinghuang!" He has already received the light-brained civilization, the civilization of immortals, and the civilization of the formation. Fear, and challenge directly.

The two crystal kings, who have never met such a lawless person, are not afraid of anything. They understand that with this kind of people, they can only speak with strength, and everything else is futile. Suddenly, the two crystal kings shot at the same time and sent a message to the crystal emperor.

"Black extinction, cover!" Hei Jingdao said.

"Blue silence, seal!" Lan Jing also launched an attack. One black and one blue, two brilliant brilliance, surrounded Li Xing at once, issued the strongest attack.

Prior to this, Li Xing had used the chaotic array to completely calculate the state of the two crystals, and combined it with himself, making Da Luo Zhenshen more perfect and powerful. At this moment, he is a powerful crystal and has no fear of attack.

He strode forward, punching his fists with two punches, and "banging" two loud sounds. He directly knocked Guanghua apart, and then grabbed the two crystals in his left and right hands, and laughed: "Good stuff, just for refining!"

The poor two kings of crystals were thrown into the Xuanyuan Ding by Li Xing, and it was not long before they were transformed into the laws of crystals, and the growth of the Xunyuan world was achieved.

Just after the two crystal kings were beheaded here, there were five glorious brilliances of yellow, purple, red, white, and green, and six crystals, all of which were icosahedrons, surrounded Li Xing.

Immediately following the five Guanghua, thousands of Jing slaves followed, and the momentum was several times stronger than before. It can be seen that these five crystal kings should be besieged by Li Xing by the order of the crystal emperor.

"Humble existence, give up resistance, and prepare to bear the anger of the crystal emperor!"

Li Xing sneered again and again: "Your so-called crystal kings are really stupid and talk nonsense. Okay, today I will refine you together and make my Da Luo true body!" He flew up, holding the mixed Yuan stick swept out.

This swept across, shaking the void, hundreds of crystal slaves were hit by a stick and their bodies exploded repeatedly. A King of Crystals bears the brunt of the attack, and is suddenly cracked. This violent attack suddenly shocked the audience.

"Not good, this person is terrific, quickly retreat!" Amethyst Wang was startled and called immediately.

Unfortunately, it was too late, Li Xing grabbed the void with his hands and suppressed them, and the five kings of crystals felt pulled into a huge vortex and couldn't escape. After a while, they saw a quaint and huge majestic dice that swallowed them in.

Mixed Yuan Ding refining fiercely, the secret of the structure of the other five crystals was controlled by Li Xing. His Da Luo Zhenshen broke through directly, from 26th to 27th, and his strength soared again.

In a short time, Li Xing revealed a spirit of the emperor, as if the emperor in the crystal, proudly independent. At the moment of his ascension, five more glorious rushes, apparently Wang Zun and Wang Jing.

This time, Li Xing flew over, and Yuanyuan Ding gave a fierce look. Without any suspense, Wuguanghua was directly loaded into it. However, the moment he received the other five Kings of Crystal, a golden light fell from the sky and hit Li Xing's body severely.


As if thousands of guns exploded and Qianshan fell to the ground, Li Xing was blown up and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out. His blood has been alienated and belongs to liquid crystals. Suddenly looking up, he saw a majestic Emperor appearing high in the sky.

This emperor, with all his jewels around him, was in a state of ascendancy, murderous Yingyu, and stared coldly at Li Xing.

Li Xing settled down, wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, and said lightly, "Is your Excellency the Crystal Emperor?"

"Unexpectedly, you killed the Twelve Crystal Kings in one fell swoop, which made the emperor very surprised. Fortunately, the emperor was about to refine them one by one. Now that he has captured the power, he also saved a lot of trouble. You are twelve refining kings. "That crystal emperor said indifferently.

Li Xing laughed and said: "It seems that your crystal structure should be more perfect than the twelve crystal king, but if the advantages of the twelve crystal king are combined, it may not be weaker than you."

"Ignorance! The twelve crystal kings have reached the extreme of their respective fields. How can they be merged together? Even the emperor can only comprehend some of their advantages, but not all of them. It is you, you can actually learn separately. The structure of the twelve crystal kings surprised the emperor. "

"Really? You are still surprised." Li Xingdan said indifferently. He suddenly radiated twelve different colors of brilliance around his body. Each brilliance represented a king of crystals.

The twelve glorious brilliances, under the influence of the mixed Yuan Avenue, are magnificently integrated into a golden god. Suddenly, Li Xing had a breath of emperor. He was stable and unsteady. Naturally, he combined the advantages of the twelve kinds of crystal kings into one, and immediately rose to the level of crystal emperor.

Instantly, Da Luo Zhenshen broke through again, from 27th to 28th, and it was directly to the 28th degree of consummation, and he could rise again at any time! At the same time, his mixed-yuan realm has also been strengthened to a level of horror, which can be even better than the great world established by the United States.

"Jinghuang, impossible!" The Jinghuang was taken aback and couldn't wait any longer. It is a pity that there is a palm that is more brilliant and more domineering than it, and it is shocked.


Crystal Emperor's body appeared dense cracks, and made a loud roar. Immediately, Li Xing grabbed it with a big hand, pulled it into the mixed Yuanding, suppressed it, and started refining.

The process of refining Jinghuang was much more complicated, and it took Li Xing nearly ten years. However, when Jinghuang's crystal structure was understood by him, his strength improved by another grade.

When he refined the crystal emperor, the entire crystal time and space violently oscillated, and then collapsed in an instant. A large number of crystal laws entered the Xingyuan Realm of Li Xing by themselves, rushed into the depths of the ground, and condensed into clusters of crystals.

These crystals are extremely sturdy and each has its own peculiar attributes. It can be said that they are the gods of refining the sword weapon of the magic weapon, which is hard to find in the world. In addition, the appearance of crystals has made the mixed world more stable, and even the Great Celestial Master may not be able to break through.

When Li Xing stepped out of the Crystal World, he found that many strange monks appeared around him. He thought about it, and immediately realized that another trial had begun, and these people were new.

There are hundreds of these people, and when they saw the depths of time and space, they suddenly broke out of such a life-saving duality, and everyone was very curious. A man with a face like a crown jade took Li Xing horizontally and said coldly, "Slow, who are you? What did you experience in it?"

The man was tough and completely impertinent.

Li Xing glanced at him, and said, "Who am I? It's all about your fart, what have I experienced, and what is it with you?"

He has gone through four civilizations, and his strength has reached a new level. He may not be afraid of the Great Celestial Master. The little Celestial Master who changed his life in third place is not in his eyes at all.

The young Tianzun was furious and said in a dark voice: "Ask you for your glory, but give your face shame, refuting this Tianzun's face, **** it!" Off.

As soon as the opponent shot, Li Xing saw that this person had some means, and his strength was far beyond the average life-changing Tianzun, and he should be able to contend with the high-ranking Tianzun. But such strength is not enough.

Li Xing snapped his palms and drew Yuan Ding down, installed the other party, and then refined it. With only one scream from Dingzhong, he fell silent, indicating that the other party had been refined to death.

Suddenly, the scene was quiet, everyone looked at Li Xing in shock, and their eyes were full of fear.

Li Xing's eyes slowly swept everyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said lightly: "This is dangerous and not suitable for you to play." Then, ignoring everyone's reaction, he reached out into the void and moved towards the fifth trial place. OK.

At this moment, his strength and perception are greatly improved, he can already choose the trial land by himself, not as passive as before.

Seeing that someone actually broke the space directly and entered the trial land, everyone was shocked. It was not until Li Xing disappeared that they talked.

"What is the origin of this person? The method is really horrible, and the destiny will be destroyed in one move. And he can choose the place of trial, which has never happened. It has always been the place of trial. Choose a monk! "

"The Trial Land is opened every ten years, but every person who comes out alive doesn't even have half of them. Most of those who don't come out are dead, but someone must have survived. This person may be one of them After suffering, the strength must be very strong, and we cannot provoke it. "

"At the moment when this person entered the trial land, I felt a strong spirit breath. Is it a legendary civilization of God? A civilization with a true God?"


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