Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 959: Reappearing the kingdom of gods

Chapter 959 Reappearance of the Kingdom of Gods

Chapter 959: Reappearing God's Kingdom

"It is said that the chaotic great deity, one of the three first-level planes, originated from the civilization of God. A very special civilization, the monks are called gods. The monks in the chaotic world are also called outside. As monks, they can only be regarded as false gods compared to the gods in the civilization of God. "

"False god? How do you say that?" Someone asked.

"Although the chaotic world originated from the civilization of God, it cannot create real gods. The gods born inside can only be regarded as false gods. If there is only one true god, then it is the first and the second. The Great God of Chaos has the qualification of true god. "

"This type of true **** qualification, also known as ancient godhead, is a priori godhead. I don't know how many times it is more noble than a pseudo godhead."

"I recognize him!" Suddenly, a monk in the crowd shouted, "He is Li Xing, and he is from our fighting school!"

Fight school? The people around them all cast a shocking look. The fighting fierce institution ranked the bottom of the nine university universities. I did not expect such a powerful figure.

The monk who recognized Li Xing was the man who was fighting the fierce academy. He was not sure about it before, but after searching his memory, he finally concluded that Li Xing was the murderer of the fierce academy and he paid great attention to it character.

It's just that Li Xing has disappeared for several decades. I didn't expect that it is still being tested, and the cultivation is more unpredictable. The Tianzun was quite passionate, thinking in his heart whether he could get one or two rewards with the help of Li Xing.

There has been much discussion outside, and Li Xing has already entered the space of God. As soon as he entered the time and space of God, he saw a horrifying giant suppressing him and holding him in the palm of his hand.

In God's time and space, it is full of tyrannical laws of God, which has completely suppressed the power of his plane. The giant hand caught him, and his master was a mighty shore with a mighty presence, with a huge body and eyes like the sun.

Li Xing was caught in his hands, with a calm expression, and said loudly, "Why does Your Excellency catch me?"

The **** sneered: "Everyone who passes by here is the food of the gods, boy, you have good luck. When you meet this god, this **** will make you die a little bit more comfortably."

Li Xing smiled and said, "You don't need to urinate and take a picture, but you still need to eat me?" He Da Luozhen showed his incomparable means, and suddenly changed his height. Spread each other's fingers directly.

This slender body is made up of countless hard grains with special strength, arranged and combined in the most perfect structure to achieve the best combat status.

The **** roared and punched Li Xing's face. Li Xing didn't evade, let the other's fist come over. The fist and the face collided, but Li Xing was all right, but the deity's fist burst into a blast and screamed.

Li Xing stared coldly at the **** holding his fists and said lightly, "You've hit it, it's my turn." He raised his fist, Jingguang flashed, and struck hard.

The **** hadn't responded yet, his head was not a pain, he was smashed by Li Xing's punch, and then the whole body was shattered. At a moment, Li Xing simultaneously released the Yuanyuan Ding, ingested all of this deity, and fully refined.

The body of this deity contains the law of God. After being refined by Li Xing, it turned into an ancient godhead. Ancient godhead, Li Xing once owned one, which led him to establish many kingdoms of gods.

Later, he merged into one unity and merged many kingdoms of gods into cultivation. Then the kingdom of gods disappeared. At this moment, seeing the ancient godhead again, he couldn't help wondering.

A **** was beheaded and killed, and the noise was not small, and some nearby gods were alarmed and rushed. The cultivation of these deities is approximately at the level of heavenly deity, but there is no strong person at the level of heavenly deity.

The gods were staring indifferently, but didn't ask, apparently they didn't pay much attention to the death of the previous god. On the contrary, someone showed glee.

Li Xing looked around and saw many **** embryos hiding in the void. Around many embryos, there are many celestial beings waiting excitedly, seemingly waiting for something. After a little calculation, he figured out that these monks wanted to obtain the qualifications of gods with the help of **** embryos.

The **** who had just been refined was originally a monk. Because he had refined a **** embryo, he became a so-called god. The civilization of God was once glorious, and when it was destroyed, a ray of civilization fell on the earth.

This ray of civilization gave birth to a master god, and with the master **** as its core, more **** embryos were born. Given enough time, there will no doubt be enough powerful gods born here.

Unfortunately, the monks who participated in the trial entered a large number of them, and they occupied the **** embryos and became gods. After becoming gods, these people have the means to call the wind and rain in God's time and space.

The **** that was just beheaded by Li Xing was just one of thousands of monks who occupied the embryo of the **** and thus accomplished the god. There are many gods in the entire civilization of God. Even more, there are several figures of the Great Heavenly Deity series entering, waiting for the most powerful one of the **** embryo, the master **** embryo.

This master **** embryo is actually a reward in the civilization of God. And those several Great Celestial Masters, who were also involved in the trial, did not know what methods were used to advance into the space of God and become so powerful.

However, after refining the law of the gods, a crystal in Li Xing's body suddenly opened up a space and established a kingdom of gods by himself. The kingdom of gods that originally appeared and disappeared is reappeared today.

It's just that today's kingdom of gods has reached the level of the plane, that is, a kingdom of gods represents a plane. After the emergence of this kingdom of gods, it moved to the periphery of the plane of the mixed element and combined with one of the grains, which made the crystal wall system a little bit stronger.

In the kingdom of gods, based on Li Xing's will, a **** ghost was born. The appearance of this phantom projected a large amount of the power of faith into the Nether. In the Yuan Dynasty, almost every real person, every creature, and even flowers and trees, regards Li Xing as the creator, and worships and believes in it.

This power of faith began to be collected by the kingdom of gods, and then transformed into a combat power. In the mixed realm, there are trillions of souls, which are uncountable. Among them, there are big-eyed saints and hundreds of heavenly deities, and the power of faith is very powerful.

In a short time, Li Xing felt that his strength had improved significantly. He secretly surprised and trembled: "I also had the ancient godhead at first, but it passed away after my strength increased. Today I reopened the power of faith I have another feeling. "

On the one hand, he created the kingdom of gods, and on the other, his suppressed planeal power was released. He is now a deity, replaced by the beheaded deity.

The core of God's civilization is the spirit, and the core of the spirit is the power of faith. A **** is powerful because he can collect the power of faith and transform it into his own power.

Among these arriving gods, a red-haired man approached Li Xing and asked, "You killed Lei Poyue?"

"I killed it." Li Xing did not deny. "You want revenge for him?"

"Revenge?" The red-haired man laughed. "Thunderbolt is also the person I want to kill, no, it's the god."

Li Xing looked at the other person. "You came to say this nonsense?"

The other party was not angry, saying: "You can knock out Lei Poyue in a short period of time. The strength must be extraordinary. I am here to cooperate with you."

"Not interested." Li Xing refused directly. "I don't need to cooperate with anyone."

"Really? I'm afraid you don't know the horrors here. Thousands of **** embryos have been born throughout time and space. Only after acquiring the **** embryos can it be the king. However, those embryos are guarded by powerful people It ’s very difficult for a person to grab a hand. If you and I cooperate, the chance of success will increase greatly. "

"I said, I'm not interested." Li Xing still said that, and then turned around and strode away. He was going to look for the **** embryo. He understood and believed that no one below Datianzun was his opponent.

The red-haired young man looked at Li Xingyuan's background, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and secretly said, "Things beyond your control, when you are about to die, you will know what I said is true."

Soon after Li Xingfei's death, he approached a **** embryo. The embryo gave off a purple light, soaring up the sky. Around the embryo, seven or eight monks were waiting, and they were also facing each other.

They are all looking for a suitable time to invade the embryo and seize the godhead. However, it seems that the strength of seven or eight people is similar, so no one dares to rush. This situation has been going on for a long time, maybe ten years, maybe one hundred years.

At this moment, someone finally broke the deadlock, and the person who shot was naturally Li Xing. With a big wave of his hand, the infinite power burst, and he suddenly blasted seven or eight people. The pregnant embryo of the **** was also caught in his hands.

Unlike other people, the embryo is in his hands and is directly integrated into the kingdom of the gods, which doubles the kingdom of the gods and then splits on his own to produce a second kingdom of the gods.

There is a wonderful power of faith between the two great gods' kingdoms ~ www.readwn.com. The two are one, and at the same time can receive the power of the faith of the Nether, and then feedback to Li Xing. It seems that as long as Li Xing swallows more **** embryos, there will be more **** kingdoms split.

In the crystal wall system, the more the kingdom of the gods, the stronger and stronger the Yuan Dynasty.

The embryo that had worked hard for a long time was snatched away in this way, and the seven or eight Tianzun were shocked and angry. But they also understand that when the other party pushes all the people to drive away, it is definitely a deadly enemy and cannot be taken lightly.

"Who are you, are you going to be a public enemy?" A celestial shouted, his voice filled with anger.

Li Xing said lazily, "I see that you are vying for contention, none of you dare to go down, so take the shot for you, why are you not convinced?"

Zun closed his mouth that day. He was worried that if he really wanted to say "disagree", the other party would take a shot immediately, suppress him or even kill him.

Wherever Li Xing's eyes swept, everyone closed his mouth and even lowered his head.


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