Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 960: Ascension kills 3

Chapter 960: Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 960: Ascension and Death

In this way, the balance of God's time and space that has not been known for a long time has been broken, and the person who breaks this balance will naturally be Li Xing. Wherever he goes, he will **** the embryos of the gods, and let some hard-working waiters fail, and they hate him.

Of course, there are also some people who think they are strong enough to challenge Li Xing and end up in a miserable end. Among them, there are many people who have already become gods. Li Xing's powerful personality is intended to kill others, but his end is refined by Li Xing.

One day, God's time and space, in front of a godhead, focused on three or five monks. They guarded while whispering.

"I've heard of it. Recently, a cruel man has been killed and looted everywhere. As long as he sees the godhead, he must seize it. Many powerful people die in the hand of this person. I hope he will not find our godhead."

"Yes, I have heard that this person is terrifying in strength, and even many gods have been beheaded. I will wait for this guardian embryo to be refined in a few days. Don't be discovered by him."

Not long after speaking, a big hand was born, grabbing the embryo of the god, and a voice sounded, "Look at you for a long time."

"What?" The monks were furious, regardless of whether the horrible legend was true or false, and shot wildly. When I saw a big hand of Jingguang, pressing it gently, everyone's attack disappeared and he vomited blood.

"Too strong! We are not opponents at all!" Someone cried hopelessly.

He grabbed the **** embryo with his big hand, disappeared, and went to the second place.

For a whole number of years, Li Xing ran rampant into the time and space of the gods. Monks below Datianzun to him were like chickens and dogs. When encountering an unpleasant deity directly refining.

No one dares to ask questions like this, and no one can ask questions. With the increase in the number of refined **** embryos, the kingdom of gods in his body has also increased a lot, from the original two to thousands of years now.

On that day, when Li Xing refined the last **** embryo, the number of **** kingdoms in his body reached 3,000. The kingdom of three thousand gods makes him bright and radiant throughout his body, and his power is boundless.

In the mixed realm, hundreds of millions of gods illuminate the earth, all beings are bathed in the glory, feel the greatness of the creator Li Xing, and bow down to the ground to contribute the most pious faith.

The powerful accumulation made Li Xing's position complete again. In the meantime, more than 30 real people have been promoted to heaven. The number of saints is really approaching the 100,000 mark. If this number is known to the outside Tianzun, I am afraid it will be directly frightened to death.

However, it is said that in the kingdom of gods, there is a continuous accumulation of large gods. When these gods are perfect and connected, in each kingdom of gods, life is actually born, although it is not like the creatures in the mixed world Domineering, but also higher-end than ordinary plane creatures.

Li Xing's plane changed drastically. At the same time, he also found the position of the main god's embryo after the emergence of the 3,000th kingdom of gods. Unsurprisingly, there were several big deities guarding confrontation around the embryo.

He did not act lightly, but chose a place not far away, settled down temporarily, and slowly packed up the repressed batch of Tianzun.

Along the way, he killed a batch, refined a batch, suppressed a batch. Those repressed celestial deities are now forcibly instilled in the faith in the Yuan Dynasty. The Kingdom of Three Thousand Gods, which sends out the glory, can directly make Tianzun devoutly believe, so as to absorb the power of faith.

These repressed Celestials gradually became Li Xing's loyal believers, and the number also increased from dozens of people to thousands now. The 1,200 heavenly deities, the blackness was pressing, and they continued to worship below, and the power of faith produced Li Xing's incredible magical power.

The power of the gods is omnipotent and makes everything. With this power, Li Xing arrogantly built a kingdom of three thousand gods, making them increasingly domineering. The mixed realm is like a big central country, and the kingdom of three thousand gods is like its small dependent country, responsible for its security.

The stronger the kingdom of the gods, the safer the mixed realm will be, and external forces cannot penetrate. Moreover, during the battle, the external terrorist attack power can be directly absorbed by the kingdom of the gods without affecting the native land of the mixed Yuan.

In fact, the characters who created two or more planes in Tianzun have not appeared before. However, the result of this is often not ideal, resulting in imperfections in every plane.

You must know that a Tianzun has limited energy and means, is dedicated and refined, and is good at operating a plane. Once the number is too large, it will be rough, making each plane difficult to become a big one.

Li Xing has enough patience. He waited for more than two years. In the past two years, he has managed the kingdom of the gods vividly, and the feedback of his belief has also caused great changes in his Yuanyuan world, and the Yuanyuan Avenue has been further completed.

On this day, another mixed Yuan real person finally broke through to win the heavyweight and stepped into the second heavyweight. The creator, Li Xing, immediately advanced and broke through to the third most important life.

For the third time, Li Xing felt that his fate was clear. Suddenly, he seemed to have a big dream, and many things happened in the dream. This is a dream and his future.

In the future, he will cross the world for nine days and ten places. However, in the world, there will also be a nemesis, which threatens his life. In the end, he died in the nemesis.

The future is very vague. Li Xing can only know the general situation. He is not even sure of the identity of the nemesis. He can only see the results.

"I'm dead like this?" Li Xing frowned. He was extremely dissatisfied with his heart. Why did the man easily kill himself?

"This is not my destiny ~ www.readwn.com ~ My destiny is by no means the same, I want to change my destiny!" Li Xing yelled, his breath trembled around him, and a monstrous murderous spirit spread around him and spread out The Great Tianzun was also alarmed.

"Huh? Who is so arrogant?" Exclaimed a big man in black, his golden eyes projecting. He saw that the three thousand Taos were so glorious that he hurt his eyes slightly, and he shouted, "Who is this?"

The other two Great Celestial Masters also shot their eyes and were blazed by the gods. They could not see through Li Xing's strength. They could only see that Li Xing was the third Celestial Master who claimed his life.

"Two Taoists, where does this man come from, and how can he have such a magnificent power? He seems to have just broken through, and if he grows up like this, this **** of time and space, I am afraid there will be an extra lord."

Another red-clad Datianzun sneered: "I waited for three people to rob an embryo of the Lord God. There are already enough people, and a fourth person is not required to intervene. This one, let me forget."

"Agree, then let it be shot by Ben Tianzun." A big white smirk sneered, his big hand stretched out, cut through layers of space, and stretched towards Li Xing during the meditation.


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