Chapter 961: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 961: Shocking the Great Celestial Master

Bai Yi Da Tianzun photographed with a single palm, the heavy space collapsed, the time was chaotic, and the supreme oppressive force suffocated Li Xing, who had just ascended to death and tripled. He clenched his fist, struck hard, and attacked Da Tianzun fearlessly .

Tianzun is ninefold, and the third one is called Datianzun. Establishing the third priority is more important than killing the first priority. Most of the deities stop here, and if they ca n’t break through, they wo n’t be able to achieve great deities.

Datianzun can settle down in the vast world and control his own destiny. Compared with Tianzun, Da Tianzun is not comparable in strength or realm.

Datianzun will not be affected by the calamity of heaven and earth. Even if the yin and yang era is destroyed, they can still exist, and heaven and earth die but I do not. This is the second privilege of datianzun.

In addition, Da Tianzun has enough divine power to travel around the heavens, looking for those superb gods, heaven and earth. Because he has lived long enough, Da Tianzun has a rich collection, and the avenue of enlightenment is also very deep. His strength surpasses the second most important Tianzun.

Da Tianzun's attack requires no skills, pure terrorist power. A large white light hand wrapped Li Xing's crystal light fist. This is the collision of power and strength. For the first time, Li Xing felt the power of the enemy.


A single blow hit the endless storm of time and space, affecting the entire time and space of God. Many distant gods were blown into fly ash by the storm and died unclearly and unwillingly.

Li Xing's arm was in pain for a while. The whole arm exploded, turned into a few crystals, and then returned to his body. The kingdom of three thousand gods, most of which exploded, was flooded with fire, turned upside down, everywhere was doomed, and a large number of souls died.

In one blow, Li Xing was badly injured in a single blow and the corners of his mouth bleed. He looked distantly into the distance, locking up the great white prince.

Dayi, Bai Yizun, shook his heart and shouted, "He didn't die!"

In addition, the **** monk in black and the red big monk are equally shocked. Even if the second monk is established, it is impossible to survive under the blow of the big monk. This is common sense, no doubt. It's like a tiger can kill a lamb in one go.

However, the anomalous thing happened. The deity, who killed the third person, didn't die, and stared fiercely, as if he was challenging the white deity.

"Are we dazzled? Or is this person hiding his strength?" Two radiant rays of light shot from the eyes of Datianzun in red, sweeping across Li Xing over countless times.

Li Xing's mind was rising. He wanted to take a shot and fight against the white-clad Datianzun who had planned him. But he resisted, and then he bumped. He was hit hard. Da Tianzun's strength really was overbearing. He was not an opponent.

"We must continue to improve our strength, absorb more **** embryos, and let the number of **** kingdoms be enough. Only in this way can we compete with Datianzun!" Suddenly, his figure suddenly disappeared.

All of a sudden, Li Xing was lost, and the three great celestial beings were shocked again. They searched by supreme means, but they could not be found.

"How can I not see? Can he escape our sight? It is impossible, God's time and space, any space is under our surveillance." Bai Tianzun said angrily.

After a while, he became deeply hostile to Li Xing and wanted to kill and then quickly. A life-threatening deity can actually take him a shot without dying. Such a strength is really terrifying. He couldn't imagine how this person would become a supernatural being in the future.

"This person has a strong law of God, which means he has realized it." Hongtian Datianzhuang frowned tightly. "We must be careful. This person has great potential and strength, and absolutely touched the Seven Bans. In the future, he will become the legendary Great Celestial Master, even the ancient Great Celestial Master. "

"That being said, we can't keep him any more." Baiyi Datianzun glanced coldly, "searching every inch of the corner, and finding him out!"

At this moment, Li Xing was hiding in a kingdom of gods, and then he was running supreme magic, disguised as a god. With the help of the kingdom of gods, even the Great God can't see his details, thinking that he is a god.

In God's time and space, there are countless **** embryos, and there are many gods appearing, and no one will notice that there is such an extra statue. At this moment, Li Xing's image looked like a man in his thirties and forties, with a thin yellow face and a calm expression.

As gods, they all have their own sphere of influence. However, the good place is basically occupied, and he must take a piece and live temporarily. When God swept away, he found an old knowledge.

That day, Li Xinggang entered God's time and space and met a red-haired deity who wanted to cooperate with him. Since Li Xing refused to cooperate, he never saw him again in the future. Coincidentally, the owner of a nearby site is exactly this red-haired deity.

A crystal shrine stood in the void, and Li Xing, an uninvited guest, uninvited, Shi Shiran arrived in front of the shrine. In the temple, he really stepped out of the red-haired deity. He stared at Li Xing and said, "Who are you? What happened?"

Li Xing grinned and said, "Your palace is very large. It would be a waste to live alone. I'm here to work with you next time."

Obviously, the other party is here to grab the ground. The red-haired deity was furious and yelled, "Bold, you are impatient!" He opened his mouth and sprayed a three-color strange light on Li Xing, but he performed a celestial killing technique.

Tianzun's killing technique, combined with the use of deities to display it, has doubled its lethality. However, such a small technique is not mentioned for Li Xing. He reached out and wiped the air, the tricolor strange light collapsed. And the red-haired demon spit out blood and couldn't move.

Li Xing grabbed his hand and suppressed it with supreme divine power, making the other party keep shrinking, and finally turned into a three-inch villain, standing in the palm of Li Xing, with a terrified look.

"Consecrate your temple and serve me as the Lord." Li Xingdan said indifferently, throwing it into the mixed realm, using the light of God to cross him. The red-haired deity couldn't hold on too much, and soon became Li Xing's devout believer.

Believing in the Lord's Temple, Li Xing recovered his injuries over several months, and then began to invade the Quartet, plundering the embryos of the gods, and even beheading the gods to strengthen his own strength.

For his strength, even Datianzun could not be killed with a single blow. Those below Datianzun were not his opponents at all. One after another, the **** embryos were refined, and one **** after another was beheaded.

I do n’t know how long this God ’s time and space has existed, and there are countless heavenly respects in it, and some people have also become gods. These deities have become the targets captured by Li Xing.

Day after day, year after year. The three Great Celestial Masters finally failed to discover Li Xing's existence, instead allowing him to continuously improve his strength. Five years later, Li Xing's kingdom of gods has increased to 12,000, and his strength has increased greatly.

The venerated Tianzun has also increased by thousands, and the number has reached more than 2,500. More than 4,000 deities, this is a horrible number. You know, the total number of celestial masters did not exceed one thousand.

The two thousand and five hundred deities fully believe in Li Xing, and take it as their main and the only true God.

In five years, more sages and deities were born in the mixed world. The number of sages has already exceeded the 200,000 mark, and the number of local deities is more than a hundred. A newly born plane can produce hundreds of deities in a short period of time. This is absolutely a miracle.

For five years, Li Xing not only practiced, he also paid close attention to the three great deities. Guarded by the three Great Celestial Masters is an embryo of the Lord God, the core of God's space, the source of strength.

Li Xing has been here for many years. He has gathered everyone's knowledge and has learned enough about everything.

Three Great Celestial Masters, Daoguang Great Celestial Master, Taotian Grand Celestial Master, Chiming Grand Celestial Master. These three people, waiting for many years, are waiting for the embryo of the Lord God to mature, and then steal the fruits.

The moment when the embryo of the Lord God matures, it will release unparalleled strength of the mighty shore, as if the birth of a civilization is like a moment of ground breaking. If you enter the embryo of the main **** at this time, you can obtain the blessing of the supreme divine power, repair it by leaps and bounds, and have the opportunity to leave God's time and space.

After this, Li Xing did not agree with this statement. He has experienced light-brained civilization, immortal civilization, array civilization, and crystal civilization. He understands a rule, and that civilization will only disappear when a certain individual gets a reward.

The three Great Celestial Masters competed together, and even if they succeeded, only one of them could finally get a reward. What's more, Li Xing will never watch, he will also **** the embryo of the Lord God.

In recent times, the space and time of the gods have often shaken, and some gods may even fall inexplicably. This is because the embryo of the main **** is about to mature, which leads to the instability of the rules.

Li Xing obviously felt this kind of shock. He was transformed into a god, lurking near the embryo of the main god, and was ready to take the shot at a critical moment.

As he expected, the first to bear was the three Great Celestial Masters, who regarded each other as the strongest competitors.

Blazing big Tianzun was dressed in white. His first glance was through the cold, and he said in a deep voice: "On the other side, Chi Ming, we must separate out the strong and the weak."

Chiming Datianzun red dress fluttered coldly: "Three feet stand tall, it is not easy to fight ~ ~ If we can fight, we have already played, so we must make a choice."

The other side Tiantianzun stood out, actually standing with Chiming Datianzun, they left and right, surrounded by the fiery light Tianzun. The latter changed his look: "It turned out that you had already negotiated, but even if it was two to one, I might not lose! You have to pay a heavy price!"

"As long as you can leave this ghost place, it will be worth the heavy price." The other side of the Great Heavenly Supreme flew his hands and bombarded the Fiery Great Heavenly Supreme. Chi Ming Da Tianzun shot at the same time, two to one, and started a fierce battle.

This battle made the sun and the moon dark, the world changed color, countless spaces exploded, and tens of millions of planes shattered, spreading widely. The nearby gods, fled and died, have died.

Only Li Xing, still silently lurking, he knew that this time, there would be a result.


Blazing Datianzun took a blow from Datianzun on the other side and yelled: "On the other side, Chiming has the strongest strength among the three of us. You cooperate with him, and you are not afraid of bamboo baskets to draw water. In the end, you will get nothing?"


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