Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 962: Earthquake

Chapter 962: The Legend of Earth

Chapter 962: The Legend

Tian Tianzun on the other side said lightly: "Kill you, let's talk about the others."

Chiming Datianzun smiled faintly: "Blazing light, what you say is useless, you are killed. Dashu, killing blood!" Seeing Blazing Datianzun provoking alienation, he sent the strongest blow.

The transformation of blood into the blood is a big move of Da Tianzun. In one hit, all the spirit and strength of Chi Ming Da Tianzhang are concentrated. It can be said that there is no room for it, and we want to seriously create a great light.

The blaze of great light is also unambiguous. He snorted coldly, held his palms together, and then slowly pushed forward like an open door.

"Click!" The thunder blew, the smash in the void, and the two great celestial beings shook back and forth, looking pale. But at the moment when the two of them were fighting, the other side of Tiantian Zun also shot, and it was also a great move.

However, this trick is not to attack the Great Emperor of the Sunshine, but to use the unstoppable finger of the Great God of Heaven to point the back of the Great God of Heaven directly. Da Tianzun's physical body is rarely encountered, but because the two are working together against each other at this moment, they are in a cooperative state, and Chi Ming Da Tianzun does not take precautions.


Pointing into the flesh, Chiming Datianzhuang roared, turned his palm, and punched Tiantianzun on the other side. But at this moment, Blazing Datianzhuang also hit with a punch, hitting his chest with heavy blows, causing his chest to smash and open his mouth to spit out blood.

"you guys……"

The two big deities gave a full blow, and Chiming was seriously injured. He was frightened and furious. Unfortunately, under one enemy and two, he gradually fell into the wind, and his injuries were getting worse.

"Another bank, you are shameless!" Chi Ming reprimanded.

Da Tianzun on the other side said lightly: "How does my‘ finger finger ’taste? Chiming, blame you only for your strongest strength, otherwise we wo n’t work together against you.”

"It's not that easy to kill me, bury the heavens, and exterminate!" Chiming Datianzun knows that at the most critical moment, if he doesn't work hard, he will stay here today and make a desperate effort.

Suddenly, the infinite black light pressed down, making people feel depressed and shocked inside. The other side shouted: "He is desperate, I will carry it, you will break his big world!"

Blazing Great Tianzun responded with a single palm, severely cut, directly broke the barriers of the plane, rushed into the other party ’s world, and destroyed it. On the outside, there is a confrontation with the Great Celestial Master on the other side, and there is the destruction of the Great Celestial Supreme on the other side.

He growled again and again, and hated, "Everyone goes to the same goal!"

"Boom!" The blaze of light and the great celestial spirit continued to make the mountains and rivers of the Chiming World collapse, the stars and the moon disappeared, the sky collapsed, and all life was destroyed. After more than a dozen breaths, the hard-built plane of Chihsing Datianzun was destroyed, and there was no vitality.

The destruction of the plane has greatly reduced the strength of Chiming Datianzun. Under the joint force of the other side and the glow, he could not persist for too long, and was suppressed by the other side.

It is more difficult to kill a deity, it is even more difficult to kill a deity, the two can only suppress it, and there is no way to kill Chiming completely.

As soon as the suppression of Chiming Datianzun was suppressed here, Datianzun on the other side said: "Blazing light, please prepare for me to help me capture the embryo!"

Blazing Great Tianzun nodded: "Master rest assured, I will go all out."

At this moment, Li Xing who was on the sidelines was also very surprised. Blazing Datianzun was actually a servant of Datianzun on the other side? It seems that the two have been acting, deceiving Chiming Datianzun, and then working together to suppress them.

However, things are clearly not over. On this day, the blaze of great light suddenly screamed, and the whole body was willing to turn off the black light of the sky. Each black light was extremely vicious and extremely dangerous, which belonged to the world's most terrible curse.

Blazing Datianzun's eyes were full of unwillingness, staring at Tiantianzun on the other side, angrily: "On the other side, you cross the river and tear down the bridge, and you said you would spare my life ..."

"Huh! The embryo is born and there are too many changes, how can I leave you? I used the precious curse to control you, the purpose was only to suppress Chiming. Now Chiming is suppressed, what is it for you?" The smile was cold and cold, "Blazing light, this big curse is made by an ancient great deity, and it will definitely make you die as soon as you die. Eventually, you will enjoy it."

"Ah ..." Blazing Great Tianzun screamed inhumanly, and his body began to burn a black and black flame. His body and the world gradually turned into fly ash in the flame.

When the Emperor Guangtian Tianzun fell, the other side Tiantianzun whispered to himself: "Unfortunately, the great curse is used up like this. But it doesn't matter, as long as I get the embryo of the Lord God, I can leave this place."

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed." Suddenly, the space shook, and a man in a yellow suit walked out of the void, his face as white as a jade, like a young man.

As soon as this person came out, there was a terrible situation of oppression and the mountains and the sea shook the heavens. The man's momentum is actually above the great heavenly esteem on the other side, and he is murderous, and he has no domineering power.

"Who are you?" Da Tianzun on the other side was shocked at first, but when he saw that the realm of the other party was only a decisive one, he was relieved. Just like Li Xing's mentality, monks below Datianzun are nothing but ants to them.

"Han Bing!" The man said lightly, "It will be your glory to die in my hands."

"What a big tone!" Da Tianzun on the other side sneered, and said much more lazily, attacking the past with a one-stop lore, and killing each other with a single blow.

Han Bingheng snorted and pushed forward with a single palm. There was an immediate force of shock. He instantly cracked down on the other side of Tiantian Zun's lore, and beat him on the other side, his appearance changed greatly.

"Are you a descendant of Emperor Zhentian?"

"Calculate that you have eyesight and know the power of Zhentian Palm." Han Bing said coldly. "As soon as Zhentian comes out, the world is turned upside down. Now you concede to surrender and avoid death."

On the other side, the look of the Great Heavenly God changed continuously, but finally he still affirmed his conviction. He smiled faintly and said, "In the beginning, Zhentian Heavenly God and another group of heretics called themselves emperors. Pass down, do you think you can make waves? "

Han Bing faintly said: "The Emperor Zhentian is still alive, and his old man will replace the Emperor one day and night, and will stand side by side for nine days."

The other side of Tiantian Zun laughed and said, "The Emperor Zhentian couldn't succeed at first, and it will be even more difficult to succeed in the future. The power of heaven is stronger day by day, and many ancient deities have to rely on him. Han Bing, although you have passed down Means, but after all, the realm is too inadequate, and it is impossible to confront the deity. "

"Is it?" Han Bing shot with a palm of his hand, and suddenly hundreds of millions of brilliance trembled and swept towards Datianzun on the other side. This Guanghua's lethality was so shocking that the other side didn't dare to underestimate it. He shot all out, and Tianzun's huge punches shot out. He still used the lore.

However, in this attack, the other side still suffered a small loss, feeling that the plane was shaken, the creatures were coated with coal, the landslides were broken, and it was a mess. He screamed, "You look for it, and you're done!"

At the other end, Datianzun finally got angry and gave his all-out shot. He strove desperately. He staggered his palms and formed deep fingerprints. He shouted, "Another fist!"

One punch burst out, and the mood of crossing the bitter sea to reach the other side, people could not help but worship. However, Han Bing just sneered, and still shook the sky, shattering everything.

Datianzun on the other side was taken aback. You know, the other side of the boxing belongs to his instincts, the most powerful, belongs to life-saving moves, can not even hurt the opponent. His heart suddenly became heavy, and he couldn't think of any other way to kill the person in front of him.

Han Bing's attacks are getting fiercer, one after another, as if never ending. With each palm, the realm of the world is shaken, the sky is falling apart, and the plane of the Great Heavenly Supreme on the other side is traumatized.

Eventually, this destruction reached its limit. Datianzun on the other side roared, the plane could no longer bear it, and his strength was reduced to the lowest level. Han Bing struck his bones with ants, seriously injuring a big deity.

"Boy, Ben Tianzun will not let you go!" The other side roared, his body disappeared suddenly, and I did not know where to go. Obviously, he was defeated, and he didn't want to consume it anymore.

On the other side, Da Tianzun lost, Han Bing smiled scornfully, and looked at the void, coldly: "Little crawler, do you think you can hide it?"

His eyes were everywhere, and the void shook, and Li Xing was finally unable to hide and was forced out, but what he came out of was a **** incarnation, transformed by a **** kingdom. The two looked opposite, Han Bing said lightly: "You little man, dare to approach me, are you impatient?"

Although the other party showed horrible strength, even Da Tianzun was scared away, but Li Xing was also scared of him and raised his eyebrows, and said, "You are arrogant, but in my opinion, you do not have arrogant capital?"

"Oh?" Han Bing looked playful. "You actually said I was ineligible, and I seemed very unconvinced."

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "I can't see it on the other side, but I can see that the reason why you repelled people was entirely by foreign objects."

Han Bing's eyes sank: "You have some eyesight, yes, I have a clone of the Emperor Zhentian." Then sneered, "Even if there is no such clone, I can easily kill you."

Li Xing smiled sarcastically: "Really? Do you dare to put away your avatar ~ www.readwn.com ~ and fight with me?"

Han Bing's eyes were cold: "You a reptile are not worth my shot. However, an arrogant person like you should give a little lesson."

Li Xing was furious and said, "Then let you **** power and destroy the **** fist!" He ran the power of a kingdom of gods and played a combat power equivalent to the level of life change.

However, this seemingly powerful attack force was fragile in front of Han Bing. With an open mouth, he blew out the attack and laughed out loud: "Is this your dependency?"

With a look of desperation, Li Xing yelled, "You are nothing but relying on the power of the Emperor's avatar, or you are definitely not your opponent today!"

Being looked down on by a little person made Han Bing intolerable, although Li Xing was as weak as a reptile in his eyes. He smiled faintly and said, "Okay, then I will fight with you with my deity. If you lose, I will let you torture and die!"

"Haha" laughed, Li Xing seemed to be full of confidence: "As long as you don't have to be a lone, I promise you to kneel for mercy, life is better than death!"


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