Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 963: 100,000 gods

Chapter 963 The Kingdom of One Hundred Thousand Gods

Chapter 963

When a sheep yelled scornfully at the lion, thinking that the lion was by no means his opponent, I am afraid that most lions could not bear it, Han Bing's positioning for himself was that lion, and Li Xing was that Abominable roaring sheep.

The lion was born to look down on the sheep, not to despise the sheep, so he chose to use his deity to deal with Li Xing.

Han Bing stretched his hands to the sky, and immediately turned around. The two were drawn into a strange world. In this world, there are terrifying shock waves everywhere, and the deities who have lost their lives will be shaken into powder and die by death.

Li Xing ’s kingdom of gods was also severely damaged. He looked around in surprise and called, “What kind of ghost place is this?”

Han looked at him coldly, like a dead body, "Reptiles, as you wish, let you see the strength of my deity. Here is the internal world of the emperor's avatar, a fragment of the emperor's plane. Here I cannot With the power of the Great Emperor, give you a chance to play a fair battle. "

Han Bing was talking in a playful and mocking tone. In his opinion, Li Xing was like a living plaything, and he had a cat-and-mouse feeling. He has great confidence and can easily suppress or kill each other.

"Really? You can't use the power of the Emperor's avatar here." Li Xing looked around, and the kingdom of God continued to shatter, and he could not bear it. "So, aren't you dead?"

Han Bing froze, then looked at him like an idiot, and said, "Even your plane can't stay here for a long time, and you dare to say such hard words to your deity, it seems you are really impatient."

Li Xing sighed and asked, "Do you think I look like an idiot?"

Han Bing laughed: "You are not an idiot and what is it? You shouldn't hide and watch, and you shouldn't speak badly after the deity appears."


The kingdom of gods, at this moment, can't finally support the shock power in the world, was completely destroyed, suddenly collapsed, and turned into billions of crystal lights. However, among the crystal lights, there was a glorious brilliance from the great shore, the supreme supreme, condensed into a large hand of crystal light, and suppressed it toward Han Bing.

Han Bing's own strength, only the second most important, is considered very strong. Moreover, the general second life is by no means his opponent. Coupled with the blessing of the Great Emperor, his combat power is very powerful.

Unfortunately, at this moment, he and Li Xingtong are in the fragment of the world where the emperor's avatar is located. He cannot borrow the power of the avatar at all and can only fight alone. Li Xing's deity, lurking within the realm of the gods, finally made a bold move at this moment.

His kingdoms of gods have increased to 12,000, and each kingdom of gods is equivalent to the combat power of a relegation to heaven. Believing in his deity, it has reached 2,500.

The most important thing is that the Yuanyuan Realm has been so successful that it has reached the third priority in life-saving. As long as there is a suitable time, Li Xing may enter the third priority in life change, thereby changing his life against the sky and controlling his destiny.

It can be said that at this time, Li Xing can definitely make the face of Zhiguang Dazun. With such a horrible attack, Han Bing could not resist at this moment. At this moment, he simply regretted his intestines.

"How is it possible, who are you? How could you be so arrogant!" He yelled, doing his best, and punched the sky. Unfortunately, his fists were crushed instantly by the crushing hand of Jingguang's big hand, and the monstrous pressure was suppressed.

Han Bing, who was the second-heavy person, instantly shattered the plane, collapsed the crystal wall system, and was shot dead by the palm of Li Xing. Before dying, his face was full of unwillingness and remorse, and he yelled, "Heir to the Emperor Zhentian, I will never let you go!"

"There is so much nonsense!" Li Xing snorted, patted Han Bing with one palm, and then crushed it with the power of the plane.

As soon as Han Bing took the shot, he knew that it was difficult to deal with. The emperor's avatar was so amazing that he could not even fight against the Great Celestial Master. That's why he used the kingdom of the gods to dress up as a small man with little strength but arrogance.

This little man really made Han Bing relax his vigilance and was willing to bring him into the world debris, a fair battle. Just as the lion would not be afraid to fight the sheep, Han Bing eventually fell into a trap.

Among the fragments of Emperor Zhentian's world, Li Xing had a small feeling and said, "The Emperor Chentian really is a Gaidqi. A small piece of debris contains the power of terror and can compete with the Emperor. "

In his mixed-yuan realm, there were seven major infants to suppress, Li Xing felt that the seven great lords represented by the six major infants may not be as powerful as the Emperor. There is also only the Blessed Datianzun. That legend is almost broken and can only be compared with the Emperor Zhentian.

"No wonder this celestial Emperor, who dared to contend with heaven, really has great ability, I don't know if it fell."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and Li Xing began to run the power of the mixed yuan, trying to absorb the fragment of the world of Emperor Zhentian. It didn't take long for a rush of force to invade and moisten the entire Xunyuan world.

It is also the power of the plane. The higher the realm, the stronger the celestial power, the more pure and powerful the power of the plane. The power of this celestial Emperor's plane is very advanced, and every trace of it can give Li Xing great benefits.

The power of the plane is different from that of the infant. The power of the plane can be directly absorbed by Li Xing, and then transformed into mixed power, and even enhance the quality of mixed power.

The power of life is helpful to the understanding of Li Xing's life. His ease into the third life-threatening aspect is related to absorbing the energy of a large number of infants. In the future, this effect will be more apparent when condensing your baby.

Refining the fragments of the world took a long time. Li Xing didn't have time to wait. He broke the shackles of the world and rushed outside, ready to **** the main **** plane. However, in order to avoid the return of Datianzun from the other side, when he came out, he changed his appearance to Han Bing.

Da Tianzun on the other side did not leave. He was unwilling to work hard for a long time, and was destroyed by others at the last moment. He was unwilling to accept this result. So, before he escaped, he quietly lurked nearby and observed the movement.

Li Xing dressed up like Han Bing, he swayed and waited around the embryo of the main god, paying close attention. The main **** embryo is a dim glory, and a powerful godhead is bred in it.

In this way, Li Xing waited for more than a year, refining more than half of the world's debris in secret, and his strength has risen to a higher level, and he is already confident that he will be able to bid against the other side. At the same time, the timing of the maturity of the Lord God's embryo is finally approaching.

On this day, Li Xing obviously felt that many deities were gathered nearby, and the breath of the great deities on the other side was also exposed. The final battle is finally about to begin, and he is fully prepared.

The Lord God's embryo emits billions of brilliance, and it will be mature by sight. But at this moment, Li Xing suddenly offered a mixed Yuan Ding, fiercely covered, and directly collected it.

At this moment, Datianzun and others on the other side are dumbfounded, the main **** embryo has not yet matured, why did he start?


On the other side, Da Tianzun roared, and after a year of recuperation, his injury recovered a little. At this moment, he made a great move. Li Xing made a fist, and also made a punch. This fist was as vast as a starry sky and hard and overbearing.


On the other side, Datianzun felt a numb arm, and the big world shook violently. He was blown away by a punch. On the other side, Li Xing flew back and laughed, "There will be a period later!"

His body suddenly disappeared into the void and disappeared.

But he said that the embryo of the main god, after entering the Yuanyuan Ding, was put into the kingdom of gods. At the same time, Li Xing also began to absorb the gods in God's time and space, and began the last nourishment to allow the embryo to mature in his **** kingdom.


He opened his mouth and sucked, the whole space and time of God shook, and a large number of gods were sucked into the kingdom of gods. After ten breaths, the embryo of the Lord God matured, the brilliance was billions, and the immense amount of Ruiguang, shining all the kingdoms brightened, and the mixed Yuan world was also bright.

The main **** matured in Li Xing's kingdom of gods, and he naturally possessed the qualification of the main god. And running mixed element work, completely absorb this power.

In a thousandth of a second, Guanghua disappeared and everything fell into peace. However, Li Xing ’s kingdom of gods has undergone qualitative changes, has been illuminated by the Lord God, and his personality has been sublimated.

For a time, the entire space and time of the gods disappeared instantly, and the huge gods were powerful and integrated into the 12,000 **** kingdom of Li Xing. There was a loud crackle, and the kingdom of the gods began to split again.

Thirty thousand, sixty thousand, eighty thousand, one hundred thousand! In the end, after three days and nights 'change, the number of gods' kingdoms was fixed at 100,000!

Each kingdom of gods is equivalent to a deity, who can absorb the power of faith and ascend the realm by himself. One hundred thousand kingdoms, guarding the mixed yuan realm, makes the mixed Yuan realm to further enhance and consolidate, indestructible.

The civilization of God has disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Many gods, deities, and other heavenly gods have been excluded, one by one panic, even the other heavenly **** is unknown.

Li Xing walked out of the void, and said lightly, "All gods must believe in me." He released the power of the Lord's God all over the body, shining in all directions. Suddenly, those gods were restrained and bowed down.

You should know that the **** embryos in the time and space of God are all evolved from the master **** embryos. Now Li Xing has obtained the master **** qualification, and the rest are **** qualifications, so he naturally obeys his orders.

One by one, Tianzun, was put into the kingdom of the gods, so that Li Xing's believers increased by hundreds at once, reaching 3,000. As for the other deities who have yet to become gods in the future, Li Xing did not force it.

The other side stared at Li Xing from a distance, Li Xing also looked at it. For a moment, Li Xing said: "On the other side, you are not my enemy, and I can't kill you. Our well water does not violate river water."

On the other side, Da Tianzun snorted fiercely, waving his sleeves, and put all Tianzun into the big world, then disappeared. He couldn't leave the trial ground, and Li Xing didn't bother to question, and he would continue to enter the next trial ground.


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