Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 964: Central Pure Land

Chapter 964: Central Pure Land

Chapter 964: Central Pure Land

Shortly after the disappearance of the Great Heavenly God on the other side, the world shook and the thunderous sound of thunder, two magnificent rays of light rose from the void, leaving two young men. On these two men, there are three and four brilliant, respectively, representing seven kinds of civilizations.

The two young men were changed to the third realm, but their strength and arrogance made Li Xing feel the pressure. Similarly, the two men also felt the power of five civilizations from Li Xing.

Light brain civilization, immortal civilization, array civilization, crystal civilization, **** civilization. Obviously, three people got three, four, and five of the twelve civilizations, and Li Xing got the most.

The two young Tianzun both stared at Li Xing. They were ordinary in appearance and calm. One of them, Tsing Yi with long hair, said lightly: "I did not expect that more than one person was selected in the court."

The other was a bald head, slightly fat, and he smiled: "It seems that the two people understand that in this case, then they will obediently hand over the inheritance of civilization on their bodies, and I can spare you."

The bald tone is very great, it seems to hold the power of all kinds of life and death in the world.

Li Xing glanced at the two of them, and smiled coldly: "It's not yet known who the deer died, and Hu Blowing the air will not flash his tongue."

The bald young man smiled slightly: "I won't give you a bitter head, I don't know my method." He popped up with a finger, hundreds of millions of Buddha lights shone, and the sound of infinite education was heard from it, like a flood of beasts, hitting Lixing.

Obviously, the bald youth exerted the power of the civilization of the Buddha, and the sound of chanting the scriptures produced a confusing power, which made Li Xing be enchanted. He opened his eyes, his tongue thundered, and he cried, "Broken!"

He Yuanyuan rushed out with a great impact, and immediately shook the Buddha light away. He raised one foot and yelled, "Will you confuse me? Step on you!"


A crystal light foot, suppressing eternity, collapsed all realms, stepped on it. The bald young man is also a fierce and powerful man. When his expression changes slightly, he raises his hand and punches it out. This punch, the three-color strange light flashes, represents the power of three civilizations.

However, there are five civilizations in Li Xing. In addition, he has also inherited the yin and yang civilization of this era and learned the laws of heaven and earth. So this blow hit him, he took advantage.

However, the realm of bald youth is higher than Li Xing, which takes a lot of advantages, so it only suffers a little. His body rolled over and over, his fists burst, and after all, Li Xing stepped on.

Li Xing stomped his crystal feet, and the bald youth rushed out in desperation. Unexpectedly, at that moment, the Tsing Yi Tianzhuang snorted again and again: "It was just before I said, eat my hand!"

He shot it with one palm, compressed in the void, back in time, four kinds of glory, condensed into a heavy force, hit. The bald young man moaned, and the whole man was beaten almost flat, spitting blood.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and looked vigilantly at Tsing Yi. The latter gave him a cold glance, then snorted, disappeared, and a voice came from the sky: "Sun Immortal will visit the two in the future and say goodbye!"

The bald young man spit out a bitter blood and said to Li Xing, "Zhao Guchan will be here in the future!" The words fell, his body flickered, and he left the scene.

The surrounding Guanghua billowed, a mighty shore force descended, and Li Xing was pulled out. In an instant, he returned to the fighting fierce school and reached the fighting fierce platform.

On the battlefield, Guanghua was full of emotions and alarmed the Quartet. For many years, very few people in the fighting fierce institution were able to return from the trial ground. Li Xing was the first one in nearly ten thousand years, and immediately caused a shock.

"Come on! Someone is returning from the Trial Land. See it now!"

"What kind of person? For many years, I have never heard of anyone who can come out from there. It is said that they were all stranded or even died of death. How did this person come back?"

"Ah! It's him. The one who hit Qiqiyuan couldn't lift his head, forcibly took a big shot from Tianzun, killing more than ten Tianzun Li Xing, and the evil spirits from Yuyantang!" Out of Li Xing.

"It's him! And it seems that his realm has reached the third most important point in life-threatening. It's only been a few years and he's progressed so fast!"

The crowd was shocked, and there was a lot of discussion, and their mood was complicated.

Among those who came, Yu Yantang was the happiest. Qinglian Tianzun and Huang Yudie greeted the stage in person, and rejoicedly said, "Congratulations, Brother!"

Li Xing nodded slightly, his eyes glanced at the Quartet, Zhong Tianzun was looked at by him, his heart was all cold, and he lowered his heads one after another.

At this time, a great figure fell from the air, and it was here that the fighter fierce deity manifested. He looked at Li Xing with satisfaction and nodded again and again: "You did not disappoint me, but returned from the trial."

Li Xing bowed his hand and said, "See Da Tianzun, the student has no idea about it. Is there only one place for this trial?"

"Of course not. There are hundreds of thousands of trial sites opened up in the Four Desolations. These trial sites were opened by the legendary celestial being of different eras, even the great celestial history. This place you are going to Trial lands were established in this era and opened up by heaven. Some of these trial lands have been closed or disappeared, and some have been forgotten, but more are in an open state for the entrance of countless deities. among them."

"The students entered the trial ground and got five civilizations, and the other seven civilizations were taken by the remaining two." Li Xing did not hide.

"It's hard to come by," said Dou Tian Da Zun, smiling. "You are the pride of Dou Xue Academy. After a while, I will send you to the Heavenly Court to ban the army and serve as a guard."

Speaking of the embargo, Li Xing asked: "Da Tianzun, I don't know what the strength and number of the embargoed guards are."

"The number of forbidden troops in the court of heaven is limited. There are only 12,000 people below the officers. However, all of these 12 thousand people have the combat power of the Great Celestial Order, and even the realm of the Great Celestial Respect." "The world is big and the world is numerous. Li Xing, although you have inherited civilization, don't be arrogant. Someone stronger than you is here."

"Yes," Li Xingshen thought.

"The purpose of the trial is to find a group of suitable candidates, which is related to the calamity of the world. It is not trivial. In the embargo, there are not many people who have passed on the heritage, and you will definitely be valued." Prepare yourself, you will be going to heaven in about a year. "


The development of the fierce celestial body disappeared, and Li Xing returned to Yuyan Hall and met the people.

During the period when Li Xing left, Yuyantang didn't change much, but it was his own strength that soared so that Yuyantang's disciples could hardly catch up and never catch up.

Qing Lian Tianzun said, "Historically, there have been many people who have gone out from the fighting and fierce academies, but like a master, he can be a teacher in just over ten years without one. However, the master must be careful during this trip. There are as many masters as clouds, there are as many heavenly deities, as they are across the river. Even the great heavenly gods are nothing in heaven. "

Li Xing also knows this. Many civilizations have been born in previous civilizations, and the number is naturally large. Although he can fight against the Great Celestial Master, it is not enough to meet the great Great Celestial Master, so be careful.

Huang Yudie also said: "The vastness of the heavens is indispensable. The younger brother's behavior is simple and rude. This character must be changed to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The younger brother saved, the two sisters are in the school, so be careful, if there is anything, as long as a letter, I must come."

The two women rejoiced and said, "There must be no need to bother the teacher."

The two sides talked about things in heaven. The second daughter didn't know much about the matter of heaven and never visited. However, they heard a lot of information from many old friends.

That day court is a strange place, it can be said to be built in nine days, it can also be said to be independent of nine days. It turned out that the heavens and heavens together guarded a certain core time and space.

In time and space, a huge world was established by many great deities, calling it the central pure land. The heavenly courts were built in the central world, respecting the Emperor of Heaven.

At every age, a central world is born, but it's just different. For example, the civilization of the gods is called the Pure Land of the Gods; for example, the civilization of the gods is called the Jade Emperor Wonderland and so on.

The vastness of the central world is so vast, the farthest places are directly linked to the four wastelands, reaching as far as the edge of the universe. It can be said that the central pure land is the real celestial realm, which is more core and great than those nine days.

In nine days, a master is like a cloud, which is considered a high-level area. But compared with the central pure land, it is far worse. In the central pure land, only Tianzun can walk, and inner Tianzun is as common as mortals in the world.

The central pure land is formed by one big world after another.

In each period, there are always many celestial beings consciously about to run out of life. The life expectancy of Datianzun generally cannot exceed the Tenth Century. When they are about to fall, they will make some choices and put their big world into the central world.

There are also some legendary Great Celestial Masters, epic Great Celestial Masters, and ancient Great Celestial Masters. They also integrated the Great World into the Pure Land and strengthened the Pure Land.

Legend has it that the Central Pure Land is made up of at least the 3,000 Great Worlds, and each Great World is established by the Great Celestial Master who lived at least the Nineth and Tenth Era.

And in every big world, there are at least 3,000 worlds ~ www.readwn.com ~ that is, there are 3,000 days in them. And, in each world, there are at least 3,000 people, that is, 3,000 small worlds.

The small world, the world, the big world, they originate from different civilizations, and together form the central pure land, and the inner beings are under the jurisdiction of heaven.

It didn't take long to enter the central pure land and go to heaven for business. Li Xing decided to go back to Sanqing World to see the development of mixed Yuanjiao before that.

On this day, Li bid farewell to the daughters of Yuyantang, tearing apart the space and heading to Sanqing World.

At this moment, when Li Xing re-entered the world, he had to get the consent of the Supreme Master Sanqing. Beyond the fringe of the Sanqing Great World, Li Xing manifested himself, saying, "Under Li Xing, if you want to enter the Sanqing Great World to visit the deceased, please allow him."

Yuqing Tianzun walked out, he obviously still remembers Li Xing, and nodded: "It was Li Daoyou, please come in." With a stroke of his hand, there was a portal.

When Li Xing entered the portal, he went directly to Mingyue Tianzun's practice. In the gazebo, Mingyue Tianzun was playing against an elegant man.


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