Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 965: Celestial Seeds

Chapter 965: Celestial Seeds

Chapter 965: Celestial Seed

Mingyue Tianzun stood up, smiled, and said, "Li Daoyou!"

Li Xing smiled. Now he is also Tianzun. For Mingyue Tianzun, he changed his name to "Tao You" and nodded: "I have been busy recently. Come and walk around. Thank you for taking care of the Yuanyuan religion in these years. "

"Everything can be done," said Mingyue Tianzun, referring to Tianzun, saying, "This is Qingfeng Tianzun, who served with me around the time."

Qingfeng Tianzun and Mingyue Tianzun are both the second most important figures. They were close to the Taoists around Sanqing Datianzun. At this point, he heard Mingyue Tianzun's introduction, his expression was rather indifferent, but he nodded slightly and did not get up.

Mingyue Tianzun glanced at Qingfeng Tianzun, and said, "Qingfeng, don't underestimate Li Daoyou. He is now in the heavenly court and has an extraordinary status."

Qingfeng Tianzun glanced at Li Xing, and said lightly: "How big a wave can be killed by the triple killing? However, this person can enter the eyes of your moon in the moon, and must have some skills."

Li Xing sneered in his heart. He sees people who despise him because he sees his state not high. He didn't plan to do it in a low-key way, so he raised his eyebrows and said, "Qingfeng Tianzun, you want to know what I can do. I only knew it after playing."

Qingfeng Tianzun frowned and said in disgust: "The more small the person, the more mad, like you, such a clown jumping clown, why is it worth the shot of this deity."

"Really? Then Qingfeng Tianzun please take me a punch and see if it is worth trying." Li Xinglong took a long step, and every step out of it caused the Sanqing world to tremble fiercely and shocked the monks in all directions.

At this moment, Qingfeng Tianzun was surprised, and stood up, staring at Li Xing, his expression more and more dignified. Li Xinglian took eight steps, and that terrible power forced Qingfeng Tianzun to step back and forth, standing still.


A crystal light fist came and killed him, the power of Qingfeng Tianzun's world was blocked and he couldn't move. At this moment, he can only watch Li Xing's huge fist come over, his heart is covered by the shadow of death.

Qingfeng Tianzun has never felt death like today, with an unwilling roar.

"Li Daoyou, your mercy!" Mingyue Tianzun hurriedly did not want to see Qingfeng Tianzun injured.

Endlessly vigorously stopped, Li Xing retreated and asked the breeze: "How?"

Qingfeng Tianzun looked terrified and praised: "It was only I who said a word and Li Daoyou was so shocked that he would definitely become a vassal official in heaven!"

This Qingfeng Tianzun can reach this step today. He is extremely intelligent. He immediately put aside his previous contempt, and apologized to Li Xing, and did not take Li Xing's rudeness to heart.

Li Xingdao: "It is my rudeness that I am, please do not blame the friends of Qingfeng."

Qingfeng Tianzun said: "As long as Daoyou don't see anything strange, how dare you be down there." He thought about it, "Daoyou entered the Tianting army that day, what's the situation now?"

Immediately, Li Xing talked about entering the fierce academy, going to the trial place, etc. Hearing Mingyue and Qingfeng looked at each other for a long time, Mingyue Tian only said: "I did not expect that you have grown to this point."

Qingfeng Tianzun showed joy, saying: "You have eyesight due to the bright moon, and now I have a great help in Sanqing World!"

Then, a clear light descended, manifesting a great deity. This Great Celestial Master has three circles of sacred auras behind his head, representing the magical spirit of Sanqi, who is the Sanqing Great Celestial Master.

The Sanqing Datianzun struck a blue shirt with a face like ancient moon, fairy wind and bones. The three strands of long beard fluttered with the wind. He grinned and said, "A good Li Xing, it's amazing."

When Da Tianzun spoke, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and Li Xing was caught by him. That Guanghua looked like a serpent, swayed a few times in the air, and then blasted away, manifesting a great deity.

Although it is only a development, the breath it reveals is extremely horrible. Mingyue and Qingfeng Two Heavenly Venues are directly settled on the ground and cannot move. Li Xing also felt the pressure of the mountain and his expression changed greatly.

Sanqing Datianzun shouted, "Old man, what are you staring at my Sanqing disciples?"

The eyebrows and beards of Datianzun that developed were white and glared at Sanqingdatianzun and yelled, "Sanqing boy, you dare to do me good!"

Sanqing Datianzun laughed: "You old man, you are watching my Sanqing disciples. How do you say that I am bad for you? Are you unreasonable? When I am Sanqing, do you deceive me?"

The big Tianzun sneered: "Sanqing boy, what bad thing do you do to me, can you see anything?"

Sanqing Datianzun said lightly: "If I'm not mistaken, he must have just stepped out of the trial ground and obtained the 'seed' status."

"You do know." Da Tianzun sighed. "However, he was discovered by the old man first. Don't let your eyes go down."

Sanqing Datianzun smiled "hehe": "You old man is so confused, even if you and I support him at the same time, what can I do? Can my participation reduce your future benefits?"

White Beard Datianzun rolled his eyes: "This is not the case. In the future, if you grow up, you will share half of my luck."

Sanqing Datianzun sneered: "If you care about it, then you will announce the matter. I don't see anyone competing with you."

With a white beard and a distressed look, Tiantian Zun had a long anxious look. He thought about it for a long time before he stamped his foot severely, saying, "Sanqing boy, if you don't have a deep foundation in the Sanqing world, today's husband will not bother to talk to you."

Sanqing Datian laughed and said, "Thank you for your success.

White Beard sighed with respect and the development disappeared.

In this scene, Li Xing and others have stayed. They don't understand what Sanqing Datianzun and White Beard Datianzun are saying.

Li Xing secretly calculated, and at the same time knew that the opportunity was rare, he immediately asked Sanqing Datianzun: "Datianzun, who is this old man?"

"He is a legendary Great Celestial Emperor born in the Guangnao Period. He lived in the eighteenth century and called him to act as the Great Celestial Emperor." Sanqing Great Celestial said, "You must also ask, what is a 'seed'."

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, this is the question."

"Seeds are cultivated by heaven and all major forces. Each seed is exceptionally qualified, and its future achievements are also less legendary." Said Sanqing Datianzun. "You may also ask the purpose of cultivating seeds. What is it. "

Li Xing: "Please enlighten me."

"I can't answer this question," said Sanqing Datianzun. "You will know when it's time."

Li Xing frowned. He had been reluctant to acquire the inheritance of civilizations. Only later was he forced to obtain five of them. The other seven civilizations were taken by the remaining two.

Now it has become the so-called "seed" of Tianting. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse. Seeing San Qing's unbelievable appearance, 80% is not a good thing.

After turning countless thoughts in an instant, Li Xing trembled: "No matter how the outside world changes, I just need to improve my strength so that I can deal with it!"

At this moment, Sanqing Datianzun laughed and said, "In the future, you will definitely enter the Tianting Army and become famous. If you walk out of my Sanqing world, you will be regarded as half of the disciples of my world. Just talk to me. "

The Sanqing Great World belongs to the first-level plane, with deep foundations, and even the legendary Da Tian Zun dare not belittle it, naturally this is not bragging.

Li Xingdao: "Thank you God."

Sanqing Datianzun smiled slightly: "You have established a foothold in the army, and will ask you to do something, and please don't quit."

Li Xing fully promised that by then, his strength should be enough to stand side by side and help people to do something, it will not be difficult.

Da Tianzun left, Mingyue Tianzun and Qingfeng Tianzun took a long breath and looked at Li Xing's expressions, which were very strange. The latter sighed and said, "The road to spiritual practice is endless!"

Qingfeng Tianzun nodded and echoed: "Li Daoyou said so much that even if he became an ancient Great Tianzun, he would not dare to say that the world is invincible, let alone supremely broken things."

Mingyue Tianzun: "Li Daoyou, Da Tianzun has spoken. Presumably, even if the mixed Yuan religion officially settles in the Sanqing World, the people at the Holy Gate will never dare to find trouble."

After speaking, she gently waved her sleeves, and the dragon ring suddenly rushed out. Many of the Yuanyuan congregations were placed in the dragon ring. The dragon elephant boy yelled and yelled at Li Xing, "Master! You are finally back!"

This move of Li Xing has taken hundreds of years together, which is not short. The dragon elephant boy was emotional and fell to the ground. This boy's cultivation has entered the country again. At this moment, the second cultivation has been changed.

Li Xing smiled and lifted him up, saying, "I have worked hard for you these years."

Afterwards, the senior members of the mixed Yuan religion went out one after another to meet Li Xing. To one, sincere, perfect, Dragon Emperor, Li Yingxiong, Li Xuanbai and others appeared one by one.

As soon as the crowds came out, Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he found that many people had achieved Tianzun. This statue is a very difficult threshold. I don't know how many people are stuck here and hopeless for life. However, in the Yuanyuan religion, many wizards were born and they made breakthroughs.

Xiaoxi, Wutong, Minmin, and others need not say that Xiuwei has already reached Tianzun. Celestial Master, Dragon Emperor, Elephant Emperor, the remaining Xiao Jinwu, Jun Qianheng, Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong, Zhiyi et al ~ www.readwn.com ~ also reached the rank of Tianzun. The celestial body of the series is already very valuable.

In a century, seventeen Tianzuns were added to the mixed Yuan religion. The seventeen celestial deities are naturally incomparable with the thousands of celestial celestial beings in Li Xing, but he is equally happy. After all, mixed Yuanjiao is his real class.

Everyone appeared, Li Xing greeted them one by one, and then placed them in the mixed Yuan realm. At this moment, his strength is strong enough, and it is no longer necessary to continue to put the hybrid Yuan outside.

But they said that when they entered the mixed realm, they felt a mighty strength and they were all shocked. What's even more surprising is that there are thousands of statues in the plane! They are all believers of Li Xing, extremely loyal.

The Hunyuan congregation quickly adapted to the environment of the Hunyuan realm. They found that practicing here was much faster than outside. You know, Li Xing has inherited five civilizations, each of which is extremely helpful to people's mixed Yuan Avenue.

Putting away the crowd, Li Xing talked for a moment and then left. On the next stop, he was going to visit the Dragon Elephant World. He felt that it was time to refining the Dragon Elephant World.


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