Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 966: Refining Dragon Elephant World

Chapter 966: Refining the Dragon Elephant World

Chapter 966: Refining the Dragon Elephant World

Dragon Elephant World is where Li Xing grew up. If it is not the first life, this is his first hometown. In addition, he believes that there are many similarities between the Dragon Elephant World and his mixed-yuan realm, and if they can be refined, they will definitely gain.

The dragon elephant world is built on the edge of the earth boundary, and the Celestial Master cannot enter it, otherwise, it will be punished by the emperor. Li Xing naturally does not take risks. He runs mixed Yuan Gong and immediately makes his body magical, and turns into a demon.

The Tao and the Demon are not at odds with each other. Tianzun cannot operate in the dragon elephant world, but Mozun can.

When he reappeared in the dragon elephant world, he was surprised to find that the world had been severely ruined, there was no trace of aura, and no creature survived.

The dragon elephant world was first invaded by the chaotic world, and later was slaughtered by the Proterozoic world. No one can stay. At first, only a few monks escaped to the edge of the land and escaped.

Instead, in the big world, magic shadows flickered everywhere, and they actually lived in a lot of powerful demon heads. Li Xing even felt the existence of several deities. It seems that some forces in the territories have already come to this place.

Li Xing walked around in the big world and found nothing worthy of attention. So, break the barrier and enter the boundary. The realm that Li Xing knew before was actually just the periphery of the realm, in which the Great Yin of the Yin and the Great Holy of the Spring and Autumn lived among them.

Here the dragon elephant world, by the way look at the old people.

As soon as he entered the realm of the earth, Li Xing saw dead bones everywhere, magic light everywhere, there was no normal person at all, and all the creatures had been demonized. No one was spared.

"One step late, this place has been completely polluted by the demon head." He sighed, knowing that people like Taiyin Dasheng, etc., may not be able to escape the fate swallowed by the demon head.

The territories are undergoing profound changes, which are different from day to day. This situation is happening every day, and it is not a big deal.

Li Xing dangled, and returned to the dragon elephant world again. The dragon elephant world is very wide, and Li Xing needs to make some preparations to collect it. This time, shortly after he appeared, he was discovered by a group of holy demon, respectfully approached.

In the whole world of the dragon elephant, there are only a few of them. The appearance of Li Xing naturally made them awed and unafraid. To them, Li Xing is a demon statue, and it is unfathomable.

Li Xing said in his heart, "This demon respects the world and refines it. I don't know if there are any other people who want to compete with me here?"

The holy demon looked at each other, and said in one person: "Hui Mozun, Bone Demon and Blood Demon Zun often appear here and there, and they seem to want to refine the dragon world."

Li Xing immediately asked the origin of the demon blood demon and the bone demon. The Bone Demon and the Bloody Demon are both under the reincarnation of the Great Celestial Master. This trip was entrusted to the reincarnation of the Great Celestial Master to receive the dragon elephant world.

There was a conflict between the reincarnation Da Tianzun and Li Xing. If Li Xing hadn't escaped quickly, he would probably have died in his hands.

Listening, he sneered, and said, "Very well, you leave this place quickly, so as not to be involved in the battle of the deities."

The demon Saints praised again and again and flew away, leaving the dragon elephant world. Li Xing, on the other hand, exerted the ultimate mixed element power, spreading the boundless mixed element magic to the surroundings, and wrapped the entire dragon elephant world.

This action immediately shocked the other two demons, the bone demons and the **** demons. These two deities are exploring the big world and are ready to start, not wanting to be preempted.

"Dammit, which one is impatient? Get rid of him!" Bone Demon roared, his voice trembling.

However, the next moment, a terrible expression appeared on his face, shouting: "What is this magic? You can devour me and leave quickly!"

It turned out that as soon as the magic of the mixed Yuan approached, the two demon princes felt that their demon world was attracted, leaked continuously, and lost a lot of power in a short time. The demon world of the deities is as important as the world of the deities. Once destroyed, people are over.

The two monsters were panicked and shouted, but it was too late. Li Xing's strength is by no means such a low-level deity that they can compete with, and it is swallowed up in no time. Together with the dragon elephant world, it is firmly controlled by Li Xing's magic.

The entire world of the dragon elephant shook fiercely, then gradually shrank, and finally turned into a glorious brilliance, which was taken into the mixed Yuan world by Li Xing. The Xunyuan Realm is extremely vast. At the moment, the dragon elephant world has been obtained, and it has suddenly expanded.

The remaining rules in the dragon elephant world rise up, and are instantly assimilated by the power of the mixed element. The dragon elephant world was integrated into the mixed Yuan world within a short time, completely assimilating regardless of each other.

In the Yuanyuan Realm, there was such an extra place. Soon after, some real people from the Yuanyuan settled in, and a large number of souls poured into this area and began to thrive.

In the process of refining the dragon elephant world, a few faint thoughts were inspired from the most in the world. This idea communicated with Li Xing and expressed complex information.

"I have never achieved it in my whole life, but you did it, and the afterlife is awesome." That will praise Li Xing.

"Are you a dragon elephant?" Li Xing moved in his heart and seized the opportunity to ask him something.

"Yes, the dragon elephant inherits and can land on you, and I can be considered dead." The dragon elephant is very pleased.

"It was a pity that the predecessors wanted to learn about the changes in yin and yang, but failed one step." Li Xingdao said.

"Between heaven and earth, there are so many people like me who experience such things. It's no pity." Long Xiang Datianzun said, "You can succeed, it's commendable."

Longxiang Datianzun talked about his experience that year, but it was a bumpy one. He heard Li Xing boast. At the end, Da Tianzun said: "In the central pure land, there are my junior descendants who live in Longxiangbao. It is a small remote place located at the outermost edge of central pure land. If you have a chance, please take care of it.

Li Xing nodded: "Please rest assured that you will do your best next."

"As a token of thanks, I will tell you a secret." Immediately, a thought entered Li Xingshihai, and he was pleased.

This idea told him a concealed space-time, in which the ultimate weapon in the civilization of possessions, a fragment of Mingming Sword. The Ming Sword is a fierce thing, and its status in the civilization of the device is equivalent to that of the emperor and emperor.

The civilization of the instrument has also been glorious, but eventually it has fallen. The Ming Sword was smashed into thousands of pieces in the scourge of heaven and earth, and each piece contained some of the terrorist power of the Ming Sword.

Of course, the consciousness of Ming Ming Jian's instrument has been lost. Even if it is recombined, it is no longer the original Ming Ming Jian. However, even such a small piece of debris is priceless and very important to Li Xing.

"If the fragments of Mingming Sword can be refined into the Yuanyuan stick, it will surely increase its power!"

After passing this ray of thought, the consciousness of Dragon Elephant Datianzun collapsed. Li Xing was about to leave the realm, and suddenly felt that the space and time around him had been blocked. He moved with a straight punch in his heart.

With this punch, all the fighting power was struck, and the heavens were shaking, and Da Tianzun also retreated.


The blocked time and space was blown open a passage by a punch. Li Xing, like a swimming fish, suddenly penetrated into it, speeding up the flight. A big heavenly hand stretched out from the void, dark as ink, full of reincarnation.

"Come back!" With a whisper, the big hand crossed time and space, suppressing Li Xing.

Li Xing gave a cold hum, and turned back with another punch. This punch knocked down all the ages, crushed the heavens, and broke out 12 points of fighting power. The fists slammed together fiercely, exploding again and again.

Li Xing's arm was numb and painful, and his palm collapsed. The big hand was slightly stagnant, and then a frivolous sound came out. It seemed very surprising that Li Xing was able to take the blow.

"Reincarnation Datianzun, there will be a period later!" Li Xing wiped blood from the corners of his mouth, flickered, and disappeared, just as he escaped from under Samsara.

Tianzun's big hand shrank and returned to the void, which was the reincarnation of Dazun's shot. As soon as the two demon lords died, he sensed it, so he parted out some power and came to investigate, not wanting to meet Li Xing.

Li Xing showed his respect for the sky, left the realm, and rushed towards the fighting school. Just before he hit, he felt the horror of the reincarnation of Da Tianzun. It seemed that the strength of the other party had surpassed Da Tianzun.

The more Tian Tianzun experienced the world ’s calamities, the deeper the cultivation, so the strength of Da Tianzun is divided by the number of calamities. After experiencing a scourge of heaven and earth, it is called a scourge of heaven and earth.

Every time he experiences a world disaster, he will gain an inheritance of civilization and a qualitative increase in strength. Therefore, the second calamity of the Great Celestial Master has greatly improved its strength.

Li Xing felt that the means of reincarnation of the Great Celestial Demonstration obviously surpassed the calamity of the Great Celestial Celestial Master, with high-strength, at least the level of the second Celestial Great Celestial Rank.

Returning to the fierce academy, Li Xing began retreating. He had to practice steadily before entering the heavenly courts, and at least he had to create a few means of killing to prepare for the need from time to time.

Tianzun has opened up his own avenue rule and established his own plane world ~ www.readwn.com ~ The rule created by him is the sharpest weapon. Tianzun's attack methods are as follows, and Tianzun's killing power is the most powerful.

Above the order, Tianzun's lore is the most powerful. The Supreme Celestial Master, because of the cohesion of life, is even more frightening, and currently Li Xing cannot master it.

"I walked all the way, killing countless people, and dying in my hands, there are no thousand or eighty. There are countless avenues of refining. Others use a avenue of reverence to refine the revenge of celestial killing, but I can deduct it by myself. Come out. I'm going to enter the court of heaven soon. I have to have a few special tricks. "

Conceal the chaotic array in the puppet world, quickly calculate, peg a pavement, and interweave with the civilizations, extract the most powerful killing moves and the most effective attack methods, and then arrange and combine in an optimal way.

"In life, people cannot escape the past, the present, and the future, so they use these three realms and combine the laws of heaven and earth to establish a set of great killing techniques!" Li Xing brewed a peerless killing in his heart, giving people a sense of ruthlessness.

"Things of the past have become clouds and cannot be changed!" Between his thoughts, the three-stroke past killing technique was exhibited, and it was awe-inspiring for nine days.


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