Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 967: Central Pure Land

Chapter 967 The Central Pure Land

Chapter 967: Central Pure Land

The killing technique created by Li Xing is summed up in the past three strokes, which are backlighting, passing away, and disorderly. . . The past three strokes perfectly illustrate the true meaning of the past, and have great lethality.

The adversary goes up against the river, finds the enemy's weakest moment, and then kills it. For example, a strong man can't even kill Li Xing, but he can turn back time and kill him in his youth or even childhood.

Of course, this way of beheading the past must be coordinated with the "now" in order to completely kill the other party. Only killing the past can only weaken some of the opponent's power, and it cannot completely kill it.

The second move of the past three moves, call me away. Backlight is the art of attack, and death is the art of defense. The meaning of passing away will hide the present me from the past, thus avoiding the harm.

Backlight and passing me, one attack and one defense, can be perfectly combined.

The third move, called disorderly life. Tianzun can not only understand his own destiny, but also change the destiny of others, but different Tianzun have different strengths and weaknesses in this field. Random life is to disrupt the opponent's fate, greatly reduce its strength, and reduce damage. It is a combination of offense and defense.

Backlighting, passing me, and dying, the three moves are combined into one, which is called the past blow.

After performing the past three moves, Li Xing tried to operate. Because these three moves involve the field of destiny, it is very labor-intensive when it is performed, and it is necessary to rely on the strength of the seven major infants.

The strength of a life-saving infant was taken by Li Xing for one millionth, and burned with the help of Yuanyuan Ding, which was completely transformed into the fighting power of the backlight. Li Xing couldn't control this horrible force, and punched into the void with a punch.


Thousands of kingdoms of tens of thousands of gods shattered, and Li Xing's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. He was shocked and said, "It's so powerful! It seems that this trick cannot be easily implemented, and even I myself will be damaged!"

Thanks to his physical arrogance, Da Luozhen was twenty-seven heavy. There was no ancient man before him, and no one came after him. He could barely hold it down.

With one punch, the splendid brilliance blooms in the void, and no power can be seen. This kind of killing technique must be performed on people in order to show its power.

Immediately, he drew another one-millionth of his strength and hit me the second time. As soon as this punch came out, his entire body became empty and empty, and it seemed that it was no longer of this age.

This is a defensive technique. After playing, the effect is even less visible, but it is shocked again. This time, there are tens of thousands of **** kingdoms shattered.

Li Xing's eyes widened and he drank, "Disorder!"

The third punch was thrown, and the unruly life of the past third move was exhibited. With this move, time was chaotic and his destiny was reversed. The shock he received was even stronger. Tens of thousands of gods exploded. He almost fell to the ground, his face pale.

"One of these three moves is scary and terrified. I am afraid that he will be scared. It is a pity that I cannot perform these three moves in succession. These three moves can be performed at most two times. In addition, the three strokes combined in one past blow , Now it ca n’t play at all. If you force it, you will be fatally injured, killing a thousand enemies, and self-damaging 800. ”

Li Xing secretly was shocked, and has generally understood the power of the past three moves.

Later, he repaired the injuries and let the ruined nearly half-god kingdom gradually recover as before. At the same time, I am also learning about the current three moves and the future three moves. However, he never drilled again, lest he be harmed again.

In Li Xing's prediction, the power of the three moves is still higher than the past three. You know, the enemy is the most powerful now, and only with the most powerful lethality can he kill the enemy.

As for the next three moves, it is even more mysterious. Li Xing still can't figure out what. Before he becomes Datianzun, I am afraid that he will not be able to perform the next three moves.

In the future, he will be able to hit the past, present, future, and three strikes in one, which will produce even more unpredictable lethality. Until then, the killing technique he created will be considered a great success.

While recovering, while enlightening, unknowingly, it was time to enter the heavenly embargo. On this day, the fierce Da Tianzun personally came to deliver it to Li Xing. This order is a qualification to enter the embargo.

The fierce power of the Venerable God is unfathomable, his status is high, and he has the power to recommend a number of monks to the heavenly embargo. This order is one of his recommended places and is a proof.

After taking the amulet, Li Xing entered the fighting fierce academy, and the only teleportation array leading to the heavenly court, Guanghua flashed, and he was already walking in time and space.

The central pure land is located on the top of the nine days. It is built on the foundation of the nine days, and is boundless and composed of many large worlds. It connects the four wastelands, it is an extremely great place, and the heaven is built in it.

At the end of the teleportation, Li Xing's eyes brightened and he showed his figure. He looked around and found himself in a temple at this time. Vaguely, he felt a heavy force that put pressure on his plane.

Several gold-armored soldiers gathered around Li Xing and asked, "This place is the eighteenth entrance to the central pure land. Come and name it!"

Li Xing surrendered the sign and said: "Li Xing, a student of the fighting school, was ordered to join the Heavenly Guards, and asked some military grandpas to let it go."

These gold armored soldiers, all of them are the second most important cultivation, and their aggressiveness is definitely not a provocative character. Of course, for Li Xing, they are not very powerful people, but he doesn't want to cause trouble at the moment, so he is very polite.

The soldiers in the armor had seen the signboards and saw that Li Xing really wanted to join the Heavenly Guards, and his face could not help but admire his expression. He said, "It turned out to be a man in the guards. Everything is good, please come in." Give a pass to Li Xing, with which you can officially enter the Central Pure Land.

Li Xing nodded and walked out of the temple under the guidance of the soldiers in the armor. This temple is built on a jumping point in time and space. There are more than 3,000 similar points. If you want to enter the central pure land, you must pass these points and get the permission of Heaven.

Of course, there are some supernatural beings who are able to enter and exit freely. These places are a falsehood for them, but Li Xing has not yet reached that level, and must go through the program obediently, otherwise he will be killed on the spot.

The strength of heaven, Li Xing never dare to underestimate. I don't know how many legendary great deities, epic great deities, and even ancient great deities serve the heaven. The resources, strength, and power possessed by the court of heaven are not something that a small person can compete against.

Now, all he has to do is to enter the heavenly courts, build achievements, and promote cultivation.

Out of the temple, you enter a chaotic space-time. Only Tianzun can pass through this chaotic space-time at will, and Zhunzun cannot pass. Li Xing walked in the direction of the central pure land according to the coordinates.

A moment later, the pass symbol held in Li Xing's hand flashed a brilliance, which immediately triggered the laws of heaven and earth. A space-time tunnel appeared in front of him, and Li Xing got in. Guanghua flows, time and space change, and in an instant, people enter an infinite and vast world.

After a while, Li Xing felt all over and felt a tremendous power. Under this power, ordinary Celestial beings cannot even fly, and can only walk like ordinary people in the world.

However, the benefits are obviously easy to see, and there are countless avenue rules that are intertwined everywhere, and they are too breathless. Celestial beings can learn from these avenue rules to complete their own Tao.

As for Li Xing, the benefits are even greater. He directly opened up the Yuanyuan Realm, absorbed a large number of laws, and then completed his own Yuanyuan Avenue. We must know that there are countless people living in the Central Pure Land who have lived nine or even ten times.

These great celestial deities are not the strongmen born in the yin and yang dynasties, and the avenue rules on them originate from different civilizations. These civilizations include the light-brained civilization enlightened by Li Xing, the civilization of immortals, the civilization of battles, and so on.

With just one breath, Li Xing felt that he had benefited a lot, rejoicing in his heart, and secretly said: "The central pure land is really a great place. Countless celestial beings have created it with life. No wonder the heavens must be established here!"

"Yin and Yang are opposite. I don't know if the place where the land government is located is also as great as the central pure land." Li Xing heart trembled.

The first feeling that appeared in the central pure land was shock, and then it was to observe the surrounding environment. At this time, he was standing on a large square, and there were constantly empty tunnels over the square, and monks came in and out constantly. They were all like Li Xing who came to heaven.

The first time he entered the central pure land, Li Xing smeared his eyes. He didn't know anything, so he asked about it. It happened that a monk just landed nearby and had to walk.

This monk is a triple deity who changed his life, with a calm expression and a slow walk. He seemed to speak well, so Li Xing stepped forward to ask.

"This friend, please." Li Xing stepped forward to ask, very polite.

The monk stopped, looked at Li Xing, and smiled, "Is something wrong with my brother?"

Li Xingdao: "My younger brother came to the Pure Land of the Central Committee for some time. Please ask Taoist friends about some things."

The monk laughed, "If you have any questions, ask them, but one question requires a flying charm."

Li Xingyi: "What is a flying symbol?"

"This is the first question ~ www.readwn.com ~" The other side said with a smile, "The central pure land has strong rules, and Tianzun cannot fly freely. Only Big Tianzun can fly short distances. Therefore, flying sky boats have been set up in each of the big cities in the heavenly courts, and they can only be boarded on board by flying amulets. "

Li Xing froze, thinking of the buses of the previous life, this flying sky boat is simply like. After stopping for a moment, he took out the forged crystal and asked, "Can this be replaced?"

The other person shook his head: "You are already asking the second question. In the Central Pure Land, the spar of creation is everywhere. As a reminder, if you do n’t have a flying charm on your body, you can use the full long-range throwing rule of Heaven. Cultivate heavenly killing. "

Li Xing said nothing, reached out his hand and found a group of Guanghua, this group of Guanghua represents a law of heaven respect. He killed a lot of celestial beings, and there were a lot of unrefined ones on his body, but the quality was not good, otherwise he would not stay to this day.

The other side glanced and nodded: "This Heavenly Supreme Rule is of low quality. You can change twenty flying symbols, so you can ask me twenty questions. There are eighteen remaining."


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