Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 968: New arrival

Chapter 968: The First Coming

Chapter 968

Li Xingxin said that this man was really good at calculating, and counted the two previous questions asked casually, but he didn't care about such small things, and said immediately: "Okay, the third question, I want to know where it is. "

"Here is a small town on the edge of heaven, called Xijicheng. Compared with those big cities in heaven, it is very small." The monk said.

Next, Li Xing asked one question after another. It turned out that the West Pole City was developed as a border checkpoint and belongs to the fringe area of ​​the central pure land.

Xijiguan is not far to the west, which is full of dangerous seas of time and space. The sea of ​​time and space contains countless dangerous time and space, and even the Supreme Master is unwilling to go easily. You can reach Xihuang through the sea of ​​time and space.

Strictly speaking, Xihuang is no longer part of the central pure land. Heaven was established here, the purpose is to prevent the invasion from the wild west. In the wild west, there are many powerful monks, monsters, and demon heads, and sometimes they rush into the pure land.

Those dangers are abnormal. Once found, the border officers will kill them, so as not to cause chaos in the pure land.

For the entire heavenly court, West Pole City is not even a small cattle, it is a small city. However, it is such a small place where thousands of monks live.

The Central Pure Land is home to a large number of indigenous people. They are different from the heavens and the heavens outside the heavens, but they are also called heaven and earth. These people were born strong because they were born in Jodo.

These people, once born, have the strength of the Celestial Series, and when they are adults, they also have the strength of the Celestial Master. In addition, heaven and man practice quickly, and most of the heavenly celestial bodies in the heavenly courts are natives of the central pure land.

The heavenly soldiers and celestial soldiers in Tianting are also of indigenous origin. Their combat power is stronger than that of monks outside. For example, in this West Pole city, the indigenous people make up 80%.

Most of the indigenous strengths can reach the level of heaven. But this is because of their own arrogance. In their own realm, they are generally in the ranks of half and quasi-respects, and all the generations who have achieved heavenly respect have amazing combat power.

The West Pole is not safe. It is often invaded by the wild creatures in the West, and wars often occur. Tianting has 50,000 heavenly soldiers stationed here, and its combat effectiveness is amazing.

There are many small towns like the West Pole bordering the entire border of West Xinjiang. It is rumored that the heavenly court is likely to go to war against the Four Desolates, and by then, the West Pole City will be turned into ruins.

Li Xing also asked how to get to the place where the Tianting embargo was located, and the other party's answer made him very depressed. It turns out that this place is 2,400 miles away from the core of Heaven, where the Emperor sits.

That is to say, if you want to reach the embargo, you have to traverse as large as 2,400 large worlds. You know, this is the central pure land, and Da Tianzun can't fly easily, let alone him.

Li Xing tried it out. Although he can forcefully break through the air like Da Tianzun, he can only walk thousands of miles each time. How big is a big world? Those are the great worlds established by the Great Heavenly Lords of the Nineth and Tenth Century, with millions and thousands of miles.

For the 2,400 big worlds, Li Xing may have to spend all his life before he could arrive. After thinking about it, it seems that only flying boats can be used. According to the monk, there are flying boats everywhere in the entire Pure Land.

Even so, Li Xing was still very upset. Because flying boats often fly only within the same large world, in other words, if Li wants to enter the heavenly embargo, he must take more than 2,400 flying boats.

The time for each ride on the flying boat is not short, ranging from ten days and a half months to as many as half a year or even several years. This is undoubtedly unworkable. So he asked if there was a better way, and the answer was that he could try to teleport a large array.

The teleportation array is a more advanced vehicle than a flying boat, but it costs a lot. Through the teleportation matrix, each ordinary large world distance will be charged three thousand flying symbols.

Li Xing will need to fly tens of millions of flying symbols to reach a distance of 2,400 great worlds. And even if he can afford it, there are no teleportation arrays available in the ten big worlds nearby.

After Li Xing asked questions, the monk said with a smile: "I took the things, and finally answered a question for free, my name is Qian Cong."

"Sure enough smart, seeing money is smarter." Li Xing defamated, then politely sent the other away.

After sending Qian Cong away, Li Xing began to think about what to do. Today, he has two problems to solve. First, he doesn't even have a flying one. He has to get some busy so that he can use the teleportation array.

Second, he has to cross more than a dozen large worlds and enter places with large teleportation. During this journey, he decided to walk on his own so as to enjoy the environment of a central pure land. This process is undoubtedly full of variables. He may encounter trouble, and he must be careful.

Thoughtful, Li Xing left the square and followed the flow of people to walk outside the square. Gradually, the environment in front of him became more and more open, and he saw a vast city, which was the West Pole City.

The square at this moment is just a place outside the West Pole. At that time, he was transported here by the power of the Central Pure Land with the pass. In his view, this should be a kind of experience given by heaven. If not, it will be transmitted directly to the embargo, not such a small side town.

The inhabitants of the Antarctic City are composed of the ascendant Celestial Being from the Nether and the local indigenous people. These people are very busy, and they are doing all kinds of business like ordinary people.

The central pure land, like the world, has currency in circulation, except that the currency here is a good fortune made by the rule of Tianzun Avenue. The alchemy can help Tianzun to improve and even break through.

There are four types of fortune alchemy. The first type is for life-saving fortune, which is refined by the principle of the destiny of destiny; the second type is for life change, which is created by the principle of the destiny of destiny; the third type is Li Ming created the chemical Dan, refining with the principle of the road of Li Ming Tianzun. There is also the fourth category, called the Dazhanhuadan, which is the most precious of the principles of the avenues of the Great Celestial Being born directly by civilizations.

The four types of good fortune can be exchanged for each other. The ratio is generally between one to ten and one to twenty, depending on the quality of the chemical alchemy, and the ratio of exchange is different for different qualities.

A life-changing fortune can buy about 20 to 50 flying amulets. The basis for the valuation of the Tianzun Avenue rule given by Qian Cong to Li Xing is here. Twenty flying amulets are the lowest price.

Fortune Dan is extremely useful to most Celestial Beings. For example, if a deity who has lost his life can swallow enough fortune-changing creatures, then there is a great opportunity to enter the level of life-changing. By the same token, if a destiny of heaven is devoured, if he has swallowed up enough of the great alchemy, he will have the opportunity to become a great deity.

In the West Pole city, people are coming and going, and they are doing their own business. Li Xing strolls and sees the shops on both sides, and the pedestrians are like weaving. At this time, seven little Jinwu yelled in the mixed realm.

"Teacher, let's go out for a long time, and ask the Lord to complete."

Li Xing thought about it, and they detained together. Suddenly, seven beautiful teenagers appeared beside Li Xing, all with naughty faces on their faces. Now, they are all like Li Xing, they are the third realm of killing, and their strength is extraordinary.

Personally, I followed Li Xing like a fart, looking around, full of curiosity.

"Fried Phoenix Egg Fried Rice.

"The spiced Tengu meat is from the most primitive Tengu in Xihuang. It is delicious and cheap. Come and see ..."

"Colorful silkworm clothing can withstand the blow of Liming Tianzun, quality assurance, and reasonable price ..."

There are shouts everywhere, and it's dazzling. From time to time, Li Xing stopped and watched, but he really wanted to buy a few things, but he had no one at all.

Li Huojin was the eldest of the seven. He followed Li Xing rashly and said with a stern face, "Master, the buns made of dog meat should be delicious that day, and the food made by Jinxian rice is really fragrant."

"Yes, there is also a strong tiger bone soup, alas, Dabu!" Li Huoyin also said.

Then Li Huotong, Li Huoquan, Li Huoquan, Li Huofei, and Li Huoyang each uttered a long list of food names, drooling and staring at the host Li Xing.

Li Xing was very embarrassed and had no money on his body. He rolled his eyes and said, "What is delicious? The dog meat is too fat, the Phoenix eggs are too fishy, ​​and the tiger soup is too hot ..."

The seven teenagers faced bitterly and closed their mouths helplessly.

A group of eight people walked on the street. Sixteen eyes looked around. Everyone could see that they were the first buns. Before long, someone appeared in front of Li Xing.

This person should be a local aboriginal, quasi-respect level, but the strength is not weaker than killing the deity. He hesitated and smiled: "Some, do you want to find work?"

Li Xingzheng was short of money. Several juniors wanted to eat snacks. He didn't have the money to buy it. It didn't feel very good. Upon hearing this, his heart moved and asked: "What work? How do you calculate wages?"

"Escort the caravan trip ~ www.readwn.com ~ One trip, pay no less than ten fatal fortunes, use it back and forth for not too long, not more than ten days." The humane, "I see eight people, strength It's also strong, it's good for this kind of work. "

Li Huojin hurriedly said, "Leader, a fatal creature can buy ten cages of Tengu meat buns, which is a good business."

Li Xing glared at him, and the latter quickly closed his mouth, laughing.

"Which caravan?" Li Xing asked, and he had to figure out who to work for.

"The Qiao family caravan." The other side grinned, with a simple expression, "Several people can rest assured that there will be a lot of wages, and there will not be too many dangers on the road. Most of the time, we are safe.

After thinking for a moment, Li Xing nodded: "Okay, we have picked this up, please lead the way. I want to see the owner."

When I first arrived, I always had to put a few dollars on my body. At present, doing some work is the best way. Therefore, Li Xing, eight apprentices, followed the monk to the Qiao family caravan.


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