Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 83: 1 Anger Kill

Training blood is tenfold, the whole body's bones, muscles, and tendons can flex freely, so that the power of "blood king" can erupt. Li Xing's grasp was the sudden extension of the arm, which produced a wonderful effect.

Qian Qiansan felt that an iron clamp was on his leg, screaming in horror, and the other leg, a little back, had to kick the other side.

兴 Li Xing shrank his arm fiercely and threw Qian San back violently. At the same time, he shook hands. This trembling caused great damage to people. During the beating, Qian San's body "clicked" and his bones shattered by two-thirds.


摔 The strength of this fall was huge, the solid ground was smashed and sunk a bit, Qian Sanyi's bones were broken, his whole body muscles were broken, his mouth was spitting a few mouthfuls of blood, and his legs were breathless.

At the moment of death, Qian San stared at Li Xing with resentful eyes.

"You ... you actually killed Qiansan!" Li Zheng held his hands to the ground, kept backing, his face horrified. He suddenly realized that the man in front of him, even Wang Yang, was seriously injured, and he was so brave. What else was he afraid to do?

Li Xing turned his face, and the killing light flashed in a pair of eyes. He said arbitrarily, "Killing one is killing, killing ten is also killing. Li Zheng, you said, should I kill you?"

Li screamed in horror and screamed, "Don't kill me! I'm wrong, I shouldn't offend you, I won't dare ..."

Suddenly, Xu Guang lowered his head aside and didn't dare to put one.

兴 Li Xing ignored Li Zheng for mercy, he came to Xu Guang.

"Stop!" The figure flashed, and Murong Jiaojiao stood in front of Li Xing. She stared at Li Xing. "You know what would happen to kill Xu Guang?"

Li Xing stepped back and said lightly, "I didn't say he was going to be killed, Lord Murong, thank you for your concern." He walked over, raised the frightened Li Zheng, and strode out of the restaurant.

The man walked away, Xu Guang suddenly laughed loudly, his smile was extremely cruel, and very happy.

Wu Murong Jiaojiao sighed: "Your cousin is dead, are you still laughing?"

Xu Guang slowly stood up and pointed at Xu Yingfeng's body: "You only know that he is from Tianxingmen, but you don't know that he is a disciple of Qiyun faction, and has a marriage contract with the daughter of the elder of Qiyun faction! Xu Yingfeng, Li Xing is dead, even if he is Li Ziran, he will die as well! "

Wu Murongjiao frowned, showing a long sigh. At this point, even if he was the county owner, he could not help Li Xing.

Li Zheng was dragged along by Li Xing all the way to Sanyi Garden. When the gatekeeper saw Li Xing's murderous look, he did not dare to ask questions, and evaded from a distance.

He entered the garden, and Li Yuan was the first to hear the news. He rushed out and saw that Li Zheng was caught. He yelled, "Li Xing, what are you doing?"

Li Zheng is the second son of Li Changyuan, and Li Changyuan is also the fourth brother of Li Ziyuan's half-brother. Therefore, at the sight of Li Yuan, he immediately spoke out.

This Li Yuan is not okay. As soon as he appeared, Li Xing remembered the death of Li Huganniang. This ruthless man did not let go of a blind old lady! He killed several people in a row, with a strong intention to kill in his chest. At that moment, he smiled decisively, and his eyes were doomed to Li Yuan, and Shen said, "Li Yuan, you a dog slave, dare to teach me!"

Abandoning Li Zheng, Li Xing stepped out, and Tian Lei flashed into action. He turned into a red shadow and suddenly came to Li Yuan.

This Li Yuan is a character who practiced blood and is also a master. It is a pity that in the face of Li Xing, who has a lot of practice and blood, he becomes vulnerable.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

I felt a fierce howling wind oppressed, Li Yuan was frightened.

He didn't even have time to lift his arms, and his chest had even hit four punches, as if the mountain came over, and the internal contusion was hit hard.


In the distance, Li Ying's voice came, and the dual-practice figure was shocked, turned into a white shadow, and rushed towards Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled fiercely, grabbing Li Yuan's shoulders with his left and right hands, and shouting: "Kill!"


The sky was full of flesh and blood, Li Yuan, a blood-heavy figure, was torn into two pieces by Li Sheng. The two corpses were thrown by Li Xing, and he hurled into Li Ying with a blast.

杰 Li Jie has to deal with him, Li Zheng has to deal with him, Sanyi Garden has to deal with him, even Xu Guang, Qian San, etc., are full of enemies. This time, Li Xing's anger was completely ignited, and he could no longer contain the murder in his heart.

In the face of such a **** scene, Rao is Li Ying who has seen a lot of the world and was shocked by Li Xing's fierce strength. He hurriedly slaps and patted the body away. He also stopped in midair and looked at Li Xing in surprise.

He killed Li Yuan, Li Xing looked back at Li Ying, and said coldly, "Li Ying, this dog slave deserves to die, I killed him, do you have something to say?"

英 Li Ying's heart ignited an unknown fire, and he couldn't hold back the flames. He laughed loudly: "Okay! Good! You are becoming more and more lawless! Even if I kill you today, Li naturally has nothing to say!"

Li Zheng on the ground suddenly shouted, "Uncle, he just killed a scholar who practiced dualism!"

英 Li Ying's heart is about to shoot, what? How could Li Xing actually kill the two scholars who practiced dual qi? He was a cautious person, and he did not dare to rush to Li Xing again, with a pair of eyes, glanced at Li Xing in uncertainty.

With anger, Li Xing killed three people in a row, but he understood that although he had a silk wing sword, he was not 100% sure to defeat Li Ying ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing that Li Xing had not started, he calmed down and shouted "Li Ying, if Li Jie dared to mess with me, I will kill him!" Then he glanced at Li Zheng and returned to Zizhuwan in a stride.

英 Li Ying opened his eyes and watched Li Xing leave. His anger was nowhere to be vented. He slaps his palms to the ground, only to hear a loud noise. A large pit with a diameter of several meters appeared on the hard ground, and the smoke was billowing.

Soon, Li Jie, Li Fei and others all hid. They knew what happened, Li Xing killed Xu Yingfeng, Qian San, and Li Yuan. They were all afraid, fearing that Li Xing would kill them.

In a secret room, Li Jie and others sat together, everyone's face was ugly.

"He's crazy!" Chen Xia sighed. "We shouldn't fight with a lunatic, we'll make ourselves lost."

Li Jie's face turned pale, and he trembled, "What should I do?"

Chen Xia is the calmest of all: "To deal with Li Xing, it is not our ability to reach it. It depends on three homeowners."

At the same time, Li Ying also faced Tieqing and discussed countermeasures with Bai Pingdu and Chen Jinsong.

"Can't wait any longer, and go on like this, Sanyiyuan can't control him, and was destroyed by this lunatic! He is even more lawless than Li Ziran, and Li Ziran dare not do such things." Chen Xia Shensheng Road.

英 Li Ying took a deep breath: "In another 20 days, a recruitment order will come down. At that time, I will personally send Li Xing away and let him live on his own!"

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