Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 84: Qingquan Zhen

Chapter 84: Qingquan Town

Late at night, Li Xingpan sat in Zizhu Wan. He recalled everything he did today and realized that his situation was already very dangerous.

"In a while, you can become a foreign disciple of the Qiyun group. This opportunity cannot be missed. However, I have offended Sanyiyuan. Li Ying, they may not let me go well."

"The best way is to disappear for a while. But if I hide, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang will have trouble." Thinking of this, Li Xing had to decide to stay, the soldiers came to block, the water came to cover.

When the sky was clear and unknown, a figure suddenly flashed into the bamboo tower, and it was the messenger of the news. The ambassador bowed down to Li Xing and said, "Young master, the villain has something to report."

"What is it?" Li Xing opened his eyes and asked lightly. After experiencing a killing, he became more calm.

"Recently, unfamiliar faces frequently appear in Qingyun City, and these people are all warriors who have practiced eight or more blood, and even some of them have practiced Qi. The villain speculates that something may happen in Qingyun City."

"What changed?" Li Xing became interested.

The messenger of news has been engaged in news gathering for many years. He has rich experience and stated his speculation: "In the opinion of a villain, the thing that can alarm so many superiors is most likely a treasure. It may be elixir or peerless. Gongfa or magical instruments, in short, must be the same treasure that makes everyone excited. "

"Treasure!" Li Xing's eyes flickered slightly and he asked, "Is there a clue?"

The news replied: "Two things are very strange. One is that Wang Zixing frequently dispatches people like a close enemy. Now it is not a war. This behavior is very strange. At first, the villain thought Wang Yang was to deal with the young master. . But now it seems that their purpose is also for the baby. Second, a large number of people from the Qiyun faction appeared, and they appeared at this time, intriguing. "

Li Xing's heart jumped so that Wang Zixing and Qi Yunpai could have such a big move, that baby must be extraordinary! He pondered for a moment and instructed the news: "So many masters gather, then things must be no small matter, and there must be countless masters participating in the competition. Compared with them, our strength is very weak. So, mainly for inquiries."

"If you have a chance, you can take a shot. But if the risk is too great, you don't have to force it." Although Li Xing desperately wanted to get that unknown treasure, he has a self-knowledge. In the face of many strong men, his side is not dominant .

"Yes!" The message messenger retreated, and Li Xing was lost in thought.

When Li Xing met the messenger of news, several forces in Qingyun City were making their own calculations.

In an ordinary house, a man in a green robe with a silver mask was commanding his subordinates.

"Tian Xie Jing" has appeared, this script is very important to me, Tsing Yi Men, we must find a way to get it! "

One of his subordinates said: "The protagonist, Wang Zixing and Qi Yunpai have also received news. These are two powerful forces. It is not easy to grab the evil evil scriptures from them."

"Although Wang Zixing is a disciple of the Qi Yun faction, he never wants the Tian Xing Jing to fall into the hands of the Qi Yun faction. And with the wisdom of Wang Zi Xing, he will not know how to turn his face with the Qi Yun faction, but will take some secret disturbances. Way. Then we have a chance. "

Li Xing practiced in Zizhuwan for three days. This evening, the messenger of the message appeared again, bringing a major message: "Little Master, Qi Yunpai, Wang Zixing, and a group of mysterious forces, gathered at the same time in the east of Qingquan Town. Xiao It is speculated that Nine Points of the Tianxie Jing may appear in Qingquan Town. "

Li Xing opened his eyes slightly, thought for a while, and asked, "Is there anyone in Qingquan Town?"

The messenger replied: "In Qingquan Town, there is a message transfer point. There are two of us. It's the news they sent."

After groaning for a moment, Li Xing narrowed his eyes and said, "So many people gather in Qingquan Town, maybe they can touch the fish in muddy water! But before that, they must dive into Qingquan Town."

Message messenger: "It's easy, leave it to the villain!"

Wuqingquan Town has a radius of five miles and lives in thousands of families. A road runs through the town and leads to Qingyun City. Even if you walk, it only takes about an hour. At this moment, Ma Peilin, a wealthy household in the town east of Qingquan Town, brought Zhuangzhong servants, prepared a plate of water and wine, and waited at the town mouth.

Ma Peilin is waiting for a brother he hasn't seen for a long time.

A smoke gradually appeared in front of the cricket, the hoof sound approached, and two fast horses appeared. Approaching, Ma Peilin saw that there was a young man and a middle-aged man sitting on the two horses, and they were there in a moment.

The two men dismounted, the middle-aged man hurried over, and bowed down to Ma Peilin, and said, "Brother!"

沛 Ma Peilin's old tears flowed: "Second brother, a long time ago, I lost your news. I didn't expect that in my lifetime, you and my brother will be able to meet!" Booing for a while, his eyes fell on the young people.

Middle-aged people are actually dressed as messengers, while young people are Li Xing. Both changed their looks and costumes and entered Qingquan Town to look for opportunities. And this Ma Peilin is naturally one of the subordinates that the news planted in Qingquan Town.

Ma Peilin is a relatively well-known person in the town, happy and kind. Today he found his brother who had been separated for many years, and the townspeople who had a close relationship with him all came to congratulate him.

Li Xing and the messenger of the message entered Ma Peilin's home under the pretext of seeking relatives ~ www.readwn.com ~ After staying in the living room, Ma Peilin stepped down and immediately turned the whole color, respectfully bowing to the two of Li Xing: "The villain sees the messenger See Young Master! "

Li Xing lifted him up and laughed: "No need to be polite, you have been here for many years, you have worked hard."

沛 Ma Peilin was flattered: "Everything from the little man was given by the young master, and he didn't dare to say hard work." He paused, "Young master, the little man has roughly figured it out." Now, he said what he knew.

More than a month ago, an injured person entered Qingquan Town. Ma Peilin's family was rich, and Zhuang Shang raised a lot of dealers. Seeing that the man was in trouble, he accepted it. However, this person was seriously injured. For more than a month, the injury not only did not improve, but became more and more serious.

Now, he is dying and may die at any time. However, just a few days ago, a large number of strangers began to appear in Qingquan Town, and in all likelihood, they would appear near Ma Peilin's courtyard.

He realized that something was wrong, and Ma Peilin immediately sent the news out, so that the messenger of the news paid attention to it and made a full investigation, thus inferring the conclusion that the Tianxie Jing appeared in Qingquan Town.

The messenger of the news already knew the general situation, but Li Xing, and there were many things unclear. At this time, he asked, "What is the cultivation of this person?"

沛 Ma Peilin shook his head: "The villain is just a triple training of blood and can't see it. But the villain can feel that the opponent's strength is very strong, and the momentum seems not weaker than the master's."

Li Xing: "So, he is at least a fighter who is practicing triple Qi!"

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