Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 85: Beichen Luo

Ma Peilin added: "However, this person was seriously injured and could not reach his full strength."

Li Xing thought about it carefully, and slowly asked, "Are you sure this person is on the verge of death?"

沛 Ma Peilin nodded with certainty: "Yes, the young master, when this man came, he was going to die. If the villain sent someone to take care of him, he would not live today."

"Tian Xing Jing is on this person?" Li Xing asked the point.

Ma Peilin shook his head: "The villain can't be sure, but all the clues prove that the Tian Xing Jing is indeed on him. Otherwise, it won't attract so many masters."

Li Xing thought for a while, and suddenly asked the two: "If a person knows that he will die, will he leave the Tian Xing Jing with him and let his enemies get it?"

The messenger of the news flashed, saying: "If it is a villain, the villain will hide the evil scriptures in advance, and never let the enemy get it."

沛 Ma Peilin also said: "Not only should the Tian Xing Jing be hidden, but the subordinates must also change their place to lead the enemy away so that they will never find it."

兴 Li Xing nodded: "Even if you think so, this person is also not stupid. He should not leave the Tian Xing Jing on his body. So no one can get the Tian Xing Jing today. We sit back and watch the tiger fight with peace of mind."

The Ma Ma family opened a banquet shortly afterwards, and invited the neighbors to accompany them. A meal was eaten until the evening. Li Xing and the messenger stayed like this and spent the first night.

This evening, Qingquan Town was very peaceful. At least three groups of people secretly surrounded the courtyard of the Ma family. But no one did it first, it seemed that they were waiting.

Fang Hou Wangxing and Wang Yang are discussing in a humble dwelling in Qingqingquan.

Wang Wangyang was very angry: "Hateful! The people of Qiyun faction have arrived too, Father, what can we do? We can't rob them?" Without the support of Qiyun faction, Wang Zixing could not do this. Moreover, the Qi Yun faction is extremely powerful, and it is not something Wang Zixing can compete with.

Xun Wangxing frowned: "Of course you can't tear your face! However, the evil scriptures are too great this day, how can you send them for nothing?"

"What can the father do?" Wang Yang asked anxiously, and he wanted to see the Heavenly Sutra in his heart, so that he could practice the magic.

Wang Zixing sneered: "Do you think Beichen is so good to deal with? Qi Yun faction has never shot, just to avoid Beichen's dying blow. Even if he is seriously injured, he can also kill the Qi level. character."

"There are only a few people in the Qiyun faction who have practiced at the level of God. This time they have not been dispatched. If they want to subdue Beichen, they must pay the price. So we just have to wait until Qiyun faction can't help."

"Father, who knows who hurt Bei Chenluo?" Wang Yang asked in surprise, "the master who trains the gods! Those who can hurt him must be more powerful!"

Xun Wangxing shook his head: "Only Beichen Luo knows this." He paused. "It seems that there are still a group of people who are working on the idea of ​​Heavenly Evil Classics. This is the best way to restrain Qi Yun faction."

The west of the dwelling house where Prince Wang Xing and his son lived, about a mile away, was where Qiyun sent all the people together.

The Qi Qiyun faction is the largest faction in Pingguo. At this moment, there are ten masters who practice qi, gathered in the houses. Of the ten scholars, the strongest one is already five-strong.

The gentleman with a strong temperament is a middle-aged man with short beard. He wears a blue robe, has a short and sharp body, and has sharp eyes. He glanced at the remaining nine disciples of Qi Yun, and Shen said, "Beichen Luo is an extremely dangerous character. When he came, the elders taught that he must wait until Beichenluo was the weakest in combat."

One disciple said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Wuyun, the strength of God training is too scary. Why don't several elders training God level come forward? But let us do it, isn't it too dangerous?"

The man known as Brother Wuyun gave the disappointed disciple a glance: "What do you know? Shimen received the news that the big demon head corpse might go to the Qiyun pie in the near future and **** several treasures. In this way, How can some elders dare to leave the martial arts? "

况 "Besides, that Beichen Luo was slapped by the first master of the country, Ao Jianxue, and it is extremely difficult to survive. If a person is about to die, if we can no longer afford it, we are still worthy of being a disciple of Qiyun?"

With this remark, everyone closed their mouths and did not dare to complain again.

Brother Wuyun slowed his tone and said, "The" Xian Xing Jing "has been in Tian Yuan Zhou for a long time. It is the Xuan Xie Wu Jing written by the Emperor Tian Xie. If I can get it, it will be of great help to the Qi Yunpai. , Ten of us will do a great job and get a great reward! "

The forces of all parties stayed still, and Qingquan Town remained calm on the surface. The day after Li Xing came to Ma Peilin's house, Ma Peilin accompanied him to the backyard. The backyard of the Ma family is very large, which is where the Zhuangs live.

In a vast courtyard, there are many houses, large and small. There was a humble wooden house with the door closed.

When I reached the room, Ma Peilin stepped forward and knocked on the door. He said, "Hello man, I've hired a doctor for you, which may be able to cure your illness."

A cold male voice came from the mortuary: "Thank you, no need."

Ma Peilin and Li Xing looked at each other, and he smiled: "Don't you believe he can cure your illness? This doctor, but a master who has trained ten great bloods, and is proficient in medicine. Good man, do n’t miss the illness, let him Mr. Yi took a look ~ www.readwn.com ~ The people in the room were silent for a while, and finally said, "Thank you, please come in. "

沛 Ma Peilin pushed open the room and entered with Li Xing.

As soon as Xun entered the room, Li Xing saw a sick middle-aged man sitting in the room and looking at him half-opened.

This middle-aged man is just a powerful figure in Beichenluo's training. Li Xing came here to take a look at his condition.

Facing a heavy master of God training, Li Xing looked natural and strode forward. He first observed for a while, and found that Beichen Luo's face was dim, and he could not feel that he was a master of God training.

After watching for a while, Li Xing sighed and turned to Ma Peilin: "Master, this person is very ill, and the villain can't cure him!"

沛 Ma Peilin was surprised: "Can't heal? You are a doctor who trains blood so much, why can't he?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Medicine does not die, and manpower is sometimes exhausted."

Wu Beichen's eyes lightened slightly: "The medical doctor does not die, sometimes the manpower is exhausted. Well said!" He finally opened his eyes completely. A pair of cold eyes appeared, and that look made Li Xing's heart fret.

After he finished speaking, Beichen Luo showed a sneer: "You don't have to act anymore. Say, do you also want to rob Tian Xing Jing?"

沛 Ma Peilin's face changed greatly, and Li Xing looked as usual, and actually nodded: "Yes, Mr. Beichen is worthy of God. Even if he is injured, he is admirable."

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