Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 86: Beichenluo's choice

Bei Beichen smiled coldly: "I have learned your every move since you entered this village."

Li Xing sighed: "In the legend, people who practiced at the level of God can release their consciousness and explore things in the distance. It seems that this is true."

In Beichen Luo's eyes, there was a touch of interest, staring at Li Xing: "If I were you, it would not be so easy. You know, even if I am injured, I can easily kill you."

Li Xing nodded: "I understand that even if I am practicing Qi, I still can't escape the gentleman's blow."

"But you don't seem to be worried." Bei Chen Luo said.

Li Xingdao: "Why does Mr. Beichen kill me?"

"You, like those people, want to fight the idea of ​​Tian Xing Jing, why don't I kill you?" Bei Chen Luo asked.

Li Xing's thoughts turned sharply, and his heart trembled: "The person in front of him is extremely dangerous, and he must not have the Tian Xing Jing on his body. If you want to get the Tian Xing Jing from his hand, you can only take it intelligently, not rob it."

Thinking about this, he groaned for a while and slowly said: "The people below and outside are completely different." He paused. "There are three groups of people outside. Their purpose is to **** the evil evil and kill Mr. . "

"And in the next, but to cooperate with the husband."

"Do you cooperate with me?" Beichen revealed a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Yes, I want to cooperate with Mr. Beichen." Li Xing looked seriously. "As far as I know, Mr. Beichen was seriously injured, and he was seriously injured, and he will probably not live long."

There was a look of pride in Luo Beichen's face: "Even if I'm about to die, you don't want to get any benefit!"

Li Xing nodded vigorously, and seemed to take it seriously: "Of course, I know that a person like Mr. Beichen was once a powerful man. He is a strong man. The strong man has the dignity of the strong man, and even if he is dead, he will be the strong man. Way to die. I admire it for that. "

Wu Beichen frowned. He couldn't figure out Li Xing's purpose and couldn't help asking: "What are you going to say?"

"I have just said that I am different from the three groups outside, and in the following is to respect the wishes of my husband, and propose to cooperate with my husband. Whether or not to cooperate, how to cooperate, we must obtain the consent of the husband. If the husband does not agree, Never dare to force, nor can you force. "

"Mr. Beichen will soon pass away, and will inevitably leave many regrets. There are many things to do in the future. If Mr. is trustworthy, those outstanding things can be left to do." Li Xing finally said the so-called cooperative contents.

Bei Beichen moved with a look: "Can you help me fulfill my unfinished will? How can I believe you?"

Li Xingrong said: "If you are a believer in Xiaxia, you do n’t need any guarantee, but you must also fulfill your wishes. If you have no faith in Xiaxia, you can keep your promise even if you have more assurance. If you believe in me, you will cooperate. , They do n’t cooperate. "

Bei Beichen smiled with a smile and waved his sleeve: "Go!" Obviously, he did not believe what Li Xing said.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Since Mr. Beichen is unwilling, he will retire temporarily."

Bei Beichen Luo has closed his eyes and let Li Xing retreat.

I returned to the hall, and Ma Peilin exhaled a long breath. He was so nervous just now that he was afraid that Beichen would fall to Li Xing. With his strength, just casually, you can kill both people.

"Master, it was too dangerous just now!" Ma Peilin wiped her cold sweat on her forehead and said with a grin.

Li Xingdao: "Which one is not a maverick, you can kill it. People outside should kill him and rob the Heavenly Sutra. And we should cooperate with him on an equal basis. If it is you, What choice will be made? "

Ma Peilin thought for a moment, eyes brightened, and said, "If you are a subordinate, your subordinates may cooperate with the young master. On the one hand, they will kill my people and rob me of things. On the other hand, they are willing to cooperate with me. People, of course, are willing to choose the latter. "

The messenger of the news was worried and said: "Practice the god-man at the level of God, the idea is different from ordinary people, this method of young masters may not work. However, for now, it is the best way."

I was like this, and another day passed. Qi Yunpai and Wang Zixing did nothing. As a third-party force, Tsing Yi Men also remained unmoved.

In the evening of the third day, Li Xing forgot everything and calm down to cultivate his blood. At this time, in one breath, the speed of blood gas in his body had risen to 480 weeks. The blood gas was so magnificent that it is rare in ancient and modern times.

Li Xing didn't know. When he was practicing blood, there was a trace of God's consciousness that he could not detect, and he was watching him. This consciousness was released by Beichen Luo. After practicing the level of God, you can release God's knowledge and observe the enemy.

In the garden of Houhou, Beichen fell in shock and said, "One breath can be so fast for 480 days!" After careful observation, he found that Li Xing had at least a thousand fighting blood.

"A thousand battles of blood power, even if you meet a character with a heavy training, you can fight!" The more you observe, the more surprised Bei Chen falls.

"How did such vigorous blood come out? Remember when I first practiced the blood, my blood was only 240. It ’s far from such a person!" Beichen fell into his heart, and a little bit of jealousy appeared. A touch of joy.

"With such a grandiose blood, this child's qualifications must be extraordinary, maybe he can reach the level of practicing God in the future. I don't have a long life and a few things can't be achieved. If I entrust him with the unfinished matter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Failure is a solution. "

Li Xing's qualifications and strength made Bei Chenluo be tempted. As Li Xing said, he does have many outstanding wishes. Today, he can't live too long, and once a person dies, things cannot be done, leaving regret.

"But is this person worthy of trust?" Bei Chenluo hesitated. He didn't know Li Xing. With just a few words, he couldn't believe a person.

But after a moment of thinking, Bei Chenluo reluctantly found that if he chooses to trust Li Xing, he still has a little hope of fulfilling his wish. But if he chooses not to trust Li Xing, then there is no chance to fulfill his wish.

"It seems that I have to choose to cooperate with this kid." Bei Chenluo finally made up his mind.

I practiced all night, Li Xing still hasn't made a breakthrough and failed to enter the "empty" state. Without entering the airspace, the innate meridians cannot be sensed and the level of blood training cannot be broken.

The sky was bright at the beginning, and Ma Peilin hurried over, his expression excited and worried, and said, "Young Master, Bei Chen Luo wants to see Young Master!"

Li Xing stood up suddenly, his eyes dazzled again and again: "Go now!"

When Li Xing and the messenger of news appeared in front of Bei Chen, the master of the **** of practice had a smile on his face, which was completely different from yesterday's state.

Li Xing bowed his hand in a gift: "Mr. Beichen, what's the call?"

Bei Beichen smiled slightly and said immediately, "I decided to cooperate with you, but you must prove that you are qualified to cooperate with me!"

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