Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 974: All dead

Chapter 974 All Death

Chapter 974: All Dead

974 All Dead

Su Dasao stared coldly at Cabernet Rex, the latter sweating coldly on her forehead, and she resentfully said, "Well, they are actually members of the Su family in Geng Jincheng. There is a big backing behind them. It is not that I can It's provoking. And these people are very strong, and I'm not an adversary. "

The thoughts in her heart were chaotic, and her eyes fell on the billions of dreamy kingdoms that wrapped Li Xing. The kingdom was disillusioned, and Li Xing could not be seen at all. With a sigh in her heart, Cathay Tianzun knew that it was difficult for her to change anything.

"Your companion is going to fall after a while, do you still have to resist?" The voice of Grandpa Su, as if the judgment of Supreme Being, was ruthless.

Cathay Tianzun did not panic. Although she was unable to rescue Li Xing, she was more confident if she escaped.

Regarding Su Dashao's questioning, Cathay Tianzun ignored it, but just said to the dreamy country: "Honest Taoist, honest Taoist, I am not helping, it is because these people are too strong, the younger sister is unable to do it. Goodbye! "

When the Kasai Tianzun said to go, he walked away, his figure flickered, and he rushed down the mountain into a shadow. Su Dashao's six subordinates were well-prepared, and at the same time they played a boxing shadow to seal the path of the Cabernet, and forced them back to their original positions.

Just at this moment, Su Dasha, who had full confidence in his face, changed his face and yelled "bad".

However, after saying that Li Xing was sealed into the fantasy country, he just felt that right and wrong were reversed everywhere. But a moment later, the chaotic array quickly deduced, and the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods trembled violently.

Hundreds of millions of dream powers were instantly devoured by the kingdom of gods. The Kingdom of One Hundred Spirits is a powerful guard for the Xunyuan Realm, which not only removes the interference of fantasy in the place of the Xuanyuan Realm, but also finally consumes the power of the fantasy.

The power of fantasy should not be cracked. Even after entering the kingdom of the gods, it still continues to make troubles, making the order of the kingdom unsustainable and starting to become chaotic. But soon, Li Xing found a way to deal with it, and turned it into reality.

The kingdom of gods, with the power of faith, has the magic of creating yin and yang, and can be created out of nothing. The changes in the dream were actually created and transformed into reality.

One hundred thousand gods kingdoms, each kingdom cracked part of the power of dreams, and Li Xing was liberated in an instant. He twitched Yuan Yuan stick and screamed, "Break me!"

Hundreds of thousands of fantasy kingdoms issued by the fantasy sword exploded. Li Xing took the Yuanyuan stick and stepped out, as if he was ancient supreme, and he was domineering.

"What? He actually escaped from the dream knife, how could this be possible?" Su Dasha frowned, his expression surprised, his face unbelievable. The seven Celestial Masters behind him also looked dignified and felt bad.

Li Xing screamed loudly, "You insult me ​​first, then kill me. This feud is difficult to resolve, all of me die!" He drank and trembled for nine days, shook for ten earthquakes, and the worlds shook. A flash.

He Yuanyuan sticks straight forward, tearing the space, showing his fighting power of the Great Celestial Order. A killing light, covering the heavens and crowns, was extremely thick, condensed into a very small point, and directly hit Su Dashao's eyebrows.

Su Dashao's fantasy knife was only cracked by Li Xing's move. At this moment, he has not slowed down, and he has no time to rescue. Su Dashao felt a pain in his eyebrows, a terrifying force burst into the plane, completely destroying his plane world, the sky was falling apart, the stars were shattered, the time and space were chaotic, and the soul was crying.

However, Li Xing is a compassionate person. He does not think that the billions of souls in Su Dashao's plane are guilty. Therefore, while beheading Su Dashao, he exerted his means to bring Su Dashao's plane into action. Living beings are absorbed into the kingdom of the gods and transformed into devout believers.

This kind of thing is not the first time he has done it. For all the deities that were beheaded by him, the creatures in the plane will be brought into the kingdom of the gods. Doing so will not create evil and bring benefits to him.

You must know that he has obtained the inheritance power of the Lord God in the civilization of God, possesses the means of the Lord God, and operates it a little. Then, he can obtain the power of pure and wonderful faith, thereby enhancing the combat effectiveness.

Su Dashao's plane suddenly exploded, and he was collected by Li Xing and practiced into the hybrid power.

In fact, the seven of them changed their looks sharply and shouted, "You actually killed the young master, you are dead! The heavens and the earth, the Su family's power will not let you go, it will certainly make you unable to survive, not to die, to suffer Endless torture! "

"There's so much nonsense." Li Xing sneered, swiping the Yuanyuan stick and smashing the Quartet. The seven deities felt the sky collapse, and they were smashed by a great force. The body exploded, the plane collapsed, and they couldn't die. Die again.

Even cutting eight heavenly respects, and all of them are standing series, Li Xing seems to have received great supplements and is energetic, so he yells, reaches for the dream knife that just passed God.

This fantasy knife is a large plane weapon, in other words, it can be regarded as a master of the Great Celestial Series. Just hit, Li Xing devoured a lot of fantasy power, let this fantasy knife suffer a big loss, vitality is gone.

At this moment, Li Xing shot twice, and his strength was discounted, not as fierce as just before. Jingguang's big hand grabbed it fiercely and grabbed the fantasy knife. The blade shook and yelled angrily, "junior, dare you take me?"

Li Xing didn't say anything either. He clenched the knife handle tightly, without any mixing power, and suppressed it so that he couldn't move. Then he laughed: "Unfortunately, the dark pearl casts a shadow. When you meet me, you are unlucky!"

The fantasy sword growled again and again, constantly sending out the power of fantasy, and it was necessary to pop Li Xing. Unfortunately, these dream powers have been absorbed by the one hundred thousand gods kingdom, and then cracked away, which has instead enhanced Li Xing's strength.

Over time, Li Xing gradually took the absolute advantage. He laughed loudly, holding a Yuanyuan stick in his left hand, holding a fantasy knife in his right hand, and then put the two pieces together, rubbing his hands.

With this rubbing, the method of mixing Yuanyuan Ding was exhibited, and the two soldiers were merged at once, and the operation was without superior Yuanyuan power. Suddenly, the fantasy sword was incorporated into the Yuanyuan stick.

The Zunyuan stick had to swallow a large plane weapon and turned it into a soldier's fetus. It was hidden in the Xunyuan realm by Li Xing. It won't take long for the Yuanyuan stick to break out of the cocoon and undergo a qualitative change.

Like any master, there are all kinds of weapons. Like its master Li Xing, the Hunyuan stick has the means of mixing everything and swallowing a magic weapon. It is never easy.

After receiving the Fantasy Knife, the Lianxiang Kaxia Tianzun returned from shock, clapping and praising, "Tao Brother is really a gangster, and eight Li Tianzun were killed by you, and they received a big one. Facial weapon! Hey, amazing, really amazing, my little girl admires it! "

Li Xing's performance was just satisfied with this Cabernet Sauvignon. At least when Li Xing was killed, she had the idea of ​​rescue. Although she finally gave up because of her strength, it was also commendable.

In addition, at the last moment, Cathay Tianzun did not bow down to the power of Su Dashao, which also gave Li Xing a little appreciation. Therefore, he smiled slightly at Cathay Tianzun and said: "Since this, then the younger sister of Cabernet, follow me Let's go! "

The latter was yelled at by the phrase "Little Cabernet Sauvignon," but then climbed up and arched to Li Xing: "The younger sister is willing to be a brother and sister of the opposite **** with Taoist friends today, and will be blessed and shared in the future. when."

Li Xing stared, where did this go, and he casually said "little sister", and this girl was about to form Jin Lan with him. However, Cabernet Sauvignon also counted Li Xing's pulse. At this time, he proposed that although it seemed obtrusive, Li Xing was not disgusted.

Cabernet Sauvignon felt that Li Xing was a person with a personality. Such a person would never pit a friend, and of course he would not pit a "dry sister". Li Xing's combat effectiveness, she just saw the score, she admired deeply, if you can get support from such people, you will get a big boost.

Of course, what she valued more was Li Xing's potential. A trio of life-threatening people can swept the Li Tiantian Zun, and the future is bound to be infinitely bright. Maybe he can achieve the ancient Da Tian Zun.

Seeing Li Xing's expression that could not be laughed or crying, Cathay Tianzun looked serious, kneeling to Li Xing, and shouted, "Brother!"

There is gold in the knees of a man, but it is not easy for a woman to kneel. The attitude of the other party made Li Xing's heart move slightly. He was silent for a moment, sighed, and said, "Get up, you sister, I recognize you."

The Cabernet Sauvignon was overjoyed, and worshiped, saying, "Thank you, Brother."

Li Xing smiled and lifted her up, and said, "You and I are destined to meet each other. It is even more rare to be able to experience many of these things together. I see that your character fits my appetite, so I met you.

Cabernet Tianzun nodded and said, "Big brother, little girl will help you catch the Unicorn and the ancestor dragon."

Li Xing smiled and said, "When you're the eldest brother, how can you keep you busy? I will take you at the time when the Unicorn is caught. I guess there are more than two Unicorn-like beasts in Prison Cow Mountain. We have a lot of opportunities. "

"Why did Brother say so?" Asked Kasai Tianzun.

"This is the result of my calculations for several days, and there will be no mistakes." Li Xing did not finish the words ~ www.readwn.com ~ a thunderbolt in the sky, a great master of heaven, containing terror and power, and suppressed them .

Cabernet Celestial turned pale, screaming: "It's over, it's Da Tianzun!"

Li Xing looked as usual, snorted heavily, and said coldly, "What about Datianzun?" He flew up a large crystal light hand, and then bombarded it towards that day.

This time, they made a loud noise, making the world tremble, and the realms trembled. Li Xing's feet swayed, and the big hand was blown away that day, and a middle-aged woman stepped out of the void.

This middle-aged man, U Fa arbitrarily tied a knot and slanted it over her head. She looked bleak, staring at her might, staring resentfully at Li Xing, and said angrily, "You dare to kill my son, it is a sin! "

It turned out that Su Dashao was planted and banned, and his mother knew when he died there, and hurried away not far away to avenge the blood and hatred of his son. After she took the shot, she found that the enemy was very strong and could take his Xeon strike.

After Li Xing gave a slap, a sneer sneered at the corners of his mouth and said, "It's all the parents of that puppy, and I'll follow them!"


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