Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 976: 4 legend

Chapter 976: Legend of the Four Wildlands

Chapter 976: Four Wildlands Legends

Li Xing secretly heard the sound. After the ancestor heard it, a dragon groaned and disdainfully said, "Take care of yourself, this seat will not surrender to anyone!"

After being rejected, Li Xing did not give up and continued: "I know that you have a proud personality and would rather die than be indomitable ... However, I do not want to subject you to it, nor do I intend to catch you, let alone this strength."

As he said, Zulong couldn't help wondering and asked, "What's your condition?

"Of course, there are conditions. Save you and help you recover your injuries. After you are injured, help me catch some strange beasts and sell them, or you just send me some good luck. How about it?" Li Xing directly opened the conditions.

When Zulong heard it, he laughed and said, "Creating the chemical Dan? How much do you need, how much can this seat give you. You have no difficulty in catching strange beasts, but how do I believe you?"

"Do you know the Dragon Elephant?" Li Xing asked.

"You are the heir to the dragon elephant?" Zulong was taken aback. "Come on, where is the dragon elephant?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It is the descendant of Dragon Elephant Datianzun. As for Datianzun himself, he has fallen."

Zulong was very sorry, and sighed, "It has fallen!"

"I feel a kind atmosphere from your Excellency. Presumably, the Dragon Elephant Grand Celestial has something to do with the ancestor dragon? As a descendant of the Dragon Elephant Celestial Master, Your Excellency can trust me." Li Xingdao said.

"The dragon elephant was born of a hybrid of the Zulong and the idols. With talents, he should have become the leader of the two races. He did not expect it to fall." Zulong was very lost and seemed to be hit.

Li Xing secretly said: "It turns out that the Dragon Elephant Big Celestial is a mixed blood, not only has the blood of the ancestor dragon, but also the blood of the giant elephant. Is it possible to enlighten the dragon elephant?"

The Zulong was hunted and secretly communicated with Li Xing. When Li Xing mentioned the dragon elephant, he chose to believe without hesitation, saying, "I believe in you, but how can you help me escape? You are a master, and in the dark there is a big Tianzun sitting in the town. I'm afraid you can't do it. "

"Anyway, as long as you agree to cooperate, we want to go no problem." Li Xing smiled and secretly conveyed to Cabernet Sauvignon. "Sister, there will be a storm in the future, you first enter my mixed Yuan world to avoid it for a while.

Knowing Li Xing's means and horror, Cathay Tianzun was obediently taken into the Xunyuan realm. Later, Li Xing also disguised himself as a monk who chased and killed Zu Long, sending out a brilliant bombardment in the past.

In this way, he gradually approached Zulong and whispered: "As soon as I get closer, you will enter my plane to hide, and the rest will be left to me."

Entering another person's plane is definitely a very risky thing, but since Zulong chose to believe in Li Xing, he said nothing and immediately agreed.

After a while, Li Xing found a suitable opportunity and suddenly took Jingguang's big hand forward. Tianzun's big hand, boundlessly fierce, shocked the monks all around, and they thought which big Tianzun shot.

However, when they saw that the person who shot was Li Xing, they all showed an expression of disbelief, because that obviously was a trivial little figure, how could they have the strength of the Great Celestial Master?

A moment when everyone was lost, Zulong disappeared and was caught in the Yuanyuan Realm. The monks suddenly became extremely angry. Everyone worked hard and fought for several days. This made it difficult for them to trap Zulong, and it was cheap to be picked up by a newcomer. What a reason!

As soon as Li Xing succeeded, he used stealth methods and left the scene. Only Datianzun can walk in the central pure land, so the monks can only stare, no one can catch up, and many people are lame and swear.

The hidden Tiantian Zun finally couldn't sit still, and they were pursuing them in the direction of Li Xingfei.

Before leaving, Li Xing knew that there must be Da Tianzun chase and kill, so he strove with all his strength, and on the way, analyzed the combat power of the five Da Tianzun one by one to evaluate the results of the battle.

His luck is good. The five Great Celestial Masters are all jealous. They are not superior in strength. But Li Xing didn't dare to underestimate. He didn't know if these five people had powerful big plane tools.

After flying for a long time, seeing that he couldn't shake off five people, Li Xing secretly prepared to hit a back light. When one of the great princes approached, he suddenly shot, and Jingguang's giant fist blasted back.

The other party apparently did not expect that Li Xing would fight back at this time. You know, they have five people, and they are all big deities. The other party is only a small life-threatening monk.

When the fist arrived in front of him, the look of the great **** changed greatly, he felt a kind of horrible lethality, and he did not dare to neglect and resisted with all his strength.

The Datianzun slaps in a hurry, still amazing in power, but unfortunately he can't help hitting the backlight. Suddenly, he felt his power was weakened, as if suddenly returning to his teenage years, when he was not yet the Great Celestial Master.


The big world of the Great Celestial Master was severely shaken and traumatized. He was shocked and left the scene as soon as possible. Datianzun has strong strength, but he is the one who loves his life the most.

Once threatened, you will leave immediately, and you will never continue your adventure.

Before Li Xing shot, he didn't plan to kill in one shot. After all, it was Da Tianzun. If he wanted to kill completely, he had to pay a great price. He didn't want to. What's more, there are four other Great Celestial Masters behind, and they must save their strength.

Five went to one, and the remaining four Datianzun were all shocked. Li Xingfang just shocked them and shocked them. That is obviously the fighting power of the Datianzun series. On me? Could it be that he was a genius without peers?

With questions, Da Tianzun kept working hard and chasing even harder.

After chasing and escaping for a long time, Li Xing suddenly split into four figures and attacked the four great deities. The four avatars are each formed by the change of a kingdom of gods, and their own combat power is limited.

However, the four predecessors were preconceived, all of which were affected by the fierce blow from Li Xing before, so when they appeared, they stopped and shot all out. Everyone thinks that the avatar they hit will be a fatal blow.

While Li Xing released the avatar of the deity, the deity secretly lurked and went quietly.

After the four avatars approached the target, they all suddenly exploded. Although they are only equivalent to gaining the rank of life, but in each avatar, Li Xing is filled with a lot of life energy.

On Li Xing, there are seven destiny babies, and the energy they contain is almost inexhaustible. It is too rich and huge. This kind of power can change destiny and trigger the force of destiny.

The explosion of the four avatars also caused the explosion of the infant life force, generating terrible destructive power.

The four of the other were all Great Celestial Masters, who had the supreme means of prophecy and had long been prepared. At the moment of the explosion, he moved quickly to a great distance to the rear without being damaged. But with such a delay, Li Xing has gone a long way, leaving no trace, so that the Grand Celestials can no longer pursue it.

"What kind of person is this? How can there be such a powerful means, he is really a life-saving deity? Or concealed his strength?" Said a great deity.

"Zhenming Tianzun cannot have such a powerful strength, the other party must be hiding something. However, people have already left, and it is useless to say more." Another big Tianzun simply left the scene.

Although the remaining three celestial beings are unwilling, they have no good way but to retreat.

However, he said that after walking for a while, Li Xing entered a secret space and rested. Before he fought against the King of Swords, the internal injuries were not minor, and then he chased again and again, and had to rest for a while.

In addition, he has to heal his ancestors in the mixed world, which also takes time.

After Zulong entered the Yuanyuan Realm, he felt that the world was a treasure land. His aura was so rich that he had no sense of nature.

At the same time, before Li Xing's performance against the five Great Celestial Masters, it also saw in his eyes, secretly surprised.

Li Xing entered the mixed Yuan realm, invited Zulong to the mixed Yuan teaching, and tried to clear his injury. Zulong saw Li Xing's extraordinaryness, and at this time also intentionally made friends, and told him something.

It turns out that the place where Zulong lives is not the central pure land, but the distant Xihuang.

If Li Xing's understanding of the Four Wildlands was vague in the past, it is much clearer now. Take Xihuang as an example, its vastness is countless times that of the central pure land, and it consists of an infinitely large world.

In fact, the Xihuang consists of one huge plate after another, and each plate had the status of a central pure land before many civilizations. But when a civilization goes down, it also sinks and becomes a part of the Western Wasteland.

Even if the central pure land is now, after the disappearance of the yin and yang civilization, it will decline, become a part of the four wastelands, and become a plate.

There are many plates in the Xihuang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Within each plate, there are several forces that control the resources in this area and control the power. The vast western wasteland is not as desolate as the legend tells. On the contrary, there are many creatures there, and there is a scene of prosperity.

The central pure land is where the yin and yang era only began to rise, so the background is shallow, but the western waste is different. There are many ages, there are no boundaries, and there are countless creatures. The countless strange beasts, strange woods, and divine birds above can be described as Deep foundation. After entering each kind of central pure land, many monks will be jealous.

However, this era belongs to the yin and yang era after all, the central pure land is destined to become the main solution, it has the advantage of home. In the future, the central pure land will be more prosperous and a new legend will be realized.

After some exchanges between the two sides, Li Xing said: "No wonder they say that the four wastes are the continuation of the civilizations, and indeed they are. Although many civilizations have disappeared, the tyrannical existence of them has survived. They have entered the four wastes to thrive and fight against heaven. . "

"The heavenly courts change every year, but the four wastelands persist." Zulong said, "This master can only live for one period and always die, but the four wastelands will exist for a long time and continue to grow. Until one day, There can be a real eternal ruler between this world and earth, and it will be over. "


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