Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 977: Ancient royalty

Chapter 977: Ancient Royal Family

Chapter 977: Ancient Royal Family

At this moment, Li Xing is truly aware of the greatness of the Four Wildlands, the vastness of the universe, and I ca n’t help but yearn for it. Among the Four Wildlands, I do n’t know how many heroes and treasures.

This injured ancestor is named Naha. Among the many ancestors, he is not the best. He can only be regarded as a good qualification. Now he has the duality of life and the combat power of Datianzun. He explained to Li Xing in detail the four desolate incidents, during which he also explained his identity and many origins from the veins of Zulong and the giant elephant.

The source of civilization, the first civilization was born when the seeds of civilization first erupted. Along with the emergence of the first civilization, a number of special races were spawned. They were inherently powerful and were called ancient royalty.

The ancestral dragons and giant elephants belonged to the ancient royal family, and they were born with powerful and powerful combat power.

The ancient royal family was born only in the first outbreak of civilization. Although there were many subsequent civilizations, the ancient royal family was no longer born. Most of these ancient royal families have been preserved. They have experienced the impact of civilizations again and again, and most of the descendants of today are living in the wilderness.

Zulong and the giant elephant were born close to each other. From ancient times to the present, they have come very close, and the people often marry. However, the combination of ancestor dragons and giant elephants makes it difficult to give birth to future generations. Once a mixed dragon elephant is born, it will be shocked for a while. It is an amazing character. The dragon elephant is an example.

Earlier in Naha, a wild cow was hunted on the edge of Xihuang, but unexpectedly he hit several hunters in the Central Pure Land and was seriously injured in the conflict. In order to escape, Naha ventured into the sea of ​​time and space, drifted to the central pure land, and entered Prison Cow Mountain.

Speaking of that space-time unicorn, it was actually a pet he had caught. He was supposed to be raised as a blood food, but after a serious injury, he accidentally let the little thing escape.

At this point, the cause and effect of the matter, Li Xing has been clear, he laughed: "Naha can rest here until the injury is gone."

That overbearing: "Thank you."

At this moment, Naha, who has become a humanoid, is a young man with a pale face and a bad complexion. He handed a space bag to Li Xing and said, "There are 50 million forged alchemies in it."

Li Xing was taken aback. Before he wondered, he said how much Danhua needed. He asked in shock: "That brother is so generous, I don't know where these elixir come from?"

Naha smiled "Hey": "Speaking of it, my brother has quite a place in the clan and can be regarded as a little nobleman. Because of the central pure land, a large number of monks enter the wild west every day, and most of them are killed by beasts. So, My people often pick up ready-made bargains and take away all the treasures from these monks' planes. Day after day, my people accumulate a lot, which is only a small amount of money. "

Li Xing shook his head: "It's such a good thing." He accepted the alchemy politely, which made him save a lot of trouble.

That is overbearing: "In fact, although this alchemy can promote cultivation, monks from the Four Wildlands do not pay much attention to it. In contrast, they often like to treasure the innate treasures. The source of civilization, when the first major civilization erupted, Countless innate treasures have been sprayed out, and most have been collected by ancient royalty. "

Speaking of this, Naha sighed: "The Zulongs are very weak now, they are gone, and the treasures are not as many as they were then."

Li Xing's heart was hot, and he asked, "What are those innate treasures? Is it helpful to Xiuwei?"

"That is nature. For example, there are many types of inborn treasures, including weapons, spirit continents, gods, beasts, true iron, road maps, and so on. Speaking of them, the ancient royal family can also be regarded as innate treasures. The ground spurted out. "Naha once again revealed a surprising inside story to Li Xing.

"That's it." Li Xing was tickling in his heart, saying that it was a pity that he could not appear in that dynasty, otherwise he would have to grab a lot of money and become a rich man.

After the conversation, Naha started retreat and heal. The fortune-making liens he left were very mixed, some were fortune-making, some were fortune-making, and even a few of them.

Although it is 50 million fortune alchemy, if converted to life-saving fortune alchemy, there are as many as 300 million, which greatly surprises Li Xing. He said that the **** is really interesting, and he did not save him. one time.

With the elixir, Li Xing suddenly relaxed, and once he was ready, he could set off for the teleportation array, and then go all the way to heaven.

In the previous few fierce battles, he also suffered a lot of injuries, and now he cultivates with his heart and restores his strength. Few months passed, Li Xing's injuries were restored, and in the process, the Zunyuan soldier's tires were completed, and the Zunyuan stick was out of customs.

This hybrid yuan stick absorbs all the power of the Phantom Knife, and its strength is arrogant, which will be a great help for Li Xing.

Naha has also recovered, and now it is alive and well, and has been swaying for a few days in the Yuanyuan Realm. In the meantime, he also clashed with several real people in the Yuan Dynasty. The dozen real people who had worked with him had nothing but the double strength of killing, but the fighting force was overbearing, and they formed a mixed yuan to kill the team, killing Naha holding his head, and finally ran to Li Xing to sue.

Li Xing was polite, but he was quite proud. He said that these sons and daughters were not inferior even compared with the so-called ancient royalty.

For a few days, Naha suddenly said, "That little guy is nearby. Would Brother Li catch it?"

The "little guy" he said was the unicorn. Naha has banned him, no matter how far away he can find his position.

Li Xing promised that Kasumi Tenzun would catch her in time and space, and he didn't want to keep his word, so he immediately jumped out of the Xunyuan realm to catch that space-time unicorn. Naha came out with him, and when he launched a restraint to help him, Li Xing arrived.

However, the matter was obviously more complicated and difficult than the two had imagined. I saw a unicorn flying around between the mountains, followed by a large number of monks chasing after him. Although Kirin's strength is not good, the ability to walk in time and space is not even comparable to the Great Celestial Master, so no one can catch it.

Li Xing and Naha watched from a distance, looking for opportunities to start.

"Brother Naha, the Unicorn belongs to the ancient royal family?" Li Xing asked.

That overbearing: "Although Kirin in time and space is not an ancient royal family, their ancestors have swallowed a very precious innate treasure, the courage of time and space, so they are endowed with divine power and not much weaker than the royal family."

Time and space, Kirin, Hudong and Huxi, drew everyone around, but they couldn't catch it. It was also his bad luck. During the lap, he accidentally bumped into Li Xing.

Naha concealed her breath, and this little unicorn didn't pay attention, only when Li Xing was a small person, it wasn't important. Unexpectedly, when it passed by Li Xing and the two sides, Naha launched a ban, and the little unicorn immediately lost the ability to walk.

Li Xing shouted: "Little guy, follow me!" Jing Guang grabbed it with a big hand and disappeared from Naha.

The monks around were dumbfounded, and everyone cursed. However, Li Xing couldn't hear. He had already taken the Universe of Universe, and set out on the way to heaven.

This is the first time that Naha has come to Central Pure Land, so everything looks fresh. The Kasai Tianzun also stepped out of the Xuanyuan Realm, and together with Li Xing, the three took a flying boat.

Cathay Tianzun is familiar with the central pure land, and it is much easier for her to guide her.

The flying boat was traveling in a balanced manner. There were many passengers on the boat, and the crowd was dark. The three of Li Xing were sitting in front and admiring the scenery. Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared in front of him, and the lightning flashed and thundered in that cloud, sending a fierce atmosphere.

Some monks who saw this scene suddenly changed their looks, and someone called out, "No, there is a robber!"

No matter in the world or in heaven, there are people who do business without capital. They are called robbers. Those who dare to be robbers are not weak and have an extraordinary ability.

The dark clouds rolling ahead, the mighty power is boundless, and there are obviously masters sitting in town. Sure enough, someone in the crowd recognized the origin of the other party and shouted, "No, it's a black whirlwind!"

Cabernet Celestial also frowned Liu Mei, saying: "Brother, Black Cyclone is a very famous robber in the vicinity, with great strength. It has been repaired to the level of Celestial Celestial Master, and there are thousands of crickets under him."

Li Xingdao: "The flying boat belongs to the court of heaven. These robbers are so bold, they dare to grab it."

"They can't be lawless, they can't be home, and Heaven can't take them anymore." Chixia Tianzun said, "Let's be careful, these people don't blink, they are strong."

Li Xing suddenly remembered the last life, that time he was also robbed. In order to protect his girlfriend, he and the robbers died together. So for this kind of robber, Li Xing was quite uncomfortable. He sneered, and suddenly he would jump up, swinging his stick towards the black cloud, and passing.

After the Hunyuan rod swallowed up the fantasy knife, its lethality has reached the level of the large plane magic instrument, in conjunction with the supreme strength of Li Xing, a powerful power suddenly erupted. The sky is torn, and the Yuanyuan stick slides through a Hessian track, which is a manifestation of time and space destruction.


Heiyun was halved by a stick. At this moment, at least a few hundred Tianzun lost under one blow, and a roar rang out from the heiyun that split into two halves.


A hessen's big hand protruded from one of the dark clouds, and he fought hard at Li Xing, holding the Yuanyuan stick in his hand.

Li Xing snorted ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hunyuan Bang shook, magically moved forward, the power of terror dispersed, and the big hand exploded with a loud cry.

With a single blow, Li Xing stepped into the dark cloud, the stick shadow flipped, and the deities of one after another were hit and exploded, and the rules they generated were all absorbed into the mixed Yuan realm.

"Hateful!" The big Tianzun's palm came out again to stop Li Xing's killing.

Li Xing did not use the stick this time, and Jingguang's big hand slammed into the sky, and the two produced a violent collision. The sky was opened with a black hole, and both of them retreated sharply, and this time did not take advantage.

The person who took the shot was shocked, knowing that if he didn't work hard, he might not be able to win the person. However, he was a robber. This trip was for money, not for desperate efforts. So his thoughts flashed, and all his subordinates were swept away by his hands, turning into a black light.

Li Xing was unreasonable and shouted, "Want to leave? Let me buy money first!"

That popularity blew up his lungs. He was the only one who robbed others. Is he going to be robbed today?


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