Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 980: Destiny Power

Chapter 980: The Power of Destiny

Chapter 980: The Power of Destiny

980 Destiny

"Oh? So, if you and I didn't guess, wouldn't all die?" Li Xing asked coldly. . .

"Yes, there is only one chance. You guessed it, you guessed it wrong, how dare you?" Su Hu was very young, confident, and his cold eyes were destined to Li Xing, a sneer twirled in the corner of his mouth.

Li Xing sighed and looked at Su Hu with a pitying eye: "You are still a child. It would be a pity if you died." He paused. "You have a great deity, and wisdom is not bad, Now that you have made your choice, you must rely on it. But before that, I warned you for the last time not to joke about life. Life is only once, and when it dies, everything is empty. "

"That's exactly what I want to say to you." Su Hu sneered. "You're right, I have reliance and I can defeat your reliance!"

"Well, if you go to death, I'll do it for you." Li Xing shook his head, agreeing to the other party's conditions. On the surface, he despised Su Hu, but was very cautious in his heart, using the time of the conversation to refine his congenital calculation.

The three lanterns on the innate abacus represent a kind of variable, one life two, two life three, three life everything, three and three have evolved to infinity, so that they can calculate all kinds of things.

The congenital abacus was included in the chaotic array, and it was strongly rejected at first. After all, it is a large plane weapon, with great power and not easy to drop. However, Li Xing's chaotic array can imitate all breaths, and in a short period of time, he has a breath similar to a congenital calculation lamp, making this exclusion force gradually smaller.

In the end, the chaotic array is almost the same as the congenital calculation. Before it was realized, the congenital calculation was incorporated into the chaotic array system.

It's like one person conspiring against another person, first choose what he likes, and gradually approach, and then kill with one blow to achieve the goal. There should have been a fierce battle, but it ended quietly under the chaos and ingenuity, and successfully refined the innate abacus.

When the innate abacus was integrated into the chaotic array, Li Xing immediately felt that the five senses and six consciousnesses had greatly improved, especially the power of calculation. After the two-phase chessboard was merged, a second transformation occurred. This time of transformation, Li Xing possessed a peculiar ability, which touched the level of "change of life" faintly.

Moreover, his understanding of the change of life is far beyond the average change of deity, reaching the level of inverse sky, even the big deities below four calamities are beyond reach. In the midst of change, change his own destiny, the destiny of others, unpredictable.

All this was carried out in secret, and outsiders didn't even know that he had refined the innate abacus in a very short time.

Su Hu was picked up by Su Qi because he was too small. He stared coldly at the dice clock, and said lightly, "It's time to start." The self-confidence revealed in his body made it impossible to doubt his ability to win this. Gambling.

The dice bell rang "Ding-Dang-Dang", and Su Hu suddenly burst out to reverse the future and change the atmosphere of the world. Shen said, "I said the result was one, three, five!"

His words are like the words of Yu Zhilun, the words of which are Jinkouyuyan, the rules, and the results.


The entire casino was shocked by a huge invisible force, the earth trembled, and everyone changed its color.

"What kind of means is this? I feel the result of this little boy's reversal of the future, the fate of slavery, the control of reality, and the high level of means, it is incredible and unheard of." Someone said in shock.

"It's nothing. The great Celestial Masters above five calamities have this kind of ability. They are all in one word. Jinkouyuyan said that what is said, the principle of slavery avenue is above destiny.

"But the problem is, this child is only the second calamity Datianzun. How can there be any means? Is he a rebirth of the Datianzun above five calamities?"

"It's possible. If so, he might win. Regarding the realm, the accumulation, that person can't compare with this child."

Before Su Hu's words fell, Li Xing keenly felt that the power of his own destiny was interfered by the other party, and the operation of the real world was also forcibly reversed. In other words, it doesn't matter what time the dice is thrown. When the dice clock is turned on, it will be one, three, and five, because this is the result the other party needs, and because it needs it, it changes.

This is a kind of mystery. Only the Great Celestial Master can touch on the mysterious and unpredictable field of destiny, and only the Great Celestial Master can gain a glimpse into the mystery.

Realizing that his destiny had been reversed, Li Xing stared at Jin Mang and uttered words, as if the courts of all ages had dominated the world of Jingwei, and educated all kinds.

"I said, it should be all three."

As soon as this statement was made, electricity was generated in the void, and "cracking" exploded, and the forces of destiny collided and sparked. Su Hu's small body trembled fiercely, gritted his teeth and stared at Li Xing, his eyes, ears and nose exuding fine blood, his expression horrified.

Li Xing, like the emperor of the world, has no prestige. He seems to be in control of all his destiny. He wins the world and is invincible.


The dice bell vibrated violently, and the dice inside it bounced on its own. This time, everyone stared at the dice in surprise, for fear of missing something.

"Is this the battle of fate? Legend has it that the battle of the Great Celestial Lord above five calamities, often in a single thought, turned upside down, everything can be reversed. I finally learned today!"

"Five calamities, also known as majestic celestial beings. In the general situation, all things and everything must be changed, which is beyond my comprehension." Some people praised, "Only after experiencing the baptism of civilizations, can we have such understanding ! "

The appearance of Su Hu made Madam Su and Su Qi look very different, and hurriedly asked, "Tiger, what's wrong with you?"

Su Hu showed a very strange expression. He reached out and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. He said, "I'm fine." Then he stared at Li Xing slowly, "You can change your destiny?"

Li Xing said lightly: "Ask more."

Su Hu sighed and said, "I despised you, something bad."

At this time, the dice clock was turned on, and the points of the three dice were clearly visible, all of them were three points, and the onlookers issued a burst of wonder. This time, the look of the black whirlwind changed greatly, and Su Qi and Madam Su also looked terrible.

"It's over!" Black Whirlwind almost sat on the ground, staring at Li Xing, gritting his teeth.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "According to the agreement, the little thing, you are dead. However, if you promise me a condition, I can spare you a life, even if your family does not respect me."

Su Hu seems to have expected this result, and his expression remains unchanged, saying: "You want to seize my Nine Robbery, that is a delusion. To tell you the truth, I am only an avatar, and my deity is in a distant space. Cultivation is so powerful that you cannot imagine it. "

Li Xing sneered: "Threatening me? Even if your deity is an ancient great deity, it's useless. You can't escape today." With a big wave of his hand, three haloes shrouded, making the opponent's strength fall by a notch.

Knowing that he could not escape, Su Hu sighed: "It was actually forced to this end by a junior you." He incarnates hundreds of millions of light spots and dissipates in the void. Actually dispersed power, this power will return to the deity.

At the moment when the avatar disappeared, Li Xing shot violently, Jingguang grabbed the air with his big hand, broke the blockade of billions of light points, and grabbed a big clock in his hand. Above this bell, the singular runes sculpted, which contained the mystery of destiny, but it was clearly left, and the power was greatly diminished.

Su Hu snorted: "Junior, sooner or later the deity will take back the destiny clock!"

With the destiny clock, Li Xing was very happy. With this thing, he might soon realize the change of life, and stepped into the first place. After putting away this still-precious nine-role weapon, Li Xing looked at the black whirlwind and said, "It's your turn."

The black whirlwind didn't want to die. Li Xing's performance just made him completely desperate. He stared at Li Xing and said, "How can you let me go?"

"I will never let you go." Li Xing sneered. "The one who kills me must be killed."

The black whirlwind roared: "Okay, today I fight with you!"

"Boom!" At the moment the Black Cyclone started, the Four Destroyer Tianzun shot decisively and directly suppressed the Black Cyclone to make no attack. At the same time, he said coldly, "If you violate the rules, kill directly ! "

The black whirlwind seemed to be anxious, and shouted, "Go all to death!" The four robbers Tian Tianzun smiled faintly, pinching his hands, directly put the black whirlwind into his own world, suppress it, and slowly refine it.

Li Xing knew that the black whirlwind was dead. He turned his attention to the three of Su Qi, and said lightly: "The three must have set up a lore for me, but unfortunately they fell short. Next, are you still interested in continuing? bet?"

Su Qi was furious, so his son was gone, his brother Su Zheng was also suppressed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sooner or later died, this is a common hatred, he stared at Li Xing. Mrs. Su was more calm. He took Su Qi and said, "Leave the green hills in. Don't be afraid that there is no wood burning, let's go."

The sword king took a deep look at Li Xing and left with Su Qi. At the scene, the onlookers gradually dispersed, and Li Xing also left quickly, because no one was willing to gamble with him.

The moment he left the casino, he couldn't help looking up into the sky, his brows froze. In the distant and desolate void, an ancient being, stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky. Suddenly, a supreme force beheading fate broke out, killing Li Xing.

Even with infinite space and time, hundreds of millions of planes, this strike is still terrifying. However, at this moment, a legendary great deity also shot, and also pointed out a finger, the vast force of destiny was cut vertically and horizontally, and the fatal blow was resolved.

Li Xing did not know that a horrible collision occurred in the distant space and time. If not, he would have been killed.

The legendary Datianzun Hao, the first white-bearded man to rescue him, murmured, "Why offend such an old monster? Well, it seems to have more snacks. Otherwise, if someone is beheaded, it will hurt me."


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