Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 981: Shard battle

Chapter 981: The Battle for Fragments

Chapter 981: The Scramble

At the same time, the shot of Tian Tianzun changed his face, pondered for a moment, and did not make any further moves. He seemed to have decided to let Li Xing go. . . At this time Li Xing embarked on the road again and continued to the heaven.

Through the flying boat, Li Xingfei flew for more than two months and finally arrived at a teleportation array. The place where the teleportation is located is called Bie Li Cheng. It has a large population. I do n’t know how many times it is compared to West Pole City. There are countless experts sitting in the town.

Entering the parting city, a triad like Li Xing, which is fatal, is just as ordinary as Han, and even a little too weak. Because there is a change of destiny and a destiny, you can often see the trace of the deity.

"The Central World is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, Tianzun is nothing, Tiantianzhuang everywhere." Li Xing secretly sighed.

He did not leave the city for a long time and decided to go directly to the next teleportation team. The teleportation array cannot reach the heavens at one time, and requires several transfers, which is a troublesome process.

When Li Xing came down to fly the boat, on the way, he was enjoying the scenery of leaving the city. He suddenly heard a thunderous drink in the air, and a voice blew: "The evildoers are off!"

I saw a person who fled and limped in the air. The person who was able to limb had at least the strength of the Great Celestial Order, which shows that they are by no means ordinary people. After the light, there was another sword light, domineering and sharp, and came after him.

The two sides went back and forth, and thousands of miles away, Li Xing saw the score, the person in front of him was tall and thin, his face was angry, and he said loudly: "Your forbidden army wants to bring out the whereabouts of the Ming and Sword Shards because of public and private interests. Big deal, I will make it public! "

The person behind him was a young monk. When he robbed the great deity, he changed his look and said in a dark voice: "If you don't know how to do this, don't blame me for the killer!"

Suddenly, his knife speed accelerated, and he severely struck the monk in front. The blow was too fast and the lethality was too strong. The person in front couldn't avoid it, and was cut into the body in one fell swoop.

However, I do n’t know what secret technique he practiced. His flesh was cut, but he was instantly united, but his temperament was obviously weak, and he roared, "God asked, you forced me!"

Suddenly, the monk spread a wave of thoughts, spreading all over the world, the heavens and the world. This idea tells everyone in detail the location of a place in time and space. In the air at that time, there were several fragments of Mingming Sword.

The Ming Sword is the pinnacle of the civilization of the instrument. It has incredible power. Although it is broken down into thousands of pieces, each piece has great lethality.

The monk who asked God was furious and yelled, "Even **** things, even if you spread the news, the things will belong to me and give me death!" He split ten swords in one breath, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Li Xing had no interest in watching it anymore. Now that he knew the whereabouts of Ming Mingjian's fragments, he naturally went immediately. He knew more about Ming Mingjian's extraordinary than anyone else. In addition, the original idea of ​​the dragon elephant Datianzun also informed him of another place where Ming Sword fragments were hidden.

He flickered, broke through the void, and entered a teleportation array. The place where the Shard of Mingming Sword was hidden was very far away, and he had to reach it with the help of a teleportation array.

The teleportation array is controlled by heaven. If you want to use the teleportation array, you must pay a certain amount of good fortune. The Teleportation Array was built in a huge palace and was supervised by a special person.

Li Xing handed over three million lives to create the chemical dan, before being allowed to use the teleportation array. The opening of the teleportation team has a complicated process, which does not happen overnight. While Li Xing was waiting for commissioning, dozens of people entered one after another, and they also had to pass the transmission matrix, and the destination was the same as Li Xing.

Naturally, these people, like Li Xing, got the news of the Ming Sword Shard, and they went to find it. The people waiting in the hall of the teleportation array stared at each other with hostile eyes. Only Li Xing looked at his nose and nose, and his heart was calm.

The last person to enter the hall of the teleportation array was the **** of the hunting informed monk. He had been bathing all over the body and apparently had eliminated the opponent. As soon as he entered the hall, he sneered, and said, "Your group of things that don't know how to live and die, because you want to stain the pieces of the sword of destruction? I tell you, the sword of destruction belongs to the court of heaven, and none of you is qualified to obtain it!

Suddenly, some people were unconvinced and sneered: "Good breath, no matter how strong your Excellency is, you are only one person. Do you want to suppress all of us with one person?"

When God asked, he turned his attention to the person who spoke. This person was also the second most important person, but his strength was obviously not as strong as that asked by God. However, there were five other monks standing around him, obviously all the way, and their strength was not bad.

"Dare to be arrogant in front of me, to die!" God asked arrogantly, killing in person, and Tianzun bombarded the palm of his hand, directly covering the six Tianzuns.

"Damn!" The six Celestial Masters were frightened and furious, and desperately fought back. At this moment, some of them made a great move, some issued the Celestial Mastery, and some of the operating planes were all in full swing.

Unfortunately, the difference in strength between the two sides is really too big. Just listening to a loud noise, the six Celestial Masters were all pressed into the level of God's question and suppressed. Needless to say, the end of these people will be very miserable, a dead end, no hope of survival.

One move to suppress six people, God asked coldly to glance at the people, coldly and truthfully: "Go away!"

God asked so cruelly, the guard in the temple didn't just ask, just watched indifferently. Speaking of which, God asked that they belonged to the heavenly courts, but they were all the same.

The monks looked ugly. In addition to the two great deities, the others retreated, and of course, Li Xing, so only three people dared to stay on the scene.

God asked with a sneer, he first looked at the two Great Celestials, and said in a yin voice: "Thinking of Great Celestials, you can compete with me? It's naive!"

The two Great Celestial Masters stood together and said, "I and the Sword of Mingming Sword are inevitable, no matter what your identity is, they cannot be changed."

God asked Senran and said, "It's very good. When I get there, I will teach two more tricks." After that, he looked at Li Xing and looked at him with a disdainful look. "It seems that there are people who are not afraid of death. "

A deceiving deity, dare to challenge the dedication of the deity, this is simply a big joke, an incredible thing, but it happened, so God asked very curiously, he wanted to know what Li Xing's reliance on, he relied on What dare to stay.

Li Xing lifted his head, and an overwhelming momentum came out, surpassing the three present. He said lightly: "The fragments of the Ming and Sword are destined to belong to me, and you have no chance."

At an instant, he seemed to be transformed from a little-known person into a peerless hero, and he was so astonished that he was astonished by the presence of the three.

"Why is the momentum so strong? What kind of character is it?" God asked, his face changed, staring at Li Xing, "I didn't expect that you are still a personal thing. However, you will not be good if you are right with the Tianting embargo. result."

"Don't scare me with the embargo." Li Xing sneered, and he showed his embargo sign. "In theory, I am also in the embargo, but I haven't reported yet."

God was obviously surprised and asked, "No wonder you have such strength. Everyone who can enter the forbidden army is extraordinary." His mind was turned, and he said, "Since they are all soldiers of the forbidden army, you and I might as well cooperate, first They beheaded. "

Li Xing's answer made God's questioning startled and angry.

"The cover is almost useless. You and them both must get away, or you will die." His words were cold and overbearing.

The two Great Celestial Masters were also angry, approaching Li Xing from left to right, and said ruthlessly: "It's so funny, even if you have a little strength, you can turn the sky? Today, the Great Celestial Master will destroy you!"

The big deity obviously did not believe in evil, and his fingers were empty, and there was a killing to Li Xing. This killing of light is a great technique of killing life. It is powerful. If you go forward, you will cut off Li Xing's head.

Unfortunately, the killing was near Li Xing's body, and he was bounced off by the hybrid Yuan Li, which could not break his big Luo body. Instead, his shot angered Li Xing, who raised his hand to three auras, and then shot backlit.

Three kinds of negative auras came, and immediately knocked down the realm of the Great Celestial Demon to the level of Li Ming Tianzun. Then Li Xing's back light was sent out, reversed the time, found the most vulnerable moment of the opponent, and then issued a fatal blow.


The fist blasted into the other's big world and wreak havoc. At the critical moment, another big deity shot at the same time as God asked. Li Xing was too strong and very powerful, which made him feel crisis and immediately decided to stop it.


The two killings of Da Tianzun both exploded on Li Xing, and they were endured by him, with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. After taking a blow, Li Xing shattered the opponent's big world with all his might, and absorbed countless creatures into the kingdom of gods.

All of a sudden, the Great World turned into barren, and then every inch was broken. This big deity was abandoned and lost most of his power. Subsequently, Li Xing exerted his best means to absorb all of this person ’s Great World Avenue principles and transformed them into food for the mixed world ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two saw Li Xing take a blow and suffered only minor injuries Instead, he beheaded and killed a big deity, which made him scary. You know, Tianzun is extremely difficult to kill, not to mention Big Tianzun.

To kill a great deity, you must first have overwhelming strength, and secondly you must have enough time to slowly refine the other side. However, in a short period of time, Li Xing killed a great deity in a state of life that killed the triple deity, which subverted their common sense.

Li Xinghao cut off and killed a great celestial master, and Shen said, "Let's go together!"

Shenwen finally realized Li Xing's strength and never dared to underestimate him again. He quickly exchanged consciousness with another big deity, forming a temporary alliance against Li Xing.

Li Xing didn't care about this. He stared at God and said, "I have given you a chance. Since I don't cherish it, I want to save my heart, then I will complete you."

"Don't say anything!" God asked Lengheng, an extra weapon in his hand, it was a knife. As soon as the sword came out, Li Xing felt a vicissitudes of will, full of will to kill.


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