Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 983: Splendid time

Chapter 983: Splendid Time and Space

Chapter 983: Splendid Time

These special characters are very capable. One of them, named Tian Yuanzun with one yuan and Tianzun with one calamity, is the strongest one among all the people. This man has a six-magnitude plane weapon, which is extremely lethal. When hundreds of people attacked before, Zhuo Yiyuan did not take any action. Otherwise, Li Xing would be seriously injured or even fall, and it would not be easy for me to resist the attack of the Five Calamity Plane.

It can be said that this monarch is a master who threatens Li Xing the most. If the two are single to one, Li Xing won't have a great chance. The monarch, who did not appear before, did not show up until more than a month later.

This discovery also made Li Xing understand that on the day he came, not everyone showed up, and there must be many powerful characters hidden, some disdainful and some unwilling to shoot.

Later, Li Xing confirmed this conjecture. There were far more than a hundred monks in the entire space and time, and nearly two hundred. Among those who did not appear, masters such as Yun, and Li Xing's special characters were mostly among them.

The second person is called Devour Heaven. The state of devouring Tianzun is not high. He changed his life to triple, but I do n’t know what magic skills the other party has cultivated. He has a powerful ability to devour the whole body, which can devour the heavens. Although not as good as Li Xing ’s mixed Yuan Ding mystery, there are also extraordinary things. Office.

Li Xing had seen with his own eyes that the Devouring Heavenly Devourer had devoured the means of engulfing, and swallowed three of the deadly Heavenly Devotees. One of them still had a large plane weapon and could not escape.

Devouring Tianzun's realm is the lowest among all people, but it is considered by Li Xing as the second most dangerous person and must be treated with caution.

The third person is the killing of Tianzun. This person is so murderous that Li Xing is also slightly hairy. Killing Tianzun is the second priority, but it seems that he can break through at any time. The other party has been suppressing cultivation for some reason.

In addition to these three people, there are some characters that Li Xing can't belittle, all of which are extraordinary. This made Li Xing know that crouching tigers and dragons in this space is far from simple as he saw in those days.

However, there is still another person who has to pay more attention to Li Xing than the one Yuan Tianzun. Among the celestial deities, there is a Qingxu celestial deity, with a calm personality and quiet inaction. The favorite thing to do is to drink tea and play chess. This deity is also the second most important one. Three ancient tea trees were planted in the plane. The tea leaves have a long-lasting fragrance and a long aftertaste.

Qingxun Tianzun is also good at chess, and the path of chess is misty and elusive. Li Xing believes that the biggest gain is that he has known Qingxu Tianzun. In the short time of acquaintance, he consciously benefited a lot.

On this day, in an hour and sky built by Qingxu Tianzun, Li Xing sat against him and sipped tea while playing. Li Xing was the sunspot, murderous, and an iron blood filled the air.

Qingxun Tianzun is leisurely, every move is full of vitality and no intention of killing, but his strength is long, making it difficult for Li Xing to win. From the thirtieth hand, Li Xing's chaotic large-scale calculation ability came into play. The killing was greatly promoted, and Qing Xun Tianzun threw the chess and conceded. He shook his head again and again and said, "Dao friends are too aggressive and it is too difficult to play chess with you. "

Li Xing smiled: "Chess theory on winning or losing, if there is no intention of killing, why do you win or lose?"

Qing Xu Tianzun said: "It seems that I am above the chess course, and it is difficult to achieve success. I play chess every day, but for the sake of peace and quiet. Li Daoyou, your cultivation is unpredictable and admirable. , Killing everywhere, shocking step by step, amazing. "

Li Xing: "You have your way, so it is not suitable for Yiqi. But the achievements in the future will be extremely high. These days, I have learned a lot from you and will be used for life."

Qingxun Tianhe smiled: "Please ask Li Dao to help."

"please say."

"When I first entered this time and space, I didn't mean to destroy the Sword Fragment. I didn't want to have so many people arrive in succession. It was helpless. I wanted to leave this place for a long time, but I have nothing to do. Recently, I feel that Xiuwei will have a breakthrough. You must leave here and practice elsewhere. "Qing Xu Tianzun said.

"What is the mind of Daoyou?"

"In this space and time, a Holy Spirit will be born three years later. After the birth of this Holy Spirit, his strength is limited and may be captured. I want Li Daoyou to take care of it at all times."

"Why are Taoists so concerned about a Holy Spirit?" Li Xing was curious.

"It's true, this Holy Spirit is the incarnation of time and space. This space and time is very special, belonging to one of the most important 3,000 space-times born in this era of civilization, and ranked in the top 300. That born Holy Spirit In the future, at least there will be the realm of the legendary big deity, which will be the inheritor of the yin and yang civilization, and naturally take good care of it. "Qing Xu Tianzun said.

Li Xing could not help narrowing his eyes. He looked at Qingxun Tianzun and said, "I should have thought that Daoyou was born in 3,000 times."

Qingxu Tianzun smiled slightly: "Yes, I am from Qingxu space-time. Today, I was seen by Taoists, indicating that my hiding means is OK."

Li Xing smiled "Hey," At the beginning, I charged the eternal space-time and the phaseless space-time of 3,000 times and space.

Qingxu Tianzun: "Eternity and Phaselessness. Although the rankings are lower, they also represent a kind of avenue, but unfortunately they are unlucky and have not been born."

"It may not be possible to be born." Li Xingdan said indifferently. "The eternal kingdom has inherited and was won by the eternal son. If I guess it is good, I am afraid he has already settled on one or two. At the moment, there is no time and space. I also have to go for the uprising. If I want, I can create a Holy Spirit without rules at any time. "

Qingxu Tianzun nodded slightly: "Taoyou is interested."

"I can guard this Holy Spirit, but how can you let me help?" Li Xing laughed.

Qingxu Tianzun smiled "Hehe": "I'm afraid Daoyou will not mention the conditions." He said, and handed a piece of uncertain pieces into Li Xing's hands. This piece of brilliance is extremely powerful and compelling, and it will give you business in a flash.

"Ming Sword Fragment!" Li Xing was startled and almost jumped up. "How did Daoyou get it?"

"I communicated with the idea of ​​the Holy Spirit long ago. He told me the position of this fragment, and then got it." Qing Xu Tianzun said, "If the Taoist can successfully guard it, he can get seven fragments."

Li Xing sighed, "Where are you helping someone, obviously you are helping me."

Qingxu Tianzun said: "This sword is of no use to me. I do n’t fight with people and I do n’t fight with people. What is the use of it? Instead, I have to bear the crime and give you."

Li Xing: "That's the case, but I'm disrespectful." He took the shard and couldn't help but straighten his eyes and shouted, "Is it the one with the sword tip?"

The Ming Ming sword was broken into thousands, but the largest and most important one was the sword tip. He didn't want to fall into his hands, which surprised Li Xing.

Qingxu Tianzun nodded and smiled: "The Mingming Sword has thousands of fragments. Only this one is the most special. At the same time, it is also the largest piece. The source comes from the Mingjian Sword's point. However, this section of the sword's point is not complete. More pieces to add. "

"Thank you very much!" Li Xing thanked him sincerely. Li did not expect Qing Xun to be so generous.

"You don't have to be tall, as long as the Taoist friends don't forget our agreement and guard the Holy Spirit." Qingxu Tianzun smiled lightly. "After I break through and achieve the status of Da Tianzun, I will go and find the Taoist friends."

Ming Jian Jian's sword tip is not the same, the other party sold a huge favor. However, Li Xing is very willing to accept that with this sword point, he can improve the Yuanyuan stick.

The Hunyuan stick is the first natal tool made by Li Xing by himself. It is very powerful, but compared with Li Xing's fist, it can not be much stronger, which has always regretted him. Now with the power of Mingjian Jianjian and Yuanyuan Stick, it can definitely go up to a higher level, reaching a level of terror.

Even if it is clear that the sword-sword tip can exert one-millionth of the power, it is enough for Li Xing to sweep the side. Moreover, in the future, he will get more fragments, which will make the sword tip continuously replenish and the lethality will continue to increase.

Qing Xu Tianzun said he would leave, and on the same day he bid farewell to Li Xing and withdrew from this time and space. Before Qingxu left, he told Li Xing how to connect with that Holy Spirit.

The time and space where Li Xing lives is called "Brilliant Time and Space." The birth of the Holy Spirit is also known as the glorious heavenly deity. When Qing Xingtian departs, Li Xing uses secret methods to contact the other party, and then he hears repeated complaints.

"Qing Xu, this bastard, I believe in him like this. He actually left me and gave this deity to you, a stranger to guard him. We are all the Holy Spirit born three thousand times and space. He is really irresponsible! You kid, you actually have the triple strength of life. I am afraid that such a weak person can't even beat me. How can I protect the Holy Spirit? Boy, let ’s say, how did you deceive the emptiness of trust, do n’t say Come out, and want to know the whereabouts of Mingming Jianjian! "

Li Xing said coldly: "That's the case, I'm gone." His body flickered, and he really wanted to break through the space and leave this space.

The Holy Spirit was in a hurry. As soon as Li Xing left, no one really guarded him. He quickly called out, "Hey, what should I do if you leave?"

"What do you do with my fart ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing's words are mad.

The Holy Spirit really angered: "You have the Shard of Mingming Sword, you have to take responsibility for protecting this deity!"

Li Xingdao: "Really? But you are not saying that my strength can't even beat you, how can I guard you like this?"

The other party heard Li Xing say this, knowing that he was deliberately ironic. In fact, as soon as Li Xing entered this splendid time and space, the Holy Spirit knew that his strength was extraordinary, because he could use one person's strength to prevent the joint attack of hundreds of Tianzun, without any damage.

He complained before that the biggest reason was that Qingxu Tianzun suddenly left and gave everything to a stranger. To strangers, the glorious Holy Spirit is dreadful and distrustful.

"Well, I admit that you still have a little strength. Even if you can't beat me, you can block the enemy's attack at a critical time." The Holy Spirit slowed his tone, "so you can't go."

Li Xing stopped and said, "Since I'm not allowed to go, let's sit down and talk about what to do next."


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