Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 984: 3 strong enemies

Chapter 13: The Three Strong Enemies

Seeing Li Xing's promise, Yun Hanshan approached and yelled, "Master Lord, my tribe is here, and there are three enemies. One is the master of Heifengling in Heifengling. There is a group of powerful assistants. The owner of Heifengling has a sacred object in his hand, calling the desperate flying sword. As long as you call your name, the air force will immediately kill and kill hundreds of people. "

"My family has six gods and men who have died under the desperate flying sword. They have hatred against the Lord of the Black Wind Ridge." Speaking of which, all the gods and men present showed hatred. Killing face.

A move in Li Xing's heart was actually a sacred object. If he got it, he would strengthen his strength! He also has a sacred object in his hands, which is not bad, and has now opened up six nodes, which are extremely powerful.

Immediately, Li Xing asked in detail about the owner of Heifengling, how many people and so on, and so on, and then asked who the second enemy was.

"The second person, called the King of Hate Heavenly Poisons, practiced the God of Ninefolds. This person has a strong ability to make drugs and poison. Although he is alone, it is extremely difficult to deal with. There are also three gods in my people who died in this person Hand. Hate the King of Heavenly Poison, practicing a kind of magical skill of Heavenly Poisoning, it is difficult to get close. "

Hearing that the other party was playing poison, Li Xing couldn't help laughing. His Heavenly Poisonous Destiny, restrained all poisonous gas, tried Bailing, this Heaven hated the poisoned king was dead.

"The third person called the three-eyed demon, and this person has a raised eyebrow. The raised eye is also a relic. It is called the Eye of the Broken Law. With this eye, you can see the magic. 2. The loopholes in the spells are invincible against the enemy. This person is the biggest enemy of my tribe and has killed ten gods of my tribe. "

"Three-eyed demon soldiers, there are 3,000 demon soldiers, very strong, and have always had the ambition to eat my ancient Ninja tribe. Lord Lord Lord must remove this puppet, otherwise there will be endless trouble."

After Li Xing asked in detail, he nodded: "These three are dead. Before I remove them, I must have an understanding of the ancient Ninja tribe. Patriarch, you must gather all the tribe and make them according to their strength. , Make a list for me. "

Yun Hanshan: "Yes, I'll do it."

It was not a day's work to convene the clan people and make up the roster, and Li Xing temporarily lived in the clan's residence. The layout is elegant and the environment is nice.

He mastered the martial arts too, got the tower of too much tolerance, and his strength increased greatly. However, it is still necessary to continue practicing divine magic to enhance combat effectiveness. Because soon, he will have to deal with the three main enemies, such as Heifengling.

Take out three gods. These three gods are obtained after slaying the Wizard of Wizards Hanquan. They can be used to practice magic. He took three gods into the Zhenwu Heavenly Array.

As soon as she entered it, she suddenly turned into a force to push the entire sky array to work. The cold light dance of one of the three great divine magics obtained by Hanquan was quickly calculated, so that Li Xing mastered the great divine magic.

After demonstrating Bingguang Dancing, there is still power left, so I will continue deducing, and I will perform a part of the original skill of Bingguang Dancing. This method, called Tianbing Shen Gong, is also a heavenly order.

Like this, forcibly plundering other people's magic skills, although it can increase their strength, but the foundation is not solid. Unlike Li Xing, he has a perverted Zhenwu heavenly array that can be deduced in depth to know the mysteries of the exercises.

So for him, knowing a divine skill is no different from practicing a method. If you know the magic, you can launch the exercises; if you know the magic, you can also launch the exercises. This is the power of Zhenwu Tianzhen, the martial arts master is extraordinary.

Newly added the great magic of ice light dance, Li Xing's strength has been enhanced.

In the Zhenwu sky array, there is no birth, instant, tear, void, sky collapse, extinction, condensation, too forbearance, the eight martial arts, turned into eight stars, surrounding the chaotic nebula. Beyond the stars, there are ten other great magical arts, respectively, Phaseless Robbery, Phantasmal Real Kill, Shadowless Puppet Spell, Great Soul Suppression, Great Extinction, Extinction World, Wanliguizong, Invisible Hidden Kill, Extremely broken, dancing with ice.

In the world, there are very few gods and men who can practice ten great divine skills. Not to mention ten species, even if one is cultivated, it is a great man of God. For example, Hanquan, Tian's Pride, and Wizard of Wizards, they just practice three great divine skills.

These great divine magics surround the martial arts. Once they are exhibited, they will carry Li Xing's martial arts will, which is a little stronger than the general great magics.

In the core of Zhenwu Tianzhen, in the chaotic clouds, there are a lot of glory, they represent a variety of exercises, no-phase magic, eight-pole sword, extinction, nine lives and nine destroyers, King Kong is not bad, Invisible magic, heavenly sword.

The sword-sword method was attracted by an ancient word, the word "kill". The other words "li" and "broken" are wandering between the various methods, seemingly looking for a destination.

In the future, if Li Xing can practice a practice that echoes the true meaning of the two characters, he will be able to attract the two characters, just like the Heavenly Killing Gong.

Gongfa, Divine Art, and Martial Arts are perfectly integrated through the medium of real martial arts, and Li Xing has reached an unprecedented height. In the past, he might still suffer a loss against the Shito God, but now, the Shito God sees him and wants to hug his head, not an adversary.

After Li Xing sorted out the sky array and practiced divine magic, Yun Hanshan had repaired his roster and summoned all his people.

This is an open area. There are a lot of people standing in the dark. There are warriors, nationals, gods, and ordinary people. They all looked up at Li Xing suspended in the air.

Li Xing deliberately summoned the wealth of Tiens, riding on it, holding a roster to watch. I do n’t know, I was shocked at first glance. After several decades of development, the ancient Ninjas are now quite large.

Among the clan, there are sixty-nine gods and men, including forty forty. Sixty-nine gods, one to five gods, fifty-three, six gods, eight gods, three seven gods, three eight gods, one nine gods, one ten gods .

There are seven thousand patriots, ten of them are more than five hundred; there are 130,000 fighters, of which 20,000 are ten fighters. It can be said that the strength of this ancient Ninja is completely comparable to that of a moderate sect. Like the South China Sea Sword School, there is no such strength.

After looking at the long roster, Li Xing looked up, and immediately quieted down below, silent.

"You, as the Lord of Forbearance, both of us must be familiar. Li Xing, Tianchen Guozhen Wuhou."

"Ah! He is actually a Houye, no wonder he is so strong. Tianchen is a superpower. His fiefdom must be vast, right?"

"Wait, this Zhenwu Hou, I heard about it last time when I went out to pick up the mission. It's a big name. It's a star character in Tianxingmen."

"Will the Lord Ninja move our tribe to his fiefdom? We have lived here for a long time, far from the Central Plains, and it is not easy to go out every time. If we can enter the Central Plains, our ancient Ninja tribe will definitely be greatly developed."

"To put it bluntly, the reason why the ancient Ninjas have not been able to enter the Central Plains is because they are worried about being rejected. In the Central Plains, crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and outstanding people, we are in danger of exterminating any tribe if we provoke them."

Li Xing said, "Benhou's land is closed, there are tens of thousands of people, the land is vast, and the people live and work in peace. The Guren family is good at assassinations and reconnaissance. If they go with him, they can show their ambitions and shine. . "

Yun Hanshan heard Li Xing's meaning and asked, "Do you want to endure the Lord, shall we move to the Central Plains?"

"Good." Li Xingdao said, "There is no development in this remote and remote country. Only by going out will it be possible to grow the prestige of the Gu Ren family and spread it far. With prestige, business can come to the door and show its strengths. "

Yun Hanshan nodded again and again: "We also had this idea for a long time. Unfortunately, it was not easy to move, and the Central Plains has no backing, so it has been delayed. Since the Ninja Lord is a vassal, we are of course willing to go and follow the Ninja Lord and make a career."

The patriarch Yun Hanshan turned and drank, "Would you like to do something big with the Lord, and restore the glory of the ancestors?"

"Yes! Yes!" Everyone yelled.

"Now that we are willing, let us meet Lord Lord Nirvana together, and Lord Lord Lord, and lead us bravely forward, invincible!"

"See Lord Lord!"

The black people were kneeling down, all excited, seemingly seeing a bright future. Li Xing was quite emotional, these people will be his people in the future and must be properly resettled.

The conference lasted for three days, during which some people kept asking Li Xing, and Li Xingdu patiently answered. Gradually, people became familiar with the sudden emergence of Ninja, and also knew his ability and admiration.

After the conference, Li Xing ordered his family members to relocate, and he took the patriarch to kill three enemies together. The first thing to do is to hate the King of Heavenly Poison.

Hate the King of Poison, living in a poisonous pond in the Eternal Mountains. The poisonous pool was originally an ordinary pool of water. Since it was occupied by the King of Venom, it turned into a pool of poisonous water and died immediately.

Even if ~ www.readwn.com ~ there are flying birds passing through the air, they will be poisoned by poisonous drugs, fall into the pool, and become Hessen's dead bones.

Ten miles away from the poisonous pool, the two stopped, and the patriarch said, "Master Lord, if you go further, you will be infected with poisonous gas and cannot approach any more."

Li Xing nodded: "You are waiting for me here."

Yun Hanshan quickly said, "Master Lord, bear him first, and fight with him here, so as not to fall into his poisonous array."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Maybe." His body flashed and he broke into it.

Yun Hanshan hesitated for a moment and followed up.

Entering the drug king restricted area, I can't see a living plant, I can't see a living creature, everywhere is withered, and the poisonous gas is soaring into the sky. When Li Xing was running the Tiandu Desperate Curse, he had a black gas surrounding him.

This black gas is extremely toxic. As soon as it comes out, it immediately absorbs the virulence around it and grows stronger. Li Xing felt that his Tiandu desperate curse quickly increased his power, and he could not help but secretly startled: "This poison king is really powerful. Even near his place of residence, such a powerful poison is laid!"

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