Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 985: Assault gun

Chapter 985: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 985: Mixed Yuan Gun

This net is called Luoshen Net, which is also a six robbery weapon with amazing power. Suddenly, the power gap between Devouring Heavenly King, Killing Heavenly King, and the One Yuan Heavenly King narrowed sharply, and Li Xing's combat power became insignificant.

In the eyes of three people, capturing Li Xing is only a matter of time, and defeating competitors is crucial.

Yiyuan Tianzun's face sank. He never expected that he would have a large-faced weapon on Devouring Tianzun and Killing Tianzun, and Killing Tianzun still had a seven-jail weapon.

The six robbers are already terrifying in their lethality, and the celestial being able to slay two or three robbers is not a problem. Seven robbers are even more powerful and can pose a threat to the four robbers.

"Before that, I think we should control this person before we can talk about the other." Killing Tianzun said, the transfiguration aura issued a colorful halo, and suddenly enveloped Li Xing.

Immediately, Li Xing felt that he was sinking and was sealed by this aperture. He did not resist, but looked indifferently at the other side.

"Yes, we will have a fierce battle later, this kid will definitely take the opportunity to escape." Luoshen net that devoured Tianzun, also sent out a misty net brilliance, suppressing on the periphery of the halo.

Of course, the One Yuan Tianzun will not stand idly by, playing a Yin and Yang, two rounds, suppressing Li Xing up and down. The power of the three large planes was suppressed at the same time, and Li Xing couldn't move immediately, sighing secretly.

"Six robbers are really powerful, and seven robbers are even more inscrutable. If you don't count today, you must be fierce."

The three suppressed Li Xing, and the One Yuan Tianzun actually shot at the same time as devouring Tianzun, running the six looters and killing Tianzun at the same time. At this point, Li Xing had long anticipated that the killer Tianzun had the Seven Robbery weapon, which had the strongest combat power, and the other two parties would naturally join together to drive him away first.

This is really a fierce battle. The three masters are fighting together. Where strong fluctuations pass, the stars explode, Tianyu collapses, all kinds of electric light, the thunder soldiers land in the sky, and they are all murderous.

"Boom!" The three ripped through the void and entered another inexplicable world war, fought darkly and starry and dark.

At this moment, Li Xing looked freely under the three seals, nourishing the mixed yuan gun secretly. His strength is not enough to compete with the six robbery instruments, unless he enters the level of life. Therefore, it is not appropriate to hit it right now, but to find opportunities and then escape.

"These three seals are not the supreme power of the magic weapon. With the help of 'pass me' and the mixed gun, I have a great chance to escape, but the time is not yet ripe," he said in his heart.

A few days after the battle, the seven slaying tools that killed Tianzun were too powerful. Even if they devour Tianzun and One Yuan Tianzun together, they cannot prevail. On the contrary, the two were jealous of each other, and no one was willing to give up.

Just as the three men were fighting, the Zunyuan gun tire broke open, and a shock was blown from it. Even the Zunyuan world couldn't keep it and was forced out by it. The killing light fell into Li Xing's hands and turned into a spear.

This gun is nine feet nine inches long, dark gold, thick as a human arm, a slight light from the tip of the gun, when it is bright, it is angry, when it is dark, it is a killer, there is no death. The combat power of the mixed yuan gun is definitely not weaker than the three robbers.

In particular, the point of the gun was changed by the sword tip of the Ming Dynasty, and the combat power is not trivial. Even in the face of the four robbery instruments, it can be called against, and has the power of anti-sky.

With a shot in hand, Li Xing smiled and murmured, "The time has come."

At this moment, the three seals were slightly loose. That was because the three pieces of artifacts were being assembled, which caused the left-behind forces to slightly dissipate. Li Xing seized this opportunity, and the mixed yuan gun spit out suddenly, piercing the three seals.

This blow, in conjunction with the passing of me, made Li Xing's whole body ethereal, making the three major seal forces unable to completely suppress him.


The wheel print, halo, and light net were pierced one after another. Li Xing took the opportunity to get out of the seal and immersed himself in the void with the hybrid gun and disappeared.

After three breaths, devouring Tianzun, killing Tianzun, and the one-yuan Tianzun returning at the same time, the three looked surprised and couldn't believe that Li Xing had actually escaped.

"This man was able to escape under the seal of the Seven Robbery. It is incredible that even me, I have no ability." Killing Tianzun frowned. "We all look down on him."

"The son entered that space and space that day and was besieged by hundreds of Venerables without dying. I knew that he was very good at it, but he didn't expect to be so powerful. Even breaking three large planes, it was a wizard." Road.

"Huh! The three of us only care about fighting, but this kid is cheap. What should we do now? He has no breath at all." Devouring Tianzun resentfully.

"Anyway, this person's roots are shallow." One Yuan Tianzun said, "Being born in the fighting school, this trip is to go to the heaven court to ban the army."

"It's not easy for the people in the embargo." Killing Tianzun said, "It seems that only long-term consideration."

Then the killing of Tianzun disappeared, and then devouring Tianzun disappeared. One Yuan Tianzun sneered and trembled: "These two are stupid. I don't know that I have been following the same way on that person, and I always know his position."

But he said that Li Xing ran all the way, then used his means to transform into a middle-aged man and return to glorious time and space. When he returned, the monks in the whole time and space did not die, there were more than a dozen celestial deities, and they wanted to suppress the glorious Holy Spirit together.

It seems that they have been shooting for some time, but unfortunately the Holy Spirit is quite strong and cannot be subdued. Of these dozens, most of them have changed their lives, and a few have their own lives. For Li Xing, strength is nothing.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared, the mixed gun swept away and yelled, "All dead!"

The heavens and the earth were cleared and destroyed, and more than a dozen celestial beings were exhausted before they were able to strike. Li Xing played a powerful force that was unique to the three celestial celestial deities. These celestial deities could not resist at all.

The people were chopped, the splendid Holy Spirit breathed a sigh of relief, and complained, "Why are you going back at this time, and this monk almost couldn't hold on, these monks are really abominable!"

Li Xingdao: "The news of your existence has been spread long ago. It should not be here for a long time. You must follow me."

"Walk with you? How do you go?" The glorious Holy Spirit said, "Do you want to refine this space-time?"

"You don't have to refine. As long as you cooperate, I will put this time and space into the mixed world, until your practice is complete, and then let you out, how about it?" Li Xingdao.

The glorious Holy Spirit thought about it, knowing that it can only be the case at the moment, and said, "Okay." Immediately, he cooperated with Li Xing, and the two sides exerted their means to absorb glorious time and space into a kingdom of gods.

Li Xing ’s mixed-yuan realm is more grand and grand than the general world. It is not difficult to install this space-time, and it is easy to complete. He immediately left the scene.

After a long journey, Li Xing continued to fly. When he entered a void and was about to jump, he saw the One Yuan Tianzun. One Yuan Tianzun stood not far away with a smile on his face, but the smile was cold.

Li Xington lived and said, "How do you know I'm here?"

One Yuan Tianzun reached out and grabbed, and Li Xing felt light on his body, as if something had been caught. I saw that the other side had an empty thought, and it seemed that he had come to follow it.

"Good means," Li Xing said.

"You can escape from the seal of the three of me. The strength is not weak, but this deity has given birth to the love of talent. Now I will give you a chance to surrender the shards of Ming and Sword, then worship me as the master and surrender Soul imprint, eternal loyalty to the deity, you can spare you. "One yuan deity said.

"Hey," Li Xing sneered, showing the mixed gun, and said coldly: "In this world, no one has hurt me to be loyal, neither the Emperor of Heaven nor the Emperor of God, let alone such a small shrimp?"

"The tone is not small." One Yuan Tianzun looked even colder, "Since you toast and not eat and punish, then you will take the blow from Ben Tianzun!"

As soon as the Sun and Moon rounds were up and down, they were spinning, releasing hundreds of millions of kills, and beheading Li Xing. Six robbery instruments, at least also equal to the lethality of five robbery Datianzun, how strong its strength can be imagined.

As soon as the Baolun came out, Li Xing felt a sense of suffocation, but his expression was extremely firm. He waved his hand and struck out three auras, and then provoked the mixed yuan gun to strike Xeon.

In this attack, he first exhibited his self-made Supreme Mastery and the "threat" in the past three hits. Disorderly life, chaotic fate, unpredictable ghosts and gods, incomprehensible. Once this move was made, the world was moving, the stars and moon were dark.


The mixed yuan gun collided with the sun and moon treasure wheel, as if the sky collapsed, the ground subsided, and the eschatology was everywhere. The sun and moon wheel is shrouded in three negative haloes, and its strength is only slightly reduced, and its lethality has not been lost.

Therefore, Li Xing suffered a lot of pressure in this blow. He was blown away by one round, half of the kingdom of gods exploded and shattered, and the Yuan Dynasty was also shaken. However, he made no effort to attack and defend, and he was not fatally injured.

A life-threatening blow, disrupting the fate, even the sun and moon Baolun can not win the mixed yuan gun. The moment Li Xing was hit, the mixed gun disappeared again ~ www.readwn.com ~ People and the gun disappeared together, I don't know where to go.

With a full blow, the One Yuan Tianzun was also shocked, and half of his body was numb, looking in surprise at the direction where Li Xing disappeared. He understood that Li Xing was forced to leave this place by means of the horrific attack method just found, and entered another space, which he could not even catch up with.

"This child has a lot of potential and is awesome. If there is a chance in the future, he will be killed!"

Li Xing was severely injured, and more than half of the deities' kingdoms were broken. It took a lot of time to rebuild. Fortunately, there are not many living creatures in these **** kingdoms, otherwise, his loss will be greater.

"Abominable, the six robbers are so powerful!" Li Xing secretly cursed while flying, he suffered a great loss.

"I can't see that you are so fierce that you dare to touch the six looters, admire, admire." The brilliant Holy Spirit cried.

Li Xing snorted and was about to speak, but saw the dragon elephant boy jump out, looking guiltyly: "It's all small incompetence. If it is a small weapon, the master will not be injured today."


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