Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 986: Sky Heart City

Chapter 986: Heavenly Heart City

Chapter 986: Sky Heart City

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It must be done step by step. It is not your fault today." He comforted Long Xianghuan and said, "Your qualifications are strong and you have a solid foundation. You will definitely become a legend in the future. And even ancient artifacts. "

Long Xianghuan was praised with pride, and said, "The master is assured that the young must practice hard and live up to the master's expectations." It swayed a bit, and then drew into a space to retreat and practice. Energized.

After several months of flying, Li Xing finally arrived at a teleportation array and continued his journey. This time it was much smoother. After several consecutive teleportation jumps, he officially entered the heavenly area.

The area under the jurisdiction of the court of heaven is extremely vast and belongs to the core area of ​​the central pure land. In the heavenly court, there are 300,000 auxiliary cities, 3,000 main cities, and one of the largest imperial cities.

When Li Xing came out of the teleportation array, he entered a deputy city. Even if it is a deputy city, in Li Xing's view, it is still huge and prosperous, with masters like clouds in the city.

The triad of life-threatening triple deities like Li Xing can be seen everywhere in the city. More monks are changing their destiny.

He had expected that in places like Heaven, it was normal to have masters. Just like the capital of a certain country, if you just grab a person on the street, you may be relatives of the emperor, descendants of officials, and even a person setting up a stall. They may have extraordinary backers.

Celestial court belongs to the most central place in the heavenly realm. Da Tianzun is not in the minority, while Tianzun is countless. The realm of Tianzun was once out of reach for Li Xing. But when he stepped into this level, he realized that Tianzun was just the beginning of cultivation.

After becoming Tianzun, he has his own relatively complete plane. The next step is to continue to strengthen and perfect your own plane, and move towards the path of the strong, until you become the Great Celestial Master.

Becoming a great **** can only be called a strong one, because only great **** can survive the calamity and accumulate strength again and again. The Great Celestial Master also has three, six, nine, etc., one great Celestial Master, two great Celestial Masters, and even higher Celestial Masters.

For Li Xing, only if he became a great deity, would it be possible to contend with more powerful characters, such as the one yuan great deity who mastered the six robbery instruments.

The vice city where he is at this moment is called Tianxin City, the city is crowded with people, and people travel, and business travel is endless. There is a perfect flying boat running route between the heavenly cities. As long as Li Xing boarded the boat in Tianxin City, he can quickly reach the Imperial City.

However, Li Xing was not in a hurry. Before entering the imperial city, he decided to stay in Tianxin City for a few days to learn about the situation in the heavenly court. Heaven is a big place, unfathomable, and he didn't want to go in like this until he didn't know enough.

Tianxincheng is like a prosperous small city, where people live different lives in different ways. There are poor and rich. Some quasi-respects and even destiny lords have no status here as slaves.

Some great celestial deities can obtain a half-office position in the court of heaven, possess huge powers, dominate the king in a city, and no one dares to mess with it. The currency in the heavenly courts rarely sees the death-synthesizing chemical alchemy, and even rarely changes the life-changing chemical alchemy, and more is the life-saving alchemy and the great alchemy.

Li Xing was at the tip of a top-class inn, eating strange birds and beasts every day and drinking Qiongyeyuyu. If he wanted to, as long as he said hello at night, all kinds of beautiful women came to serve.

For half a month, Li Xing stayed in Tianxin City, feeling the atmosphere of heaven and being familiar with the environment of heaven. This process allowed him to learn more about heaven. The court of three hundred and thirty thousand, three thousand main cities, each city has a city owner, all matters in the city, the city owner is fully responsible. This model is very similar to the regime of Dragon Elephant World.

Above the city masters are the officials of the heavenly courts, who rule the cities. In the past, each city must import talents into the heavenly courts and build an army; during wartime, the cities must provide combat power to help the heavenly courts to fight.

The most powerful and complete heavenly court belongs to the military system. It has a powerful 36 general soldiers inside, and an army of 72 troops stationed in the four deserts. Among the heavenly courts, there is more elite among the elites. The military force of the embargo.

Of course, the army guarding the heavenly courts is not only the banned army, but also the four-way army, which guards the four heavenly gates. The commanders of the four heavenly gates can mobilize the general soldiers of 36 towns, and can even send orders to the army of 72 roads in Sihuang, with great power.

In addition, the court of heaven has set up a power organization responsible for the transmission of information and supervision of Pure Land, called the supervisor of heaven. The Celestial Division is very confidential. Few people know how many people it has, what strength it has, and how it works.

However, many people believe that the power and means of Jiantian Division are still above the embargo and have great power.

During this time living in Tianxincheng, Li Xing was not only used to inquire about the situation, but was also recovering from his injuries. Before the battle with One Yuan Tianzun, he was not badly affected. He didn't have a month or two, so he didn't want to restore it.

Fortunately, Li Xing has hundreds of millions of good fortunes, which can be regarded as a rich man, but he is also at ease. In the meantime, Li Huojin, Wutong, Xiaoyi, Jun Qianheng, and others successively stepped out of the Yuanyuan Realm and went to Tianxincheng to learn something.

Originally, these people were all talented people with a sense of pride. However, after Li Xing let them see the Great World, everyone's minds were extremely heavy. There were so many superior people in the world. Looking at them, they are all Tianzun, and it is not a rare existence.

Their arrogance and self-confidence have suffered a lot, but this recognition of reality is not a bad thing, letting them know that there are people outside and there is truth in heaven.

Everyone soon returned to the mixed Yuan realm. After some insight, they only had one idea in their minds, which was to practice hard. The Xunyuan world provided them with the best environment, and Li Xing provided them with sufficient resources. In this case, there was no reason for them not to sprint hard. Otherwise, they would only be slaves in heaven.

During this period of time, Cabernet Kazuya and Naha have been with Li Xing. Naha hasn't been to the heavens before, and everything is fresh and surprised than Li Xing. Although Cabernet Sauvignon grew from pure land, it was also the first time he arrived in heaven and entered this core place. After all, the toll alone was too much for her before.

The three portraits entered the soil buns in the big city, and they would be surprised when they saw anything.

On this day, the three walked on the long street, and there were people selling goods on both sides of the street. There are a wide variety of goods to be sold, everything from magical instruments, runes, elixir, etc.

Before long, a three- or four-year-old girl suddenly rushed out and hit Li Xing. Don't look down on this little girl. Although she is young, she is already a life-threatening triple deity. It is the same grade as Li Xing.

As a matter of fact, many monks born in the Pure Land of the Central People are born at the level of half, quasi, or even heaven, and if they grow up a little, they will have great achievements.

This young girl is young, and she is a triad of heaven, and she must have extraordinary origins. When she bumped into Li Xing, she felt a sore nose and called out "wow", raised her small face, and stared at Li Xing angrily.

Li Xing also lowered her head, looked at this small step, and smiled, "Little sister, did you hurt?" Then, she reached out and held her up.

The little girl looked up, Shen said, "Of course it hurts. I don't believe you let me hit you."

Li Xing smiled, and naturally did not care about him, and said, "I hit you, it is my fault, shall I compensate you?"

The little girl's eyes lit up and she said, "Will you really lose me?"

"Of course." Li Xing looked serious, "How do you say I should pay?"

The little girl blinked her pretty big eyes and said, "Then you can help me rescue my servant."

"What happened to your servant?" Li Xing asked, not too surprised that the little girl had a servant.

"My servant, A Mao, was detained by Bai Yilang's bad boy. He said that even if my dad came forward, he would not let him go. I was really mad at me." The little girl said angrily, "You rescue A Mao, just I'll be fine. "

Although the little girl has the practice of respecting the gods, but the behavior is still a child, Li Xing knows the benefits and must understand the situation before acting. Then she asks: "Who is Shirajiro and why he detained your servant? A cat? "

"Bai Shilu Lang is the master of the city of heavenly heart." The little girl said, "A great deity from three calamities. He relied on his father's power and said that he would grow up and marry me. When I was angry, I hit him and he hit him. He caught my servant, Cat. "

Li Xing frowned when he heard that the other party was the son of the city owner. The little girl Liu Yemei raised her eyebrows, and said angrily, "Why, are you afraid? I know that all of you are timid and unbelievable."

Li Xing laughed dumbly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Patted the little girl's head and said, "When did I say I can't help you? But, since the other party is the son of the city owner, there must be a master under him, always think about it first Method."

At first glance, Kasai Tianzun seemed to be willing to inherit, and he secretly whispered in secret: "Big brother must not, the children are playing around, and it is a big thing when we intervene. In addition, the master of the heart of the heart is the three robbers of Tianzun. Extraordinary, maybe there are five or six robberies on hand, it's not easy to provoke. "

Li Xingdao: "You also say it ’s a kid playing, what ’s the big deal? I ’ll take a trip to the city ’s mansion first, and in the name of my embargoed man, I ’ll give him a three-point thin noodle. It may not be a real hand. , There is nothing to be afraid of. I can also fight with the Three Masters of the Great Celestial Mastery. As for the large plane weapon, you can rest assured that the Lord of the Celestial Masters is not. "

Seeing Li Xing's thoughtfulness, Cathay Tianzun stopped persuading and followed him silently to see how he did it.

The little girl was very happy when she heard it, pulling Li Xing's sleeves and saying, "Okay, let's go now, I will help you lead the way."

In this way, Li Xing, holding a three or four-year-old girl, walked to the house of the Tianxin City Lord.


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