Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 987: prestige

Chapter 987: Prestige

Chapter 987: Prestige

On the way, Li Xing asked about the identity of the little girl. The little girl was named Su Su. She was three and a half years old this year. Her father and mother were both businessmen in Tianxincheng, and they were quite powerful. This is a child, what do you say, to Li Xing one by one.

Susu's parents are not much, but her grandfather is no small matter. He is a great celestial deity. Although he does not serve in the court, he is powerful. Susu's grandfather's grandfather called the Golden Rooster Tianzun, a strange origin.

The original form of the Golden Rooster is a large golden rooster. Later, it cultivated successfully, took off the birds, repaired the human form, and called the Golden Rooster Taoist. Jinji Taoists have great chances and have been inherited by a legendary great deity. They have cultivated all the way to the present.

In addition, Susu's grandfather is also a remarkable person, named Iron Blood Great Celestial Master, who is also a cultivation practice of the Five Calamities. His combat power is still above the Golden Rooster Great Celestial Master. After hearing Su Su's tone, her grandfather and grandfather were very fond of her. However, the two elders didn't see much in the meantime. According to Susu, they fought at least 500 times.

Knowing these news, Li Xing knew that with such a strong backer, even if Su Su had offended Tianxin City Lord, that would not be a big deal.

Although he has not formally joined the embargo, Li Xing knows the horror of the embargo's combat power and its position in the entire court. There were only 1,300 soldiers below the army. Each of these three hundred and three hundred people has the strength of the Great Celestial Master, and there are many of them who have the ranks of the Great Celestial Master.

In particular, some senior officers in the embargo are directly served by the legendary and the epic. The overall strength of the embargo can be said to be very scary. Even as a guard, it has considerable power.

Because of this, Li Xing was willing to give it a try and try to use the identity of the embargoed soldier to let the owner of Tianxin City sell him a face. Of course, if the other party doesn't know how to play, Li Xing doesn't mind using strong, he is confident to fight against the Three Great Masters.

The house of the Tianxin City Lord is located in the central area of ​​the Tianxin City. Those who can open up time and space in the central pure land must have at least the strength of the Supreme Celestial King, otherwise they cannot do it at all.

And to open up a stable space that can live for a long time and build a home in it, the Great Celestial Master who can't do more than three disasters cannot. Even Li Xing, it is not easy to establish such a solid space.

A tall and majestic torii appears in front of it, and the four golden characters, "Grand Prince of the Heavens", are glittering, showing a special mood. After the archway, there was a phosgene, which was the spacetime where Tianxinfu was.

Outside the torii, four guards stood, and Gu changed their lives. They saw Li Xing and other three big and one enter, and immediately stepped in and stopped, screaming, "Who is good at breaking into Tianxinfu!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "He will serve in the embargoed army under Xia Lixing, pass by your land, and specially come to visit the Lord of the Heavenly Hearts, and please report to them."

As soon as Li Xing came out of the banned army, four people looked at each other, one of them arched out, "It turned out to be the uncle in the banned army. Please wait a while, and the little one will report it."

Although Li Xing's cultivation is not high, but since he is a member of the embargo, it means that he has great fighting power and should not be underestimated. Coupled with the identity of the people in the embargo, how dare the little Tianxincheng offend? So he hurriedly notified.

The guard went faster and faster, accompanied by a young boy. The young man, with a face like a crown jade and a chic look, fluttered in white clothes and groaned with a smile. He arched at a distance from Li Xing and said, "Oh, a friend from the embargo came and was far away. Forgive sins! "

Li Xing also stepped forward to meet each other, and laughed: "Whereever, it is disturbing Tianxinfu, please forgive me."

"You're welcome. Please sit down in the lobby for a few guests. My father will be here soon." The young man said with a smile. On the way to the lobby, the two parties introduced each other and gave their names. The young man named Bai Jiuyin was destined to reverence his heavenly respect.

There are eighteen sons in the Tianxincheng Lord. Although they are also famous, the people outside are called Bai Yilang, Bai Erlang, etc. This Bai Jiulang is called Bai Qiwu and the Taoist Qiwu Tianzun.

When Li Xing and Susu entered Tianxinfu, the two figures appeared nearby, both of them looked dignified. One of them said, "Why did the lady enter Tianxinfu with this stranger? Would you like to follow up?"

"No, Tianxinfu is not something we can break through. Quickly go back and report to Mrs. Master and let them get the idea." Saying, the two were invisible and disappeared, obviously using some mysterious means to be able to be in the central pure land. Hide body.

The four of Li Xing followed Bai Qiwu to the Baijia Hall. There were four young people sitting in the hall. Seeing Li Xing, they didn't get up, but nodded slightly.

Bai Qiwu introduced: "This is Brother Li Dao, who serves in the embargo."

"Oh? It turned out to be a brother in the forbidden army. It happened to be working in the forbidden palace. I wonder which camp you are from?" A young man stood up and asked Li Xing. This person is a double-destined man, with a strong momentum and tyrant, obviously is not a provocative master, and his combat power has definitely entered the level of the Great Celestial Master.

The other party's tone is obviously skeptical. You must know that Li Xing is the triple killer, and it seems impossible to enter the place of the embargo. The truth is as easy as it is for babies to enter the army to fight.

Bai Qiwu quickly introduced to Li Xing: "Li Daoyou, this is the three brothers in the family Bai Qihu, Taoist fierce tiger Tianzun." Then introduced the other three people, they are Bai Shilang Shenpeng Tianzun, Bai Liulang Leopard Shadow Tianzun, Bai Hachiro heard Tianzun.

The five sons of the Bai family were present, all of them were extraordinary. The weakest was Wenwen Tianzun, who was the most important, and the rest were the two who were so imposing.

After the introduction, Li Xing nodded slightly and said, "I haven't gone to the embargo to report, so I haven't compiled it."

As soon as this statement was made, the five people at the scene quickly exchanged a strange look, and the fierce tiger Tianzun smiled "Haha": "So, Brother Li can enter the embargo, there must be extraordinary means, otherwise how can he kill himself in a triple state? Selected? "

Li Xing said indifferently: "It's just lucky to have the prize."

He didn't say so, the five of them didn't think he was polite, but told the truth. It is naturally impossible for a deadly triple deity to enter the embargo by virtue of his strength.

After greetings, Li Xing talked about the purpose of the trip and pointed to Su Su: "This little friend's servant was captured by the eleven son of the Bai family. I am here to ask the eleven son to let the servant go. Cat. Thanks a lot if you can. "

Upon hearing this, Qihu Tianzun laughed and said, "This kind of trivial matter, how can it not be allowed. Speaking of which, you and I are serving in the forbidden palace, and the brothers are working in the Eighth Battalion of the Forbidden Army. What a family With such kindness. "

The other was so good-tempered that he immediately called Bai Shiro. The Shiro Shiro was very young and gave birth to a strong and powerful man. Although he was only six years old, he looked fifteen or sixty years old. He looked sloppy and untamed, and his thin lips were slightly sloppy and upturned, indicating that he was a mind A mean person.

Bai Yilang gave Li Xing a sneer and sneered: "Is the third brother asking me to listen to this person? He is a little bit of life-saving waste, but also wants me to sell him face?"

Liehu Tianzun deliberately put his face up and yelled, "Presumptuous, Brother Li is a noble guest. How can you be rude and apologize for your brother!"

Bai Yilang was still young, and he had to change his life only when he was rehabilitated. When he was drunk by the fierce tiger Tianzun, he did not squeak, but he did not apologize to Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled, and said, "The eleventh son is very young, and he will be able to change his life, and it will be an eye-opener."

"Hmm! Unseen soil buns!" Bai Yilang turned to his face, seeming disdain to look at Li Xing more.

Liehu Tianzun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Li, my eleventh brother is spoiled. You must not mind."

"No," Li Xing said, "how can I have general knowledge with children."

Listening to what he said, Bai Yilang's sword eyebrows were raised, sneer: "Not bad, do you deserve to be said like this?" When he spoke, he stepped in front of Li Xing, his palms turned up, Go straight to Li Xing's cheek.

This is an extremely humiliating practice, and the clay figurine can't stand it. Li Xing opened his eyes, and it was not easy to do with a child.

This cries implied the "backlight" power of the past three moves, which directly attacked Bai Yilang's weakest moment, that is, the moment he was born, at that time he was still a life-threatening deity.

Backlit was unstoppable. Bai Yilang's arm was raised, and he felt a thunder in his ears. His body was in pain. The sky broke up from his birthplace, and the soul exploded.

He screamed, opened a mouthful of blood, and sat on the ground with his butt, his face pale.

Li Xing looked at him coldly, saying one word at a time: "I miss you when I am young, and I do n’t care about you today. If I change people, I will never cut it off." This sentence reveals boundless killing, supreme domineering, Datianzun's combat power is no doubt exposed.

Bai Yilang stared at Li Xing with resentment at his face ~ www.readwn.com ~, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, stood up silently, and retreated behind the fierce tiger Tianzun. The other five sons in white changed their looks slightly, and they finally understood that the people in front of them might not have entered the embargo by luck, but they had such strength.

"Three brothers, we are all gone. I am afraid that this person's strength is not under you, do you want to keep him?" Qiwu Tianzun said secretly.

"It's okay, we'll set up a lore fight and get his qualifications later. If it succeeds, we can have one more person serving in the forbidden army, and the strength will increase greatly." Liehu Tianzun said. "

The conversation between several people was clearly introduced into Li Xing's ears. His chaotic formations are extremely clever. With the help of fate, he can roughly estimate what the other party is saying.

Hearing the words, Li sneered: "Since this is the case, I will slowly play with you!" He has been running his eyes and ears for a long time, knowing that there is no such thing as the Great Master in the Baijia Hour and Sky, which means that the Lord of the Heart of Heaven is not here.

On the surface, Liehu Tianzun gave a high-five praise at this time: "Brother Li is good!" Then he yelled to Baishilang, "Small eleven, do you know what someone is outside now? Let me converge a little later!"


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