Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 288: Hand suppression

Chapter 288: Suppression With Only One Hand

Chapter 288 Suppression With Only One Hand

Bai Yilang snorted and stared at Li Xing for a while, then turned and stepped back. The fierce tiger Tianzun shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said to Li Xing, "Let Brother Li laugh, my brother is too helpless."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's nothing, just a child who is not sensible."

Qiwu Tianzun ordered at this time to bring out Su Su's servant, A Mao. A cat is a teenager. As a teenager, Zhunzun Xiuwei was originally anxious, but when he saw Susu, his mood was stabilized immediately, and he stepped forward to meet his master.

Susu looked overjoyed and laughed, "Amao, you haven't thanked this benefactor yet." Then he sent out a thought, and told him all the causes and consequences. A cat really was very grateful and paid homage to Li Xing.

On the other side, the fierce tiger Tianzun sent an invitation to Li Xing, hoping that he could stay in Baifu for a few days, so that they could do the best of landlords. In this regard, Li Xing sneered, but Mingli agreed.

Su Su naturally did not leave. She was very grateful for Li Xing's help and was sticking to Li Xing. The Bai family, however, secretly dispatched masters, in all directions, and continued to enter the Bai family.

In the living room, Qiwu Tianzun and Li Xing were talking about each other while playing games. Beyond Baifu, there is another force that is active, and they are their parents. Since learning that Susu entered Bai's family, Susu's parents rushed to the neighborhood as soon as possible, but had not yet acted.

In a secret space, Susu's parents talked about what they thought. Su Su's father looks like a young man, with star-brows, star-eyed eyes, ape-arms, bee-waist waist, hand-holding a big seal, magnificent, and the general situation is like the sky.

Susu's mother is a wonderful young woman, with a dignified manner, a charming appearance, a magic stone on her waist, and a mysterious mystery. These two people are both great masters and have extraordinary strength.

These two people, one calls the Purple Mountain Great Celestial Master, the other calls the Yuhu Great Celestial Master.

Yuhu Datianzun said: "Brother, Susu has been in for so long, won't the Bai family be against him? Is it only for a while, the Bai family frequently mobilizes masters, is there any plan to fail?"

Zishan Datianzun: "The Lake Girl is too high on the Bai family, so they dare not be vulgar. No matter whether it is his father or his father-in-law, only one thought can make the Bai family fly away."

Yuhu Datianzun: "So, is the person targeted by the Bai family the three-fold monk?"

"It seems so. The following person said that he went to Bai's house to ask his servant Ah Mao for Susu. It was bold enough. He was a trivial little man, and doing such a thing was like death. Bai's house No good kind. "

"So what do we do? Would you like to rescue this person?" Yuhu Datianzun said, "After all, he's helping Susu. We're not going to see the dead."

"To save people is to save them, but not yet." Zishan Datianzun said, "but this person's origin is unknown, there may be some means on his body, look at it, and then shoot at the end."

In the Baijia Hall, Qiwu Tianzun lost three games in a row, and his heart was annoyed. When it comes to calculating power, ten of them are not as good as Li Xing. However, on the surface, he still praised Li Xing and expressed his deep admiration for Yun Yun.

Pushing away the chessboard, Qiwu Tianzun suddenly said: "Brother Li is a master of chess, I wonder if it might break an ancient endgame retained by my Bai family?"

With a move in Li Xing's heart, some big masters who are proficient in chess will, at the end of their lifespan, integrate their feelings about the principles of the avenue and what they have learned in their lives into the chess game, creating an endgame.

Among them, the endgame created by some ancient characters is called the endgame of ancient times. In endgames, there are often hidden dangers. If you are not careful, you may fall into the situation and be unable to extricate yourself.

However, if the endgame can be successfully cracked, it will be endured by the endgame owner and will be passed on to the person who broke it. The person who breaks the game will benefit a lot, and it is possible to reach the sky from this step.

Flashing in his mind, Li Xing said, "Oh, I don't know what kind of endgame it is?"

Qiwu Tianzun showed his face and said: "My Bai family has collected 13 pieces of ancient ruins, known as the Thirteen Deadliness. There have been countless people who have tried to crack, but they have not succeeded. Can Li Xing think about it?"

"So, I really want to see some things down here, please Brother Qiwu to lead the way." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

Qiwu Tianzun smiled "Hehe": "It will take some time for the endgame to open. Please wait for me, I'll come and go."

After the other party left, Su Su said: "Big brother, Su Su remembered that once the grandfather told his mother about the endgame of the Bai family, saying that the thirteen killing was so good that he was not sure how to crack it. The killing of the game is fierce, and countless people have died in the game. "

After speaking, the little girl looked at Li Xing anxiously: "Big brother, can you really do it?" Since Li Xing helped her, she called Li Xing the big brother and was quite close.

Sauvignon Blanc also frowned: "Brother, Miss Su Su is saying, the endgame is too dangerous, it is best not to enter easily."

Even Naha expressed the same view, saying: "To put it bluntly, these endgames have not been cracked so far, and they are bound to be extremely dangerous.

Li Xingwen said with a smile, and said, "I have something in my mind. I can't break it. Naturally I won't break it. If it can be broken, how can I miss such an opportunity? If you break the endgame, you can get a kind of civilization inheritance and opportunity."

However, he said that in a secret hour and sky, Qiwu Tianzun, Liehu Tianzun and several others were present. Qiwu Tianzun sneered: "This man is really beyond his means and wants to watch the ruins of ancient times."

The fierce tiger Tianzun said: "This is the best. Those 13 endgames, my father dare not even look at it, because it is too mysterious. They are all left by the legendary Datianzun, no small matter, even the legendary Datianzun may not be able to crack. "

"Hey, this Li Xing doesn't know whether to live or die, then let him crack it, it is best to die in the endgame." Bai Shiyilang said in a dark voice, not like a child's tone.

Hearing Tianzun: "Since this is the case, we don't do anything for the time being, let him enter the endgame first and then say, if we can be trapped in the endgame, we will be free of trouble. Father can't come back this time, it is best to suppress this person silent , To qualify him for entry into the forbidden army. "

"In case this person can really crack, isn't it a bad thing?" Some people were worried, talking about Leopard Shadow Supreme, "If this person dares to enter the endgame, he will be very capable."

"Joke, how can the endgame of the legendary Datianzun be so easy to break?" Bai Shiro said.

After some deliberation, everyone decided to let Li Xing enter the endgame first, and then deal with it after it was suppressed. Later, Qiwu Tianzun found Li Xing again, and said with a smile that the endgame had begun, hoping that he would go to the point of view.

At this point, Li Xing had already included Susu, Cabernet, and Naha in the Yuanyuan Realm. Shi Shiran followed Qiwu Tianzun into the Bai family for an hour in the air.

This hourly space is very weird. Once in it, Li Xing sensed that there were thirteen killings, each one of them was no small matter. In this hour and sky, there are thirteen different killing lights of different colors, which make people dare not approach.

Qi Wutian took a jealous look at these killing music and said: "Brother Li, these are the 13 killings. Each one is extraordinary. Brother Li wants to watch and look at it from a distance. May be inhaled by the endgame. "

The other party seems to be kind, in fact, Li Xing is being stimulated. If you are a proud person, you must try it closer. Sure enough, Li Xing cooperated with the authentic: "Anyway, the endgame is dead after all, and it may not be able to get a living person."

Qiwu Tianzun sneered in his heart, but said in his mouth, "Li Xing still be careful." Then he said a few words and then left, let Li Xing watch it by himself.

As soon as Qiwu Tianzun left, Li Xing's eyes were fixed on one of the endgames. After a moment of chaos in the chaotic array, he showed a solemn expression. However, after thinking for a while, he still stepped out into the killing.

Suddenly, Guanghua flashed, and the endgame swallowed up Li Xing.

At this time, the Bai family members appeared one after another, all looking coldly at the endgame, with a cold expression. They were convinced that once Li Xing entered, he would be doomed, and they would let them win.

"This stupid man is really arrogant, thinking that he can really crack the ruins of ancient times?" Bai Shiro laughed, feeling very relieved. Before Li Xing made him very shameless, his heart was extremely generous, and now he was finally relieved.

Qiwu Tianzun also shook his head and said, "This man is as reckless as a tiger. I doubt how he lives today."

When talking, the endgame that Li Xing entered suddenly shook, and hundreds of millions of killings turned up and down, forcing everyone to rush back. Liehu Tianzun sternly said, "Brother Li, are you okay?"

Li Xing's voice came out of the game, and he was very panicked: "This kills the game so badly, several people will let me out soon."

The Bai family were all smiling, and they looked at each other. Qiwu Tianzun said: "Brother Li is to be disappointed. The ruins of ancient times are extremely dangerous, and we can do nothing. However, if Brother Li promises us a condition, he can ask his father Come and help you. "

"What conditions, say it quickly." Li Xing said anxiously.

"Give up your voucher for entering the forbidden army, we can consider saving people." Qiwu Tianzun revealed his true face, coldly.

Li Xing angered: "You are taking advantage of the fire and robbery. It seems to have tricked me into the endgame. It is also designed in advance ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is really hateful!"

"Huh! It's your own stupidity, that's the endgame. What are you doing with us? If you want to survive, you must hand it in, or you will die in it!" Bai Shiro said fiercely.

Li Xing sighed, "Give it up, how do I enter the embargo? This thing must not be given away."

Everyone sneered, Liehu Tianzun said, "You just wait for death."

"Waiting for death? Do you look like I'm waiting for death?" Li Xing laughed suddenly, and the whole endgame suddenly "boomed" and then suddenly converged into a light spot. A figure stepped out of that spot of light. The power was extraordinary. Who wasn't Li Xing?

As soon as Li Xing came out, everyone changed colors and exclaimed: "No way! No one can break the thirteen killing game!"

Li Xing thundered, the storms exploded, and thundered loudly, saying, "You have bad intentions, and you're all planning to die!" Ying Tianzun and Shen Pengtian respected the wounds and vomited blood, and the others also changed their faces and looked incredible.


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