Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 989: Kill all

Chapter 989 All Killed

Chapter 989: All Killed

Under the suppression of Li Xingtian Zun Jingguang's big hand, Qiwu Tianzun and Lie Tiger Tianzun did not even have the ability to resist, and they were included in the palm of their hands and started to refining. . .

The fierce tiger Tianzun roared, turned into a fierce tiger, and tried to break through, trying to break through the mixed Yuanding, but all failed. This fierce tiger Tianzun is also a member of the embargo, and his strength is not to be underestimated.

Unfortunately, he is facing Li Xing. The three negative auras came down at once, which greatly reduced the combat strength of Lie Tianzun and fell to the level of ordinary Li Ming Tianzun, which was not Li Xing's opponent at all.

The masters of the Bai family arrived one after another, but no matter who they were, they would be suppressed by Li Xingshun and locked in the mixed Yuanding once they entered the sky.

That Shirashiro was also in it. He was full of resentment, and he could n’t be reckless: "I'm Shiroro is a wizard of pure land. You can't kill me! I!"

He shouted, wanting to send a message to the Lord of the Heavenly Hearts. However, the prosperous Yuanyuan Ding is isolated from everything, and no news can be transmitted. The wizarding figure was instantly transformed into a pure avenue rule, and became the nourishment of Li Xing's mixed Yuan realm.

The other descendants of the Bai family were also smelted to death. One after another the planes exploded in the Yuanyuan Ding, purified, and transformed into the Yuanyuan spiritual power.

"Aren't you afraid of the revenge of my Bai family? You beast, you want to refine us, I don't accept it!" Liehu Tianzhuang hissed, his expression irritated.

Li Xing said coldly: "Killers, people will always kill them. You start now. How can you talk about this? Since you dare to do it, you must bear the consequences and die!"


Hundred Yuan Ding trembled fiercely, dozens of Baijia Tianzun, were all refined, no one was spared.

Li Xingmo expressionless, his eyes fell on the other twelve ancient endgames. Before, he went into one of the endgames and looked outside, but it was only a moment, and in fact, he spent thousands of years in the endgame!

When he enters the endgame and kills him, he seems to enter a horrible battlefield, killing everywhere, always dangerous. This is a difficult process, which not only requires strong calculation ability, but also does not need its own extraordinary strength and long time. ,

For ten thousand years, Li Xing lived and died for several years. He finally broke through the endgame by relying on the chaotic array and his extraordinary fighting power, and was recognized by the endgame power. A large amount of the legendary Great Celestial Master entered his body.

This terrifying power has not had time to refine. It originates from another civilization. If it can be absorbed, it will be of great help to Li Xing ’s mixed Yuan realm.

Li Xing's figure flew into the second endgame. After ten breaths, the second endgame of ancient times was broken and he stepped out. Then the third ancient endgame, the fourth ancient endgame.

Although every time he broke the endgame in an instant, in fact, he would spend tens of thousands of years in the endgame. It's just because the endgame is wonderful, that time, space and time are self-contained, so it's different from the outside.

The thirteen deputies were completely destroyed by Li Xing. He also received the recognition of thirteen legendary big deities, all of which gave him the origin of a big deity. The magical origins of these thirteen regiments are too powerful, and he cannot be refined for the time being, and can only be said later.

The Bai family turned upside down, almost extinct, but did not know what was going on inside. However, Susu didn't come out for so long, her parents were already worried, and she was going to forcibly rush into Bai's house and ask for it.

Just when they were about to break in, Li Xing came out with Susu, Naha and Cabernet. Seeing her parents, Susu smiled "hee hee" and pointed at her servant A Mao and said, "Father, A Mao is back."

Susu's father, Zishan Datianzun stared at Li Xing with a burning eye, for a long time, Fang said: "Thank you for helping your friends." He paused and asked, "What happened to the Bai family?"

Li Xing said indifferently, "You're welcome." Slowly, he said, "The Bai family had been killed by me if they wanted to insult me."

Susu's mother, Yuhu Datianzun, took a breath and shook her head again and again: "Taoyou is too reckless, the Lord of the Heavenly Heart City will report, and he will not stop doing good work. This Heavenly City Lord will be the same, even my husband and wife are not afraid He. But behind the Lord of the Heart of the City, there is a powerful figure, one of the most powerful figures in the 36th town. "

Li Xing was shocked in his mind. He did not expect that the Bai family had such a strong backer. He asked: "Kill and kill, and regret it is useless. Please tell the chief soldier who he is, so that he can be prepared in the future."

Zishan Datianzun looked at Li Xingdao: "That person's name has called Sanyuan Datianzun, has gone through eight calamities, and his strength is unfathomable, far from me.

Li Xing raised his eyebrows: "One person acts and one person takes care of himself, even if the eight deities are in great danger, I have no fear." This statement is clear, meaning that the family of Zishan Da Tianzun will not be pulled into the water.

Zishan Datianzun and Yuhu Datianzun glanced at each other. Zishan Datianzun said, "Humei, this person is such a good friend, but he can make friends. If you look at his triple life, you can sweep Bai's house, it can be amazing. To describe. Such a person has unlimited achievements in Japan and is qualified to let us take risks. "

"Brother Shan, do you want to protect him? But the San Yuan Da Tian Zun is very powerful, and the two fathers are definitely not their rivals. If we want to protect him, I don't have that strength." Yuhu Da Tian Zun obviously agrees with Zi Shan Da Tianzun's view, but she is more aware of the terrible nature of the three-yuan deity.

"It ’s okay, when they have a Bai family to back them up? In heaven, even a trafficker may have a big backing, and our family is the same. Behind my father, the Golden Rooster, there is an old antique that is not born. From the realm, he has reached the realm of legend. It is the legendary celestial deity, who taught his father ’s humane law to make him a human figure, and is a prominent figure in heaven. Compared with him, the ternary celestial deity is also considered. Nothing. "

"It's just that we offended such a big enemy for a stranger and forced our father to ask the big man to leave the mountain. Is it worth it?" Yuhu Datianzhuang frowned, hesitating.

Zishan Datianzun sighed, "Humei, have you forgotten the legend of the Seven Prohibitions?"

Yuhu Datianzun jumped his heart, shocked and said, "You mean, can he ignore the seven prohibitions?"

"He is a state of triple killing, but even the Bai family has been destroyed. The Bai family, regardless of the other, only said that the fierce tiger Tianzun, how strong he is, you and I know that we can definitely fight against a looting Datianzun .Three deaths to the death of the Great Celestial Master, there are eight small realms! "Zishan Great Celestial preached," He is definitely a character who has broken the seven prohibitions. Such a person will inevitably shake the future. "

Yuhu Datianzun was silent for a moment, and sighed, "Is Shange betting? Gambling this person will surely be able to grow up and will help us a lot."

Zishan Datianzun: "You and I are two calamities, and they are extremely sensitive to destiny. Even if there is no such thing as the Seven Prohibitions, you should be able to appreciate it. This person is infinite and the power of destiny is extremely strong."

"I do have weak sensations, but I can't say for sure. The power of fate, mysterious and unpredictable, we can only predict a little, it is impossible to predict everything absolutely." Yuhu Datianzun said, "However, I believe in Shange's eyesight."

The two communicated secretly, just for a moment. Then Zishan Datianzun said to Li Xingzhengzheng: "Where is the Dao brother, you are here to help our daughter Susu. This is why you have entered the Bai family. If not, why would the Bai family have a chance? I figured you out? So, everything started because of your help. As parents, I and I can't stand by. The three-yuan deity, if we really do it, we will block it. "

Li Xing was stunned, he thought that the couple would try to clarify the relationship with themselves, how could they say such a thing. Although he had doubts in this regard, it was more favorable.

"The two don't have to be like this. People killed me, or don't involve outsiders." Li Xing said, "Although the other party is powerful, they may not be able to do anything to me."

This kind of absolute confidence makes the Mr. and Mrs. Zishan feel that Li Xing is extraordinary. He immediately said: "Brother Li Dao has seen the outside world. The so-called dripping grace is reported to Yongquan. When I act in Zishan, I always ask only morality, no matter the result The Lord of the Heavenly Hearts will soon get the news, and by his means, you will soon be able to find your position. So, let's find a place sooner and think about the solution earlier. "

Speaking, Zishan Datianzun refused to allow Li Xing to refuse, so he led the way and asked Li Xing to go to his residence. For such a enthusiastic person, and expressing his willingness to help you withstand the disaster, Li Xing refused to face it.

Su Su is very happy that her parents are so friendly to Li Xing, and she talks about it like a little yellow cat. Without knowing it, I went to the Purple Mountain Grand Palace.

This is a very stable space-time, with a lot of space inside. Yushu trees are planted all the way, all the way to Jiaohua, and even many rare birds and animals appear from time to time. Among the flowers, a palace was built, and the gate was wide open, and everyone entered side by side.

Groups of servants in the temple offered fresh fruit, fine wine, and wonderful songs and dances. Zishan Datianzun made a big pomp, which gave Li Xing face and grand treatment.

During the banquet, Zishan Dayzun frequently toasted to Li Xing, Yuhu Dayzun also smiled and drank a few glasses. From the song and dance party ~ www.readwn.com ~ there is a teenager, thirteen or fourteen years old, handsome and eye-catching, striding into the hall.

As soon as he came, he said loudly, "Father, mother, who deserves you to be treated like this? Are your grandpa and grandpa back?"

While talking, his gaze swept across the hall, but he didn't find anyone he wanted to meet, and finally fell on Li Xing. He couldn't help raising an eyebrow, showing his doubts.

Zishan Datianzun hurriedly said, "Shenger, don't be rude. This is the distinguished guest Li Tianzun, but you can't come to see him."

Li Xing smiled and waved his hand: "No need, I don't think it's necessary for the son to be double-dealed, and the realm is far above, so how dare you be."

The young man didn't say anything. He met him generously and said, "The junior sees Li Tianzun." But he said, "Why is the realm so low, but the parents pay so much attention?"

For a moment, Zishan Datianzun said: "Shenger, do you think Li Tianzun is in a low state and look down on him? As the father told you, not long ago, the Bai family was beheaded and killed by all except the Lord of the Heavenly City. Capable, do you have a double-minded deity? "


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