Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 992: Last hit

Chapter 992: The Last Strike

Chapter 992: Past Strike

The Tianxin City Lord descended strongly, as the three slayers, he was shocked, raised his hands to pick the stars and catch the moon, lifted his feet to break the sky and broke the sea, yelled, and locked Li Xing, the enemy of Bai Family. . .

"You are the murderer?" Tianxin City Lord did not rush to shoot, he stared at Li Xing, "depending on your life-changing practice?"

Although Li Xingfang issued a violent blow, the Tianxin City Lord still did not believe that he had the power to destroy so many masters of the Bai Family. Even if he took the shot himself, he couldn't do it so clean and beautiful. After all, the Baijia master is like a cloud. Even if he can't fight, escape is still possible.

Li Xing sneered, and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, because you will see it soon. I forgot to tell you that when the Bai family was destroyed at that time, I was just killing triplets."

"The junior is arrogant! I caught you first, and then tortured in detail!" The Tianxin City Lord lost his patience, and Tianzun broke through his hands, cracking down fiercely. This strike implied thirteen kinds of great killing techniques.

The great art of killing is after the beheading of the Great Celestial Master, using its avenue of the road, the unique art of attacking and killing is extremely powerful. At this moment, thirteen major killing arts are coming out, and their strong attack power makes Li Xing secretly startled.

However, after stepping into a heavy life change, his strength was greatly enhanced, and his fate was seen vaguely, and he knew the outcome of this battle in advance. He fought with fearlessly, hitting the "disorderly" of the past three moves.

As soon as this move was made, the sky was dark, the stars and the moon were no light, billions of lightning flashes fell from the sky, transformed into adult, beast, and infinite runes, all blasted to the Lord of the Heart of Heaven.

The Lord of the Hearts of the Heavens played a colorful light, and the two collided together, sending out a serial explosion. The sky collapsed, and some nearby planes were affected, causing severe losses and even falling directly.

"What?" The Tianxin City Lord suffered a severe shock and did not take advantage. He could not help but change his face. He and Li Xing had a hard fight outside of the White House. Not too surprised.

But now, he is performing a great killing technique, and his combat power is so strong that even if the Four Destroyeres are not afraid to underestimate him, the opponent actually tied him. This is nothing in a big deity, but the other side is a deity with a heavy life!

Li Xing sneered: "How, my" disorder "is better than your killing?"

The heart of Tianxincheng was shocked, and on the surface he looked disdainfully, and said coldly: "You can change your life to a small deity, and you can compare with this big deity? Today let you know, what is the means of big deity!"

Above his head, a black lotus platform suddenly rushed up, and on top of that lotus platform sat a black villain. The villain looked vulgar and had an evil expression, and suddenly opened his eyes, his blood-red eyes shot two red rays, and shone at Li Xing.

The two red awns were very weird. As soon as they shot at Li Xing, Li Xing felt a sense of destiny shaking, as if the next moment was about to fall. He was startled, and the chaos burst slightly, but he couldn't get rid of it.

"Not good, this must be an evil celestial mystery!" Li Xing said, "It seems that he can only start early and kill this person as soon as possible!"

The great mystery of the Great Heavenly Master cast by the Lord of the Heart of the Heavens, called Black Curse and Blood Slaying, is very vicious, and its power is not under the three auras controlled by Li Xing. At the moment, Li Xing couldn't stop it, and his fate was affected.

At the critical moment, Li Xing exerted his best, and the mixed yuan gun attacked strongly. This blow is called a past blow, combining backlighting, dying me, and random life, combining three moves into one, with the mixed yuan gun, playing Xeon.

At the same time, the weak aura, the stiff aura, and the cursed aura also appeared on the Lord of the Heavenly Heart City, almost interrupting his mystery.

Tianxincheng's face changed greatly after feeling the move, and he cried, "You actually have the mystery of the Great Heaven!"

Li Xing's black eyes were cold, blue hair flying, and coldly: "A blow in the past, you will die!"

The mixed yuan gun is domineering, the tip of the gun is clear and extinguished, which represents the cycle of life and death, and it is suddenly stabbed at the black villain. The red light from the little black man was smashed by the dish, it showed a look of fear.


The tip of the gun vibrated, and the black villain was stabbed in the head, and the lord of the heart of the heart also screamed. Then, the tip of the gun trembled, and Ming Ming fell again, and he was cut into two halves with blood spilling on the ground.

This section not only cuts the body, but also cuts the plane. The planes of the Three Grand Celestial Masters are very well-built, and the inner beings are quite powerful. Thousands of heavenly masters, and even a few of them, live in it.

Tianxincheng's face was full of unwillingness, and growled, "You can't kill me, kill me!"

The Three Tribute Great Celestial Beings, in essence, are still the Great Celestial Beings, and they are very skilled in controlling fate and have powerful means. At the moment of life and death, the three robbers respected Li Xing forcibly disrupting Li Xing's fate with his blood.

This is Da Tianzun's specialty, which can turn the fate of others.

The power of this blow was undoubtedly powerful. Li Xing felt that he was greatly disturbed, and felt that he would fall at any time. He was ruthless in his heart, and the mixed Yuan gun was picked. The terrified mixed Yuan sent out vigorously, and rushed into the other party's world.

Every creature that has a certain cultivation practice is arrested by him and suppressed in the kingdom of gods. This direct assault into the plane is a very tricky means, and it is generally unacceptable for the Celestial Master to confront the enemy.

However, at this time, the main power of Tianxin City dropped greatly in the past, and the plane was chaotic. It was too late to compete with Li Xing's breakthrough, lost a lot of souls, and the strength weakened.

"Abominable!" Tianxin Chengzhu was frightened and angrily desperately urging the power of fate, trying to quickly kill Li Xing. However, this power of destiny is very mysterious. It does not work in one hit, but it takes time to work slowly.

At this moment, Li Xing has the opportunity to directly break into the plane and take away the soul.

"Last hit, broken!"

In the world of the Lord of the Hearts of the Heart, Li Xing launched another attack, sweeping the yuan gun across the sky, breaking everything in this world into two, and the power of terror shattered everything.

"Ah! Impossible, you will change your destiny, and you will definitely not be the opponent of this deity!" The lord of the heart of the heart screamed again and again, his physical body exploded into countless fragments and completely fell.

"Stupid person who is obsessed with obsession!" Li Xing snorted, manifesting the Yuanyuan tripod, collecting a large amount of law power into the tripod, and slowly refining it in the future. The principle of the avenue of the three robbers is no small matter, enough to let his strength go to the next level.

In addition, in the other party ’s principle of the road, there is a great celestial secret technique, Li Xing can absorb refining, and thus has a powerful method.

The Tianxin City Lord died completely, Li Xing kept on for a moment, immediately left the scene, and returned to the residence of Zishan Datianzun. At the same time, in Zizhulin, the fierce fire is worshipping a great figure. Suddenly, his expression changed greatly, and he cried on the sky, saying, "My father, my son must avenge you!"

There are two people in that seat, one is Dongsang Tianzun, who has gone through six calamities and is wearing imperial robes. The other was a woman with a purple dress and a calm look.

Seeing his apprentices like this, Dong Sang Datian respected Shen Shen and asked, "Beacon, what happened? Has your father fallen?"

Beacon Da Tianzun said abruptly: "Master, my father has been killed by the Tatars, his life lamp has gone out!"

"Who shot it?" Dongsang Datianzun saw that his apprentice was so sad, and his heart was also angry, and he wanted to make an effort for his disciples.

Beacon Datianzun stopped the sorrow and said, "No need to ask, the person who shot must have killed the person in my Bai family. This person is related to Zishan Datianzun. If you find Zishan Datianzun, you can ask the result. "

When Dongsang Datianzun heard it, he could not help frowning, and said, "The Zishan Datianzun is nothing, but neither his father nor father-in-law is provoked. Especially his father Jinji Datianzun has a horror behind him. . For this person, not strong. "

Zizhu Datianzun said at this time: "Brother Dongsang, your disciples' family members were killed. You can't just sit by and ignore them. I have a plan."

"Zizhu Daoyou is incomparable in wisdom, and his plan must be brilliant. Please advise." Dongsang Datianzun asked very kindly.

Zizhu Datianzun said: "As long as there is evidence that the murderer is related to Zishan Datianzun, you can report this to the court and let the court catch the killer."

Dongsang Datianzhuang high-five praised: "Wonderful! I actually ignored the heavenly court. In the central pure land, you must not lightly kill Datianzun, or you will be punished severely. No matter how hard the background of Zishan Datianzun is, you cannot compete with Tianting."

Beacon Datianzun worryingly said: "In the pure land, there are many cases of beheading Datianzun, and heaven may not be interrogated, I'm afraid ..."

Dongsang Datianzun laughed: "Since Zizhu Taoyou made this suggestion, there is naturally a way."

Zizhu Datianzun: "My elder brother Justice Datianzun happens to be a waiter in the gate of the court of Heaven. I am repairing a book and my brother will be willing to help."

Fen Huo was so happy that he thanked him and said, "Fu Huo will never forget the great grace in his life!"

"It's not too late, I'll repair the book here. You take the letter to the court of heaven to meet with my brother." Zizhu Datianzun said, and handed a note to Beacon, admonishing, "My brother is doing things clearly. Needless to say, he handled it for himself. "

Beacon Great Heaven got the letter ~ www.readwn.com ~ then left and went to heaven. At this time, Li Xing was on his way to bid farewell to the Purple Mountain Grand Celestial Master and Yuhu Grand Celestial Master, ready to hit the road.

"Thousands of miles away, there is a difference. The two don't have to give each other away, I'm gone." Li Xing arched and said.

"Brother Li, when you go to the heaven court, you will surely walk in peace, my couple congratulate first." Zishan Datianzun laughed.

"Brother Li, I will take care of you with super victory." Yuhu Datianzun remembers his son.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Please rest assured that you will have time in the future and come to visit again." After saying that, he shook his figure, broke through the space, and disappeared in place.

Three hundred thirty thousand auxiliary cities, three thousand main cities, one by one were left behind by Li Xing. He flew so fast that he arrived in the imperial city within a few days, which is the largest city in heaven.

As soon as he approached the imperial city, Li Xing was forced out of the void by a force of terror, where he couldn't even break open the space. When he saw the Imperial City for the first time, his mouth widened in shock.


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