Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 993: Imperial city

Chapter 993: Emperor City

Chapter 993 Imperial City

"The entire imperial city is actually built on a complete big world, and the breath of this big world is so strong that it has never been seen before. Is it the legacy of the great history of poetic history, or even the ancient great honor?" Li Xing Feeling shocked, can't help feeling.

Naha glanced at Li Xing: "It turns out that you don't know, below the imperial city, there is an ancient world. The owner of this world is an extremely powerful person who is infinitely close to Supreme Fragment. After his fall , Its big world has been completely preserved and has become the foundation of the Imperial City. "

"No wonder even Feiyu can't. It turned out to be the ancient celestial deity. The ancient celestial deity, at least thirty-six celestial celestial deities, is strong and unpredictable." Li Xing nodded.

Every time you experience an additional world disaster, a qualitative leap will occur. For example, the one-day lord Tianzun can basically win against the one that has not been robbed; the two-day lord Tianzun can have a great advantage over the previous one.

Before arriving at the imperial city, the three men walked into the city obediently. They planned to enter from the East City and were stopped before the gate to question their identity. The east gate of the imperial city is guarded by the governor of the east gate, and his majesty is like a cloud. They are not only responsible for the security of the East Gate, but also for the security of the Imperial City. They have great responsibilities and great power.

"History comes from the newspaper." The huge city gates are sky-high, mountain-like. Below it were divided into 108 small gates, each of which was as magnificent as the world ’s strongest gate, guarded by 16 soldiers.

These soldiers made Li Xing shame. All of them were determined to do one or two things. It seems that in this imperial city, Tianzun does not need money, and big Tianzun is very common.

Li Xing took out the token given by Dou Tian Da Zun, and the soldier glanced at it, showing admiration in his eyes. He returned the token with both hands and said, "It was the man of the embargo, please!" No questioning, let go.

Naha smiled, "Hey, the sign of the embargo is really easy to use, but it came in so smoothly. I thought there would be many twists and turns." He still entered the Imperial City for the first time and saw everything fresh.

With a smile on his face, Cabernet Sauvignon said, "Brother, in the future, you will become a soldier of the embargo. There is no limit to the future, and you will definitely be promoted to prosperity."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "This master of the embargo is like a cloud, it's not easy to get ahead." After thinking about it, "you should go back to the Yuan Dynasty to train for good students, wait for me to stabilize, and then invite you out."

The two also knew that his help was for the sake of security. In the event of an accident, it was better to cope with it, and he didn't say anything and went straight back to the mixed world.

The imperial city is so big that every building is soaring into the sky, and many great deities use the means of avenues. They are tall, one by one, walking on the street like giant spirits.

The so-called avenue law phase is a form that is manifested by its own avenue law. Its size represents strength. In this imperial city, because it is above the world established by the ancient Great Celestial Master, there is great pressure, and the general principles of the road are difficult to even manifest.

All those who can reveal the appearance of the Fa are masters, at least also those who are above the Three Masters. Moreover, the stronger the strength, the higher the realm, and the higher the revealed law.

Therefore, in the imperial city, to see the strength of a person, just look at his level. The taller and taller the character, the more outstanding the master. Because if it is not a master, it will not be able to support the law so much.

By the same token, dwarfs who can't be released even by the Fa phase are often not masters. Because in a place like the Imperial City, few people would be low-key, because low-key does not bring any benefits.

In the imperial city, you have the strength to have the status, not afraid that you are not afraid, that you are too weak. People who are too weak will not be respected. So when Li Xing entered the imperial city with his real body, the pedestrians on the road didn't even look at him, only if he was air.

From time to time, there are one great deity, one after another, who pass by in front of him. All the weak monks must respectfully make way. Even, Li Xing saw a big deity who was unfolding the Fa phase, and stepped on a few fathers and sons who could not perform the Fa phase.

The big Tianzun who stepped on the man didn't care. Just like the stepped ants, would the human step on the ants stop and take a look? Never, this is the situation in the Imperial City, the strong is supreme and the weak is grass.

Li Xing is still in the final shock, may wish a big Tianzun rushed forward. This man is so tall that he can walk without a trace? After only a few steps, one person was trampled to death.

Tian Zun, who was trampled to death, was still a child and somehow ran to the street. Li Xing was furious immediately. He didn't think that the order of the strong was wrong, but this indiscriminate killing of innocent people made him shameless.

Just like an adult, nothing goes to the wild to burn the ants, which can only be described by boredom and preparation. The ants live their lives without offending you. Why do they need to hurt them?

A huge foot fell from the sky, and the next step was to fall on Li Xing's head. No doubt, if Li Xing was also a weak man, he would be trampled to death.

He snorted, and the anger in his heart finally broke out. He screamed, "Go to death!"

Thirty-five feet, twice as high as the other side, so he lifted his hand and lifted the other side, while holding the other side of his foot like a chopped child, and lifted it in the air.

The other party was a three-day calamity master, caught cold by Li Xing, suddenly furious, and yelled, "Who are you, why do you pretend to be a pariah?"

In the imperial city, anyone who cannot develop the Fa phase is called a pariah, that is, a weak person. When Li Xing entered the imperial city, he didn't show his lawfulness all the way, he was considered to be doing so intentionally.

Li Xing looked at the other person coldly, and said, "I only know that you want to step on me. The person who can step on me has not been born. You are really brave!" He bent down slightly, put the local head on the ground, and then raised Raise your right foot and step on it hard.


Thanks to this man is a great lord of three calamities, the law is strong enough. However, no matter how strong the law is, it is not as good as the real body. After all, it is just a collection of laws. So this time, the head of the upper hand was flattened, and the features were twisted into a ball, which was very funny.

"You ..." The other side was furious and desperately struggling, but was held by both hands with Li Xing, unable to move, only swearing.

"What do you do, don't you like stepping on someone? I step on you enough today!" Li Xing sneered, stepping on both feet.

"Boom boom!"

Poor this man, he was ordered to rush to do things, hastened to passers-by, but in fact he was not so arrogant, but unexpectedly encountered Li Xing, was tortured like this.

A head, trampled into thin paper, was terrible, and his neck was almost broken. The damage of the law phase will also affect the plane. This person's world is in chaos and it is impossible to repair it in a short time.


The three tall men separated from the lively crowd and rushed to Li Xing. All three of them are actually two princes, but they are very strong, so they can also cast spells.

A young man in the middle is staring at Li Xing coldly, as if looking at a dead man: "Are you a foreigner? Do you know who is under your feet?"

Li Xing sneered: "I don't care what his origin is, I only know that it offends me, he is already a dead man!" Then, three evil auras appeared on the person being trampled, and the realm was knocked down.

Afterwards, Li Xing grabbed his hand and took out all the creatures in this people's congress world and put them into his kingdom of gods. At the same time, the mixed yuan gun was agitated on the azimuth plane, which caused the sky to fall apart and the order to be chaotic.

After stepping into a heavy life change, there are other weapons such as mixed yuan guns. Li Xing has already taken advantage of the top three calamities, and can definitely play to each other.

"Bold!" The other three were furious and shot at the same time, and once they shot, they were three kinds of great killing techniques with amazing lethality.

Li Xing snorted, waved the captive in his hand as a meat shield, and smashed directly into the three kills.


The three major killing techniques, all hit the meat shield, the power is strong, the opponent screamed again and again, but received the Fa phase. However, under a series of three-man strikes and Li Xing's suppression, this person completely lost his resistance and was directly suppressed by Li Xing into the mixed Yuan Ding, slowly refining.

If you ca n’t hit someone, instead, you will suppress your companions and get angry. One of them yells, “You are so brave! If you dare to offend the seventh heavenly son, you will die!”

Li Xing raised his eyebrows and sneered, "I don't care about any of the sons and daughters of God, as long as they provoke me, I will fight back. There are three of you assholes, and they are left for me today!"

He has always believed in people who committed me, and I did not commit people. If anyone violated me, I would fight back. The mixed yuan gun shocked, and the life shot was outrageous, pointing directly at the young man in the middle. The other person's mind was stunned, and they felt destined, and today they will fall here and cannot be changed.

This feeling made him look very different, he screamed, and instantly hit three kinds of great killing techniques, one kind of great mystery and seven kinds of lore, each of which has the power of earth-shaking and the power of killing him. .

It is a pity that ~ www.readwn.com ~ these attacks are greatly reduced by Li Xing's three halo attacks. And that past blow, brilliant and domineering, unparalleled, is not something that Erjie Datianzun can compete with.

"The power of destiny cannot be changed. You are destined to die under the gun today and die!" Li Xing drank violently, the power of the whole world shook, the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods was dazzling, and at the same time, the power of terror broke out.

Think about it, what would be the lethality of the 100,000 Tianzun who changed their lives at the same time? And regardless of Li Xing's lethality is much higher than this several times.


The violent blow made all the opponent's attacks collapse, and then he saw the tip of a gun, reached the eyebrow in an instant, and then felt a pain in the eyebrow, and knew nothing.

This overbearing blow directly broke his world and shattered everything. Of course, in its big world, all the creatures were taken into the kingdom of gods by Li Xing as a means of "adoption".

He has traveled all the way, has done countless times like this, and is absolutely skilled.


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