Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 995: Training tower

Chapter 995 Training Tower

Chapter 995 Training Tower

The imperial city is very large and the streets extend in all directions, so Li Xing did not worry about being found. Although the subordinate of the Seventh Heavenly Son is very powerful, it is impossible to hunt down someone in the imperial city at will.

I specially found a more luxurious inn, and Li Xing entered it to live there. He planned to heal himself here before doing other things.

The name of this inn is Yilinju, and there are not many guests who dare to come here for a tip, so the one night stay here will cost at least one hundred dahuahuadan. A great fortune can be exchanged for nearly tens of thousands of fortunes.

Yilinju deserves to be a top-level inn, and Li Xing lives in it, so there is no need to worry about being disturbed. This is because every room in Yilinju is actually a small space that can be opened up.

In that small space, there are flowers and trees, birds and animals, and full of aura. The dishes provided are very different. A plate of ordinary dishes may be cooked by strange birds and beasts. A cup of tea is also likely to be prepared by peerless strange medicine.

The room that Li Xing wanted belonged to the most expensive one, and he would have to pay a total of 8,800 fortunes in a day. Of course, such an expensive accommodation fee, its service has reached the extreme.

For example, the space where Li Xing lives is much larger than ordinary guests, and it is directly transformed into an abandoned big world. Tens of thousands of people served the entire space.

However, he didn't need so many people and asked them to leave the first time. He was a big place and he was alone.

I lost a trick and it cost him a lot to recover as soon as possible. The strengths of the seven great babies are constantly being drawn, and a large number of good fortune dans are constantly being burned, and then the strength is provided to the one hundred thousand gods kingdom and the mixed Yuan realm.

He recovered quickly, less than half a day, full of anger, opened his eyes from cultivating, and murmured, "The Four Supreme Masters are enough to pose a threat to me and must be promoted!"

"It is rumored that once entering the embargo, you will have to obtain huge resources, maybe it will help my cultivation." Li Xing's next cultivation is to break through to the dual life change, this breakthrough will consume a lot of good luck, He cannot afford it himself.

In addition, there are a large number of heavenly treasures and plane tools in the heavenly court, which are very helpful to Li Xing. Therefore, after some consideration, he decided to enter the Heavenly Court embargo as soon as possible, and then he tried his best to practice and keep making breakthroughs.

On the second day, Li Xing left the Yilin Inn. As a guest, the inn directly sent a carriage and sent Li Xing to the place where he thought of it. This carriage is a trivial matter, but a Pegasus in use.

Each of the Tianma who pulled the car has a large Tianzun series, which is very strong and runs very quickly. If not, Li Xing could not reach the embargoed gate soon.

The reason why Li Xing had to go directly to the gate of the Forbidden Army was that Li Xing was worried that he would meet the seventh emperor again. He did this to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The embargo gates were naturally guarded, and at the intersection of the eight streets, a tall gatehouse was built. This gatehouse was 9.999m tall and 3.33m wide. It was inserted into the sky.

Above the gate, the book has the words "The Forbidden Army knocks on the door". Below, there are ten embargoed soldiers here. They stopped Li Xing, and one of them asked, "Who?"

Li Xing didn't dare to neglect. He knew that if one didn't answer well, these ten people would definitely shoot and kill directly. The people in the embargo always acted aggressively. He took a step forward, and said, "In the next fighting school, Li Xing, the fighting team is guided by Tianzun, holding the token to join the army."

After all, he surrendered the token and took it alone to verify his identity. Then he nodded and said indifferently, "It turned out to be a newcomer. How come you come here, why don't you go to Tsing Yi to report?"

Naturally, Li Xing couldn't tell the truth, saying: "Tsing Yi Wei has been there, but the other party's command was not available because it was not available."

The soldier didn't even think about it, and said, "Tsing Yi Wei is getting more and more lazy, you come with me." At the moment, he led Li Xing through the gatehouse and went directly into another space.

The embargo is one of the most important institutions in heaven, so it was built directly in a big world, and this big world is also a legacy of an ancient great deity.

In fact, the entire imperial city is an ancient world on the surface, but the inner world does not know that it contains more ancient worlds. As for how many, Li Xing can't guess, but there are definitely many.

The entire embargo was knocked out, and it was built in an ancient world. The soldier took Li Xing, entered the big world, and then passed him directly to a branch, the recruit barracks, under the gate of the embargoed army through a teleportation array.

The embargo has eight battalions, of which the recruit barracks are for training recruits. Those who have entered the embargo for less than a hundred years are considered recruits. Of course, unless a recruit is particularly prominent, he will be promoted to serve in the other seven battalions.

It can also be seen from this that it is definitely not an easy task to mix in the embargo. Many peerless geniuses, although qualified to enter the embargo, were eliminated at the barracks level.

Li Xing heard rumors from the outside that there are tens of thousands of people entering the barracks every year, but there are only less than 100 people who can really stay. In other words, even if entering the barracks, there is only about one percent chance to stay, and the competition is extremely brutal.

The metabolism of the embargo is fast. Almost every three hundred years or so, the people inside are replaced, and the old people are replaced by new people. As for the movements of the old people, Li Xing doesn't know, but he suspects that these people must also be used by the court of heaven to play a role at critical moments.

Recruit barracks arrived, it was a 36-story pagoda, straight into the sky. There is a large hall outside the tower, and Li Xing is introduced into it.

The hall was empty, there was only one table and one chair, and then there was one person. This man's cultivation was actually impenetrable to Li Xing, only he knew the other party was very strong and very strong. He has a list in his hands and is looking carefully.

Li Xing appeared without raising his head. He said, "Name, origin."

"Li Xing, from the fighting school." Li Xing answered.

A piece of text appeared in front of the opposite side, and the information that I did not know where to transfer was obviously related to Li Xing. He glanced at it, and then shot it into the list with one palm, saying: "Recruit Li Xing, numbered 8753, immediately entered the training tower."

Li Xing hurriedly said, "Subordinates have questions."

The other man's eyebrows were slightly frowned: "I have no time to talk to you nonsense, go quickly." With a big wave, a strong wind blew. Li Xing felt dark and opened his eyes and entered an unfamiliar world.

There are fierce birds and beasts everywhere, and the mountains and rivers are poor. Once he appeared, he was besieged by a group of evil wolves. This evil wolf is by no means an ordinary wolf. Each one has a breath of great respect, which makes Li Xing speechless for a while.

"Roar ~" He didn't have much time to think about it. One of the wolves swooped up and then the second and the third one. Li Xing could only helplessly raise the mixed yuan gun and start a fight.

"Bash!" As soon as the tip of the gun trembled, a bad wolf fell down. However, more evil wolves pounced on them. All of them were as tall as calves, their fangs were sharp, and their strength was infinite. With a roar, they could collapse the mountains and pose a great threat to Li Xing.

Finally, Li Xing was frustrated with four hands, and the gun was bitten by a vicious wolf. His motion was slow, and more wolves would bite the gun, and then three wolves rushed to his body.

With a pain in his shoulders and legs, Li Xing was bitten. Fortunately, his big Luo is really strong, the teeth of the evil wolf can only pierce the skin, and he can't bite the muscles at all, but even so, Li Xing feels very hurt.

"Animals!" Li Xing gave up his gun and hit it with a punch. This boxing is extremely overbearing, directly is a backlit move. With a flash of crystal light, a bad wolf was smashed into the head and died on the spot.

The wolves did not expect to encounter such murderers as Li Xing, and their fierceness was also stimulated, and their attacks became more fierce. Soon, Li Xing was rushed to the ground by a group of wolves and was bitten wildly.

However, the sharpness of the evil wolf's teeth could not cause much damage to him. Instead, he was punched one by one and constantly killed.

The main hall of the recruit camp, then saw the head of Li Xing staring at the list, and said to himself: "Huh? This kid is a bit interesting, but he met the wolves as soon as he appeared, really **** lucky! There are two hits. Generally, a newcomer will definitely die when encountering a wolf pack. He persists and keeps killing evil wolves. There is a play! "

This officer is the battalion commander of the recruit barracks. Recruit battalions are different from other barracks, except for one battalion commander, all others are recruits. Therefore, the people in the recruit barracks are not counted in the total forbidden palace, because they are not really soldiers.

Only after being trained by the training tower and providing enough military merit and waiting enough time can they be allocated to each battalion. Of course, there are exceptions, which are for recruits with outstanding achievements.

"Thirty-six-story training tower, even if you pass the tenth floor, I have to take a look. This kid can rush to the first floor." The recruit barracks narrowed his eyes and seemed very excited.

At this time, Li Xing had killed all the evil wolves, with more than eight hundred heads, all of them were down, and none survived. He was sitting on top of the wolf corpse, panting heavily, and very tired ~ www.readwn.com ~ It must be the training tower here, and it is the first floor. The first floor encountered this kind of wolves. Isn't the second floor more terrifying? Li Xing thought in shock, but he ignored one thing.

If other newcomers encounter the wolves, they will immediately run away, as long as they are not caught up by the wolves. But he stayed directly, fighting eight hundred evil wolves, and then beheaded all the evil wolves.

This kind of spirit and means, other recruits can not do at all, let alone do.

Soon after Li Xing killed the wolf, more than a dozen people surrounded him. They saw excitement and shock in the sight of a wolf corpse, and they all said, "Great, can you kill 800 evil wolves by yourself?"

Another person said: "These wolves have the cultivation of the great celestial deity, they have their own wolves world, they can be refined to make great fortune, and they cannot be wasted." Then, they must pick up the wolf corpse.

Li Xing glared and said coldly, "Why, I dare you to grab the stuff of Lao Tzu?" He stood up all of a sudden, his murderous spirit permeated the audience, making the man's action stiff, and cold sweat on his forehead.


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