Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 996: 8th Battalion

Chapter 996 Eighth Battalion Banned

Chapter 996 Eighth Battalion

The man laughed and said, "Brother, the world of the wolf is the hardest to refine. It's useless if you take it. How about giving it to me?"

Li Xing didn't say anything, just grabbed his big hand and directly put all the 800 wolf corpses into the kingdom of gods, waiting for refining in the future. Each of these evil wolves is equivalent to the Great Celestial Master. Moreover, his mixed Yuanding, refining everything, everything is not a problem.

The other's face was so lost that he looked at Li Xing and shrugged helplessly.

Another stepped out and laughed at Li Xing: "Brothers are really a good way. All 800 evil wolves have been beheaded and killed by you. Great. Why don't we go together and go through the barriers?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I'm not interested." He had fought with the wolves before. At this time, he was covered with blood and covered with wolves, and looked rather embarrassed. However, his answer was very firm.

The man was surprised and said: "Brother, few people can go through the training tower alone. This training tower has 36 floors, one layer is more dangerous than the other. If you are not united and work together to pass the level, one person may fall. It ’s very sexual. For example, if you meet a wolf pack, how can you be so embarrassed if there are a few people around you? "

"I said I wasn't interested." Li Xing waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Slow." Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of Li Ren, blocking his way.

Li Xing looked up, and saw a robber Datianzun standing in front of him. The other side looked at him with a kind of indifferent and curious eyes, saying: "You can survive the siege of the wolves, and the strength is very good, our boss invites you to join 'brilliance'."

"Brilliant?" Li Xingmei raised, "I have never heard of it."

The exalted Datianzun took a breath and explained: "Brilliant is an organization in the training tower. There are more than 100 members. Joining it, you have a better chance of passing the level. There are thousands of organizations in the training tower. But the splendid combat power ranks in the top 20. You have to seize such a good opportunity. "

"No interest." Li Xing still said, "Let's go."

The robber Datianzun changed his face. He invited more than a dozen people. This was the first time he encountered Li Xing. He couldn't help sneering: "Stupid thing, do you think one's strength can break through the barrier? Soon, your body will rot in the training tower! "

Li Xing looked cold, and said arbitrarily, "You know right away who is the stupid thing!" He stepped out and reached the other side, raising his hand was a punch. With this punch, Jingguang was full of strength, the kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits shook, and the power of the horrible world shrouded down, making the other party's ability to move at once.

"What?" The man's face changed so much that he couldn't even raise his hands, and Li Xing was punched in the chest. This punch was exactly Li Xing's "backlight", which directly penetrated the opponent's chest, causing his world to collapse.

"Boom!" This person's laws of the world are constantly collapsing, the sky is falling, everything is destroying, falling in an instant.

"Ah! You dare to kill me, brilliant won't let you go ..." Before he finished speaking, the whole person exploded, and the plane rules were collected by Li Xing, refined and refined, and his own mixed Yuan Avenue was completed.

There was a quiet surrounding, too cruel, too cruel, and didn't agree with each other, killing someone with a punch, what's the origin of this man?

Li Xing ignored the shocked eyes of the crowd, and strode away from the scene.

On the first floor of the training tower, the wolf pack is already the strongest danger. In the next few days, Li Xing slaughtered many beasts. Of course, there were also several short-term recruits who were in conflict with him and were beheaded.

On this day, he finally reached the end of the first floor, before a long staircase. The ladder extended indefinitely, and I do not know how long it was. Hundreds of thousands of monks kept rushing towards the ladder.

However, after most people climbed the stairs, the whole person was slumped, unable to move, and then swept away by a glorious glance. Obviously, these people were unable to clear the customs, all cleared out. This is still good luck, at least this way you will not lose your life, but you will only lose your qualification to enter the embargo.

Li Xing didn't know much about this ladder. He looked around and found a woman standing next to him. Although this woman has a beautiful face, she has a face full of brilliance, a beautiful body, and is looking at the stairs with certainty.

"Friend, what is the way of this ladder?" Li Xing asked.

The woman took a look at Li Xing and said, "This is the climbing ladder, the 36-story training tower, which is available on each floor. Only after passing the climbing ladder can you pass the level and enter the next level of training. Those who successfully pass the level, They will be rewarded on the ascent, and those who fail will be transmitted directly and disqualified. "

Li Xing nodded: "Thank you."

Woman: "You look so skinny, just now?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, not a few days."

The woman looked surprised: "No wonder you don't understand anything. You are too weak. You must kill the beasts outside first, and then you will work hard to say that this ascent is not so good."

Li Xing looked like a teacher and said, "That's right." Although he said so, he walked straight up the ladder, causing the woman's eyes to widen. But she saw the score, Li Xing's cultivation is a change of life, why dare to cross the ladder?

After Li Xing stepped onto the ladder, he suddenly felt a tyrannical force suppressing it, blocking it and making him difficult to move. However, as soon as he ran the hybrid force, he broke the force and lifted it easily.

"What? Is the ladder so good?" Li Xing's behavior directly misled the woman. Her heart beat, thinking that she had overestimated the difficulty of climbing the ladder before, so she followed Li Xing and hurried up the ladder.

This woman's cultivation is the first priority, she just went to the ladder, her face changed, and the horrible force made her breathless, and she would collapse to the ground at once. Just then, Li Xing held out a hand and held her.

Suddenly, an overwhelming force supported her body and made her suddenly relaxed. The two held their hands and walked all the way up to the end of the ladder.

The white light flashed in front of them, and the two entered the second training tower. Suddenly landed a large number of elixir, runes, and a number of magic instruments, these things directly into the two people's world. The woman looked overjoyed and exclaimed, "I actually passed!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "I did not expect such a generous reward."

Just through the first layer, Li Xing obtained 100 million fatal creatures, one thousand runes, and three large planes. That Fuyu has the effect of defending the enemy, which is very good. The three large plane instruments are also a robbery instrument.

Li Xing directly gave these things to the disciple of the Yuanyuan religion for their cultivation.

The woman looked at Li Xing gratefully, and said, "Thank you for your help! Please ask the name of Gong."

"You don't need to call me Gong, I'm Li Xing." Li Xing said, "Your strength should not be suitable for entering the training tower. How can it appear here?"

The woman sighed and said, "It's a long story." So she told her in detail about Li Xing and let the latter sigh. It turned out that the woman's name was Rose Tianzun, and belonged to the daughter of an emperor in the city.

Not long ago, Rose's father decided to marry her to another son of the Lord. This was originally a family relationship, and Rose Tianzun did not object at first. Who knew that later, she learned that the other party had married his wife ten times, and each wife could not live for three years.

After a detailed visit, I learned that the man was practicing a great feat and devouring the world of others. His first ten wives were all devoured by him and died miserably. At this moment, the rose heaven respect method ceased.

But the city owner who was about to get married was so strong that Rose's father didn't dare to break the contract, knowing that it was a fire pit, but he still forced his daughter to jump inside. In desperation, Rose chose to leave the family, and stole the only token of the family's forbidden army, and entered the training tower.

After listening, Li Xing said, "You are not here to make a good decision. The training tower is very dangerous and you may lose your life here."

"Death here is better than being swallowed." Rose Tianzun smiled bitterly. "I would rather die here."

Li Xing shook his head: "It's your luck when you meet me." He thought about it, "I will **** you to the army."

Rose Tianzun was overjoyed and quickly bowed down to Li Xing: "Thank you Gong, Rose is grateful!"

Li Xing lifted her up and said lightly: "You don't have to thank me, I am willing to help you." After thinking about it, I asked, "What do you know about these 36 floors?"

Rose Tianzun was in a good mood and laughed: "There are 36 training towers in total. Any recruit who breaks into the 10th floor will be eligible to enter the embargo."

"What about ten floors or more? Don't you have to break through?" Li Xing was surprised.

"Of course not. Above ten levels, it ’s for genius. Some perverts often want to go in and make a break. In addition to the recruit camp, there are also seven battalions. These seven battalions have different statuses and are the strongest. It ’s the first battalion, then the second battalion, and so on ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you enter the tenth floor, you can enter the seventh battalion, so the seventh battalion is also the battalion with the largest number of people. "

"If you enter the twelfth floor, you can enter the sixth battalion; above the fifteenth floor, you can enter the fifth battalion; above the twentyth floor, you can enter the fourth battalion; above the twenty-seventh floor, you can enter the third battalion. Thirty-two Above the second floor, you can enter the second battalion; as for the first battalion, only those who enter the 36th floor are eligible to enter. "

"These seven battalions each have their own names. The first battalion is the strongest and most mysterious. It directly obeys the order of the emperor, also known as the imperial camp. The second battalion is responsible for the safety of the throne of the heaven, called the battalion; The fourth battalion is responsible for the safety of the gate of the temple, called the gate camp; the fifth battalion is responsible for the safety of the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor, called the temple camp; the sixth battalion is responsible for road safety into the North, called the road camp; the sixth battalion is responsible for the widest , In charge of other aspects of security, is called outside camp. "

Having said that, Rose Tianzun laughed: "Even entering the seventh battalion is extremely glorious to me. Over the past ten years, our family has entered the training tower, but none have succeeded."

Li Xing thought, it seems that the embargoed soldier from the Bai family must belong to the seventh battalion. Then he said to Rose Tian: "Help others, to the end, so I will send you to the tenth floor, and let you enter the outside camp?"


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