Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 998: Takako Fuchu

Chapter 998: The General's Mansion

Chapter 998: The General's Mansion

Of course, if you are rich, the biggest gain is Li Xing. . . In addition to beheading and swallowing the Great Heaven Supreme, more than one person died in his hands along the way. The rewards received by those people, as well as their lifelong accumulation, fell into Li Xing's pocket.

In the training tower, Li Xing only got elixir and got more than one billion yuan, including Dachaohua. The rest of the runes, magic instruments, etc., were countless, and all were distributed to the disciple of the Yuan Dynasty.

Entering the tenth floor is equivalent to obtaining the qualification to enter the seventh battalion. Li Xing and Rose Tianzun can see that there are not many people around, only a dozen people. Most people do not pass the last level.

This is a huge square. Above the square, the sky is blue. It seems that everything is over and everyone has reached the end.

At this point, the voice of the recruit battalion heard: "Yes, you have safely entered the tenth floor, and all of you have been qualified to enter the seventh battalion. Those who want to continue to pass the barrier can continue, and those who give up directly join the seventh battalion! "

Suddenly, the vast majority of people chose to join the seventh battalion and stopped going up. Li Xing didn't move. Rose Tianzun looked at him and said, "Do you want to go on?"

Li Xing smiled and said, "It is rare to have so many creatures. I want to capture more. You leave first, and we will see you later."

Rose Tianzun nodded vigorously: "We will definitely meet again."

At the scene, there were only two people left, one was Li Xing, and the other was a young man who looked like a young man. At the beginning, Tianzun did not experience the world ’s calamity, so his strength was slightly inferior, but compared to Tianzun, he still made a qualitative leap.

Therefore, this young man does not think much of Li Xing. He came relatively late, so he did not see the scene where Li Xing beheaded and swallowed the Great Heaven Supreme, otherwise he would never challenge Li Xing.

On the huge square, two people looked at each other. The young man gave a sneer and seemed to advise kindly: "You have a little celestial body to come here to make fun, and leave this place early, otherwise you will die terribly."

Li Xing sneered: "Even if you die, I will be safe and unconcerned."

The teenager's face sank: "Extortion, how dare you be so rude to Da Tianzun?"

Li Xing laughed and pointed at the other side: "Idiot, it's a pity that you have cultivated yourself. With a little strength, your eyes are higher than the top, and you don't put anyone in your eyes. A stupid person like you is destined to die. It turned out for you. "

The boy was furious: "Dare you call me an idiot? Do you know who I am? Do you know what will happen to you?"

Li Xing said coldly: "Well, you can't see my end. As for your end, I can tell you that today, you will be beheaded by me, and then the principle of the road will be refined for me."

You two say a word to me and attack each other. The reason why a teenager is hostile to Li Xing is not just to look down on his cultivation, but the core is that both are talented. Think about it, a heavenly deity with a change of life level can actually rush to the tenth floor. What kind of terrible wizard will it be?

So the boy was actually jealous of Li Xing, and he wanted to kill such a genius directly in the cradle to prevent him from growing up. Li Xing also sensed the hostility of the opponent early in the morning, so the tip of the needle did not budge on Mai Mang.

"Damn thing, Ben Shao will destroy you now!" The boy was furious. He was born in a famous position and had a prominent position. The purpose of this training tower was to test himself and not to meet such an unknown person.

When the teenager made a mistake, he came to Li Xing and pointed out. Juveniles have a long history and extraordinary means. This finger is a secret technique called a "suppressing finger." One point is that everything is a town.

Li Xing felt that the whole body's breath was suppressed, and he couldn't move. He couldn't help but secretly wondered, "This suppression is interesting. If I can kill this person, I can learn it."

His whole kingdom of one hundred thousand gods was shaken strongly, a force of tyrannical world emerged, breaking through the power of repression. With a loud scream, Jingguang's big backhand suppressed it.

This move, Li Xing did not perform the past three moves, but still strong lethality, making the youth look slightly changed. He looked dignified, his hands were crisscrossed, and he slowly lifted up, sinking and drinking, "Taking the sky!"

Suddenly, a majestic momentum rose, seemingly able to support the sky, and actually took Li Xing's blow. A huge collision, both of them were shaking, Li Xing was surprised.

Obviously, this type of support is definitely a great killing technique, and its power is not under the previous suppression. How can this boy have so many means?

After a fight, the teenager was even more surprised than Li Xing, determined to kill Li Xing by saying anything today, and he must not leave behind. In the right palm of his right hand, there was a moment of supreme thunder, and he shouted, "Boom! Let me destroy!"

With a single palm, thunder was overwhelming, and Dianguang was tens of thousands of miles wide, all of a sudden wrapping up Li Xing. Suddenly, there were infinite thunder and lightning all over the quartet, and billions of trillion spheres of light appeared, drowning Li Xing in the sea of ​​thunder.

Li Xing disappeared, but there was only a huge tripod floating in the thunder sea. Not only was not damaged, but he was constantly absorbing the power of the thunder and tempering himself.

"What? You can't even kill him in this style!" Juvenile Datianzun was shocked again, and his heart was agitated. This thunderbolt is the strongest mystery he has mastered, and he can't even win the opponent.

"What a thunderous thunder, what a repression finger, but unfortunately your level is too low to exert their power. And you can see that these two mysteries and the great killing technique are your elders. It is said that it is not your practice. A person like your spoiled breeder cannot have great achievements in your life. "Li Xing stepped out of the thunder sea, his momentum was soaring.

"I have developed a method, calling it a" past blow ". If you can take it, I will let you go today." Li Xing carried the gun in his hand, the gun shocked, and billions of killings rose, spreading in all directions .

The teenager's face was pale, he felt that the other party was very powerful, and he was afraid he couldn't take the blow. In his eyes, fear appeared, and he cried out, "Friend, you and I don't seem to have to die. I am the son of the general of heaven and have a strong background , You hurt me, you won't end well. "

"Really?" Li Xing was unmoved. "Not long ago, someone claimed to be a subordinate of the Seventh Heavenly Son. I wonder how your father compares to the Seventh Heavenly Son?"

The teenager's face changed greatly, and his face was shocked: "What? You are so brave and dare to conflict with the seventh son, you ..."

"Take me a shot!"

The golden light gun pierced the sky, carrying the Supreme Killer, and immediately came to the front. In the past, the offensive and defensive integration was amazing, and the young man's cultivation was immediately shot down, and then he was mercilessly killed.


The juvenile's secret technique had not been fully performed, and his chest had been pierced. Fear and strong resentment appeared in his eyes. He opened his mouth, and then the body of the gun shook. His whole body shattered and turned into fragments of rules.

Li Xing unceremoniously accepted the billions of souls in the opposite direction, and refining absorbed the laws of the avenue. When it was over, he whispered to himself, "It turned out to be the son of General Patrol."

Li Xing didn't think it was a big deal when he beheaded a family member. After a short pause, he went up the ladder and proceeded to the eleventh floor.

When Li Xing beheaded the General's son, the new recruit battalion widened his eyes and screamed: "So bold, knowing the identity of the other party, even dare to do it!"

Then he turned his eyes and said, "The general on the side of the tour is very hard in the background. When he learns that his son is killed, he will be furious. He will use all his strength to chase down the murderer. Hehe, if I report, I will definitely get a huge return, but ... "

He narrowed his eyes and sighed, "How can a talented person not join the embargo? Failure to join would be a big loss for the embargo!"

After a battle between heaven and man, the battalion commander finally made a decision: "No, I just didn't see it. I'd like to see, he can rush to the first floor."

At the same time, the seventh emperor also went to the embargo to ask Li Xing's whereabouts. The people who came were the ones who besieged Li Xing. When they learned that Li Xing had entered the training tower and had reached the 11th floor, they were helpless.

In the training tower, only recruits can enter, even if they are the seventh son, they cannot rush in to kill.

"What should I do?" The saviour of the four robbers, and the proud guard in front of the seventh emperor frowned. "This person has great potential. If we resent him, how can we grow up? That would not leave the seventh lord with trouble. ? "

Another said: "Yeah, the seventh man is doing a big thing and can't separate him. This matter can only be dealt with by ourselves. Don't leave it alone."

"Yes!" Suddenly someone remembered, "Although we can't enter the training tower, some people can enter."

Guard Ao's eyes lightened, "Guard Hu, you mean, send someone to serve as a recruit and then kill this person?"

"That's right," said Hu Hu, proud of the idea, "there are countless young masters in the imperial city, of which seven are the strongest, known as the four imperial cities. These four people, everyone They all have the ability to pass through the heavens, and they all have the strength of the five calamities of the Great Celestial Master. When they go out, that little Celestial Master will die. "

The proud guard nodded with a smile: "Yun Shao in the Four Emperors of the Imperial City ~ www.readwn.com ~ is His Majesty the Seventh Lord, just ask him to take the horse." Use the seventh man ’s warrant. "

"Anyway," Hu Huwei said, "slay the man, and the seventh man won't blame him."

"Okay, act now!"

Li Xing didn't know the danger was near at this moment. He broke through the ladder and just came to the eleventh floor. The space on the eleventh floor belongs to a desert, a red desert.

"Huh? What kind of creatures can there be in this desolate place?" I thought so, and saw the black ants in the distance approaching a desert ant. Each of these ants has the size of a finger and has a metallic sheen. Don't look at them small, but they all have the strength of Tianzun series.

Although the ants are small, once the number is large, the lethality is amazing. There is a sea of ​​ants ahead, and I don't know how many of them. Li Xing's scalp suddenly became numb, he said nothing and ran away.

However, the speed of these ants was extremely fast, as if they were wavy, all of a sudden they were favored, and Li Xing was wrapped in black.


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