Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 999: 32 Major Luo Zhenshen

Chapter 999: The Thirty-two Major Luo Zhenshen

Chapter 999: Thirty-two Major Luo Zhenshen

This kind of ant, called a gold eater, has a layer of black flames burning, and loves to devour strange gold. Of course, even Qi Jin can swallow it, and swallowing it is even easier.

A pain in Li Xing's body, a bite-biting fire ant broke through his skin and penetrated into his flesh. He roared, directly operating the power of the world, and mixing this fire ant into Yuan Ding.

It was just that there were too many ants, and even if they kept collecting, he was constantly being eaten. Twenty-eight-weight Da Luo Zhenshen was so vulnerable in front of these fire ants that he bit the air into Li Xing.

"Miscellaneous things!" Li Xing was completely angry, a burst of fire in his heart, his eyes opened, one hundred thousand gods kingdom, in each **** kingdom, there is a big tripod, mixed yuan tripod.

Although these mixed Yuanding tripods do not have the power of Li Xing's main tripod, it is still very easy to refine a fire ant. In an instant, 100,000 fire ants were loaded into it and directly refined.

Within each fire ant, there is a world in which a large number of fire ants live, and this refining has been refined. The avenue of fire ants was extracted by Li Xing, which is a kind of heterogeneous avenue called ant way.

A fire ant was refined, and after death, a tiny wire like hair was left. A lot of ants died, leaving a lot of metal, these metals are very strange, Li Xing went all out to pull, can not break such a small root.

He was secretly startled, and said, "What kind of metal is this and why is it so strong?"

However, he did not know that this gold-eating fire ant devoured all kinds of strange gold, and after refining, it was transformed into one of the most peculiar metals, called fire ant sky gold. This gold is very peculiar, and can be used to build the plane crystal wall system. It can also be used to create the Supreme Soldier.

"Good thing!" Li Xing's eyes brightened, and all those relatively weak fire ants were put into the kingdom of gods. The fire ants he killed were numerous. And the fire ant world of each fire ant has countless fire ants.

Most of the fire ants in these planes were retained by Li Xing, and they were placed in several **** kingdoms. He always felt that these little things would be useful to stay.

When all the gold eater fire ants disappeared, Li Xing's fire ants accumulated gold in the hands, and there was a human head. He researched for a while, and immediately discovered that the characteristics of this gold can be integrated into the plane.

It didn't take long for all of these metals to be incorporated into the crystal wall system by Li Xing, which instantly made the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods and the mixed Yuan world stronger. Because the body is closely related to the plane, at the same time, his big Luo Zhenshen also began to break through.

Li Xing's Da Luo Zhen Shen has already cultivated to the 28th weight. At this moment, Da Luozhen broke through again and again, easily breaking through to the 29th, and then all the way up, 30th, 31st, and 32th.

The thirty-second major Luo Zhenshen, this is four consecutive leaps, which forced Li Xing's physical body to another realm. It can be said that even if he is lying among the gold eater, there is no need to worry about being bitten.

His body, crystal light flickering, golden light, hardened to an extreme. This change caused Li Xing's position to change quietly, and there was a sense of breakthrough between them.

On the eleventh floor of the training tower, there is only a strange creature that eats gold fire ants. This time it was collected or refined by Li Xing. Outside, the recruit battalion had a long period of pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Asshole! How many legendary big lords took the shot, it was so easy to find these fire ants, and they were all charged!"

After extinguishing the fire ants, Li Xing went up to the twelfth floor by climbing the ladder. The rewards obtained on the twelfth floor are more generous, so Li Xing couldn't help but move, and said nothing else, just for these rewards, we must go on and see how far we can go.

The monster on the twelfth floor is the Devouring Snake. The snake is not big, and only has thick arms and is long. Originally, Li Xing disagreed with these colorful snakes, and as soon as he raised his hand, he destroyed one piece.

However, when the snake gathered more and more, and spontaneously formed a large array, he didn't know that it was good, but it was too late. There are 100,000 snakes flying in the air, and their air engines are connected to form a swarm of snakes.

This kind of snake array is not as simple as one plus one, but it is multiplying its power. As soon as the Devouring Snake array came out, Li Xing's breath was completely suppressed, and it was also difficult to move his finger.

Moreover, the second and third large arrays have emerged one after another. From a distance, there are large arrays of dense arrays, and these large arrays are gradually connected into one, forming a super huge swallowing snake array.

"Don't let them be one!" Li Xing was taken aback, with a mixed gun in his hand, forcibly breaking through the repression, swiping hard into the air, and hitting the past directly. Fortunately, he shot in time and crushed a large array with a domineering blow.

And this snake array is the key point of the connection of many large arrays. Once it disappears, the momentum of unity disappears.

Li Xing blasted his gun with fists, one fiercer than the other, and he was smashed by him one after another. But unfortunately, no matter how fierce he was, he could not swallow the number of snakes.

In the distance, a super array has formed, and a huge black vortex has appeared, which seems to swallow the sky. As soon as this whirlpool rotates, it creates an extremely strong suction.

The great earthquake shook a large mountain in the distance and was sucked into a vortex and shattered. Then more and more devouring snakes joined it, forming the power of devouring the earth.

The suction was getting stronger and stronger, and later, even Li Xing couldn't hold it and was sucked into the vortex. At the moment he was in the vortex, Li Xing felt strong crushing and tearing. He was already thirty-two major Luo Zhenshen. If he was still twenty-eight, he would be torn and shattered instantly.

Moreover, the force of this tearing is still increasing, so if this continues, he can not persist for too long.

"Great! It's better to leave early." Li Xing was shocked, forcing a trick of "Dead Me", the whole person disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, he appeared far away from the Devourer.

Wiping off the blood on the corners of his mouth, Li Xing narrowed his eyes. This engulfing snake array was really interesting. He faintly thought of his kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits. If the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods can form such a battle, wouldn't it be more powerful?

Next, Li Xingshen emerged from time to time, sometimes in the east and sometimes in the west. Every time he appeared, he would catch a few devouring snakes to study and let them form a battle in the mixed realm.

After half a month, Li Xing finally calculated the swallowing up with the help of the chaotic array. This is indeed a very wonderful battle, but unfortunately, if you want to run into battle, you must have the courage to eat.

The devouring snake guts are equivalent to the power intermediary between the snakes, and they can bear the power transmission infinitely. It is for this reason that the Devouring Snake Array can grow infinitely and form a swallowing tendency.

"That being the case, why don't I capture a large number of Devouring Snakes, and then spin a snake gall in every god's kingdom?" As soon as this idea came out, Li Xing felt feasible. So, he started to catch the Devourer in large numbers.

Among the devouring snakes, there are some of the most powerful ones, called kings of snakes. The average Devouring Snake has only Tianzun level cultivation, but these Snake Kings are big Tianzun levels.

Day after day, a few months passed, Li Xing has captured tens of thousands of devouring kings of snakes, but they are far from enough. At this time, an unexpected guest came on the 12th floor of the training tower.

This man was in white, with far-reaching vision and powerful momentum. When he appeared, the new recruit's long face changed, exclaiming, "Less clouds!"

Yun Shao is one of the four young people in the Imperial City. The Emperor Yun Family is one of the largest families, and among them are high-ranking people who have not only status but also strength.

Yun Shao is a genius of the Yun family. Only a few hundred years old, he already possesses the strength of the Five Great Masters. Several of the people who died in his hands were the Four Great Masters.

When the proud guard appeared in front of him with the warrant of the Seventh Heavenly Son, Yun Shao knew something was wrong. But what made him unexpected, the order of the Seventh Lord, actually let him kill a deity who changed his life.

Although Yun Shao was puzzled, he was always loyal to the Seventh Heavenly Son, so he didn't say anything, and set off after getting ready. After some time was spent, he quickly rushed to the twelfth floor.

At this point, he no longer underestimated Li Xing. One who changed his life could actually rush to the twelfth weight of the training tower, which shows that the opponent's strength is by no means weak. You should know that if there is no more than one cult of the Great Deity, it will never reach the twelfth floor.

Soon, Yun Shao saw Li Xing. When he saw Li Xing, he had just caught a snake king. Suddenly there was such a powerful person in front of him, Li Xing was very vigilant, his eyes locked on the other side.

"You're funny." Yun Shao spoke, like the superior was evaluating a little person below.

"I don't seem to know you," Li Xing said coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, you will remember me soon, and it will be unforgettable forever." Yun Shao said lightly.

Li Xing snorted ~ www.readwn.com ~ He felt killing from the other side, so he was preparing secretly.

"You offended Seventh Lord." Yun Shao said, "So you are destined to perish. However, the death of a person like you really makes Ben a little bit sorry."

"You're going to kill me, I'm afraid I don't have that ability." Li Xing raised his eyebrows. He could see at a glance that the other party was a great celestial being, but he was very imposing.

Yun Shao laughed and looked at Li Xing with an expression of looking down at the ants: "You are a little person, you will never know some things. It is your blessing to die in the hands of Ben Shao today."

Li Xing's eyes were cold: "I have seen arrogant, never seen you arrogant, but arrogance can not improve your strength, nor can you change the fact that you died in my hands."

The two were tit-for-tat, each giving up, their eyes staggered, and sparks sparks.

Li Xing's momentum surprised Yun Shao's heart. He nodded: "You do have a bit of interest, but unfortunately it was Ben Shao that was destined to be miserable." During his speech, the momentum of the whole body rose sharply, and a sword was in his hand. , The breath of the emperor came to his face.


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