Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1000: Cutting the world

Chapter 1000 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1000 Cutting World

Chapter 1000: Cutting the World

The breath revealed by Yun Shao made Li Xing's heart jump, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Are you the sword emperor?" Then you saw something, saying, "Although it is not the sword emperor, you already have the momentum of the sword emperor. You Is the peak sword king! "

Among the Celestial Masters, there are people who use weapons to enlighten them, such as the King of Swords, the King of Swords, the King of Guns, and so on. In these people's planes, there are countless weapons that attack sharply and have powerful lethal power.

The sword is the most commonly used weapon among the hundred soldiers. The sword king's combat power is naturally very powerful. Before that, Li Xing had encountered a sword king and a sword king, all of whom were terrifying in combat power.

However, the sword king and sword king are just the beginning of the king. This one is the pinnacle of the king. This is like the difference between a baby and an adult. Although they are both human, there is a gap in strength.

The opponent is not only the sword king, but also the existence of a sword emperor. The sword emperor is only eligible to have this title when he stepped into the legendary Great Celestial Master. This title represents heaven and earth, and it can sweep across the sky with one sword.

Yun Shao released the breath of the sword. He seemed to be an unparalleled sword. He inserted into the sky and cut through the heavens. He stared at Li Xing, and said lightly, "The state and experience of Ben Shao is not something you can do. Understand, kneel down and I will give you a happy way to die. "

Li Xing looked at each other like an idiot, sneer: "You look at me like I want to die? It is you, so anxious, I don't mind beheading you immediately."

Although the other party ’s breath is strong, Li Xing is still full of confidence. His big Luo Zhenshen has just broken through the 32nd weight; he has also learned a very abnormal exercise method, swallowed the heavenly snake array, and sent this array. Completely improve into a more powerful formation, devouring the heavens.

It's just a pity that he hasn't caught enough courageous guts, so he can't show the most powerful power of this kind.

Yun Shao has begun to be surprised. He can't figure out what Li Xing's life-changing little man has to rely on, even at this time dare to talk back to him. He shook his head and said, "Ben was too lazy to tell you more. Since you don't know what to do, you will die."

Yun Shao had a sword in his hand for an instant, and the infinite sword was permeated to lock in Li Xing. Subsequently, the sword flickered, and hundreds of millions of swords were lighted, each of them could split the world, sharp and unparalleled, and then beheaded and killed towards Li Xing.

Each of these sword lights can kill Tianzun. When such a sword of light, as many as one hundred million, beheaded and killed at the same time, the degree of horror can be imagined.

At the moment of Jianguang's body, Li Xing's Devouring Heavens array also started. Although he didn't collect much snake gall, he already had more than 18,000. These snake guts brought together the 18,000 kingdoms of the gods to form a swarm of gods on their own.

Devouring the heavens is not as simple as one plus one. The power of one kingdom of gods is one, and the power of two kingdoms of gods can add up to four, eight, or even hundreds or even thousands.

However, this also places extremely high demands on the strength of Li Xing's deity kingdom. Thanks to him, he obtained the sky gold in the gold eater, which caused the crystal wall system of the kingdom of gods to be greatly improved, and the bearing capacity was increased many times.


The country of eighteen thousand, just like that, swarmed into the void and became one piece. Each kingdom of gods is equivalent to the existence of a destiny series. This is the equivalent of 18,000 Celestial Masters joining forces to form a Devouring God array.

Suddenly, a swallowing situation emerged, and a huge vortex appeared in the air, swallowing everything, and tolerating everything. The hundreds of millions of sword lights emitted by Yun Shao were swallowed before they came close.

In the whirlpool, there is a powerful destructive power, which actually smashed these sword lights directly, and then transformed into the original power. These forces were sent to the Yuanyuan Ding again and transformed into the force of the Yuanyuan.

After being transformed, the Devastating God array is like a super plus workshop, which can continuously devour alien powers and transform them into mixed powers.

Yun Shao's face changed when a sword was issued. He felt that the sword had penetrated into the bottomless hole, and completely lost contact with him. While Li Xing was safe and sound, the whole person has become a huge vortex.

"What kind of exercise is this?" Yun Shao looked shocked, and quickly stepped back a distance, staring at the vortex, and asked with great fear.

"This is a swarm of heaven, are you ready to be refined by me?" Li Xing's voice was ruthless.

"Huh! Ben Shao is in the pure land, and the beasts that have been killed are countless. You, a little person, have also arrogantly killed me? Today you will see the true strength of the sword king." Yun Shao's long sword cut to the middle and still issued billions. Wan Jianguang.

However, these billions of swords of light are united into one in the air. This sword light, very small, very thin, extremely sharp, turned into a silk thread. Sword into silk!

The sword wire is only three feet long, and it constantly cuts the heavens. Wherever it goes, it leaves a black and quiet trail, which represents the time and space being forcibly cut by the sword wire.

This horrible sword silk made Li Xing scalp, and quickly urged the team to deal with it. Finally, the sword silk rushed into the vortex, and the horrible cutting power made the **** of swallows helpless and unable to digest it immediately.

In desperation, Li Xing had to perform the "pass me" on the basis of swallowing up the heavenly formation, making the swallowing up of the heavenly formation empty, and making Jianguang difficult to hurt. But even so, there are several kingdoms of gods that were cut by Jianguang and their souls are coated with charcoal.

In a critical moment, the mixed yuan gun rushed out, the tip of the gun oscillated, and constantly collided with the sword wire. Thanks to this gunpoint, it is made of the pieces of Mingming Sword. It is unparalleled in hardness, and even the sword silk is hard to hurt.

"Si Lingling!"

The two sides collided violently, and the light and light radiated continuously. This situation continued for dozens of breaths, the sword silk was gradually suppressed, the momentum and strength continued to weaken, and finally was swallowed by the mixed Yuan Ding.

However, Li Xing was already worried, and secretly murmured in his heart: "The sword king means is really horrible. One sword breaks all methods. I have many means, and I cannot capture it in one fell swoop. It seems that I will work on it in the future."

Seeing his own kendo secrets, cutting the heavens and the earth did not work, Yun Shao's heart sank. It is very labor-intensive to issue the mystery just now, and he can only issue up to three moves.

However, it seems that even if he sends two more moves, the opponent still can take it. How can a demon who changes his destiny have such combat power? Did he, like himself, experience the baptism of civilization?

However, he said that Li Xing swallowed the sword wire and suddenly made a long howl. A spear rushed out of the swallowing vortex, the tip of the gun trembled and shook one billion stars.

This attack was the strongest attack by Li Xing. With the power of swallowing up the heavenly array, the past blows exhibited were powerful and lethal, unprecedented.

Yun Shao felt threatened, his long sword trembled, and a sword wall was laid in front of him. This is another secret technique, too rigid sword wall! This trick can block any powerful attack, which is not trivial.

However, the mixed yuan gun has an extraordinary origin. The tip of the gun is made of Mingming Sword. It flickered a bit, as if the world was moving with it. When the tip of the gun hit the sword wall, Yun Shao was stunned, and the sword light disappeared.

With this shot, Li Xing actually broke the sword wall directly. However, the castration of the mixed yuan gun also weakened, colliding with the long sword, and the point of the gun against the sword.


The sound was extremely thin and extremely light, but the sound that the ear could not bear sounded louder and brighter, the louder and louder, the space was cracked, and dense pores appeared.


Both retreated at the same time, both felt arm numbness, and the sword and gun trembled.

"Good sword." Li Xing couldn't help but admire, he only found out at this time that the opponent's long sword was also a treasure.

"Good gun." Yun Shao also said coldly, "There are not many weapons that can fight Tai Gangjian."

Li Xing's heart sank. Taigang Sword was one of the top ten swords in Pure Land. Had it not been for his sharp sword edge, I am afraid that this person had already broken his defense and was seriously injured.

"This is a mixed yuan gun." Li Xingdan said lightly, "Although it is nameless, it is not weaker than your too rigid sword."

Yun Shao trembled his long sword, and actually put it into his sheath, and said, "I can't kill you today, say goodbye."

"Can't you kill me, do you want to leave?" Li Xing's figure fluttered, blocking the way.

Yun Shao raised an eyebrow: "How, you thought you could kill me?"

"At least it won't make you so easy." Li Xing's eyes flashed coldly, without a word, he shot straight.

Yun Shao helpless, once again pulled out his sword to meet the enemy, the two sides fought together. Deserves to be the King of Swords, the skill of swordsmanship, and the strangeness of the means. Li Xing can't take much advantage. He can only rely on his strength to constantly suppress each other.

During the fight, Li Xing also saw Yun Shao's boss. This person's realm is definitely only the first stage of Datianzun, but he clearly has the breath unique to the Great Tianzun from the five calamities. What is going on?

As soon as this question came out, Cabernet Rex gave him an answer.

"Brother, this little cloud should be a very important person in the imperial city. UU reads www.uukanshu.com. Some families have a strong heritage and have other unimaginable means. They can invite experts to directly empower the people."

"Initiation?" Li Xing said for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, no wonder the breath of his body is so vicissitudes. It turned out that the legendary celestial deity gave him the initiation and passed on the experience and power of five civilizations to him. Let this person see It's like the Great Deity of Five Calamities, but in fact, his strength is far from that of the Five Calamities.

"But even so, he is already very powerful, don't forget, this person is a peak sword king." Cabernet Celestia, "Big brother is better not to kill this person."

"What you said, I understand that you are worried about the forces behind this person, and killing him will cause trouble." Li Xingdao, "But I have fewer offenders? There are more wind sons, and it doesn't itch, so why not have another enemy?"

Cathay Tianzun was speechless. Her elder brother was extremely fierce from beginning to end, and she didn't say anything. She thought, "I don't know how big my elder brother will be?"

At this moment, the mixed yuan gun broke through the defense of Jianguang, and fiercely pierced into Yun Shao's heart. This gun was wonderful.


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