Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1001: 1 shot retreat

Chapter 1001: One Shot Retreats

Chapter 1001: One Shot Retreat

If Yun Shao did not have a too rigid sword, not the peak of the sword king, Li Xing would have been shot and killed. Even if he is the King of Swords and has a too rigid sword, it is still difficult to defeat Li Xing. In the past, he was swallowed up with Devastating Heaven, and he killed him at the right time.

This shot is still a hit in the past. Tai Gangjian made contact with the hybrid gun hundreds of millions of times in an instant, each time generating a terrible big explosion. The twelfth floor of the training tower was a mess, and even the mighty Devouring Sky Snake did not dare to approach, and avoided it far.


Yun Shao had a pain in his chest, groaned, and then flickered and disappeared, leaving only a voice of resentment: "The hatred of today, the daily newspaper!"

Li Xing spit on the ground and sneered, "It won't be as simple as hurting you in the future, I will knock you over with a shot!"

The reason why Yun Shao fled all of a sudden was not that he had any secret skills, but that the recruit barracks leader feared that Li Xing would kill Yun Shao, causing a terrible disaster, and deliberately filmed it. Otherwise, if Yun Shao dies, the entire imperial city will shake.

Li Xing also knew this clearly. He glanced into the air, sneered, and went on to catch his devouring snake.

The new recruit battalion commander became more and more curious about Li Xingyue. If Li Xing was able to enter the twelfth floor, let him catch the eye. The fact that Yun Shao was injured then started to shock him.

"Amazing, the legend of the Seven Prohibitions has become a reality!" He watched Li Xing in the tower intently, his heart filled with excitement, "In the Forbidden Army, another Wizard finally appeared!"

Li Xing was so sullen that he caught snakes day after day. Unconsciously, three years had passed, and he had also caught enough snakes and gathered up 100,000 snake guts.

However, this also led to the almost extinction of the King of the Snakes on the twelfth floor. It was Li Xing who was too fierce and tried to kill them. Now when the King of Snakes saw it, he would not even swallow the King of Snakes.

The captain of the recruit camp was in pain every day, cursing resentfully: "A bastard! These sky swallowing snakes were hard to find. They are a rare thing that is about to become extinct. He was caught by him like this!" "

Scolding and scolding, the new recruit battalion chief was looking forward to it. Li Xing got so much courage to see if he could make progress. He learned, however, that Li Xing used a formation similar to the Devouring Snake array, which was very powerful.

He soon knew that because Li Xing had ascended the ladder and entered the thirteenth floor. The thirteenth floor of the training tower is much more dangerous than the twelfth floor. This floor has a scaled giant tiger, which is infinitely powerful, and has a combat power of a horrific rank.

However, this is not much for Li Xing. He directly swallowed a lot with the help of swallowing up the **** array, and part of him was raised in the kingdom of gods.

For three years, it is not long or short. In the meantime, the proud guard sent people to kill Li Xing several times, but they were all destroyed by Li Xing. Later, they no longer sent people.

Li Xing went all the way like this, the 13th, 14th and 15th floors. At each level, Li Xing will receive a huge reward, and the proud guard is full of anger. He knows that Li Xing is growing and the enemy is growing, which makes him anxious.

However, things quickly turned around. A person named Fenghuo Tianzun came to Emperor City, took a letter, and sent it to the justice department Tianmen Zhuangmen. The letter stated that there was a man named Li Xing who had committed a penalty.

After seeing the letter, Justice Day immediately sent people to hunt Li Xing. However, because I was in a training tower, I could not find it.

As soon as the proud guard received the news, he immediately rejoiced and immediately went to meet the Supreme Lord of Justice. That great deity of justice, unselfish iron face, righteousness and jealousy, it can be said that no matter who commits it in his hands, it will not end well.

When the proud guard saw the Great Lord of Justice, the Great Fire Lord was also there. He had been assisting in searching for Li Xing, but he had no news for a few years and was discouraged. His father, Tianxin City Lord, and the entire Bai family were beheaded and killed by Li Xing. He must report this kind of extermination.

The proud guard appeared, and the Supreme Justice of Justice was very surprised. He said, "It's the proud guard. What's wrong with you?"

The proud guard opened the door and said, "I have news from someone in my hand, and I think the servant Sir must be interested."

Lord Justice: "Oh? What's the news."

"That man's name is Li Xing," said Aowei, "the adult must have heard of it."

The beacon of heaven suddenly jumped up: "It's him!"

The proud guard said faintly: "This person is now training in the training tower, and has reached the fifteenth floor, and he has made rapid progress."

Beacon Datianzhuang gritted his teeth: "This jerk, I will not let him go!" Then the man turned to justice Datianzun, and fell to his knees, "Master, please control the villain! This Li Xing is extremely ferocious, killing countless people, There are more than one celestial being killed in his hands! "

Justice Da Tianzhuang frowned: "You can rest assured, now that I know his whereabouts, I have a way to rule him." He thought for a while, "My official went to the training tower immediately and proposed this person!"

The proud guard was overjoyed and said, "Go down with the adults!"

In the training tower, Li Xing made another progress and broke into the sixteenth floor, which means that he is qualified to enter the Fifth Battalion of the Forbidden Army. At this time, the proud guards, the righteous deities of justice, and the great deity of fires brought a group of men and horses to the training tower, but were stopped by the captain of the recruits.

"Everyone is mobilizing, is there anything you can do to find yourself?" The battalion commander said lightly.

The Righteous One respectfully bowed his hand: "My official learned that one of the criminals was hiding in a training tower, so he came to arrest him, please cooperate."

Was it the recruit barracks' heart? Then he asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"His name is Li Xing." Beacon Datianzun rushed to speak. "It's in the training tower. We want to take people away."

"Presumptuous, what are you, dare to speak with the battalion commander like this?" The recruit battalion commander glared, and the blade-like gaze made Fenhuo Tiantian's heart cold, and he took three steps back.

The proud guard coughed aloud, "Captain Dai, do you want us to get someone?"

Dai Yingchang sneered: "Why, did the seventh prince's guard camp actually get involved in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs?"

The proud guard chuckled a laugh: "Chairman Dai said and laughed. We just met by chance. By the way, we helped the Criminal Department to get in. Where to intervene, just help."

"To disappoint a few, that Li Xing is one of us who banned the army. The banned army is directly under the Emperor Tiandi. If you want something, go to our leader first and get permission." The eighth battalion commander said indifferently.

"What? Looking for your battalion commander? This little person is also worth the approval of the embargo commander?" The guard's face discolored. "Dai Camp commander, you don't give the seventh day a face!"

Captain Dai smiled "Hey": "I only give face to Emperor Tian and Datong."

"You ..." Although the proud guard was frustrated, he was helpless. This Dai Battalion Commander is a strong commander and one of the Eighth Battalion of the Forbidden Army.

Righteousness said at this time: "Camp Dai, that person is indeed a prisoner. It is also a scourge to stay in the embargo."

"Is it a scourge? It is not your Ministry of Penalty who has the final say, nor is it the seventh emperor who has the final say. It is our chief who has the final say. Two, I have no time to talk to you next, please come back!" He waved his hand and the door closed, blocking the crowd directly.

The proud guard turned blue and hated, "Have shame on my face. I'll go to the seventh man, but I can't treat him without faith!"

Righteousness said lightly: "Either way, with the seventh Lord's warrant, maybe he will give it to someone."

In the hall, Dai Yingchang's face was ugly, and he said, "This bastard, even the one who offends the seventh emperor, has actually committed a crime! Huh, but for such a talent, the embargo cannot be let go, and he can't say anything. people."

Then he thought, "However, the other party will not stop doing good things. I'm afraid there will be trouble later." He turned his eyes and suddenly thought of something, a smile appeared on his face. He, if you tell this to the ninth man ... "

Dai Ying fluttered and disappeared.

The ten emperors of heaven, known as the emperor, the son of Cangtian, have a very high status. There are many institutions and people under the constellation of Heaven, and they are powerful. Captain Dai could not meet the ninth emperor, but only disclosed the news to an organization called "Information Tower".

This news building specializes in selling news, all kinds of news. Women as young as a family have a private relationship with men. It is all-encompassing that one major force is ready to launch an attack on another major force.

However, people who understand understand that the News House is the private property of the Ninth Lord.

Dai Yingchang came to the News Building in his private capacity. With his high repair, he easily saw the high-rise of the News Building. The higher the repair, the more big customers, the information building attaches great importance.

The landlord is a middle-aged man. He politely asked the camp leader to enter the living room and ask for advice. Dai Ying's Changqu turned around and said things, but did not disclose the confession, and then said, "How much is this news worth?"

The news landlord's eyes flickered and he groaned for a moment, and said, "Ten thousand great fortunes."

Dai Yingchang smiled slightly: "The deal!" The news was immediately sold.

As soon as Mr. Ying Dai walked away ~ www.readwn.com ~ the news, the landlord immediately contacted the ninth celestial counselor. Soon, there was movement in the ninth celestial palace, and a group of people were sent to the training tower.

As expected by Camp Leader Dai, he had just returned from the front foot, and someone had visited on the hind foot. The person who came was naturally on the ninth emperor's house, and was a guard. The other side was much more polite than the proud guard, and he turned around and asked some things. When he heard that Li Xing had entered the eighteenth floor, he couldn't help but be shocked, and said, "If you remember well, you haven't rushed into the eighteenth floor for a long time. ? "

"That's right, and this person's practice is only to change his life." Dai Yingchang said lightly.

The captain looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. Then, the captain said in a deep voice: "I heard that someone is going to be unfavorable to such a wizard. The ninth man always loves him and will give his full support. "

After all, he handed a token to Captain Dai: "This is the warrant of the ninth man, please transfer it to Li Xing, and say that the ninth man greatly appreciates him."

Dai Yingchang chuckled in his heart and said quickly: "I have heard that Corporal Li Xianxian, the ninth man, is indeed a fake!"


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