Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1002: Change life 2

Chapter 1002: Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 1002: Double Life Change

The guard said with a smile: "As long as it is a talent, the ninth man will appreciate it." He paused, "If anyone is in trouble, let him show the ninth man's token!"

Captain Dai: "Naturally, with the ninth Lord's warrant, no one dares to embarrass Li Xing."

On the ninth day, the people in Zifu went away, and Dai Yingchang smiled and said to himself: "Li Xing, I'm so laborious, I hope you don't let this seat down."

At this time, Li Xing just broke through the eighteenth floor and entered the nineteenth floor. This time, he received a lot of rewards. Every level will be in great danger, but he survived with the help of Devouring Heaven and the last blow.

When he entered the nineteenth floor, his eyes widened, because there are countless ancestors in this floor! Zulong, an ancient royal family, was a powerful race born during the first outbreak of civilization.

The dragons run across the air, and they are unparalleled. The existence of the twentieth floor is already the first-level strength of the three robbers, and they are in groups, causing boundless pressure on Li Xing.

Naha couldn't sit still and shouted, "Brother Li, we must find a way to rescue my brothers and sisters!"

Li Xing frowned. These ancestor dragons were very powerful. Even if they wanted to be rescued, they might not succeed. He thought about it and said, "I try my best."

An ancestral dragon found Li Xing, it made a dragon yin, and rushed over, stopped shortly, widened the longan, stared at Li Xing, and his eyes were full of hostility.

Li Xing found that any creature in the training tower was very manic, and when he saw people, he would attack. This ancestor is no exception, and will attack at any time.

"The souls of these ancestor dragons have been affected in some way, and they have lost their sense of reason. It is difficult to rescue them. They must be suppressed all at once, and then they will slowly come up with a solution." Li Xing was domineering.

Naha sighed: "It seems that can only be the case, but it is difficult to do so."

"It's difficult, but you can give it a try." Li Xing smiled slightly. "My **** kingdom is the most lacking of this special species, just to conquer them and build a ancestral dragon kingdom."

Li Xing had an idea before, that is to place a core species, such as ancestors, idols, etc. in each **** kingdom. The more such strange species, the stronger his **** kingdom , The stronger the strength.

Moreover, in the future, when he stepped into the state of life, he could transform a kingdom of gods into an incarnation. At that time, he would have the avatar of the ancestor dragon, the avatar of the fire, the avatar of the fire ant, and so on, with all kinds of magical abilities.

The idea is good, but whether it can be achieved is unknown. Li Xing appeared in front of the Devouring Gods array, and the vortex was spinning, generating a powerful power, making that Zulong dare not attack easily.

"With the help of Devouring Heaven, I try to suppress these ancestors, but it is very difficult! Naha, this matter needs your help." Li Xingdao.

"I'm weak, how can I help?" Naha was puzzled.

Li Xing: "The ancestral dragons are extremely intelligent, but the ancestral dragons here are all affected. I will suppress one later, and you will persuade one and let them leave the training tower. Can you do it?"

Naha froze, convinced one by one? However, there are tens of thousands of ancestor dragons here, so how to persuade the monkey year? However, as a member of Zulong, Naha naturally will not refuse, Shen said: "I will do my best!"

Immediately, Li Xingzhan swallowed up the heavenly **** array, and suddenly sucked the opposite ancestor, and then used the mixed Yuanding to suppress it into a kingdom of gods. Entering the kingdom, the power that affected emotions disappeared, and Zulong returned to Qingming.

However, being suppressed by a stranger in this way, this ancestor was extremely angry, roaring, and resisting with all his strength. At this time, Naha suddenly knelt in front of her, crying and crying: "Senior, you are finally free!"

That Zulong was stunned, but he turned into an adult, but he was a middle-aged man. He stared at the domineering: "How come you come across the same kind?"

Naha explained the origin in three words, and then said, "Senior, you must not stay in the training tower. It is both dangerous and free. This is Li Daoyou. He is willing to help us. Please cooperate with the seniors and rescue the people."

He was sincere and sincere, and soon touched this ancestor. He sighed: "Sometimes clear and occasionally, I also think about it, but the training tower is heavily restrained. How can we escape? Since your friend is willing to help us, Then I will go all out to rescue all the people. "

Finally got a Naha overjoyed, and quickly said: "Brother Li, next!"

So the second ancestor was suppressed, then persuaded, and joined the army of persuasion. So one, two, four, eight, more and more ancestors were suppressed, then sober, and then convinced.

In the end, all ancestors entered the kingdom of gods. In comparison, this country is not smaller than the training tower outside, and the environment is good. But unfortunately, the realm of Li Xing's deity kingdom is limited, so it cannot accommodate so many ancestor dragons of the three ranks.

Therefore, these ancestors were eventually transferred to the Xunyuan Realm, and Li Xing let them temporarily live in them. Suddenly there are so many super powerful people, people in Xunyuan are greatly stimulated.

You should know that among the real people in the mixed Yuan Dynasty, the strongest is to kill the triple. They face the ancestors of the three robbers, and they feel as small as ants. As a result, real people were dissatisfied and began to practice madly.

The nineteenth floor passed, and Li Xing entered the twentieth floor. This time, the rewards he received were shocking. There were over a million fortune alone, and Li Xing was overjoyed.

However, a more terrifying creature appeared on the twentieth floor, and it was very evil, one by one. These demons are all the same, one after another, skeleton monsters, Bai Sensen one, the demon is sky-high, the magic is pervasive.

What is even more frightening is that all these bone demon monsters have opened up the world of bones, and many of them are the ranks of the three robbers and the four robbers. There are thousands of white bone monsters. Because they have cultivated the same white bone road, the power of the world can be integrated into one, and the combat power can be directly upgraded to the ranks of the five calamities and six calamities.

Therefore, as soon as Li Xing appeared, he was suppressed by a general trend, and the joy of getting rewards suddenly disappeared, his face changed greatly.

"The big world is connected, the momentum is amazing, and it is not easy to break through!" Li Xing thought hard, but for the time being he dared not act lightly.

"Roar!" A strange cry, saw a bone demon rushing over, and then hundreds of demons gathered, siege groups, and the air machine into a piece, suppressing Li Xing.

The bone demon held a bone knife and severely split it, hitting Li Xing's head.


The bone knife shattered, Li Xing was unscathed, but just stared fiercely at the other side. He can't shoot yet. Once he shoots, all the bone demon will form a battle and launch a fatal blow.

With thirty-two major Luo Zhenshen, Li Xingfu suffered dozens of knives and was dizzy, but still had no way out.

"This training tower is really difficult to pass. I don't know how amazing people will be if they passed before?" He felt in his heart, "Do you want to stop here?"

At this time, Cabernet said: "Brother, these bone-bone monsters only attack aliens. It would be nice if Brother had the same breath on them."

"Same breath?" Li Xing flashed in Li Xing's mind and laughed, "There is a way."

The chaotic array was calculated, and in a moment, Li Xing's body was covered with a strange smell of white bone demon. The chaotic array can imitate everything, let alone this bone-bone rule, even the strangest rule can be imitated.

Suddenly, the repressive trend disappeared, and many white demon monsters showed strange expressions. Why did they suddenly become similar? However, the souls and wisdom in the training tower were blinded, and they didn't think about it, and they dispersed.

Li Xing disguised as a bone demon, penetrated into it, and then suppressed it with a thunderbolt, slowly refining it. Refining a bone-bone demon, his assassination skills went further.

Then the second head, the third head. Among the bone demon, they often kill each other. Li Xing, a similar beheading companion, did not attract much attention, so he succeeded all the way.

After slaying dozens of heads, Li Xing felt that Yuanyuan Gong was a lot stronger. You know, these bone demon monsters are all the strength of the three robbers and the four robbers. They are very arrogant. Refining one is a big supplement, let alone dozens of heads.

At this point, he vaguely felt that the opportunity for breakthrough had arrived. And some time ago, the real people in the mixed Yuan were greatly stimulated. At this moment, there was another real person in the mixed Yuan who broke through, and will soon enter the stage of changing his life.

At this time, Li Xing had to break through, otherwise, he would limit the promotion of the real person in Xunyuan.

A force of destiny rose from the body and covered the entire twentieth floor of the training tower. All the bone demon were quiet and motionless.

The seven major babies have released their powerful destiny powers ~ www.readwn.com ~, which are directly used by Li Xing to strengthen their own destiny. Changing destiny is by no means a simple matter. This requires powerful forces, which can only be done against the sky.

The strong accumulation and the powerful power provided by Mingying made Li Xing break through this barrier easily. Suddenly, a large number of scourges broke out in the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods and in the Yuan Dynasty.

At the Celestial Order, the emergence of the Heist will often appear directly in the plane, which is more dangerous than the disaster outside. Fortunately, the creatures in Li Xing's plane were strong enough to sustain them.

For a moment, Li Xing felt that he had changed tremendously, and he saw his future again, so clearly. And he has a feeling that he can change the fate that dissatisfied him at any time.

"Dominate the world, and who should you let go of?" Li Xing's Xiao Xiao shouted, shaking the bone demon slightly.

He changed his life to double, and Li Xing's strength increased again. He grabbed a large hand and directly took a bone demon and suppressed it. Then the second head and the third head, because they were slaughtered by Li Xing a lot before, and his strength increased greatly at this time, these bone demon monsters could not organize effective resistance, and each one was captured by Li Xing.


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