Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1003: Chief Lu Ying

Chapter 1003: Lu Ying's Commander

Chapter 1003: Captain Lu Ying

The bone-bone demon head after head was refined by Li Xing. These are all equivalent to the existence of the three deities and four deities, and they contain huge avenues of law, which are of great help to Li Xing's practice.

Later, the kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits trembled out, forming a swarm of heavenly gods, and a huge vortex was created. The whole body shrouded tens of thousands of bone demon monsters, and then sucked them hard, and devoured all the demons.

Refining these demons requires a process, after all, they are not weak characters. So Li Xing stayed on the twentieth floor for the second time.

Yes, it is the second breakthrough. He has enough destiny and enough strength. He has a second breakthrough in his heart, and he feels that he has changed into a triple life, but he seems to be missing something.

Just as Li Xing was doing repairs, the guards and his party appeared outside the training tower again, but this time they followed a big man. The previous few times, no matter whether he sent someone to kill him or to go out in person, Li Xing failed to count Li Xing. This time he obviously did his best to hire an expert.

When I saw this person, Dai Yingchang was also difficult to look at, and scolded in his heart, but he only greeted with a smile: "Oh, actually Lu Yingchang, what kind of wind blows you?"

The battalion commander Lu, the nickname Jinyu Datian, the battalion commander of the fourth battalion of the Forbidden Army, has a strong strength far above Dai battalion and is responsible for the defense of the palace gate. It can be said that even if ten emperors are born, they must also be polite to this Jinyu Datian respect, and dare not be rude.

The relationship between Captain Lu Ying and the Seventh Heavenly Son is good. Even the fact that Captain Lu Ying can become the battalion leader of the Temple Camp is also related to the seventh heavenly son. Therefore, for a long time, Captain Lu Ying gave the seventh day a face, and responded accordingly.

Although this time, the proud guard only took the warrant of the seventh emperor, but Chief Lu Ying still came out to deal with Li Xing. Those who go with it, and the Supreme Lord of Justice.

Lu Yingchang was aggressive and coldly: "Dai Yingchang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard you have a talent out here. I want to see you."

Chang Ying sighed secretly. He understood that the commander of the camp might be against Li Xing, but he could not stop it. Although everyone is the commander of the embargo, the gap is too big. This gap is like gold and iron. Although both are metal, the former is much more expensive and cannot be compared.

"Li Xing, Li Xing, the battalion chief has been protecting you for a long time and has done his best. Please ask for more blessings." Dai Yingchang thought to himself that although he is very optimistic about Li Xing, he has limited power and can only do this Step up.

"There is such a person," Dai Yingchang said. "However, he is still training and cannot come out for the time being."

"Anyway, where is he now?" Asked Lu Ying.

"Twentyth floor." Dai Yingchang smiled bitterly. If Li Xing was on the nineteenth floor, he still had reason to refuse. But now Li Xing is on the 20th floor. The twentieth floor will enter the fourth battalion when it comes out.

Sure enough, Captain Lu was also a little surprised, with a slight smile: "It seems that this person has a destiny with the battalion commander, but he just entered the twentieth floor. It's better, the battalion commander can take him directly."

Captain Dai is prepared to make another effort, and said, "Captain Lu Ying, that recruit may continue to improve, may he wait again? Maybe he can enter the third battalion, maybe one battalion?"

Chief Lu Ying looked at Mr. Dai coldly: "He will enter my fourth battalion below the 27th floor. A deity with a dual life, do you think it is possible to enter the 27th floor?"

Mr. Dai did not speak, let alone the twenty-seventh floor, and he was on the twentyth floor. He had never changed his life to Tianzun before, and he could not give evidence to refute. In desperation, Ying Dai said, "Well, I'll call him out immediately."

Li Xing's practice was not over yet, and suddenly he felt that the world was spinning, and people got out of the training tower. The moment he came out, he felt infinite regret, and it seemed that he could no longer get those generous rewards.

Flashing his thoughts, he saw Captain Lu Ying, the proud guard, and the Supreme Lord of Justice and the Great Lord of Fire, these people looked at him with different eyes. Captain Dai looked helpless and slowly said, "Li Xing, your training is over. This is the captain of the fourth battalion, and he is ready to take you away."

"Take me away?" Li Xing looked at the head of Lu Ying and found that the other side's cultivation was unfathomable. He could not see through it at all, and he did not know if he had reached the realm of legend.

Lu Yingchang said lightly: "You enter the twentieth floor, you are eligible to enter the fourth battalion, and now follow this seat."

"Really?" Li Xing stared directly at the other side. "But I can still go through the barriers. I don't necessarily have to enter the fourth battalion. Although you are the battalion commander, you can't break the rules?"

"Rules?" Li Xing told Lu Yingchang to sneer and look at Li Xing with a contemptuous look. "You are not guilty, even dare to question this seat. Good, I will let you know what is a rule. . "

During the talk, as soon as the Lu Ying grew up, Li Xing felt that his whole body was banned, and the power of the 100,000 Kingdoms and the Yuanyuan World stopped working, and then as soon as he saw it, he was confined to a time and space.

From the outsiders' point of view, the head of Lu Ying took Li Xing with one hand and disappeared. Dai Yingchang's heart resentfully felt that he was going to be robbed of someone who was going to train hard. Naturally, before he defended Li Xing, he also had selfishness, and wanted to recommend Li Xing directly to the great commander.

In addition to the Eighth Battalion of the Forbidden Army, there are a group of people directly under the management of the Grand Commander. The number is very small, but the status is very high, not even the commander of Dai. These people are called Celestial Guards.

Li Xing's potential is endless. If he cultivates well, there is a great opportunity to enter Tianwei. In this way, he is the leader of Li Xing, and Li Xingfei Huang Tengda will be good for him in the future.

But at this moment, Li Xing is going to be taken away by the head of Lu Ying. He is unwilling, but has no other choice, and the depression in his heart can be imagined.

Mr. Lu Ying glanced at Mr. Dai Ying, and said lightly, "Brother Dai, I can see that you are very enthusiastic about this, and I'm sorry this time."

After all, they are officers in the embargo, and even if their status is not high, it is not easy to offend. You know, the new battalion is under the control of Dai battalion. If there is resentment, the fourth battalion may not be able to recruit good soldiers in the future.

Dai Ying's face was expressionless, and he said, "Lu Xiong is polite, don't give it away."

Commander Lu Ying and his party left the training tower, but instead of returning to the fourth battalion, he went directly to the court of law. The heavenly bureaucracy system is somewhat similar to the earthly dynasty.

The Ministry of Criminal Affairs is one of the more important institutions. It specializes in prisons and has great power. It is also the most feared institution, second only to Jian Tian Si.

The Department of Penalty is also known as the Sky Prison. Tian prison itself belongs to an ancient series of magical instruments. Even if the ancient Great Celestial Master was locked in it, he would not want to escape easily, because this magical instrument itself is equivalent to an ancient Great Celestial Master.

Tian prison belongs to a imprisoned space. Legend has it that it was created by the master of a certain civilization. At this point, Li Xing was lifted out of a dark cell and dropped on the ground.

The ground was so cold that Li Xing was hurt by his ass. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the people in front of him.

Captain Lu Ying glanced at the proud guard and said lightly: "I have done the task of the seventh man, and the rest will be handled by you." After that, he left directly.

The proud guard looked ruthless, staring at Li Xingyin and smiling: "Boy, you finally fell into my hands, what else can you say?"

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "Of course I have something to say, why do you catch me?"

"Why?" Fenghuo Tianzun stepped forward. "You destroyed my Bai family and committed a **** crime. The sin cannot be forgiven!"

Li Xing sneered: "The **** case? I don't know how many people you Bai family has killed. And that day, if it wasn't for your Bai family to assassinate me and rob the embargo, would I fight back? If anyone kills me, I will To be patient, that ’s not normal. Presumably you are the Great Fire Lord, is n’t it? The son of the Lord of the Heart of Heaven, oh, unfortunately, you wo n’t be there that day, or you will die in my hands. ”

"Presumptuous!" Fen Huo Tian Tianzhuang angered, "Today, you fall into my hands and wait for you to make a dilemma!"

At this time, the Supreme Justice of Justice said: "Slow, this person is breaking the law and has his own penal department to deal with it. The two cannot intervene. And if he really murders, he must be investigated before being convicted. . "

The proud guard shouted, and then remembered that the Supreme Lord of Justice was simply an unselfish Lord. You know, he practiced the Avenue of Justice, so hard that he couldn't see anything.

Beacon Great was also anxious, shouting: "No, this person must be entrusted to me, I want revenge!"

Righteous Da Tianzun's eyes were cold and he swept forward only. The fiery Da Tianzun was covered with cold, sitting on the ground with a buttock, looking pale. He felt that the other side's cultivation was unfathomable, and it was definitely not something he could counter.

"If you do n’t read that you and your brother are old, just by your words and deeds, the official can cure your sin."

The proud guard swallowed his mouth and scolded his mother secretly, why did he forget it? This is difficult ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is impossible to execute Li Xing privately, and we can only hope that the Ministry of Criminal Affairs will deal with it as soon as possible.

"Well, this matter has nothing to do with the two of you, you step down." Justice Da Tianzun did not give any face, ordered a guest. On the third acre of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, in addition to Shang Shang, he is the second person. Who dares not to accept it?

The proud guard resigned, and the beacon of the Great Heaven did not dare to stay, and left slumped.

On the road, Beacon Da Tianzun shouted, "Proud seniors, is it so?"

"Forget it? Of course not." The proud guard narrowed his eyes. "You go back to me to collect evidence, and you must let Li Xing take the real crime of death, if necessary, you can falsify."

Beacon Datianzun's eyes lightened: "Exactly! As long as the evidence is conclusive, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs will not let him go. OK, younger people will go back!"

As soon as the flames were gone, the proud guard's face was gloomy and trembling: "Seventh Lord is doing a big thing and can't be distracted. I must not give him trouble. This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. If it is not convicted, Nothing but to use some extraordinary means! "


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