Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1005: Blood prison

Chapter 1005 Blood Prison

Chapter 1005 Blood Prison

In the ear, the voice of the Grand Justice of Justice: "Danger of blood prison, hello, you know, ten years later, my official will take you out." After that, Li Xing made a "thump" and fell into the water.

To be precise, it is blood. When he popped his head, he saw blood on all sides, a red and bright one, and a nasty smell.

This is a blood lake, where the waterweeds grow wild, all blood red, and the blood waves are rolling, pushing Li Xing closer to the shore. Before he returned, a blood crocodile swam over. His body was ten meters away and he opened his mouth to bite Li Xing.


Li Xing didn't move, unfortunately, the crocodile's teeth were pinched a few times, and he made a strange noise, looking at Li Xing like a ghost. It has eaten countless people in its entire life, but it has never seen such a hard guy.

"It's delicious?" Li Xing's eyes were all dangerous. "You bite me and I punch you, fair and just."

After that, a crystal light punched and blasted hard, and only heard a loud sound of blood waves splashing, the crocodile's head was smashed, and even the screaming was too late, he died, and died.

After killing the blood crocodile, Li Xing went ashore in a depressed mood, looked around, and found that there was a primitive forest outside the lake. It's just that those flowers and trees are very weird, all of which are blood red and very bloody.

Stopping at the shore of the lake, Li Xing watched for a while, then sighed, and sat by the lake with his eyes closed. He had no interest in blood prison, so it was better to practice here.

However, he just sat down, the ground was loose, and a **** red snake broke out, biting Li Xing's calf. Li Xing looked strangely at this thick-armed snake, his fangs constantly spraying venom outside, indifferent.

"Have you finished the bite?" Li Xing asked impatiently for a long time. It turned out that the thirty-two-fold Da Luozhen was too sturdy, and the snake bite for a long time, but he didn't bite the skin.

The snake lifted its head, and the strange blood-red eyes stared at Li Xing, wild. Li Xing snorted and waved his palm, the snake powder was broken.

"This place is not flat, and it is not easy to practice!" He shook his head, feeling that he still walked around to see the environment here.

The blood prison was huge. It was just the virgin forest that Li Xing had left for more than a month. On this way, he encountered countless ferocious beasts and snake poisons, all of which were beheaded and killed by him.

That day, when he walked out of the virgin forest, he saw several figures, approaching him at a rapid speed. The other party was so quick that he arrived in an instant, and then Li Xing saw a face that was so handsome and unimaginable.

There are seven people on the other side, only the young man in the middle is the most prominent. He seems to be the focus of this world. No one can ignore him as a gem in the sun. At the first sight of this person, anyone will feel that man is the pride of heaven, and no one can.

In fact, this person's strength is unfathomable. In Li Xing's view, he is at least a legendary figure. The other six people, like black stones, were unremarkable and set off the young man.

However, when Li Xing took a closer look, he felt that these six people were equally unfathomable, and they were comparable to the feeling given to him by the Supreme Master of Justice. With Li Xing's vision at this time, the cultivation of the legendary Great Celestial Master, sometimes it can be vaguely seen.

But people above the legend will give him a sense of unpredictable depth, unable to see through. Obviously, the seven people in front of them are all absolute masters, and any one can put Li Xing to death.

"Huh? Actually met a prisoner." Of the six, a Tsing Yi person said.

The young man's eyes faintly swept away from Li Xing, and then his handsome eyebrows were raised slightly and he said, "Strange, how could there be a familiar atmosphere on this man?"

Li Xing's heart jumped, familiar atmosphere?

"Boy, what's your name and what crime did you commit?" The Tsing Yi people asked before that.

"During Li Xing's conspiracy, he was forced to kill." Li Xing sighed, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

"Oh, who killed you?" Tsing Yi people became interested. In fact, the court of heaven kills a lot of people, but most of the time, it kills and kills it. It is capable of revenge, even if it is incompetent.

There is no reason for it, because everyone has killed almost everyone, even if they have never killed it, they have secretly killed it. If everyone caught it, wouldn't everyone in the world be caught up? The man in front of him was arrested for killing, which is really strange.

"The family of the Tianxin City Lord." Li Xing frowned, "they fell into the hands of the Supreme Lord of Justice."

"Justice of justice!" The man took a sigh of cold air and shook his head. "Your boy's luck is too bad. The old thing of justice is just a stone in that pit, smelly and hard, selfless.

Another man in white asked: "The ninth man said that he had a familiar breath on him?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xing's heart moved. Could this person be the ninth emperor? How else would he call him the ninth man? He suddenly thought of the rumors that the seventh and the ninth **** were in conflict.

Moreover, on the ninth emperor's palace, someone once sent him a warrant. However, this hand kept Li Xing unused, because it was useless in the presence of the Righteous Lord.

A strange color flashed on the ninth emperor's face and said, "Nothing."

At this time, Li Xing took out his warrant and said, "This must be the ninth emperor? Thank you for your love.

"Eh?" The seven were surprised, and the ninth emperor was also puzzled.

At this moment, Li Xing offended his seventh son and entered the training tower to practice. He was then taken out of the camp by the battalion captain and sighed in detail. Finally, he sighed: "The senior just said That's right, luck is bad. "

Everyone looked at each other, and said that the boy was OK. He actually rushed to the twentieth floor of the training tower by changing his life. It was really a personal talent! Moreover, how dare this person dare to offend the seventh heavenly son?

Originally, even if a small person with a double life changed, even if 10,000 appeared in front of him, and then died instantly, these seven people would not blink. However, when Li Xing took out a warrant and spoke of offending the Seventh Heavenly Son, they all fell in love.

"It seems that someone in Tianzi House must have wanted this man before they took out the emperor's warrant. Well, this son is indeed a personal talent, with great potential in the future. Once he grows up, he will be a powerful assistant to Ninth Lord. Think in my mind.

The ninth emperor's eyes glanced back and forth on Li Xing, smiling slightly, and saying, "Where are you from?"

"From the fighting school," Li Xing said.

The ninth emperor shook his head: "I mean, where was your birthplace."

Li Xing: "Dragon Elephant World."

When the name of the dragon elephant world was spoken, all seven people showed different colors. The ninth emperor nodded: "The dragon elephant is also a male hero at the time, but unfortunately it has fallen. It turns out that you are his heritage."

The name of the dragon elephant, Tian Tianzun, even knew the ninth emperor, it seems that he must be a man of the year, Li Xing secretly thought.

"Ninth Lord, this person should have great potential, so it would be better to take him home." Tsing Yi Humane, "It will be very useful in the future."

The ninth emperor laughed: "I've also asked him for his opinion."

He feels as warm as jade, like a spring breeze, and feels refreshed in his heart.

Li Xing turned his mind and thought: "Stay in blood prison for ten years, and then distribute Xihuang for 100,000 years. Alas, still follow the ninth emperor temporarily." Instantly, he made a decision.

"Li Xingyuan would like to play under the ninth heavenly constellation." As he said, he was deeply gifted. This ceremony was also a thank you to the other side for salvation.

The ninth emperor nodded: "Okay, you will do things next to the ancient times."

He is a Tsing Yi man with a smile. He laughed and took Li Xing directly into his world. He said, "Teach Lao Tzu well, when I become stronger, I can come out and do things."

So, Li Xing reluctantly entered the other side of the world, the great ancient world.

The Wild Great World is not lonely at all. There are hundreds of thousands of creatures here, which are many times more prosperous than the Dragon Elephant World. Li Xingcai entered it and encountered several strong men in battle.

What shocked Li Xing was that all the powerful men in the battle were all Legendary Celestial Masters, so to speak, the strength of the arrogant ancient Celestial Masters was at least a legendary realm, and most likely an epic realm.

Thanks to Li Xing's care for the great ancient god, those people know that Li Xing is the guest of the Lord of the Plane, so they dare not touch him, otherwise, he might be destroyed by a master.

Li Xing was hit hard. All the characters he encountered in the past few days were big men and big masters. Each of them could destroy him with one finger. Think about it, when ants see more elephants, they will inevitably have inferiority.

"Is the world's great deity, isn't it worth it?" Li Xing looked for a cave, sat down, and started to stay.

At this moment, the great ancient monk said: "Boy, what do you need, despite speaking, this seat is satisfied with you."

Li Xing's eyes brightened and he said, "We need the immortality of Da Tianzun, the more the better!"

"Huh? Do you want the immortality? What do you want to do? Cultivate the great art of killing? Or mystery?" The ancient Great Emperor is very strange. He didn't know that Li Xing ’s mixed Yuan Avenue can mix everything, and the more road rules he gets, It will be stronger.

Li Xing grinned: "Anyway useful, you can promote cultivation."

Fanggu Datianzun was silent for a moment: "Well, Lao Tzu has slayed Datianzun countless times in his life, but he has accumulated a lot of big Tianzun's imprints, and it's okay to give you a part ~ www.readwn.com ~ Big Tianzun's imprint, also known as civilization's imprint. We must know Some characters who have experienced several calamities will leave a certain kind of civilization inheritance, so the imprint of the Great Celestial Master, also known as the imprint of civilization, contains the power of civilization.

"Thank you Datianzun, the younger generation will definitely report well in the future." Li Xing overjoyed.

"Hum, wait for someone to report me? I guess Lao Tzu has fallen." Immediately, three thousand Guanghuas descended, and all fell into Li Xing's mixed-yuan realm.

"So much!" Li Xing cheered up and started to refine, he knew that the next breakthrough was not far from him!

Some time ago it was very sluggish. It's strange that those who don't live at home will get married again this month, but try to keep it updated. The little demon is not a very patient person, and the shortcomings of this character are too obvious. Presumably everyone can see that the little demon's fighting is short and fierce, the plot is simple and straightforward, and the enemy is walking around. This is a matter of character, and the text is as human as it can be explained. However, there must be people who appreciate this style of writing, and that's very happy. The update is a little stable these days, and I feel good, I will keep a good mood. I wish you all a happy life and a smooth work.


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