Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1006: Crazy breakthrough

Chapter 1006: Mad Breakthrough

Chapter 1006: Crazy Breakthrough

This desolate ancient deity is no small matter. He is an epic deity himself. He has experienced twenty-eight calamities in the heavens and the earth, and he is a full emperor. Such a strong person is very rare. Most of the big deities that he beheaded are legendary big deities, because they are too weak to be worth killing.

Even among these beheaded deities, there are several great deities in the history of poetry. There are a lot of imprints of the Great Celestial Master, each of which contains several civilizations, which are extremely important to Li Xing.

Xun Yuan Ding is like a melting pot, integrating different civilizations to enhance the strength of Xun Yuan Gong. Day after day, when Li Xing refined about three hundred civilizations, it made a breakthrough.

Before, he had a vague sense of breakthrough, but he still lacked something. At the time, what he lacked was the brand of civilization, something that allowed him to sublimate his mixed powers.


The vision of heaven and earth, Li Xing's one hundred thousand gods kingdom and the mixed Yuan realm, once again evolved the geomantic feng shui, all kinds of calamities, continued for three days and nights. When everything disappeared, he stepped firmly into the triple life change!

The triple life change means that the change of life is complete, and Li Xing immediately realized that his destiny had reached an unprecedented strength. In his flash of thought, he could change his life against the sky, turn decay into magic, and turn danger into gospel.

"Huh? I've been upgraded so soon?"

At this time, in the realm of mixed Yuan, those real people who had been suppressed in Xiuyuan immediately broke through and stepped into the dual life change. Their realm is always lower than Li Xing. The stronger Li Xing is, the stronger they are.

After the breakthrough, Li Xing was sitting still, and an atmosphere of air continued to be brewed on his body, which surprised the ancient monk, and said to himself, "Is there a breakthrough?"

His vision was extremely accurate. Li Xing resolutely refined all the remaining 2,000 civilizations, including an epic. This time, his astronauts broke out again and felt that they had touched the level of life.

The so-called standing is to stand between heaven and earth. As long as the cultivation reaches this level, no matter in the sky or underground, or in the magic caves, you can obtain a certain status, and the control of fate has reached a level of excellence that has never been possible before.

The most important sign of Li Tiantianzun is the imprint of birth. The imprint of life is the core of life. A person is extinct even if it is shaped, but as long as there is an imprint of life, it can be reborn and quickly restore its previous strength.

If you step into the Great Celestial progression, the imprint of life will go one step further and become a baby. As long as you step into the life-saving level, you can pin your life on some specific things.

Of course, there are very few big deities who are willing to entrust the imprint of life, because once they entrust the imprint of life, the means will be limited. More importantly, the imprint of life can only maintain a person's normal life.

For example, a great deity, if it is not in danger and is not beheaded by the enemy, can live in peace ten times. Even if he entrusted the imprint of his life, he still had only ten seas in the sea, and he would not live more than half a century.

In other words, entrusting life has little effect on powerful characters. Unless a Great Celestial Master is about to face the test of life, he will have to rely on it.

For example, Li Xing beheaded many great deities, and none of them pinned their lives on it. However, if Li Xing was not careful when they beheaded them, their lives could still escape.

Speaking of the imprint of life, Li Xing had seven life-dealing babies on his body, all of whom were non-trivial figures, but there was no sign of life on the seven life-dealing babies.

It turned out that although these life-saving babies were powerful, because they had gone through too many world disasters, the life mark had long been erased, leaving only the pure power of life and the power of destiny, which were cheap. Li Xing .

The imprint of life itself does not have much power, it is just a record of life, carrying all life information. Even if it becomes a life baby, it still can't produce much power until it is further transformed.

Generally, the Great Celestial Master can only live for ten years. If a Great Celestial Master wants to live longer than the tenth century, the infant must be transformed into a legendary infant. If he survives the twenty-fourth century and becomes the epic Great Celestial Master, he will undergo a second transformation. Epic fate. After that, there was a transformation of the ancient Great Celestial Master.

However, Li Xing faintly knew some information from the memory of Da Tianzun. That is, after the ancient Great Celestial Master, it seems that there can be several transformations, but the details are not even known to him.

At this moment, Li Xing began to prepare for a second breakthrough. This time, this breakthrough needs to consume a lot of life force, then input its own life information, and then transform the ever-changing life brand.

This process is called life, also known as book life, that is, the meaning of writing life. The more powerful and complex a person's life is, the more difficult this process is and the stronger the life force that needs to be consumed.

Li Xing's mixed element power is supreme, complex and powerful to a perverted degree, so if he wants to stand up, he will also consume an extremely long time and incredible life force.

One of the seven deceased babies was constantly drawn by his life forces, and these forces seemed to be blank sheets. And Li Xing is to write his life information on these blank papers and write his life biography.

These seven destined babies are not trivial, nor do they know that they have undergone several transformations, and their life force is extremely pure and powerful. Previously, Li Xing had absorbed their power several times, and all had limited income, all of which were tens of millions, or even one hundredth of a billion.

But this time, Li Xingru sucked water, madly extracted life force, and then entered his own life information into it to form his own life brand.

"Silk! So powerful vitality! It seems to have exceeded ten thousand times!" Aridu Datianzun has been paying close attention to Li Xing, and at this moment couldn't help pumping air conditioning, shocked.

An ordinary Li Ming lives one heavenly respect, if his vitality is one, then Li Xing's vitality is 10,000, which is the meaning of 10,000 times. The stronger the vitality, the greater the potential in the future. When the vitality is fully developed, Li Xing's strength is 10,000 times that of ordinary Li Mingtian Tianzun!

But this is just the beginning. Tian Guzun ’s eyes widened, and his heart silently counted: 30,000, 80,000, 100,000, and 150,000 ...

Li Xing is constantly extracting the power of life, and his vitality is also constantly increasing. It is very important to step into the fate this time. The stronger the condensed life imprint, the stronger the vitality, and the greater the future achievements.

There is even a saying that the greater the vitality, the longer the life span, and even the possibility of breaking through the ancient Great Celestial Master and entering a higher level of life.

The ancient Gutian Tianzun had a vicious vision, and he saw that Li Xing's vitality increased from 10,000 times to 100,000 times, then 1 million times, 10 million times, and up to 100 million times!

Li Xing's body was enveloped by a layer of colorful light, which was the power of life. They escaped from Li Xing and were absorbed back. Ordinary Celestial Master, as long as one of them is obtained and refined, the vitality can increase thousands of times!

Of course, other people simply do not have the means of refining their infants and can only keep Baoshan in air, and cannot directly refining and absorbing like him.

We must know that the average person breaks through the life-saving level by nothing more than writing life information with their own life force, and their vitality is limited. A person who has dozens of times of vitality is already considered good.

If there are hundreds of times of vitality, they can be called Wizards; thousands of times of tens of thousands of times of vitality can definitely stand side by side in the future. But like Li Xing, a breakthrough of 100 million times is an unprecedented thing. The ancients and the great heavens have searched for the memory, and I can't remember which big man has such a powerful vitality.

A fateful infant was thus refined by Li Xing, leaving only a purely civilized force. The strength of this civilization is so heavy and complicated that Li Xing did not dare to refine it and could only temporarily store it.

"Huh!" Li Xing exhaled, his eyes helpless.

Today, it is the 180th year he has made a breakthrough. He feels that his vitality is very powerful and terrifying, but he still has not been successful, and he has to start to absorb the life force of the second infant.

Of course, although he has spent 180 years, the time outside has only passed for a moment, because it is the time change of the great ancient heaven to adjust, the purpose is to make Li Xing become a powerhouse as soon as possible.

"Do you want to strengthen it? It's 100 million times already. How can it be strengthened?" Arungu feels totally unacceptable, and his expression is dazed.

The ninth emperor was preparing to do a major event, but found that the ancient God of Heaven had a different look, and asked: "Ancient God, do you have a mind?"

The great ancient monk looked directly at the ninth emperor, saying, "Nine Lord, you sent it!"

The ninth emperor is inexplicable: "I sent it?"

"Yes, you have a man with infinite potential. This kid is really a pervert, it's simply a supreme evil!" The arrogant **** seems to mutter to himself, making the others stare ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ So Aragu told the six people what he saw, and then sighed, "Can you believe it? 100 million times the life force, and it is still growing ..."

The ninth emperor was shocked, and opened his mouth for a long time. He spit out slowly for a long time, and said, "What is your vitality?"

"Eighty-eight million," said Huanggu Tiantian, indifferently. "This is how I practiced the 28th century, and slowly grew to this step. When I first entered the level of life, the number was only 800,000."

The ninth emperor nodded: "This person is completely beyond imagination. This matter must not be rumored. This emperor wants to see what step this person can take, really looking forward to it!"

In the great ancient world, Li Xing practiced frantically, and began to operate with the second infant, and extracted the life force from it, and turned it into his own. In the process, his vitality continued to soar, 110 million, 120 million, and 130 million.

Enhancement and re-enhancement have reached 200 million times, but even so, Li Xing's brand of life has not been fulfilled.


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