Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1007: Ritsumei

Chapter 1007 Fateful Life

Chapter 1007

"Continue to absorb, I'd like to see, how hard it is to step into life!" Li Xing thought fiercely, he began to draw the power of the third infant. . .

Two hundred million became three hundred million, but still failed to break through the barrier. He jumped in his heart and began to extract the power of the fourth infant. Year after year, 800 years later, Li Xing completely absorbed the fourth baby.

All the life forces in the four babies were completely absorbed, and the pass was loosened and finally broke through in one fell swoop. At this time, Li Xing's life force reached 480 million!

The great ancient monk has been shocked beyond recognition, 480 million, and his vitality is ten times his! If you only look at the vitality of 800,000 when he orders, it is 600 times his!

The great ancient monk is not an ordinary person. His qualifications are shocking. Li Xing's ability to surpass him so much in the 28th century is naturally shocking.

"My God! How can there be such a breakthrough from common sense in the world? 480 million! From ancient times to the present, I'm afraid he can be the only one?" Fang Gu was shocked.


The profound vitality erupted in this encounter, finally condensing the brand of life. This imprint of life is so clear and vivid, yet so complex and powerful, it has a timeless and immortal atmosphere, unchanged for ages.

Once the imprint of life came out, the great ancient world was shaken fiercely, causing the great ancient monk to shake in the west and stand on the ground. And Li Xing, at this moment also realized the leaping gantry-like promotion.

From then on, he could stand up and stand up, cross the world, and stand idle, not his opponent at all. It is just that his 480 million vitality has not been fully developed, otherwise it will be strengthened.

With the improvement of his cultivation, his vitality will be stronger, will be gradually developed, and eventually become a peerless powerhouse, smiling and proud, unstoppable.

At the moment of breakthrough, Li Xing had a clear understanding in his heart, and his grasp of fate became meticulous. He felt that he had finally established a foothold in this heaven and earth, and this heaven and earth had his place.

Before and after, Li Xing spent more than a thousand years in the great ancient world. For such a long time, many people in the mixed world have made breakthroughs and made great progress, which made Li Xing very excited.

The most rapid breakthrough was the nine ladies of Li Xing, who went hand in hand. They have stepped into the Great Celestial Series three hundred years ago, with a strong and powerful breath, far better than the ordinary Great Celestial Master.

However, those mixed real people are still suppressed by Li Xing, and the highest strength is only changed to the third. However, their accumulation is also more ambitious, and the breakthrough will be invincible in the future.

Brothers Li Xing, such as Jun Qianheng, Wu Xiaobao, Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong, Nangong Xiaoyi, etc., are not slow to improve. Although they are more than 100 years late, they have finally entered the level of the Great Celestial Master and did not let Li Xing Disappointed.

In addition, Xiao Yan, Min Min, Wu Tong, etc., also entered the level of the Great Celestial Master in the last 100 years. Among them, Li Xing's newly-disciplined disciples surpassed Tianzun and made rapid progress, and also entered the level of great Tianzun.

Other people of the mixed Yuan religion, and a dozen others have entered the stage of the Great Celestial Sect. In total, thirty-two people have achieved the Da Tianzun Taoism, making the strength of the entire mixed Yuan religion leaps and bounds.

Li Xing opened his eyes, walked out of the great ancient world, and appeared in front of the ninth emperor. His fighting power at this moment can definitely fight against the Seven Calamities, and he will not be afraid even when facing the Eight Calamities.

Such strength should not be underestimated. What's more, the potential shown by Li Xing shocked everyone. As soon as he came out, he saw seven people looking at him with a **** expression.

Desolation of the ancient and ancient sighed: "It really makes no sense, you are the second most important one. How can there be such a strong vitality? In this way, shouldn't you continue to break through and reach a higher immortality?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The predecessor has passed the prize." Then he asked, "What is the immortality?"

Desolation of the ancient times said: "In your realm, you are not qualified to know these things. However, you have great potential, so it's okay to tell you."

At this time, the ninth emperor opened his mouth and said, "Life is triple, which can be called the Great Celestial Master. The following cultivation will be a long process. Becoming a Great Celestial Master is actually just the beginning."

Li Xing nodded slightly, why didn't he know this, and the endless cultivation path was endless.

"Life spanning more than ten epochs can be called legend, twenty-four epochs are epic, and thirty-six epochs are ancient. On top of this, there are six levels, and one level and one day." The ninth day child said.

Li Xing took a breath: "There are actually six levels!" He is not surprised by this, for example, the poor can never appreciate the state of life of a super rich. He is not even Da Tianzun, and of course he does not know much about higher-level things.

"The following six levels are silence, nirvana, infinite, immeasurable, immortal, and broken. Masters who enter these six levels rarely ask foreign affairs and specialize in cultivation, so they rarely show up."

"Subordinates have been taught." Li Xing bowed his hand.

The ninth emperor smiled and said, "Your potential is so admirable. This emperor will definitely cultivate you with all my strength."

Li Xingdao: "Thank you Ninth Lord."

The ninth emperor paused slightly and said, "Li Xing, do you know what we are here for?"

"I don't know." Li Xing quickly entered the state.

"Not long ago, some people found traces of innate killings, and there were as many as twelve. Each of the innate killings is not a trivial matter. If you get one and fully exert its power, even the ancient Great Celestials are afraid. How can the twelve killing arrays keep people from being distracted? So, this one sent a lot of people to find out, and eventually found the twelve inborn killing arrays, all converging in blood prison. "

Li Xing nodded: "The ninth man came here to find the innate killing array."

"The seventh emperor also got the news, and rushed here to compete with me for the innate map." The seventh emperor seemed to be thinking about it. "I and the two are of equal strength. . "

He paced back and forth, seems to be thinking about a major event, for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "Congenital killing, not a trivial matter, is a peerless treasure rushed from the source of civilization, which can be refined after refining to enhance combat power; it can also be used It is extremely precious to build a peerless weapon. "

He said, "However, things like Congenital Killing will often choose the Lord by themselves. It is extremely difficult to surrender. Even if the ancient Great King shot, it may not be able to leave them. Moreover, these twelve congenital killings The bottom line is that Benzi has already figured out that they can consolidate a congenital explosive magnetic kill array, which is powerful and difficult to crack. "

Li Xing knew that the ninth emperor had something important to say to himself, so he just kept silent.

"And you, the potential is huge, and may be recognized by the Twelve Congenital Killers." The ninth emperor smiled and looked at Li Xing with an appreciation, "This emperor has this feeling and can't be wrong."

Li Xing quickly said: "How dare the subordinates? This thing should belong to the ninth Lord, and his subordinates will give their full assistance."

The ninth emperor said lightly: "I am the son of the emperor, and there are countless treasures in my hand. There is no such thing as innate killing. Compared to a person with great potential like you, I would rather choose to focus on training you."

This sentence made it clear that the ninth emperor decided to let Li Xing take the twelve innate killings, and he would assist him. As soon as this party came out, Li Xing immediately understood that the ninth emperor was buying people's hearts, or an investment.

Li Xing didn't say anything for a long time, he knew that once he accepted, he would accept the favor of Tian Tian. However, innate killing is indeed very important to him. If he can integrate it into the mixed yuan gun, it can greatly increase the power of the mixed yuan gun.

Even, he can directly refine the twelve innate kills, as a driving force for breakthrough.

"I am a sinner now. Now that I have trusted in the ninth emperor, I will do it to the end! And, if I don't attach to him, I will go out in the future, and I will definitely be conspired by the person in the seventh emperor." With an idea, a decision was quickly made.

"Thank you, Lord Nine." Li Xing didn't say much, his tone was even plain.

The ninth emperor said: "Okay, we will try our best to hold the seventh emperor. The rest is up to you. It's your luck to get the twelve kills; if you don't get it, it's your fate. "

The ninth emperor's hand is actually very beautiful. If he fights forcibly, he won't get a chance to get twelve innate kills. Therefore, he simply gave it to Li Xing, and apparently failed to contribute, but gave a big favor.

But Li Xing understood that he must follow this relationship. Because it would not have been possible for him to have such an opportunity without the ninth emperor's willingness.

"The ninth emperor really is a lord and decisive." Li Xing was heartbroken, and he secretly admired the man.

Next, the two sides discussed the next plan, during which Li Xing also knew the identity of the other six people. These six people are the guards of the ninth emperor, and their strength is extraordinary. Among them are the ancient great deities, twenty-eight calamity epic figures.

The other big star, ~ www.readwn.com ~, is a twenty-five calamity giant, who looks indifferent and looks like a yin and yin, belonging to the ninth celestial counselor.

The third person is the Great Emperor of the Organ, who has twenty-six robberies, and the power of the organs is unparalleled in the world. The puppet he built can reach the epic realm of twenty-four robbers, with powerful means. The institution's Great Tianzun had a very good attitude towards Li Xing, and gave away a legendary Great Tianzun series.

The fourth person is Yuanci, who has 35 years of calamity, has the strongest strength and the most horrible combat ability, and can compete with the ancient great. The man was in a nine-color suit, his expression was changing, and every move was full of power. However, this person does not seem to value Li Xing very much, and he does not take his decision on the ninth emperor into account.

The fifth person, Daohao, the Great Deity of Dao, practiced the way of ghosts and gods. After 22 robberies, he always smiled and made people invisible.

The sixth person is the Holy Spirit Great Celestial Master. This person is an innate soul born in nature. He cultivates the Holy Spirit's way. After 28 calamities, his combat power is second only to the Yuan Magnetic Great Celestial Master.

The six masters will, in the next time, pin down the seventh son, thus giving Li Xing the opportunity to kill twelve. Of course, as to whether it can succeed, it depends on Li Xing's ability.


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