Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1008: 12 Congenital Killing

Chapter 1008: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1008: Twelve Innate Killing Formations

The ninth emperor made a plan and said to Li Xing: "The seventh emperor and I know ourselves and know each other, but we do n’t know your existence, so we have a good chance of winning this round. However, it is not easy to conquer the innate killing team. As for whether we can succeed in the end, It depends on your life. "

"Subordinates will go all out." Li Xing bowed.

"Well, things are settled like this, Li Xing, you act with your camera, success or failure lies with you." After that, the seven masters disappeared, leaving Li Xing alone.

"Congenital killing, I don't know if I can get it. But as long as there is an opportunity, I can't give up." Li Xing trembled, and immediately disappeared.

For a few days in a row, the ninth emperor launched the established policy and constantly harassed the seventh emperor. On the other side, the seventh emperor is also searching. On the seventh day, there were eight people, and the strength still had an advantage over the ninth emperor. The seventh emperor is extraordinary in temperament and temperament.

Next to him, a master who was not under the power of Yuanzhai Tian Shen said, "Seventh Lord, the recent movement of the ninth emperor is a bit abnormal."

"Huh? How do you say?" The seventh emperor said lightly.

"We have been in blood for a long time. The ninth emperor has always avoided conflicts with us. But in the past few days, the people around the ninth emperor have been harassing and breaking our tracking several times. This is a strange thing. "

"Yes, the ninth Tianzi acted, always low-key, he will never shoot until the final decisive moment. He did this, which is inconsistent with his character." Another person also had the same view.

The seventh emperor sneered, "My nine brother, I must be making a ghost." He turned his eyes, "I have deduced it with my heart, and the opponent should play a dark chess move."

"Dark Chess?" The big Tianzun, who was the first to speak, stunned. "Except for the two parties, we couldn't find a strong existence at all, and the strength was not strong. How could we become a dark chess?"

"Since it is dark chess, it will inevitably come by surprise. By the time we find out, I'm afraid it's too late." The seventh emperor thoughtfully said, "So we must plan ahead and prepare for the response."

One person said: "There is a plan for his subordinates." He showed a calculated smile, "Isn't the lonely Great Celestial Lord already in blood prison? He is the grandson of the fifth heavenly son. Weight. "

"What do you mean, pull in the lonely grandson?" The other person's eyes lit up. "This is a good way! Although the solitary celestial realm is not very high, but the status is there, even if the ninth child has dark chess, but When you meet him, you have to think about it. "

"That's it." The seventh-day emperor snapped up and said immediately, "Go get in touch with this grandson and try to get him hooked just in case."

In the past few days, Li Xing kept getting news from the ninth Tianzi, and gradually grasped the position of the twelve congenital array map. However, the congenital array can flash thousands of times in an instant, the position is difficult to determine, and he has never been able to contact.

Only once was luck, and it happened to be close to one of them. But that overbearing killing intention caused him to fight several cold wars in a row, and he couldn't help but have such a cold treasure, and it was difficult to collect such an overbearing treasure!

The congenital killing array did not meet. Li Xing encountered many murderous creatures in the blood prison, but he was killed or suppressed into the kingdom of the gods. He intends to build a kingdom of blood prison by means of a trip to blood prison.

In a blink of an eye again in January, Li Xing still had no chance. However, he was not in a hurry. Although the success of this operation was gratifying, there was nothing wrong with it. After all, the congenital killing team did not have the absolute confidence to collect it, let alone him?

However, the opportunity finally came. On this day, Li Xing, who had just received the news, was about to leave, and was enveloped by a Supreme Guanghua. That Guanghua landed, and instantly turned into a supreme battle array.

Li Xing didn't know whether to cry or laugh. This killing was too fierce, and his skin was cracked and his bones shattered instantly. In the end, he was able to survive by carrying out such a big move as "pass me."

Fierce light and murderousness, a young man was trapped in the big battle. He stood there alone, his clothes fluttering, with a sense of loneliness. It can be seen that the cultivation of this young man has definitely reached the realm of legend, far above Li Xing.

Obviously, it was the young man who provoked the innate killings and was trapped by the spirits here. As a result, a fire broke out in the city gate, and the pond fish caught Li Xing.

The young man stood straight and said coldly, "Congenital killing, you are not submissive to me at this moment, when are you waiting?"

In all directions, a metal-like, ruthless voice sounded: "With you, are you eligible to submit to us? It's ridiculous!"

"I am a descendant of the Emperor. Is it not enough?"

The spirit of "Zhen" laughed and was very scornful, saying: "The world of the twelve killings knows nothing about the world, travels to all sides, and there are not a thousand or eight hundred master families. You are just one of them What else? "

Humane youth: "Yin and Yang Period is the world of my family, you will not submit to it, you will only perish." His voice was cold, "The **** of this period is different and will allow the Quartet to surrender and integrate all forces. .You followed me, the future is promising, and I will make you happy. "

"Don't hesitate, integrate all the power? Do you know how big this world is? In my eyes, the master is just the guardian of all civilizations, one for one, one for one, one for one, and at most one for one. The forces that are born will last for a long time and build up one side of the forces. Each of these ancient forces is not weaker than today's heaven. Do you think you can surrender? It's ridiculous! "

The young man frowned: "In this case, Ben Taisun will teach you the tricks and see what is strange about your innate killing." He reached out and released a magic weapon.

This magic weapon is a bead. It is extremely powerful and emits infinite light.

"Ancient weapon!" The innate array Ling Leng hummed. "Unfortunately, your level is too low. Even if you rely on this, you can't beat Ben!"

Murder was pervasive, and the beads began to fight. A series of white light and black light kept on striking, colliding, and then exploding again and again. The shock waves generated caused Li Xing to suffer.

"Great! Is this the battle of the ancient series? This power is far more than me!" Li Xing was surprised. Fortunately, the congenital killing team really didn't take him seriously, and the killing was not targeted at people, otherwise he would never survive.

However, after the youth fought with the innate killing array, while Li Xing was still alive and still struggling, this caught the attention of Zhenling.

"Well? Boy, you aren't dead, a little Li Tianzun, where do you come from?" Jin Ling's voice filled with curiosity and asked.

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Kill the seniors, and have no grudges with you, can you let me go?"

"You can do it, but I'm very interested in you right now. You have to figure it out." Zhenling Tao, then a wave of power rushed into Li Xing's body, swam around, and glanced inside.

The opponent was too strong, Li Xing couldn't help it, and the details were immediately seen through.

"What? There are actually 100,000 sub-levels, and all of them have reached the weight of life!" Zhen Ling was shocked, "How did you do that?"

After waiting for Li Xing to speak, Zhen Ling discovered again and shouted, "What avenue is this? Integrating all the avenue laws, the potential is endless!"

"And the vitality has actually reached 480 million times, my God!" Zhen Ling wailed. "How is this possible? I have experienced many civilizations and traveled to the top ten. I have never seen such a thing!"

The next moment, I heard only a loud thunder, and the young man mumbled, and he was thrown out with the beads. The spirit shouted: "Lonely child, my lord is just playing with you, let's go!"

With a sweep of murderous murder, the young man was shot away without knowing where he was falling. As soon as the murderous spirits closed, the burst of light disappeared and Li Xing was gone.

In a weird space-time, Li Xing met twelve young men with unpredictable breath. Yes, twelve teenagers, of course, just look like they are the twelve spirits, the twelve congenital kills evolved.

"It's really killing, the wizard you said is clam? Is the state very weak, not even the Supreme?" A young boy pouted and said unpleasantly, "Let's get together for such a small person, have you got your head shut Clipped? "

The young man who brought Li Xing said angrily: "Lotion, you can see clearly whether you are a genius."

The next moment, eleven forces traveled inside Li Xing's body, and everyone was shocked, and then the sound of air conditioning was drawn.

"It's incredible, is this kid a human?" The spirit called the lore screamed.

At this time, Li Xing only had a bitter smile. He was at the mercy of the twelve spirits, and he couldn't resist at all, so he kept his face flat and looked helpless and ignored the words of the twelve spirits.

After being shocked, a young man laughed and said, "Did you not find out that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? If we wipe out this idea and then practice with his body, wouldn't it be a shock to the highest fruit?

"It looks like you're stuck in your head." Another boy sneered. "This person has a life force of 480 million times. Can you **** it?"

"That's the reason ~ www.readwn.com ~ The vitality is too strong and the imprint is extremely strong. Unless it is completely wiped out, it is too difficult to obliterate, basically impossible." Someone echoed.

"How should that be? It would be a shame if such a genius could not be used by us!" There was inspiration.

Li Xing was so angry that all these spirits were uneasy and were calculating him. It was really hateful. He turned his eyes and said, "Twelve seniors, there is a word below."

Twelve stopped talking, and the humanity that Li Xing brought: "Boy, what do you want to say?"

Li Xingdan said lightly: "I want to ask a few seniors a question."

"Have something to say."

"Fart fast."

The two spirits ruthlessly urged Li Xing.

Li Xing coughed and asked: "What do the twelve seniors think of the future success of the younger generation?"


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