Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1009: Fallen Spirit

Chapter 1009: The Fallen Spirit

Chapter 1009

Hearing, a spirit snorted: "If you want to grow up as a kid, of course, the future is immense, is it possible to step into the broken and dare not say, the hope of becoming immortal is still great."

Twelve spirits, knowledgeable, and predicted the future of Li Xing.

Li Xing nodded: "If characters at the immortal level can become friends of the twelve seniors, can it help?"

A teenager sneered: "Unfortunately, you are not immortal, or we have already been wiped out. Things in the future will be no different to me, and have no appeal."

"I just heard that the twelve seniors traveled the world and wondered what happened?" Li Xing asked indifferently without being affected.

"We are looking for an opportunity to be one." An array of spirits is not afraid of Li Xing knowing it and said, "The twelve congenital killing array, the twelve in one. Only when they are one, can we break through. To a higher level. However, to merge, you need opportunities. "

"What kind of opportunity?" Li Xing asked.

The spirits were silent for a long time, and the spirit said: "It doesn't matter to tell you that the Twelve Congenital Array must have a leader, that is, the master. And the master must be very strong and have a deep confrontation. Comprehension. "

With a move in Li Xing's heart, it seemed that the ninth emperor had said something wrong. The twelve congenital killers were choosing the master, and he had never been successful. His heart turned, and suddenly "haha" laughed, and the twelve spirits all frowned.

"What are you laughing at?" A teenager was furious.

Li Xing stopped smiling, and then sighed: "If there is a person who has mastered the power of the Zhen civilization and is good at deduction, the most important thing is that he has good potential and can reach the immortal state. Twelve thought that such Is man qualified to be your master? "

"Of course it is acceptable, even if he is weak for the time being. I have worked hard to find countless disciplines and never encountered a suitable one. Of course, if I get such an opportunity, I certainly won't give up." A spirit seemed to think of something, Staring at Li Xing, "You say that, are you talking about yourself?"

"That's right." Li Xing overhead, burst out of a mysterious array, it is that chaotic array. This is unpredictable, but as long as one glance at it, anyone knows its power and incredibleness, and can calculate everything.

Moreover, beyond the chaotic array, numerous arrays of disillusionment have represented that Li Xing has indeed grasped the core of the civilization of the array and is complementary to the chaotic array.

The twelve spirits were silent and talked secretly.

"How long? We searched again and again, disappointed again and again, and lowered and lowered the conditions, but unfortunately, a suitable person did not meet." A Zhenling said, "Today this person, in addition to poor strength, other The conditions are fully met. Even if his current state is too low, the potential is infinite. We must know that the conditions we set at the time are only necessary for the future master to reach the state of silence. But this person may enter the immortality in the future. Can offset the impact of poor power. Immortality, four more realms than silence, second only to the broken realm! "

"Yes, this person is indeed very suitable." Another burst of spirits said excitedly, "Now there is nothing weak, he can grow up soon with my support."

"But don't forget that our actions just made him very angry. Will he resent us?" A spirit worriedly said, "If he wipes out our consciousness in the future, wouldn't it be complete?"

All the spirits were cold, and they stared fiercely at Li Xing. The latter feels inexplicable, why is it suddenly murderous?

He coughed and Shen said, "What's your consideration? As long as you follow me, I promise to fulfill your wishes. And, it will give you enough freedom to be friends rather than masters and servants. . "

"Friend?" The spirits stunned.

Li Xing took out the hybrid gun and said lightly: "This is my weapon, it is very powerful and has the same potential. However, it has never been able to produce a real spirit. If you can enter it, it will be mutually beneficial.

"Well? Is the tip of the sword a fragment of Ming Sword? It is such a treasure!"

"That gun is amazing, it looks like chaotic true iron, which belongs to a peerless treasure!"

"And in this gun, there is a mixed world, containing all the breath, this kind of trait is very useful to us!"

All twelve spirits were jealous all of a sudden, staring at the mixed gun, blinking without blinking. They want to merge, not only need a host, but also a carrier, no doubt, mixed yuan gun can not be more suitable.

"Being the carrier of this gun, he will never obliterate our meaning, otherwise the power of the mixed yuan gun will be greatly reduced, and our initial consciousness is the strongest."

"And he said he would give us freedom, which is very good, and I started to like him."

"Maybe, maybe this person is talking sweetly just to trick us?"

"He dares! Although he has great potential, now he is weak, after all, let's pinch him with a finger."

Everyone was secretly arguing, but Li Xing was not in a hurry. He knew that the twelve innate killings had already been tempted.

For a long time, the debate had come to fruition. After all, the twelve innate killings were unwilling to give up such an opportunity, otherwise no one knew if it would be appropriate to meet Li Xing.

"Stop it! We are in danger, we have to fight it back." One Zhenling said, "What do you think?"

"I agree."

"That can only be the case."

"I hope this guy will not let us down."

The boy who brought back Li Xing "really killed", Shen said: "Boy, if you can promise us a few conditions, I can consider you as the mainstay."

Li Xing's heart was beating, but he was calm on the surface, and said lightly, "Please say, if you can do it, you will agree."

"First, we hope to be on an equal footing with you in the future," said Ling Ling.

"No!" Li Xing refused directly, "I am the master after all, and of course I have a higher status than you."

Zhensha Zhenru said, "You don't agree, kill you now!"

"Really? Kill me, maybe you will never meet a suitable host like yourself in your life." Li Xing sneered, "please."

Real kill sighed: "Well then, the second condition, concealing things like me, can only be known by you. You know, once we serve you, we will be one with you, in a lower level like you, It will certainly affect our strength, and it will be difficult to even protect ourselves. Therefore, we cannot tell anyone about our existence, otherwise it will bring danger. "

"This can be done, no problem." Li Xingdao.

"The third condition, if you step into immortality in the future, you must also upgrade our strength to immortality and let us become immortal magic tools!" Zhen Ling exclaimed excitedly.

Li Xing thought for a moment, and nodded, "If I can get there, I will certainly do that. The stronger you are, the better it is for me, why not?"

The spirits are very satisfied. In fact, the first condition is that they are only used to test Li Xing. If Li Xing agreed, they would suspect that there was fraud, and Li Xing just cheated trust.

Li Xing did not agree. Although they were slightly disappointed, they could conclude that Li Xing really cooperated in good faith, but it was a good thing for them.

I murmured in secret for a long time, really killing Zhenling said: "Okay, we decided to serve you as the mainstay, and you should be ready!"

Li Xingdao: "You don't need to worry, this place is not safe, we should change to a safe place."

"Suffice it to say, we came here just to find a suitable host. Now that the host has found it, we should find a quiet place to work together." Zhensha Zhenlingdao.

"Then go to our old nest, only we know that place," another spirit suggested.

"Okay, that's it."

The next moment, Li Xing was lightly swept away. During the flight, he learned the names of the twelve innate killing arrays, including true kill, fantasy kill, instant kill, destructive kill, assassination kill, spell kill, strangle kill, bomb kill, reverse kill, wild kill, Lore.

The Twelve Kills, each of them is terrifying, and can definitely fight against the ancient Great Celestial Master. If the twelve arrays are united, they can even fight against the Great Celestial Master of Silence Series.

Even at the rate of twelve innate kills, they will have to limp for months to reach their nest. During this time, Li Xing had become more familiar with them, and the two sides basically knew the truth.

"Well, the original origin of the host is so strange that it doesn't belong to this world." The twelve congenital kills were shocked and felt incredible.

"If it weren't, the master would not be able to comprehend the true meaning of yin and yang, the heavens and earth's road. You must know that only the master can master it!"

"It seems that the future of the master is higher than we originally imagined. It may not be impossible to achieve fragmentation, or even ultimate fragmentation!"

The spirits were excited, one master at a time, and it was called Shunluo, and it was impossible to rule out that they had to shoot horses. Li Xing Ze Gan Zhi Ruo 饴 ~ www.readwn.com ~ behaved very "close to the people", so that the spirit of the spirits surged.

"The master is now decisive, and he must be able to step into the Grand Celestial Rank within a hundred years. With the master's supreme posture and strong strength, once he becomes the Grand Celestial Master, he should be able to kill the legendary characters." Magic Killing Music Road.

"At that time, we can guide the host to find the brand of civilization, help the host to improve their strength, and reach the legendary state as soon as possible."

"Well, as long as it becomes a legend, with the fierceness of the master, it is not difficult to kill the epic celestial deity. The problem is that the next ancient celestial deity is too difficult. However, with the master's wiseness and invincibility, the world is invincible. , Break through easily. "

With Li Xing's determination, he also fainted. These guys can really shoot. Talking about it, I reached the destination, the twelve innate killing nest. This place is a chaotic space-time, with wormholes spreading all over the place, and killing power. If it is not familiar with the road, even the ancient Great Tianzun will get lost.

When the killing appeared in front, Zhensha shouted, "Master, here, here is the home of the young people, the birthplace!" Then, Li Guang directly fell into the killing and broke into a space.


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