Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1011: 800,000 corpses

Chapter 911: Eight Hundred Thousand Corpses

Chapter 1011: 800,000 Corpses

"Thank you Nine Grandpa for your success. Your subordinates will not let Nine Grandpa be disappointed." Li Xing thanked him immediately.

At this time, the great ancient monk stepped forward and said, "The ninth man, if it wasn't for Li Xing this time, the twelve congenital killings would probably have been won by the seventh emperor. This time, Li Xing's great work should be emphasized. reward!"

The ninth emperor nodded and smiled: "To put it bluntly, I didn't know that there was a way to track the innate killing in the hands of Lao Qi. If it wasn't for Li Xing's collection in advance, he would probably succeed." He paused, " This is indeed a great achievement, Li Xing, what reward do you want? "

Li Xing turned his mind and immediately said, "Subordinates dare not appreciate."

The ninth emperor said: "To be rewarded, to be rewarded, you don't have to worry about being unable to afford this, despite saying it."

Li Xingxin said that since you are so generous, I'm also not polite. He groaned for a moment, and said, "The subordinates need the immortal brand, the more the better."

He used to ask for the immortal mark of the Great Emperor, and his shot was three thousand, very generous. In comparison, the ninth emperor has a richer net worth, which is naturally not less.

When Fang Gutianzun heard it, he took a deep look at Li Xing. He thought that the boy broke through immediately after he asked Datianzun's imprint last time. Shouldn't it be the practice of Datianzun's secret technique? Is it related to his breakthrough?

The ninth emperor first stunned, then "hehe" laughed and said, "I think you will want something rare. I didn't expect it to be this. There are not many other things on this emperor's house. There are many. "

Yuanci Datianzhuang raised his eyebrows: "The ninth man refers to the battlefield of the four wastelands?"

The ninth emperor nodded: "In the beginning, the emperor was driven by the emperor to fight against rebellion, the army was invincible, and the great deities that were beheaded and killed were countless. The bodies of those great deities were stored."

Li Xing's mood suddenly became excited. Da Tianzun's corpse may not have much effect on others. At most, he can only practice one or two mysteries. But for him, these things are too important, he can extract the principles of the road, the brand of civilization, and thus strengthen his own mixed power.

After stepping into the first order, he felt that as long as he accumulated enough, he could immediately make the next breakthrough and step into the second order.

The first priority is only preliminary, the second priority will continue to be promoted, and the third priority will be sublimation, which will achieve great honor. Of course, the second to the third will be very difficult and will never be smooth.

He calmed down his mind and asked, "I don't know how much God can impress his subordinate?"

"How much do you want?" The ninth emperor asked, and Li Xing jumped again.

He swallowed and said, "Can I give it all to my subordinates?"

The ninth emperor's eyes flashed slightly, and he was silent for a moment, saying: "Heavens have arrived, there are hundreds of thousands of corpses, and there are countless celestial beings. There are as many as 800,000 stored in the emperor's house. Do you want all?"

The 800,000 celestial body? Li Xing's heart was cold, was Tian Tian's combat power so strong? Actually beheaded the eight million deities? How many great deities are there in the world? How many big worlds?

Seeing Li Xing's shock, the ninth emperor smiled and said, "You must be thinking, how can there be so many great deities in the world? Then this emperor can tell you how big your heart is, and this world is How big. "

Li Xing Surong, said: "Thank you to the ninth Lord for mentioning that these celestial bodies are all required."

"Can you ask, what purpose do you want these corpses?" The ninth emperor was full of curiosity. He couldn't figure out what these corpses were for. Even if you refine the mystery of the Great Celestial Mastery, you don't need so much at all, a few are enough.

Li Xingdao: "The Tao under his name is called Yuanyuan Avenue, which can draw on the merits of any of the avenue rules to complete his own Tao."

The ninth emperor moved: "There is such a magical way?" Then he nodded slowly, "This emperor has read you right, your future is immense, and you will be a peerless mage in the future! Rest assured, come out from the training tower After that, I will protect you in peace and progress. "

Li Xing quickly thanked him and said, "Subordinates need to improve their level to enter the training tower."

The ninth emperor laughed: "Very good! You broke through not long ago, and you have to break through again. It seems you want to rush to the 36th training tower!"

Arungu Tiantian laughed and said, "One thing is not annoying to the two masters. If you want to cultivate, how about staying in my Arungu world?"

Li Xing nodded: "He has a great work."

"Hey, you don't have to be so polite. You and I are both top-ranking customers and have the same status. You can just call me an ancient brother in the future." The ancient Tiantian respect said with a smile. As an epic-level figure, he actually said so to a Li Tian Tian Zun, which was unacceptable to everyone around him.

Yuanci Datianzun said scornfully: "Ancient times, the more you live, the more you go backwards. You actually call this brother a brother."

Another big Tianzun who Li Xing never met even laughed: "In the future, if we encounter ants on the road, we can actually call them brothers."

Even though Tiangu Zun was not angry at all, he just said lightly: "Although you laugh, you will be envious of what I am doing today." Then he swung his sleeves into the world and his body disappeared.

The ninth emperor shook his head and said helplessly, "You are not as bad as the ancients."

Everyone disagreed, but dare not refute the words of the ninth heavenly son.

In the great ancient world, Datianzun showed his avatar and sat with Li Xing to drink. Li Xingdao: "Let Datianzun be laughed at, and uneasy in the heart."

"The idiots think that their cultivation is extremely high, so their eyes are higher than the top. Where do you know that there is a sky outside the sky? Brothers, although your current state is low, but it will definitely surpass us in the future."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Even if I can step into the future, but now they are weak, they will look down on me so much."

A great drink of water and wine, Laogu Tiantian laughed and laughed: "Why brothers are humble in front of me. Do you look down on them in your heart? I know that you are actually very proud, even though they are stronger than you, even one finger is You can pinch you, but you don't put them in your eyes. Like a little lion, although young, you can still look down at the flock. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Brother Gu Gu joked, the younger brother won't look down on anyone. They have their own way and their own way. As for what happened later, who knows? Before that step, don't look down on anyone. "

Huanggu Datianzun was silent, then nodded: "The brother said so much, I made a mistake." Then he asked Li Xing what level he would reach this breakthrough.

Li Xing said that he can only be promoted to a double life, and for the time being he does not have the strength to impact Datianzun. In the meantime, he made another request to the Emperor Arugu, saying, "Brother Argu, I have a request for something from now on."

"Oh? Brothers have something to say straight, the old brother will go all out." Huanggu Datianzun patted his chest and said that he was very special about Li Xing and responded to his demands.

"The younger brother set up a small meta-religion and established a mixed-yuan religion. There are so many people in the middle school, but there is nothing to show. I only know now that the outside world is very big, and the masters are like clouds. I hope they can see the larger world." Li Xingdao "So the younger brother hopes to be able to put the mixed Yuan religion into the great ancient world, so that they can be tested and truly grow up."

In the great ancient world, there are really masters like clouds. Huanggu Datianzun is a twenty-eight calamity great deity, and in the great ancient world he established, there are twenty-five calamities.

Such a vast world is only suitable for the growth of the congregation.

When Fanggu heard it, he understood what Li Xing meant and nodded: "Brothers have good intentions. I wonder if I want my brother to protect them?"

"As long as the difference in strength is not too disparate, you don't have to intervene and let them fight it by themselves." Then smiled slightly. "In the great ancient world, you are the only master in the old world. They are hard to die, and they are slowly tempered."

Huang Gu nodded: "Okay, I should get down this one, you can rest assured."

After some conversation, Li Xing made friends with Huang Gu and talked for a few days. Until the seventh day, Fang San, the ninth Tianzi sent someone to send 800,000 Great Tianzun body, Li Xingfang began to cultivate.

In Yuanyuan, the body of the 800,000-day Celestial Master is floating in the air. A big dinger stands high in the sky, shoots thousands of golden lights, keeps the body in it, and begins to refine.

Among these celestial bodies, they are all big worlds, but they are all ruined and have no vitality. Many of them are not even complete with the laws of the avenue. Therefore, these corpses are of little value to the average person.

But for Li Xing, it is not a big problem. He can use the chaotic array to develop a complete road principle. Before these great deities were born, some were great deities at the beginning, and some were great deities who had experienced several calamities.

Among them are some epic Great Celestial Masters, and even several corpses of ancient Great Celestial Masters. The older the corpse, the more helpful it was to Li Xing.

The Zunyuan Ding set off with all its strength, extracting the principles of the avenue, the brand of civilization, and the runes of the avenue from the body of a celestial deity.

In the process, Li Xing constantly made unexpected discoveries, some were pleasantly surprised ~ www.readwn.com ~ In some broken worlds with no vitality, some souls actually survived.

Of course, most of these living creatures are breathless, and only one breath is left. Most of them are things born in nature, such as the Five Elements, the Stone Man, and so on.

These surviving creatures are very powerful, and some of them are still above Li Xing, and belong to the realm of the legendary great deity. Of course, it takes a long time for them to restore their strength.

Once encountering this, Li Xing will place them in the mixed Yuan realm, let them slowly rest and recuperate, and restore strength.

The 800,000 corpses brought many surprises to Li Xing, and there were also many dangers. For example, one of the planes that destroyed most of the planes actually arranged the next killing array. If Li Xing had a mixed yuan gun in his hand, but the ancestor of the killing array, I am afraid to drink and hate them and fall completely.

For another example, in a large world, the horrifying curse lurks, causing Li Xing to lose half his life. Similar dangers happen almost instantly. You know, these big deities were beheaded by the heavenly army at the beginning, and their hearts were full of resentment, and they would naturally lay various ambushes, so that the heavenly courts could not use their big world.


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