Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1012: Double life, life expectancy

Chapter 1012: Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 1012: Double Life, Fate

The 800,000 celestial bodies were refined one by one, which required a lot of time. Fortunately, Li Xing has reached a fate, with a long life span, and consuming some time is nothing. And the ancient ancient monk also adjusted the time flow rate on his own, so that the outside world is dying for a long time in the ancient ancient world.

One thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years, time passes. This time, Li Xing spent only 120,000 years refining the corpse alone. Of course, this time is not worth mentioning to him, and the outside just passed a breath.

The process of refining the body of the 800,000 Great Tianzun was also the process of Li Xing's accumulation of strength. After all kinds of traps, curses, and baptisms, his strength has made a qualitative leap and his combat experience has become more abundant.

From the 800,000 Avenue Principle, Li Xing has extracted hundreds of civilizations. You have to know that before all these celestial beings had experienced more than thirty civilizations. Moreover, the overlapping elements of the civilizations they experienced were very large.

Fortunately, many of these people have had legendary experiences and have been passed on to civilization in other ways. Assimilated and absorbed by them, they can also extract the brand of civilization. But even so, only about a hundred species were refined in the end.

Every time he gains the brand of civilization, Li Xing's strength will be greatly enhanced. On the other hand, 800,000 kinds of avenue laws have also brought Li Xing's mixed-yuan skills to a whole new level.

After accumulating 120,000 years and practicing for 120,000 years, Li Xing accumulated a lot of money and finally broke through. All of a sudden, all kinds of horrific calamities, punishment from destiny, supreme calamity, constantly landed on his plane.

The kingdom of Li Xing's one hundred thousand gods trembles, and each kingdom is advancing from the first-order level to the second-order level. The Xunyuan world was even more agitated, and suddenly a sudden change occurred, changing the world.

In an instant, Li Xing's strength broke through to the second place. However, this breakthrough has not stopped, and the accumulation of 120,000 years is too powerful, and it is like a bamboo shoot. After reaching the double order of life, the remaining strength is enough for him to stand up to the third place in conflict, and the great heaven respects him!

In essence, Li Ming triple and Li Ming heavy, there is not much difference in fact, this is a process of quantitative change to qualitative change. The process of imprinting life and condensing it into a baby. At 10% of your life, you can break through the shackles of the world ’s calamity, live to the next generation, and even have the opportunity to break through the realm of legend, epic, and so on.

After 120,000 years of accumulation, Li Xing's life force actually increased again, from 480 million times to 1.8 billion times! The imprint of life, in the mixed realm, formed a life tire.

This birth must be bred for a period of time and mature in the future, it can be turned into a life baby.

As soon as the birth was born, he began to continuously extract the vitality of the remaining three lives. Li Xing can feel its continuous growth, but this growth will continue for a long time.

Li Xing was given seven fatal babies, each of which is no small feat. At the beginning, the Bone Da Tian Zun was a character close to Supreme Fragment, at least it should be an immortal character.

Although life was consumed by time and the remaining power was limited, Li Xing still benefited a lot. The most important thing is that the vitality of the seven destiny babies is very high-end and pure, and each strand is extremely precious, which also makes his life birth extremely powerful.

Li Xing is not in a hurry. He knows that there is still a long way to go before the real baby is born and breaks through to the Great Celestial Master. It is not the time yet. So he took the opportunity to begin to understand the second of the three current moves, destroy God.

Now there are three moves, fragmentation, destruction, and nothingness. One move is more terrifying than the other. Li Xing was broken before, and at this moment he fully enlightened the second stroke of God. In this way, he spent hundreds of years.

Of course, although the century is long, only a thousandth of a second has passed.

Li Xing walked out of the great ancient world and was very terrified. At this time, he can definitely kill the enemy across ten levels. In other words, he can also beheaded against the Eight Destroyer Datianzun, which is his strength.

The great ancient monk has been waiting, seeing Li Xing go out, congratulations: "Congratulations Li Xing, it looks like it won't take long before you can step into the big monk level!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Thank you for the ancient brother Ara," thought for a while, "I don't wait for me, I will go to the training tower now and finish the remaining sixteen floors."

Aragon Great Tianzun nodded: "With your current strength, the opportunity is great, well, I will take you there immediately."

With the arrangement of the ninth emperor, and a companion of the great ancient monk, Li Xing easily entered the training tower. The recruit battalion commander greeted him personally, and he was very happy without any embarrassment.

Entering the training tower twice, Li Xing began his training journey.

At the same time, the seventh emperor's house looked gloomy, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"Comprehending the above information, the ninth Heavenly Son has received a peerless wizard who has just been sent to the training tower. And that person is the one who appeared in the blood prison."

"So it is!" The seventh emperor said coldly, "The innate killing of the battlefield must fall into the hands of this person, because the spirit chooses the Lord, he must be an extraordinary generation. This person is not high, but has such strength and qualifications superb."

"Seventh man, we foresee that this person may be very important, so we probed and finally found out his foundation. This person, who came from the world of dragon elephants, later entered the fierce academy and broke into the big name. Then he was recommended He entered the embargo only because he was offended by ours and was beaten back one time, but was brought in by the ninth emperor. "

"According to reliable information, this person is most likely a seed." The subordinate who reported the situation said, "There should also be a mysterious guardian behind."

"It's actually a" seed ", it's interesting!" The seventh emperor raised his eyebrows and showed no doubt. "Unfortunately he is still weak and destined not to grow up."

Everyone understood the meaning, and one said: "Seventh Lord, rest assured, let us complete the 'blood curse'."

The seventh day child nodded: "We must be careful, we must succeed in one hit, and don't leave this aftermath. Originally, such talents are to be drawn. Unfortunately, we missed the opportunity and we were one step behind. Then we should kill it."

In the training tower, Li Xing broke through all the way, on the 21st floor, the 22nd floor, and rushed to the 35th floor. He didn't feel any pressure until the 35th floor. He has improved too much, and feels completely different from the first time he entered the tower.

Every time he clears a level, he will get a lot of rewards. At the same time, many strange beasts and strange birds in the training tower are also caught by him, and stocked in the mixed realm or **** kingdom.

At this time, he was in the 35th training tower. Although he had spent a lot of effort, he finally broke through and entered the 36th floor.

The 36th floor of the training tower is the most special one and the most dangerous place for one person. It is said that many people rushed into the 35th stage, most of them gave up to continue the impact, and a few continued to rush through the customs.

Most of those who continued to pass the customs failed, and very few succeeded. For those who are successful, their strength often reaches or approaches the legendary Grand Heavenly Class.

Entering the 36th floor, Li Xing was also vigilant and he took out the mixed yuan gun. Since the mixed yuan gun merged with the twelve innate killing array, its lethality has increased greatly. Moreover, with the improvement of his strength, the combat power of this gun also increased by multiples, which greatly helped Li Xing. If people are combined with guns, they can basically play more than twice the combat power, which is called terror.


The void was forcibly torn apart, and six great deities appeared in front of Li Xing. These six people have a strong breath, all of them are the four robbers! In addition, the six people formed a formation faintly. This formation made their strength almost equal to the general Seven Calamity.

Six people surrounded Li Xing, all with cold eyes and gloomy expressions.

"Boy, when you meet us, you are unlucky, you obediently die." One person loudly seemed to pronounce the fate of Li Xing.

"Who are you?" Li Xing asked calmly.

"Everyone is going to die. Ask so many to do what? Dead!" Six four robbers shot at the same time, six mysteries were shot at the same time, and half-way into a lore, turned into a huge palm, facing Li Xing blasted down his head fiercely.

At this moment, Li Xing's figure suddenly became blurred, a golden fist soared into the sky, and slammed into the giant palm, "banging", the giant palm was broken into a hole.

The six Great Celestial Masters were shaken, the encirclement was broken and their looks changed greatly. The impact of Li Xing's past blow was too strong, and they suffered a lot.

When the battle took place, the new recruit battalion commander always kept an eye on the battle situation. When the six Great Celestial Masters appeared, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Thirty-sixth training tower was the most difficult, because the calamity of this level originated from external forces. Either force can send up to six monks with strengths that are five levels higher than those who break through the level to kill those who break through the level. It's a pity that this time the seventh-day emperor is going to miscalculate. The five realms are nothing at all. "He said," It looks like a good show. "

Li Xing broke the giant palm with one punch ~ www.readwn.com ~, holding a gun in his hand and picking forward. The gun body killed the masterpiece, the real killing spirit was launched with full force, in conjunction with Li Xing's life-threatening blow. This shot, the fragmentation and the real kill cooperate, generating incredible power.


Blood splattered, a four-day calamity was pierced through his head, and the world exploded violently. He screamed again and again. This time, the large array was immediately destroyed and could not be reorganized

The body of the gun shook and the world shattered. Li Xing fired a second shot, leaving the others discolored and escaping. Unfortunately, Li Xing made a blow and called God of Destruction, and the billions of gun tips trembled in the void, leaving no escape.

Between the sharpening of the gun and the heavens and the earth changed, the killing force produced by the twelve-killing formation blocked the Quartet. Now the one-strike God of Destroyer slays the soul, which can be described as a beating blow.

"No! Why is this? He is just a small person!" A big deity screamed unwillingly, his big world was torn by the tip of a gun, and his body fell quickly.

Another person forcibly burned the power of the world and played various secret tricks and big moves, and wanted to highlight the encirclement. Unfortunately, Li Xing passed a shot and blasted his head and died.


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