Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1013: Celestial Guard

Chapter 1013 Heaven Guard

Chapter 1013: Heaven Guard

Six of the four priests were killed by Li Xing. Three were left alone, and the remaining three were even more lonely. They completely lost their fighting spirit and desperately wanted to escape. . . But how could they escape by killing the twelve innates and blocking time and space?

The tip of the gun continued to stab, and the three were shot again. The six Great Celestial Masters were all used by Li Xing in mixing Yuanyuan Ding. They directly refined and used waste without any waste. Moreover, these six people have rich treasures and huge wealth in the big world.

There is no need to say that the chemical alchemy is converted into a large chemical alchemy, amounting to hundreds of millions. In addition, there are many treasures of heaven and earth, unique treasures, all of which were collected by Li Xing and made a small fortune.

Coupled with the rewards obtained by rushing through the 36th floor, today he can be regarded as a rich man, and even if he is a legend, he may not be able to match him. These treasures are of great help to his cultivation and the growth of the mixed Yuan religion.

The company commander laughed, and led Li Xing out into the hall. Guanghua flashed, Li Xing appeared, and he first saw a familiar face.

"See the battalion commander." Of course, Li Xing knew this person's identity and politely approached him to salute. In fact, in the training tower, more than once, Dai Yingchang secretly transmitted a voice to Li Xing. When the ninth day child warrant, he also gave it as a gift.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Dai Yingchang's help and intentional maintenance, Li Xing might have been conspired. Not to mention the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Shan Nao would guard a group of people, and he would not easily let him go.

Therefore, Li Xing is very grateful to Mr. Dai, and he is polite and respectful.

"Hehe, Li Xing, you haven't let me down, you have progressed so quickly. Remember last time, your strength was less than one tenth of the present, or you have changed your life. But now, you have already reached the duality of life, and it has united Destiny, the achievement of Datianzun is just around the corner. "Dai Ying said with great satisfaction.

Li Xing worshiped: "Thank you very much for the help of Captain Dai. In the future, what commander Dai will command, as long as one sentence, Li Xing must be ordered." This is a promise, telling the other party clearly, Not strong enough, but when you are strong in the future, you can return to you.

This sentence was exactly what Dai Yingchang wanted to hear. He "haha" laughed, patted Li Xing on the shoulder, and said, "If you don't ask me to help you, you have a conscience." Immediately, his expression became serious. "But you have offended the seventh emperor, and his career is dangerous. Even if there is a ninth emperor, you must be careful."

Li Xing nodded: "I understand." Then he thought for a while, and finally asked, "Campmaster, the training tower is thirty-sixth heavy. What are the origins of the six people who wanted to kill me? ? "

Dai Yingchang nodded and said lightly: "Exactly." He added, "This level of danger is also called." Explain that white dots, your enemies, and even people who don't look good to you, can be at this time. Choose to start with you. The premise is that they can't send more than six people, and they can only be five higher than you. "

"In fact, most of the time, this level is the most exciting. Because every person who can reach the 36th floor is a shocking talent, it is bound to be jealous. You are an example. "He sighed." The difference is that the person you offend is actually the seventh heavenly son, which is unfortunate. "

Li Xing said lightly: "It should be them unfortunately."

Captain Dai narrowed his eyes, but after all said nothing, he paused and said, "You break through the 36th floor training tower and, according to regulations, you can enter the First Battalion of the Army." Captain Dai laughed, " That was one of the most powerful teams in the heavenly court, and everyone in it was amazing. I hope you can suppress them all. "

Li Xing asked, "Captain Dai, I don't know much about the first battalion, and I still want to ask you a question or two."

The Eighth Battalion, in addition to the Recruit Barracks, has seven battalions, the most powerful of which is the First Battalion, also known as the Emperor's Camp. It is a force directly under the Heavenly Emperor, and each of them is terrible.

Dai Ying said: "The number of people in Emperor Camp has always remained at about 180. Their strength is very strong. For example, your strength is also pretty good, but after you enter Emperor Camp, it is definitely not. The strong will be downstream for a long time. "

Li Xing frowned. His current combat power is close to the legendary Da Tianzun, but he is still downstream? How powerful is the strongest of them?

Dai Yingchang seems to have seen through Li Xing's thoughts and said, "Don't be dissatisfied. The masters in the imperial camp can compete with the ancient Datianzun, and even higher-level characters have appeared. Even the first battalion commander cannot suppress it. . And such people will eventually enter Tianwei. "

"Tianwei?" Li Xing Yiyi, he was already the strongest organization in the imperial camp, did not expect another Tianwei.

Dai Yingchang nodded slowly: "Yes, it is Tianwei. The strongest, most terrifying, and most talented person in the Forbidden Army has always entered Tianwei. Tianwei is not like the Forbidden Army. Due to the number of people, his number has been Increasing. I have been fortunate enough to have seen an operation by Tianwei, the purpose of that operation was to kill an infinitely large demon. "

"In that battle, there were only nine Tianwei shots. Each of them was powerful and unpredictable. They fought fiercely for ten days and nights, and finally suppressed the demon." Dai Yingchang recalled and shocked, "Can Sure, any of them is stronger than me. Such a strong one is not the most horrible of the Celestial Guards. "

Li Xing took a cold breath and admired: "Tianwei is really unfathomable!"

"That's nature. Tianwei and Jiantian Division are two of the most mysterious and powerful institutions in Heaven, and they are directly under the Emperor. Tianwei's chief is the Chief of the Forbidden Army, and the chiefs of Tiantian Division are the four heavenly divisions. "Yai Yingchang shook his head." These are all peerless men, far from us. "

Having said that, Camp Chief Dai looked at Li Xing and said, "Your future home must be Tianwei, and that's where you will perform your fists. Before that, you will be in the barracks for ten years of recruits. training."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "When entering Tianwei, there is absolutely no chance at this time, first stand firm in the imperial camp before talking." After thinking about it, he said, "What is the training of Dai Ying, the recruit camp? "

He couldn't figure out what to train as a monk.

Dai Yingchang said: "The purpose of training is not to improve your strength, but to improve your discipline and awareness as soldiers. The first attribute of the forbidden army is to enter the army, and first learn to abide by the order."

Li Xing frowned. As a monk, it was difficult to become a qualified soldier. The more powerful the cultivation, the more dignity will not be violated, and will not easily convince others. This is exactly what a soldier must have.

"No matter how strong a person is, his combat power is also limited, but the army is different." Dai Yingchang said, "The army needs obedience, without any conditions of obedience. The goal of establishing a recruit barracks is to cultivate the spirit of recruits."

Having said that, he showed a cold smile: "I can tell you a statistic, and each period of recruit training, less than a third of the people survive."

Li Xing was taken aback: "What? So few? What about the rest?"

"Dead," Camp Chief Dai said indifferently. "Soldiers who do not abide by military orders do not need to survive. I killed them myself."

Li Xing was silent. He never expected that the recruit camp was so cruel!

Dai Ying patted him on the shoulder and said, "Sometimes people have to learn to adapt. If this is not possible, sooner or later they will fall."

Li Xing nodded deeply: "Thanks for your advice, I understand."

"Very good, you can wait for a while. As soon as there is news on the ninth Tianzifu, you can officially join the recruit camp. If you can pass the assessment, you can join the imperial camp and climb to the sky." Dai Yingchang said with a smile.

Li Xing successfully broke through the thirty-six heavy training tower. The seventh day son was furious, but it was too late. At this time, it was very inappropriate to try to start with Li Xing. He could only press the killer temporarily and wait for a new opportunity.

At the same time, the ninth emperor was moving around, preparing to remove Li Xing's charges so that he could join the embargo. Li Xing is his man. If he joins the embargo, he will greatly strengthen his power. He knows what the potential of Li Xing is. Once he enters the embargo, he will be a dragon swims in the sea, and Phoenix dances for nine days. He will never be subservient to others.

In the lobby of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Shang Shangshu stared at the Supreme Master of Justice. The two had been arguing for a long time and had no results. The focus of their argument is about Li Xing. He believes that Li Xing has committed a serious crime and must be punished.

The Shang Department of Punishment is the ninth emperor. Of course, he must give face to the ninth emperor, so he must be excused from Li Xing, but he cannot pass the level of justice. The two quarreled for a long time, and Shang Shu angered, "Justice, do you have to let my official sack your position before you stop?"

Righteousness said indifferently: "In his position, he should manage his affairs, and his subordinates are only doing public affairs."

The punishment of Shang Shangshu was full of anger, and when he was angry, he was about to be exempted from the official position of the waiter of justice, Tian Tianzun, and he heard a laugh, but it was the voice of the ninth emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is indeed justice. Tianzun, like the Tao, is admirable. "

A young son, Shi Shiran came. The Righteous Lord and the Ministry of Punishment bow down at the same time: "See Ninth Heavenly Son."

The ninth emperor smiled: "The two don't need to be polite." Then he looked at the Ministry of Justice Shang Shu and said, "Li Xing is indeed guilty and must be handled by the public. How can you be so confused?"

The Ministry of Criminal Law revealed the title of Ten Thousand Punishment, and heard the words defamation in the heart, if you didn't let me do things? How could I be so hard? Of course, on the surface he just smiled bitterly, repeatedly.

The ninth emperor coughed and asked the Supreme Justice of Justice: "However, even though Li Xing is guilty, he has also done wonderful work. According to the law of heaven, you can make the work worth of sin, right?"

Justice Da Tianzun looked indifferent, saying: "It is true."

The ninth emperor smiled: "That's it. Some time ago, someone assassinated this emperor and was rescued by Li Xing. Is this credit not significant?"


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