Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1014: New barracks

Chapter 1014: The New Army Camp

Chapter 1014 Recruit Camp

The Great Justice of Heaven frowned slightly, but still said: "He is the son of the Emperor of Heaven. He has a distinguished status and a high status. This credit is indeed big enough, but ..." His tone changed, "With his strength, it seems that he is not qualified to save the ninth Grandpa. "

The ninth emperor had been prepared and laughed: "At that time, the situation was special. This emperor was seriously injured under the siege of the enemy. Even a very weak person could put me to death. Just then, Li Xing appeared Now, save me. "

Justice Tian sneered: "Really? Presumably the people who besieged the Ninth Lord are all masters, how can they allow this person to escape?"

"It just happened." The ninth emperor said, "But no matter what, he did save this emperor. Why, do you think I'm lying?"

"Don't dare." Justice Tiantian lowered his head. "In this case, Li Xing's crimes can not be investigated. But the bitter master is not easy to explain."

The ninth emperor laughed: "Anyway, if someone makes trouble, let him go to me."

In this way, Li Xing was revoked and his embargo was restored. However, it didn't take long for three people to get out of the training tower. All three of them were familiar with Li Xing and had fought fiercely.

They are devouring Heavenly Supreme, killing Heavenly Supreme, and one yuan Heavenly Supreme. These three people had once competed with Li Xing for the glorious Holy Spirit to obtain the sword of Ming and Ming, but all failed in the end.

At that time, all three had more than six robbers in their hands, and they were powerful and hurt Li Xing. Had it not been for the skill of Li Xing, he would have died in the hands of the three.

These three are indeed extraordinary men and women, rushed to the twentieth floor and got a lot of rewards. But they were already incapable of continuing to go up, and at the same time out of the training tower. These three people, like Li Xing, have to enter the recruit camp for a while.

The place where the recruit camp is located is in the world of the eighth battalion commander. Daiying Long Road No. Qinghuang, repaired in its own right, has undergone 27 calamities and is an epic celestial deity. In an epic plane, conditioning recruits is naturally less stressful and can be done easily.

Even a master such as Li Xing, in the epic level, can't find any waves, and he will be suppressed.

There are as many as three thousand recruits in the entire recruit camp. After they are trained, they can be added to the Seventh Battalion and replace those who left. Among these 3,000 recruits, there are some talented people, and some of them can even compete with Li Xing.

Li Xing waited a few days, and the news came in the ninth day. The Ministry of Penalty had already done it, and he had resumed the embargo. So he entered the recruit barracks that day, and began a ten-year recruit career.

In the recruit barracks, a group of veterans served as instructors, and they held the positions of thousand captain, centurion captain, and ten captain captain. Li Xing was divided into a small team, and the number was counted as ten captains, only nine.

The veteran, who was the ten captain, was a great emperor with a second calamity. His whole body was so powerful that he could not hold up the other eight students. However, Li Xing didn't take this seriously. He had always been light-hearted and calm.

The ten captain had a horse face, and Li Xing suspected that he was dark. Sure enough, at the beginning, the ten captain said in a cold and cruel voice: "You nine assholes, from now on, you must obey my order, otherwise, kill!"

Some of the recruits shuddered, and some frowned. Li Xing looked faintly at the ten captain with disdain in his eyes.

"Tell me, you guys are assholes!" The ten captain retorted. "It's a waste, a dog obeying orders!"

No one spoke, and the tenth husband became angry, slap to the nearest recruit. Although the recruit was a wizard, after all, he was determined to do double duty and could only enter the seventh battalion to work.

He just felt a pain in his face, the sky was cracking, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. That palm actually hit him directly into a serious injury, as long as you add three points of force, you can definitely kill him.

"Say!" The tenth husband's eyes were cold, the horse's face was black and black, and the voice was commanded.

The recruit resisted humiliation and whispered, "I'm a bastard, a waste, a dog obeying orders." When he spoke, he was shaking.

"That's right, that's it!" He pushed the former away, then walked towards the second.

This recruit is a great deity at the beginning, but it is still not enough in front of the ten captain. However, he was a little boned and raised his head: "Even if I kill me, I won't say these words."

The ten captain nodded and sneered: "Good, then you will die."

"Boom!" A giant flame-burning hand suddenly slammed it down. This blow, destroying time and space, shook the heavens, and shattered the big world of that recruit. The recruit was screaming constantly, and was trained to accompany the disappearance of the plane.

When you say kill, you kill. This is the power of the ten captain!

Several of the remaining people were already shaking and deeply fearful. Li Xing frowned slightly. The ten captain was too cruel. He wanted everyone to be a dog, and he naturally would not submit. Since it ’s morning and evening, it ’s better to start in advance.

He took a step forward, blocking in front of the remaining six, and said lightly, "Ten captain, it's enough."

The ten captain stared at Li Xing and said, "I know, you know Mr. Dai, but my official can kill you as well! Boy, kneel, and repeat what he said."

Li Xing looked cold and said arbitrarily: "Ten Captain, you are dangerous to do so. As a sir, I respect you, but when you do too much, I can only fight back."

"Counter-attack?" Ma face ten husband laughed as if he had heard the best joke. He pointed at the tip of Li Xing's nose. "You are a fateful person, want to counter-attack me?"

Li Xing suddenly reached out and grabbed each other's arm, and said lightly, "The second slaying of the Great Celestial Master is nothing, actually." With his hands, horrible mixed forces rushed out and broke into the other party's world.

In the face of the ten-bearer of the horse face, the stormy seas and waves changed, and he felt that his arms were imprisoned by giant forces and could not move at all. The force that rushed into the body was too horrible. As long as it was stronger, it could destroy other people's planes.

The face of Captain Ma's face was finally shocked, and angrily said, "Do you want to rebel?"

"I'm not rebellious, I just want to teach you something, let you know that Erzhuang Datianzun is nothing great, and let you know that the ten captain can't trample on the dignity of others at will!" Li Xing coldly said.

The tenth husband became so angry that he shouted, "Captain Dai! Please dispose of this bastard!"

Dai Yingchang's voice sounded, "Huh! Useless things can't even cure a recruit. Do you still have a face to ask me?"

The recruit had a bitter look, and he knew that Dai Yingtai was not going to shoot, and he sighed and said, "Brother, please stop."

The other party ’s attitude changed, and Li Xing did n’t really hurt him, because these soldiers should all be subordinates of Commander Dai, and they could n’t help it.

The ten captain rubbed his wrists and looked at Li Xingdao: "Brothers, these are all means of training. Otherwise, we will not be able to train qualified soldiers. Therefore, as the chief, we are very helpless, I hope you can understand."

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I don't need to understand, I just know that this is inappropriate."

The other side smiled bitterly: "So, how can I give you the ten captain?"

Li Xing froze, then shook his head: "Sorry, not interested."

The shaved face of the ten-year-old husband had a large head. What he was most afraid of was encountering such a thorny head like Li Xing. The thornhead is nothing but the strength is really strong, so strong that he can be killed.

These trainers are all characters who do not blink. For example, just before, he immediately knocked out a reality celestial deity, without any psychological pressure. But when it comes to people like Li Xing, it won't work. You can't beat it.

For a long time, the ten captain sighed, "Okay, I decided to give you privileges. How about you not being trained like them?"

Li Xing is not a good man, naturally he won't fight for strangers, so he nodded and said, "Thank you."

In this way, Li Xing did not devote himself to recruit training. This training lasted for only three months. The remaining six people, except him, were already honest, and when they heard the order, they immediately executed it.

Li Xing and the ten captain, no one messed up. I don't care about you, you don't need to find anything, everyone is quite fine.

Three months later, the initial training is over and the centurion will train the battlefield. The strength of the centurion is much stronger than that of the tenth captain, at least it is also a master of the six calamity great heaven respect series.

Li Xing's hundred-person team actually encountered several acquaintances. He not only saw the killing of Heavenly Supreme, Devouring Heavenly Supreme, One Yuan Heavenly Supreme, but also saw the Heavenly Supreme of Rose and Supreme Heavenly Supreme.

The Eternal Grand Celestial Master is a character he knew in the eternal space and time, the eternal son. He hasn't seen each other for many years, and this person has actually reached the state of great deity.

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous and killed a few Tianzun, all staring at Li Xing, showing cruel smiles one by one. Li Xing sneered secretly, thinking that he would be beaten by the three in the first place because of his poor strength.

But now, he has absolute certainty, pinching all three of them in one hand. Of course, instead of showing that kind of confidence, he bowed his head and seemed to be afraid.

"Huh! This **** ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now that the army is in the ranks, I see where he is going!" Killing Tianzun sneered.

"Capturing the sword of Ming Ming and destroying him, by the way, can still enter the forbidden army, the Lord will definitely reward me." Devouring Tianzun's mind is calculated.

One Yuan Tianzun also narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of cold light in his eyes, obviously there was no good intention.

Hundreds of recruits gathered together, waiting for the centurion's orders. The centurion was tall and taller than everyone else, and his expression was embarrassing. His cold eyes glanced at everyone, and he paused for a moment on Li Xing's body.

"In front of Lao Tzu, I will be honest and obedient, otherwise there will be no amnesty to kill!" The centurion was full of murderous words in the first sentence. Come come to me! "

He paused and said, "The next training will be to enter the Western Wilderness Army and kill the enemy with the Army. Remember, this is not just training, but fighting, one will die if you are not careful! , I will teach you a clash formation, everyone must listen carefully, otherwise I guarantee you will not live a battle! "


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