Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1015: West Wilderness Barracks

Chapter 1015: Xihuang Army Camp

Chapter 1015

The centurion's combined formation can be used by two or three or four people up to a hundred people. It has a wide range of uses and great power. It is the perfect formation to kill the enemy.

The teaching formation soon ended, and everyone was absorbing and digesting, and came to understand in situ. After that, I was free to combine and train myself. This process is very stressful, because the time of the professor formation is limited, and if you cannot learn it, it will be very dangerous on the battlefield.

Therefore, Li Xing didn't even have time to say hello to the eternal son. Although he passed the chaotic formation, he instantly grasped the killing formation.

Three days later, the teaching was over, and the centurion led the army on a flying boat. This flying boat is different from the ordinary sky court flying boat. It has the ability to break open space and drill wormholes. You know, the rules of the imperial city are so strong that even Li Xing cannot fly.

More than a hundred people boarded the flying boat, and the boat shook and disappeared.

Regarding the Xihuang, Li Xing learned some things from Naha's mouth and understood the danger ahead. The army stationed in the Xihuang is the Xihuang Army, also known as the White Banner Army. There are seventy-two roads, each with a large number of people. It is led by a general to counter the offensives of the Xihuang forces.

On the surface of the central pure land, prosperity and song and dance leveled up, and in the middle of the wasteland, the smoke was rising, and every day it was dead. The four wastelands are many times larger than this central pure land. Fortunately, many forces cannot unite. Otherwise, the central pure land cannot compete.

When the flying boat reached the edge of the West Wasteland, it first entered the Sea of ​​Time and Space and crossed to the other bank before it entered the West Wasteland. This process took several days, and finally the boat trembled and reached its destination.

"Everyone gets off the boat!" The centurion gave a cold cry, and everyone jumped off the flying boat and landed on the red ground. Within a thousand miles, no grass grows, and the blood is pungent on the ground.

At the same time, between heaven and earth, there is a pressure of law that is not weaker than that of the central pure land, which makes everyone breathless, equally great and equally indescribable.

For the first time, Li Xing entered Xihuang, he felt differently from other people. He realized that it was a kind of civilized power, his eyes were brightened, and his heart trembled. A plate represents a kind of civilization! By staying here, I can learn about the power of civilization, achieve a successful blend of strengths, and break through just around the corner. "

On the vast red ground, the sound of "rumbling" came. The great earthquake shook and the dust was flying. The ten horsemen arrived. These ten people were all wearing white heavy armor, and all the armors were actually weapons of the three robbers, indicating that these people belonged to the elite of Xihuang.

The ten soldiers rode not war horses, but a strange beast of Xihuang, called "poor odd". This beast is like a cow and a tiger, with two wings in the north, spiked hair, fangs and blood, and a ferocious and sinister nature.

However, once this beast is trained, it can become an excellent war horse. Of course, only elite soldiers will have such mounts.

The ten rides suddenly, silent, showing a high level of military accomplishment. A soldier stepped forward and asked, "But are you brothers in the boot camp?"

The centurion nodded and said politely, "Exactly, the brothers have worked hard. Is it suitable for training now?"

The man laughed: "You're welcome, it should be. At this time, the Sixteenth Route Army is fighting with the Shi clan and can't stand it."

Upon hearing that it was the Shi clan, the centurion's expression changed slightly, and he asked, "Last time I came, the Shi clan had obviously surrendered. How could he betray him?"

The soldier said: "It's a long story. Our people accidentally killed a young Shi family. I don't know if the other party is the young master of the Shi family." He shook his head. Can only destroy the stone clan. "

The centurion nodded: "The stone clan is powerful and inaccessible. The death and injuries must be severe this time." He turned and looked at the crowd. "Luck is not bad. When you encounter the powerful clan, I hope you all die. I can relax. "

The recruits sank, and they could hear that what the centurion said was true!

Ten soldiers with more than a hundred recruits rushed to the Xihuang Army and the Sixteenth Route Army. Speaking of the Sixteenth Route Army, Li Xing remembered that a young man he encountered during the trial of the fierce sky, whose father was a general of the Sixteenth Route Army.

The young man was surrounded by fierce beasts and showed some fall. Had it not been for Li Xing's rescue, he would have been lifeless. At this point, decades have passed.

The Sixteenth Route Army arrived, and the barracks were built on a high mountain. This mountain is so high that it sticks straight into the sky without seeing the summit. On the mountainside, military tents were set up, and each military tent was a magic weapon. They were connected to form a large defensive formation.

The arrival of the embargo recruits is not worthy of the Sixteenth Route General. He directly sent a deputy general to handle the matter. In the end, Li Xing and his party were placed under the command of a thousand captain and fought with him.

The recruits were all placed in a centurion tent. The tent had been filled with food, all of which were powerful auras of beast meat. One piece was worth the effect of hundreds of forged crystals.

Eternal Grand Supreme sat on the side of Li Xing and laughed: "Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your cultivation has actually progressed so fast, and only one step away from Grand Supreme."

"Where, hasn't Eternal Brother already achieved Great Celestial Master?" Li Xing laughed.

At the beginning, the eternal son was hunted down by the Destroyer Tianzun. If Li Xing had rescued him, he would have died, and he would form a deep friendship. Although they haven't seen each other for a long time, they are still kind at this time, and the parties talk about each other's experiences.

This eternal son went through many vicious dangers, and finally entered a unique school. Because of his outstanding performance, he was pushed and recommended to the embargo, just like Li Xing. He entered the training tower much earlier than Li Xing, but he has not had the opportunity to participate in actual training, this is the first time.

On the other side, engulfing Tianzun, killing Tianzun, and the one-yuan Tianzun also encircled Li Xing, all of which looked bad. The people around were far away. Although everyone didn't speak, they smelled gunpowder.

"Boy, we haven't seen you in a long time." Killing Tianzun said coldly, "It's hard to find you."

"I also miss some of them very much," Li Xingdan said indifferently. "Worrying that if you are robbed, how can I avenge myself in the future? God can show mercy, you are still alive, very good, very good."

The three people crooked their noses, anxious to start immediately and wipe out Li Xing. However, in the military tent, they could only temporarily suppress the killing.

"Hum! Just talking about the benefits, once there is a chance, I will destroy you!" One Yuan Tianzun smiled coldly.

The eternal grand deity obliquely looked at the three of them, his eyes flashed, and he said to Li Xing, "Brother Li, these people are given to me, and I will help you kill them."

Li Xing smiled, "Hey brothers, three beam-jumping clowns, I blow them to death in one breath."

The three were furious, and stood up at the same time, killing Tianzun and saying, "Boy, if you think you can consolidate your life, you can compete with me? It's a joke, if you have the courage, let's go out and fight, life and death, what?"

The centurion didn't even take a look at the dispute here, apparently he didn't intend to ask questions.

Li Xing sighed: "I really don't want to kill people, but since the three of them want to die so much, I have to avoid it and help you one by one and kill the three one by one."

The three stared at Li Xing before they walked out of the military tent together. Five figures quickly climbed to the peak, ready to fight.

This is a naturally formed platform on the top of the peak. Li Xing and Eternal Grand Supreme stand on one side, while the other is killing, devouring, and one yuan. The two sides confront each other.

"Dog, you barked and barked before. Now I let you know what is the gap, what is fear, kneeling in front of me and begging for mercy, I can consider making your death easier."

At this time, the splendid Holy Spirit jumped out from the mixed realm. Since the Holy Spirit has followed Li Xing, it has progressed fast and is incredible. Now it has reached the rank of the Great Celestial Master and has the combat power of the Four Great Celestial Masters.

The splendid Tianzun smiled faintly, exposed his white teeth, and looked at each other as if they were three dead bodies. He said ruthlessly: "A bunch of idiots, you don't even have the right to fight the master now!"

As he spoke, he shouted, "Qing Yun, Chao Yang, are you still out?"

As soon as the words fell, the two figures rushed out. It was Li Xing and Chaoyang Tianzun who were subdued when Li Xing collected the source of civilization. Of course, at this moment, both of them have entered the Great Celestial Order, and their strength is not weaker than the brilliant Great Celestial Master.

Chaoyang Tianzun and Qingyun Tianzun bowed down to Li Xing: "See Master!"

Li Xing nodded slightly. For a long time, he has paid great attention to cultivating the strength of these people. In addition to these two, there are 107 people who have made rapid progress. You should know that Li Xing has a rich collection, and he has everything to do, such as the great fortune, fu fu, and rituals. Of course, the people under him certainly make rapid progress.

"You are good, your strength has improved very quickly, and I have not been disappointed." Li Xing said, "The three people do not know what to do, and you will handle it."

Chaoyang Datianzun laughed: "The owner is assured that these three dog things are not long-sighted, and we will let them understand that the owner is not what they can provoke." Then there was a long whistle, and there were 107 figures, starting from Junyuan Out of the realm.

These people ~ www.readwn.com ~ because they joined relatively late, so they did n’t even pick up their names. They were called Li Yi, Li Er, Li San, Li Si, all the way to Li Baiqi. Moreover, the name is constantly changing. The strongest person is called Li Yi, and the second strongest is called Li Er.

One hundred and seven people stood before Li Xing and bowed in unison: "See the master!"

These people stay in the mixed Yuan world day and night, and the mixed Yuan world changes almost every day. No one knows the power of Li Xing and its boundless potential better than them.

In their hearts, they admired Li Xing very much. They understand that even if the master is not the strongest for the time being, in the future, it will be the first person between heaven and earth. Their belief also comes from what Li Xing gave them.

Although these people have good qualifications, there are still gaps between them and real wizards. However, Li Xing has raised many realms with his strong cultivation resources and the unparalleled chaotic support.

Today, all 107 people have entered the ranks of the Great Celestial Master, and have formed a peerless killing array.


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