Chapter 1016: Spike Big Array

Chapter 1016

These people belong to the secret forces established by Li Xing, and spare no effort to train them, making them all extraordinary strengths, rapid progress, and the worst state, they have also reached the level of the first heaven.

Among them, the strong one is able to contend with the five calamities and even the six calamities. Like Li Yi, the strength is not much weaker than Li Xing. Of course, his original state was much higher than Li Xing.

Including Chaoyang Grand Supreme and Qingyun Grand Supreme, His Majesty Li Xing has 109 people. Of course, there are a number of Tianzun in the Yuan Dynasty, thousands of them, but that group of people is not the target of Li Xing's key training, and their qualifications are not as good as these.

Chaoyang Datianzun said to Li, "These people dare to disrespect the master, and make him regret it!"

Li Yi stood out and said coldly, "Leave these people to us!"


The sound fell, in addition to Qingyun Datianzun, the remaining 108 people formed a killing array instantly and surrounded the three. This array was calculated by Li Xing from the civilization of the array, and then combined with the characteristics of the twelve innate kill arrays, it was called a large array of spikes.

This burst was extremely violent. Once launched, the situation changed color and the thunder blew, it would destroy the enemy in an instant, and the thunder could not cover it.

All of a sudden, so many masters appeared, killing Tianzun's eyes were straight, and his heart sank. If there were only Li Xing and the Eternal Great Celestial Master, they would still have a bit of certainty, but now facing more than a hundred Great Celestial Masters, they can only feel scalp.

"Asshole! How can there be so many helpers, and these people are his servants!" Devouring Tianzun's eyes were congested, and he could not help holding a six-jail weapon in his hands, only then he could feel safe.

Li Xing nodded slightly and said, "These three people will give it to you. Pay attention to the magic instruments in their hands, two six-robbery instruments and one seven-robbery weapon. The power is good."

"The master rest assured that even if you kill the big array, even if you have no fear of the Jiuzai Datianzun, what are these three little shrimps?" Li laughed, presided over the big array, and prepared for the thunder.

One Yuan Datianzhuang turned his eyes and shouted, "Li Xing, slow!"

Li Xing's eyes were originally closed, waiting for the end of the battle, at this time slightly opened the line, and said lightly: "One yuan, do you have a last word to say?"

As soon as the spike burst out, the One Yuan Tianzun knew that he was absolutely invincible, so he stopped loudly, and he was not angry with Li Xing's words. He said in a deep voice, "Li Xing, do you know who I am?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "No matter who you are, today's results will not change."

One Yuan Tianzun exhaled, and Li Xing's words made him cold, but he decided to give it a try and Shen said: "Behind me is the Miracle Tianzun! Have you heard of it?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Of course I have heard of it, so what?"

One Yuan Tianzun continued: "The Miracle Tianzun, after 24 calamities, has reached the ancient level."

"It's very powerful," Li Xing said, "but it can't scare me."

"The Miracle Grand Celestial Master has another identity," said Yiyuan Grand Supreme, "he worked for the first son."

"First son?" Li Xing frowned. Among the ten sons, the first son had the strongest strength and the highest status. He did not expect that Miracle Grand Master is his man. He couldn't help but be silent.

One Yuan Tianzun immediately said: "I was against you before, but I just wanted to get the Sword of Mingming. If you are willing to surrender this thing, I would like to recommend it to the first emperor, and let you step up to heaven."

Li Xing laughed and said, "I forgot to tell you that I am now playing for the ninth emperor." Then he waved, "Kill."


The spike array was launched immediately, and a killing shot blasted down. One Yuan Tianzun roared: "Li Xing, you will regret it!" Then his six robbery weapon exploded and fell directly.

The next moment, the head of One Yuan Tianzun was smashed. The killing and engulfing of Tianzun are even worse. As soon as the instrument is broken, their own state is too low, and they are directly smelted into ashes by the killing array.

Three masters were killed instantly. Qingyun Da Tianzun faced with anxiety and stepped forward: "Master, this person is actually the first heavenly son. Will we anger him if we kill him?"

Li Xing shook his head: "It's okay, if you don't even have this weight, it's called the first son."

Everyone returned to the mixed realm, Li Xing and Eternal Grand Supreme returned to the camp. On the way, Eternal Grand Heaven sighed: "Brother Li, I didn't expect that you have such a profound heritage, it seems that the idle person is not your enemy."

Li Xing laughed: "Just luck, brother, your future is boundless, and you will definitely surpass me."

Eternal Grand Heaven shook his head: "I know." Then smiled slightly, "It will be an honor of my life to meet Brother Li."

After the two talked, they went back to where they were. The centurion didn't ask a word, he didn't care about the life and death of the disappeared three people at all. He just glanced at Li Xing, and secretly said, "Brother, keep a low profile, and Grandpa Dai has ordered me to make you optimistic."

Li Xing nodded, he agreed. This centurion is a close friend of Captain Dai, and it seems that he has been successfully assigned to this group.

Waiting for a few days in the camp, this day there was a big roar, the ground shook, and a loud voice called: "All ready, drive to the front!"

These people, Li Xing, are under the management of a thousand captains. The captain is a man with a magnificent figure, a tall body and a rough appearance. He led the forbidden recruits and drove to the front by flying boat, and soon arrived.

In front of it is a blood-colored plain, and below it is a black patch, all soldiers. Most of the realms of these soldiers are at the level of Celestial Master, and the Great Celestial Master occupies a small part. They gathered into a stream of people and rushed past.

The armor on these soldiers were all magic weapons, forming their own defensive formations. Their weapons can also form an attack line on their own. So when the attack, the soldiers went forward together, unstoppable.

Opposite it is a group of first-born black horns. Their appearance is just like that of human beings, with only one more horn. On that horn, a light radiated, condensing a pair of light armor over his body. At the same time, the weapons in the hands are also formed by the light condensed, also forming a killing array.

The armies of the two sides collided together, and each impact shattered tens of millions of planes, collapsing the Quartet, and a large number of soldiers fell. In this kind of war, even the legendary and the epic celestial deity cannot act alone, because such a full blow is too terrifying.

Just like some martial arts masters, even if thousands of troops are defeated by Shuiyong, they can still be invincible in the face of millions of troops. This is the strength of the army.

Li Xing and others jumped directly from the flying boat and fell into the offensive army. The centurion quickly issued an order for everyone to form a fight and fight together. Before coming, everyone put on the same weapon and attacked with everyone.

"This kind of battle is completely hard-powered. No military strategy or strategy can be used. Whoever has the best strength can win." Li Xing said in his heart, for the first time that he saw military combat of this level.

Li Xing is trapped in thousands of troops, constantly operating the power of the world in his body, used to support the entire offensive and defensive formation. The battlefield on the side of the heavens condensed into a huge rifle and stabbed at the other side.

The opposite enemy condensed into a sledgehammer, waving wildly. The two weapons were not right, and people kept dying.

Li Xing was physically domineering and powerful, but still felt the pressure. It seemed that if he was not careful, he would be torn apart by a torrent of torrents.


The soldiers next to him exploded repeatedly, which was injured by the force. But then, someone made up their place and the battle continued. The battle was cruel, and people kept dying. Only the strong could stay.

This battle lasted for three days and three nights, without fancy, but with absolute strength. After this battle, the corpses ran across the wild, blood flowed into the river, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

After this battle, Li Xing realized why the Tianting army did not need so-called masters, and only the soldiers who obeyed the orders, so as to form the strongest combat power.

The battle ended, the recruits were severely downsized, and one-third died in the fierce battle. This is pretty good. Thousands of people under the jurisdiction of the thousand captains died. Ninety percent of them died, and the rest were less than a hundred.

Such battles were fought one after another, and the recruits suddenly understood that this time they were not here to train their combat power, but to let them understand the importance of obedience. The embargo was also a soldier, and it was his duty to obey orders.

The number of recruits in this group of Li Xing has dropped from more than 100 to 50. The other teams led by the centurion also suffered heavy losses. However, this result was clearly expected. The centurions leading the team were expressionless and untouched at all.

This day, just after a big battle, as many as 100,000 soldiers died on both sides. Stronger than Li Xing, I also felt a little tired. Suddenly, in the Yuan Dynasty, Chaoyang Datianzun said, "Master, it's time to build a gateway to the world."

The so-called establishment of the world portal refers to the establishment of a channel into the world on top of several spatial coordinates. A world of heaven, without its permission, is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter, unless it is stormed.

After setting up the portal ~ ~ entry is relatively simple, as long as it does not pose a threat, it can generally be entered, thus becoming an open world. For example, the Sanqing World, the Bone Road World, and the Chaos World.

These big worlds are all open worlds. Establishing a portal means opening up the plane so that the creatures in it can contact the outside world. Of course, there are certain risks in doing so, but generally the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. So most of the time, the Celestial beings or the Great Celestials are willing to open their planes.

Junyuan Realm has always been a closed world, and no one can enter it without Li Xing's permission. Although this allows people in the mixed world to practice freely, it also suppresses their cultivation and limits their horizons.

Decades ago, Li Xing released a few real Yuanyuan people to leave the Yuanyuan world and practice outside on their own. The cultivation of those people has been very tyrannical, all step into the Great Celestial Order, and have made a name.

The benefits of opening up the big world are self-evident, but Li Xing is obviously not ready. He considered for a moment and shook his head: "No rush, the place where the door opens must be carefully selected." He paused, "and the timing is immature, and the door should not be opened before it becomes a great lord."


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