Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1017: 500 live

Chapter 1017: Five Hundred Real People

Chapter 1017: Five Hundred Real People

Chaoyang Datianzun and other suggestions are really because the practice of the mixed Yuanyuan people is suppressed too much. If it was not suppressed by Li Xing, he believes that with these abnormal mixed Yuanyuan people, a considerable part of them can definitely impact the big Tianzun. realm. Moreover, they are not ordinary Great Celestial Masters. They are powerful and capable of super enemies. They can fight against three great calamities and even four great calamities.

How many real people are in the Yuanyuan Realm? Chaoyang Datianzun is also unclear on this point, but what he can be sure of is that this number is absolutely terrifying. Think about it, to what extent will Li Xing's combat power soar when thousands of great deities come out?

Unexpectedly, Li Xing actually rejected this proposal, and Chaoyang Datianzhuang was quite lost, saying: "Master, villain, even if the mixed Yuan realm is not open, we must find a way to let them go out to practice. Which of the several Yuanyuan real people released before is not the Datianzun series? Break out of the big name and stand side by side. "

Li Xing smiled and said, "You don't say, I have the same idea." He paused, "What do you think of this wild west?"

"What? The master wants to put the real people in the mixed Yuan into the wild west? This is too dangerous!" Qingyun Datianzhuang immediately called out and raised his objection. "All the real people in the mixed Yuan are exceptionally talented, and one less is a huge loss. Ah, think twice! "

Qingyun and Chaoyang paid more attention to the real people in Yuan Dynasty than Li Xing. Li Xing is the sustenance of their beliefs. They are extremely heartily treated and are ten times more important than their own affairs.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "How can you grow without going through hardships? But you don't need to worry about it. The batch released this time must be rebuilt and must be strong enough to compete with the three great deities. Not satisfied Conditions, never let it go. "

The two celestial beings were relieved, and Chaoyang said, "Master, how many are eligible?"

"Five hundred and seventy-two people." Li Xing smiled slightly. "Although they are not many, as long as they grow up, they will surely shine in the future and build their own power in the wild west."

"It should have been so." Qingyun Tianzhuang burst out with pride and laughed, "the villain asserts that in the future, there will be a place for the master in this wild west!"

Li Xing waved his hand: "It's too early to say, the masters of the Western Wilderness are like clouds, don't you think it's okay not even to heaven? I just let them exercise in this environment. As for what kind of situation can be created, I will not force it."

At this time, in the realm of mixed Yuan, 572 people ordered a heavy mixed Yuan to live in the mixed Yuan Hall. In Xuanyuan Hall, Li Xing manifested his real body, and these real people were excited to shout their heads and chant their ancestors.

It was Li Xing who created them, and father and mother. These people naturally call them ancestors. Li Xing smiled, his eyes were full of kindness, this was the expression from his heart. You know, these mixed real people are the brainchild of his brain, and they can be regarded as his children. They are all grown up watching him. It is normal to have feelings.

"The children are flat." Li Xing smiled slightly. "I'm calling you today to announce a major event."

There was a silence below, not even the sound of breathing, all eyes widened, listening to Li Xing talking about the so-called major events.

"Your realm is high enough and strong enough. If you are still in the mixed Yuan realm, your practice will be limited. So, my ancestor, after considering it, decided to send you out to practice. However, the world you are about to face is very dangerous. There are so many experts there. Once you enter, you will have to start from the bottom. Are you afraid? "

"Don't be afraid?" The 572 people roared in unison, shaking for nine days, shaking the entire Junyuan world.

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction and said warmly, "You are all my heart, and I don't want any of them to happen. But if the eagle wants to grow, it must fly to the sky, and you, too, must face danger and danger to grow and grow. . "

"My ancestors rest assured, we will never embarrass your old people!" The real people were all enthusiastic, passionate, and shouted loudly.

Li Xing "haha" laughed: "Hao Erlang, the Xihuang will be your stage to show off, go!" He waved his sleeves, 572 Guanghua rose into the sky, broke out of the Yuanyuan and entered In the wild west.

At the moment of entering Xihuang, strong pressure changed the appearance of more than 500 children, is this Xihuang? Sure enough, the pressure alone is shocking!

All five hundred people were crowded into the camp account. When they saw Li Xingzhen for the first time, everyone was so excited that they worshiped. Li Xing held up his hands, a supreme assault rushed out like a wave, and everyone was straightened.

Real people secretly admire it, and they say they are indeed ancestors, and their strength is much brighter than us. In the future, we must work hard to cultivate, not to lose the reputation of our ancestors!

Li Xing was about to train a few words, but when the curtain was floating, the centurion walked in. He followed a young man with a familiar eyebrow and arrogance.

"Brother Li, do you still remember me?" The boy cried with a grin.

"It turned out to be Major General." Li Xing also laughed. When he tried in the fierce battle, he met the young man. At that time, the boy was besieged by demons. If Li Xing had not shot, he would have been swallowed.

The teenager "haha" laughed: "Brother Li still remembers my brother, it's fine." Then his eyes fell on more than five hundred Yuanyuan Erlang. As the general's son, his eyesight was there, and he was surprised, "Who's The heroes? All of them are extraordinary and shocking! "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "These are all members of the family, and are about to send them out to practice."

The young man's heart jumped and said: "Brother Li, if you can trust me, can you leave them to me for management? My younger brother has just been banished by his father as a vice general and can lead a million troops."

He felt itchy. If these 500-something hybrid real people cultivated carefully, they would definitely be able to stand on their own. Even if they are organized into a sharp knife battalion, they can stand side by side and kill the enemy like mowing grass.

Li Xing moved heartily and thought, "Let them separate, there must be a lot of people hurt. If they are brought together, they will slowly grow up in the battle and support each other. It is a good way."

With this in mind, he laughed and said, "Major general, how dare not to obey?"

"Okay, very good, Brother Li, you and I are good friends after today. Your business is the business of this general, haha ​​..." He agreed without a word, and he was very happy.

Li Xing arched, "However, there is a condition below, these people are my heart, please Major General."

The major general nodded: "You can rest assured that such a wizard is not easy for me to use. I need to be good first."

Li Xing turned back immediately and said in a deep voice, "You will obey this major general in the future."

"Yes." No one obeyed the real people. Li Xing's orders worked better than anything, and Heaven's words couldn't compare.

In this way, Li Xing's more than five hundred real people were taken by the major general's income before he even left the camp. The major general called Furukawa, his father, ancient and modern, has twenty-nine calamities, the supreme commander of the sixteenth army in the west wasteland, the grand general of the royal palace, is no small matter.

Li Xing was willing to call him five hundred real people, on the one hand for the sake of these children, on the other hand, he also wanted to make such a character. You know, he is now under the command of the Sixteenth Route Army, how can he offend the general's son?

Today's actions have caused Xihuang to appear in the future with a force that will make all the forces suffocate, and also make the ancient river **** Tianzun achieve immortal feats.

On the evening, Major General Gu He feasted on Li Xing, several captains, and a number of centenary captains. At the banquet, Furukawa was very close to Li Xing and was called a brother and a brother.

"Brother Li, you are really my blessing. Every time I meet you, you will help me a lot." He laughed and poured wine for Li Xing himself.

Li Xing drank it, and laughed: "It is a blessing to be a blessing for the major general."

The two parties were very happy. Suddenly, a thousand captain strode into the hall, followed by a woman. It was with the help of Li Xing that he finally entered the embargoed Rose Supreme. Her strength is not very strong, and she can survive the repeated battles, which has to be said to be a miracle.

As soon as the captain arrived, he first met the major general and then Shen said, "Major general, this person has repeatedly been a deserter. Since he is a recruit in the forbidden army, the major general needs to be sent in."

Upon hearing that it was deserter, the centurions of the embargoes sank. No doubt, in the presence of the major general, this is a shame to the embargo.

The major general also sank and said coldly, "Pull it down, cut it!"

"Slow!" Li Xing said with a bitter smile. "This girl has some relationship with me. Please be merciful to the general."

The major general frowned, and the merciless military law made him embarrassed.

Li Xing continued: "Major General, she is not guilty, but I wonder if she can forgive me?"

"Huh?" Major-General understood Li Xing's meaning ~ www.readwn.com ~ said, "It's just Brother Li, her combat power should not be strong, how can she make achievements?"

"I help him," Li Xing said simply.

Furukawa froze, then "haha" laughed: "I didn't expect Brother Li to be so pitying and fragrant, so just give her a chance."

Rose Tianzun was already scared and indifferent. At this time, he obeyed and cast his grateful eyes on Li Xing. Her realm and combat strength were not strong, and with the help of Li Xing, she barely entered the Seventh Battalion of the Forbidden Army.

But who knows how difficult it is to become an embargo, she has to go to Xihuang training, and she has trembled with **** battles. She knew that if one of them joined, only one would die.

So in the first few rounds of fighting, she always took the opportunity to escape and find a place to hide from no one. When the battle is over, return to the scene. The previous few times were safe and okay, but the last time, I was bumped into by the captain.

Among the army, the most shameless are deserters. The Qianfu grew angry and wanted to cut off the Rose Supreme directly, but she was a member of the embargo and could not be killed casually. She came forward to ask Furukawa and happened to meet Li Xing.


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